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24件中 1-10 を表示
記録時間: 22.9 時間 (レビュー時に6.2時間)
10/10 comes with a toilet simulator and I can kidnap my friends with an office chair
投稿日 5月20日.
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記録時間: 22.6 時間
A masterpiece everyone should play.
投稿日 5月13日.
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記録時間: 7.0 時間 (レビュー時に6.2時間)
It took me a while getting used to the mechanics (skill issue) but this game is very good.

While the old Serious Sam games (especially The Second Encounter) are still more to my personal liking, what DUSK made better is the absolute banger of a soundtrack. If you liked the soundtrack in DOOM 2016 and DOOM Eternal you'll love this one as well :)

5/5 got jumpscared by rats
投稿日 4月17日. 最終更新日 4月17日
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記録時間: 43.8 時間 (レビュー時に10.6時間)
First roguelike game I've played, very good and cool :)
投稿日 3月18日.
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記録時間: 3.3 時間
投稿日 3月15日.
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記録時間: 16.1 時間 (レビュー時に10.6時間)
10/10 very addicting
投稿日 1月27日.
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記録時間: 109.5 時間 (レビュー時に55.8時間)
Hidden status effect: Staying for a long time inside the ship with your friends (in between moons) reduces brain size by 90 %, causing you to speak gibberish and mess with any object in sight (may result in death)
投稿日 2023年12月9日. 最終更新日 1月22日
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記録時間: 226.9 時間 (レビュー時に6.9時間)
投稿日 2021年11月7日. 最終更新日 2023年11月25日
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記録時間: 35.3 時間 (レビュー時に18.5時間)
Everhood is one of the uniquest experiences to go through. Everhood got some amazing visuals, unique characters, catchy music of various genres and a compelling story. I don't usually play games of this genre, but this caught my attention. It's true that Everhood is similar to Undertale, it even has some references to it. But in the end this game is just too unique to be called a replica or a so called "Undertale but as a rhythm game".

Also I wouldn't call Everhood a rhythm game. If we compare it to other rhythm games, they usually require you to hit the beats at the perfect timing. In Everhood the mechanics let you avoid and jump over barriers or deflect attacks back at the enemy without relying too much on listening to the music. (That does works on some levels, but it's not the main thing during battles) It's still a music-heavy game though, so prepare for some funky beats.

If you got some extra cash to spend, I wholeheartedly recommend you to get this game. You're going to hear some divine absolute truths and go through a truly crazy trip. Be prepared so shed some tears.
投稿日 2021年4月10日. 最終更新日 2021年4月15日
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記録時間: 525.5 時間 (レビュー時に15.0時間)
Haven't been a fan of rhythm games before, but this one's really good! The gameplay is satisfying and it's pretty easy to learn the basics.
投稿日 2021年2月18日.
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24件中 1-10 を表示