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Скорошни рецензии на plan9

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6.9 изиграни часа (1.7 часа по време на рецензията)
I'd say they did pretty well this time, compared to FX(4) (runs better, doesn't make you re-purchase tables, no dead, boring gaming room, etc). In fact, using this setup for FX(4) (not counting forced re-purchases) would do a lot for that one. Until they fix the offline play, though, I'm going to have to give it a thumbs down. I'll change if I see that fixed.

Edit: It seems they fixed it after not responding to the problem in their own forum for half a week. The good, they fixed it the next day after that. The bad, besides being silent for half a week, they waited to fix it until AFTER the sale was over.

I'm still not fond of this company or the way they handled this, but I said I'd give a thumb up and I have. Keep in mind it's like 3/5 stars, just very slightly on the positive side.
Публикувана 3 декември 2023. Последно редактирана 8 декември 2023.
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22.1 изиграни часа
Not Monkey Island, but a fun game, nevertheless. Some may call the humor juvenile, but come on, when haven't we all thought some crude, selfish, egotistical things or practical jokes, lol. The main character is still a nice guy who will help out and complain about it. Anyway, I support the dev and bought the game on itch.io (gave me a key here, too) and gog. I need to check out his Brok game sometime.
Публикувана 21 ноември 2023.
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0.4 изиграни часа
for no reason at all
Публикувана 27 юни 2023.
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0.4 изиграни часа
A trash game from trash devs who insult and lie to and about their customers, refuse to fix bugs, don't know how to troubleshoot problems and ignore their tech support forums or questions. Beyond that this game is boring and disgusting.

I couldn't quite figure out, from what I'd read, who was what in this game, lol. Since this was at the beginning it's not a spoiler.

It appears the game is about two sisters. 10 years in the past, when they were 10 or 12-ish, maybe, one of them decided to cut their hair short, went home to show their mom while mom was waving around a gun (no idea why), then stabbed mom to death (again, no idea why). Cops were really nice to crazy girl. 10 years later they seem to be a very short, effeminate looking guy with weird eyes who's taking testosterone. I guess, after the stabbing, some woke psychological ageny (oxymoron?) started convincing (lying to) her that she wasn't a girl.

No surprise from devs who thought the "right" ending to LiS was to un-use a power by using a power to murder their friend so they could save a town from using that power by using that power to murder... lol.
Публикувана 20 юни 2023.
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2.5 изиграни часа
While I'll still wander around and try to see the good game and amazing book this was based on, *serious* lore breaking and, clearly, woke things like beards for human women means I can't give this a good rating and will not spend any money on it.
Публикувана 18 юни 2023.
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25.1 изиграни часа (3.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Buggy, flipper lag, *extremely* unoptimized, expected to buy the same tables with the same bugs over again, poor support.

FX3, which was mostly abandoned several years ago and had a short life, is still being sold and devs like to say you can still play that, but they've also said it won't get more updates or tables, so they're selling abandonware with bugs they never fixed and never will. With a history like that, I'm not going to give them more money to repeat these poor tactics.
Публикувана 31 май 2023.
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1 човек намери тази рецензия за полезна
4.5 изиграни часа
1. Malware
2. Squeenix salesman an insulting liar
3. Squeenix salesman proved devs to be incompetent
4. Squeenix salesman should've been fired years ago
5. Boring "game"
Публикувана 19 февруари 2022.
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3.6 изиграни часа (3.5 часа по време на рецензията)
Since FX(4) this game is no longer supported, but the end of the description says "Zen Studios will continue to support Pinball FX3 with frequent content releases and new features!" This is an outright lie that could've easily been fixed by deleting the line and the "frequent" part hasn't been true since 2019.

Because of this and other things (not moving tables to FX(4), etc), I won't buy the last few unsupported tables on FX3 that I don't have or any on FX(4). FX2/3 were fine, but I no longer trust or want to support this company.
Публикувана 24 ноември 2018. Последно редактирана 6 юли 2023.
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44 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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22.6 изиграни часа
Was going to buy the last two seasons before they disappeared on the 30th, but they disappeared on the 29th. Nice of the devs to lie about the removal date (no I'm not doing iAP, it's DLC or nothing). I guess they don't really want my money. Lost a customer for whatever future tables they may have (not that FarSight is likely to last long without most of their best tables). I'd advise staying away, except for the (new) free table.

Edit (July 7, 2018): Support says they won't take responsibility for their screw up, regarding the date the tables were removed. Their game, their responsibility to get things right or fix it after, but no, they blame everyone but themselves. In an email they're blaming Sony (huh? what does Sony have to do with this?) for screwing up a script and poor FarSight couldn't do a thing about it before or after. Again, their game, their responsibility to their customers to deal with problems. End of story.

I'm getting a refund on a couple of packs friends got for me SEVERAL days before the take down date. I will NOT support a company that won't support me or take responsibility for their product.

Edit2 (July 12, 2018): Got the refunds. Dev says early removal was posted on FB (not here!) and taunts me, after the fact, that I should've bowed before him and he *might've* given me a reward (obviously, iAP - no thanks!). He's, definitely, trying to alienate a customer further - good move, it worked! Then he wished me a good day, lol.

To, slightly, paraphrase Gandalf in The Hobbit: "What a lot of things you do use 'Good [day]' for! Now you mean that you want to get rid of me, and that it won't be good till I move off." ;)
Публикувана 29 юни 2018. Последно редактирана 12 юли 2018.
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21 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
3 души намериха тази рецензия за забавна
54.4 изиграни часа (53.3 часа по време на рецензията)
TL;DR Liked the game a lot, but not the devs or their support. Insulted me for helping them with THEIR job (actually doing their job since they have no idea how to troubleshoot, it would seem) and don't care to fix or even check into serious bugs.

First, I'll say I really liked the game, but I won't be buying more from them or Square - I don't support companies that treat their customers badly. The devs and especially their "tech support"/"customer service" are worthless. I was insulted by them for pointing out a gamebreaking bug on some systems. I wasn't the first to notice it, but I did the most to troubleshoot it. Another person who didn't even have the bug made a workaround (more than the devs would do), even though he didn't have the bug.

Their first thought about it came from someone who went to their site for support (they sure weren't/aren't "supporting" here) and came back with a canned response saying that it was probably a corrupt savegame. I pointed out that this was unlikely because it probably wouldn't cause this sort of bug (not being able to walk during a scene near the end of the 5th episode, though Max still animated, brushed her face with her hand, etc). A corrupt save would more likely mess up your choices, not let you play that save at all, delete the save, etc, based on all the fun a certain other company created with their problems with savegames. I moved, then deleted my savegame, turned off cloudsave, reinstalled and started a new game with a completely fresh save folder. I jumped to ep 5, as close to the problem point as I could, letting the game make previous choices, and still had the same bug, proving they were wrong.

Then I began more troubleshooting, trying to pin down the cause. After some time of that, a "dev" (tech support/customer service) *finally* got involved and asked everyone to post their savegames somewhere like dropbox so they could take a look at them, lol. I went along with it, being polite, but explaining that corrupt saves weren't the problem. When they got back to us, they said it wasn't a bug and that our systems weren't good enough to run that scene, which they claimed was the most hardware intensive scene in the game. That made no sense because very little was happening in that scene and, in any case, should only slow down the scene (there was no slowdown, just unable to walk anywhere). They ignored me.

They insisted there was no bug and insulted me even though my reasoning, explanations and logic were sound. I eventually proved it to them, but as far as I know, they haven't even looked into the bug (too few complaints and/or systems they don't support - sort of understandable, but...). As anyone who knows anything about programming knows, a bug will be a bug. What I mean is even if they don't think enough people have experienced this bug to lose them many sales, it being a bug, they need to at least look into it because bugs are unpredictable by their very nature and they don't know what else it might affect. Also, insulting customers for ANY reason is bad business, so they won't get mine anymore.
Публикувана 11 март 2016.
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