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37.6 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
A very solid hidden gem for space combat games
Posted February 5, 2020.
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904.3 hrs on record (800.4 hrs at review time)
Now that Rust has finally released with have some great new features like achievements, I think the game is finally in a good direction. Now only if the achievements are implemented as well as the actually game.

EDIT: The achievements are as well implemented as this version of Rust.
Posted February 22, 2018. Last edited February 22, 2018.
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87.8 hrs on record (76.7 hrs at review time)
As of 4/11/18
An update has been annouced for the 13th, I may return this review to a positive rating depending on the outcome.
If you're interested in the game, give it a shot, as this update may revitalize the game.

As of 2/28/18 I have lost all faith in the developers, Pender may be a bro, but the devs don't care a bit about the steam version.
Far as I'm concerned, 2Months for an update is absolutely unacceptable, and I'm not certain even an update could make me come back at this point. A game like this is like an uncut, unpolished diamond, and I'm not gonna stare at it forever in that state. Previous hopeful review left below in contrast to how I feel now, disappointed.

Update came out, didn't change much of anything for the better.


I played a lot of the original version of Tiger knight with Oasis games, if you saw the game before and decided to pass it up here's what you need to know/what has changed.

Why the re-release?
The publisher has changed hands, thus the game has to be relaunched on steam. And 'Tiger knight: Empire war' was a bit of a long title anyway.

Updates will be faster as Netdragon (The devs) are operating the servers/publishing the game here on steam. There was a bit of a lag between netdragon's updates and Oasis's (And by 'a bit' I mean around 6-8 months at times) but now we will be on a similar version to China's server.
Community interaction is valued and goes straight through Pender.

Base game: Nice destiny warriors meets M&B combat, I prefer this game's combat to M&B for three reasons,
1 weapon variety: (Some weapons take some grinding, but I prefer most lower tier weapons myself anyway)
2 fights take longer: in M&B most of the 1v1 player fights end in 1-3 hits, Tiger knight is around 3-7 hits, and has a combo system to spice up the ranging/speed of attacks
3 Reduced visual spam: All weapons can cancel their attack, however there is a tiny delay present here that isn't in M&B. This means you don't have as many situations where your opponent spams their directions all at once, forcing you to react as the swing ends in M&B (Cough bamboo spear Cough). While that exists in TK, there is a limit to has fast you can do it.

Playerbase: When the game initially released it had some drawbacks, one of which being the playerbase declined slowly, and then very fast when the server owners decided to mess with their server basing. This lost the game thousands of players at said time, and whether or not this happens again, it remains to be seen how long the game will last this go around.

Servers: Server connection/ping have always been a problem in TK, but with the devs owning the servers directly now, we may be in a better place.

Bugs: Both empire war and siege mode have a fair share of bugs, if you wanna avoid bugs, stick to Duel mode/command mode/siege mode. That's the order of least to most bugs

Grind: This game wants to be your main game, and if you want that shiny T9 weapon, you'll have to fight for said shiny T9 weapon. On the plus side, even with hundreds of hours in game, I prefer lower tier weapons in most cases, so you aren't too underpowered to start with.
Posted January 11, 2018. Last edited June 10, 2018.
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88.4 hrs on record (75.9 hrs at review time)
A great melee co-op survival/mission game.

Had it since release and always keep it installed incase I want to play a round or two.

RNG for weapons can be a bit annoying, but it's easy enough to get a melee with a heal proc, which is about all you need anyway.
Posted November 23, 2017.
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326.4 hrs on record (301.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I really wanna do a joking review, as this game fits it, but I'll be serious(ish) for the sake of anyone looking to play.

First off the negatives (Don't get scared off now):

1. The Tutorial can be a bit off putting from the rest of the gameplay, its not that great.

2. Not enough different maps in the pool

3. using arrays for your troops is difficult when you want them facing certain directions
3a(Updated). I have found that arrays depend on the Adjunct, allowing for skillful play depending on Adjunct, and direction is based off of your direction when you hit f1(Or follow, raid just has them rush somewhere in formation) The game's systems are actually really good here.

4. (This is the worst one) The UI is awful, absolutely cluttered. There are too many different buttons in one place, and they aren't distinctive enough to intuitively know what they do. Took me around half an hour to figure out what all the different buttons did. (And the English translation is far from perfect)

5: There are also some minor bugs with the tutorial, where it can freeze the game, (If this happens just esc, and restart the tutorial, only takes a minute to reset)

Onto the positives

1: Fast match finding
1a: Edit: Now it's only fast match finding for duel as the game's population has dropped significantly after some server issues a while back.

2: The combat feels like a mix of Mount&Blade and a slash-em-up shogun game, there's enough depth to keep me interested, and its difficult enough using some weapons.

3: Varied troop equipment and combinations feels like something akin to World of Tanks, but with troops.

4: Maps have enough strategy in them to where you can play a little differently each time

5: Multiple game modes, from PvE to Duel to Conquest, there's enough to keep you busy

6: The microtransactions are hardly forced, and the progression as of now feels like its at a proper speed

7: The matches (Not sure about Siege) are short and sweet, 15-20 minutes for a long match, and then you're back to the menu, throughly enjoyable.
7a(Updated). Siege lasts around 40 minutes, and has enjoyable gameplay. If you don't like siege you also have the option to turn off siege and only play conquest.

Neutral points

1: Lag happens, and when it does you're rekt, but it is relatively rare as far as I've seen.
2: Varried equipment, but it takes a while to unlock said equipment, though four hours and I have multiple weapons, so it isn't too bad.
3: figuring out how to upgrade your character can be confusing, but it is interesting.

Current verdict: Confucius/10
Nice combat, but bad UI. Good strategy and maps, but not enough maps.
It may be the dark horse of the melee games coming out in 2016, but it certainly isn't the worst. Given some polish it could hold its own against -Of Kings and Men- Chivalry and perhaps even BannerLord(Maybe, probably not, but it could get close!).
Posted October 25, 2016. Last edited May 31, 2017.
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92.0 hrs on record (32.6 hrs at review time)
TLDR: A fun (While somewhat flawed) FTP MOBA/survival co-op 8/10
Mind that the review below is mainly on the survival mode, as I only tested out the MOBA portion a bit.

1: Stays true to the trap elements from OMD1-2 and mixes it up a little bit, even unlocking the traps isn't too grindy. Overall a good job on the traps.
2: With the multiple gamemodes, and the ability to have a five man team, there's a lot of variety avalible.* (See later)
3: The new hero set up and abilities work alright, excluding a few OP skills for certain characters, its relatively balanced (For beta) and has a good feel.
4: Combat is nice and fluid, the skills and combat blend well

TLDR: I get kinda ranty, ranged combat needs to be tweeked, and map/launcher

Cons: (Mind that many of these are nitpicks, I'd rated most of these as .3 of the pros above when it comes to importance)
Combat negatives
1: A grave loss from the original series.... Headshots don't deal extra damage anymore, they flat up state it in the tutorial. Now I don't care if its a moba-esc game, but come on! Give headshots a mild buff like 1.2 damage.

2: Spam to win nature of ranged characters, with the loss of extra headshot damage, the only thing you need to do in close quarters (Even long range) is hold M1 and use abilities while back peddling. This is absolutely terrible, Though the combat feels alive with the abilities/traps, you need *Something* to give the player a reason to aim carfully, to consider his next shot. OMDU does not currently have this, and it shows.

3: (really minor... But its important to me okay :( ) The ranged weapons of both the original mages, feel almost exactly the same, there's no meaty sound effect for the crossbow, and there isn't a real difference in projectile speed for the wand. Don't get me wrong, they're different, one has an arcane effect and the other has just physical, they impact enemies very differently.
But If it were my game, I'd want them to feel different.

4: *You will end up repeating the same maps a good few times until you level up, which is good and all since at least 1/5 players has probably done the map before, so he/she knows some good trap spots. But it sucks being the player who's done the map 4 times in a row(Mind that the maps are big and detailed, so if you get bored of mid, switch to left, or right, or back etc).

5: The game's launcher is disgusting(No, not the weapon), it opens a new window behind the original instead of fading the game into the launcher window. It just lacks style you know?

Again, 8/10 game, but needs to fix its combat system up a little bit and possibly put some more stages (perhaps user created stages? (That get approved)) into each leveling segment to add variety to the map pool.
Posted April 1, 2016.
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11.2 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
Oh how can I desicribe this game? First I'll cover the gameplay, if your'e looking for a Minecraft clone for cheap, with more zombies and weapons. You're close, but oh so far off. This game isn't nice, especially not at the start (I'm talk about Endurance mode and hardcore modes) it isn't very friendly, this game will repeatedly kill you if you make mistakes. You MUST be inside at night, or you WILL die. (This is from single player experience, thihs is also assuming you are in the proper region for your weapon tiers) This is essentially the best block based survival horror, possibly the only one that works. (And is its own game) Not even mentioning this game costs less then a key for TF2 or CSGO.

Multiplayer and people who'll steal your best resources and instantly leave the server (Beware multiplayer, nuff said.)

Scalling difficulty: You know how in games like Minecraft you could essentially get by and see most everything the game had to offer, within about 500 blocks? This game's endgame is in the thousands, and it gets harder as it goes on.

Bugs: It has em, they don't get squashed as much as we'd like, but this game was made on an old engine, and is hard to work with.

Using an RPG to blow the ground under a friend to bits, and (If you're deep enough) Instant kill droppping them all the way to "hell".

Briliantly done co-op.

A solid 60 frames on most any system.

Many other things not mentioned here.

Warnings: Does not work on Mac to my knowledge, and you may rage a few times, if you try and survive outside at night that is ;)

The storyline: You are an immortal, forced to fight the zombie hoards for all of time. Your one goal and wish, kill the bone dragon and his kin who stole your family away from you. Though you may die again and again, you never give up on your quest for vengence. Or do you? That I'm afraid, is your choice, and your choice alone.
Posted April 16, 2015.
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13.1 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I went onto a server and began preaching about the ways of Tuna, then I met a short "Man" who I then named Golem. Later I learned he was a friend of the king, so I went with him to the king's castle.

People began worshipping me and offering me sacrifices, after 4-5 sacrifices to the mighty Tuna, we set off on an adventure. While on this adventure I found a friendly player trying to kill some form of zombie around a village full of plauge, He had leather armor and swords. He also had a friend who looked, talked, and acted like an abomination.

Me and my worshippers set a trap to capture the abomination, and hopefully toss him into the sea that he may be cleansed by Tuna's holy light.

Were Rekt by the abomination and his 8 friends because we only had stone weapons while they had metal ones.

8/10 Religious fanatic simulator[strike/]

Getting rekt by an Abomination simulator 2015.
Posted April 12, 2015.
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457.4 hrs on record (315.0 hrs at review time)
If you buy the DLC's, it'll kill a few minutes.
Posted December 27, 2014.
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46.2 hrs on record (29.7 hrs at review time)
I shot an orc with a blunder bust, he smacked me in the face with a sword and jumped into the portal ending the game.

Would shoot an orc with a pointless weapon again, 9/10
Posted December 20, 2014.
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