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Recent reviews by Antwan Fuzznips

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
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32.9 hrs on record (17.1 hrs at review time)
it's nice to play a classic brought modern, but unfortunately it crashes every 5 minutes with no apparent fix

buy only when on sale or when these crashes are fixed
Posted January 13.
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66.6 hrs on record (36.6 hrs at review time)
Awesome game that is completely unable to be played thanks to EA incompetency
Posted January 13.
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77.6 hrs on record (76.0 hrs at review time)
GTA 4 is a great game, but the PC port is a piece of ♥♥♥♥ and hardly works, and when it does it runs and plays like ass
Posted December 17, 2023.
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3.0 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Downgrade over the first. Maps are too big so majority of the time you get killed from offscreen. This effectively renders melee weapons and your fists useless
Posted December 11, 2023.
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501.3 hrs on record (478.3 hrs at review time)
campaign is good

multiplayer is 17 different shades of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Posted December 9, 2023.
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28.9 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
Shockingly bad game from a formerly good franchise. With a "campaign" that can be completed between hummingbird heartbeats and comically bad multiplayer, I had to do a triple take to make sure this was a DICE game.

To be fair this review is 5 years removed from the official launch so many of my issue stem from that fact. Such as its almost a guarantee, as a new player to this game, any lobby you join will be filled with sweatlords who have played nothing but this game since launch and know every spawn and angle, effectively making the learning curve vertical. Good luck learning and getting used to the goofy ass weapon handling.... in 50 hours. Additionally on the weapons, why do they all feel about as effective as a spit ball? I'll consistently get 3 headshots on someone and they'll still be fully functioning, effectively making people bullet sponges. This is most apparent with the support class which has been nerfed to ♥♥♥♥ and hollowed out into obsolesence. Wanna get it close? good luck with the spread, wanna sit back and use an LMG as it is supposed to be used? You're sniper bait, really any class can outperform you at any range. Overall the game feels like its trying to be something it's not. Trying to appeal to a larger base than it can.

Interesting addition is a chat filter that cannot be disabled and will censor not just swear words but other random words that are no no's. Sure you can incinerate people and blow them up with mines, but don't you DARE say crap or doodoo

At least its a good looking game and the sound design, while a step down from the previous entry, is still serviceable to the immersion.

Maybe buy it if it's on sale, like I did, but full price? You'd be better off buying a different Battlefield game.
Posted December 3, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
340.9 hrs on record (227.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
While I am a huge fan of Warband, and Bannerlord as well, I cannot, in the games current state, recommend a purchase at the full price. We're a year removed from the initial early access release and it seems like very little has been updated or changed. Sieges run marginally better, I've gone from getting 5 FPS to around 20, but it's still not at a decent point. Certain aspects of the AI are still scuffed: High tier troops getting killed by looters, factions leaving less than a hundred troops in a garrison, lords being endlessly captured by bandits, and much more. Certain technical issues are present as well, most notably, the game decided to either corrupt its own files or uninstall itself. Not really looking forward to redownloading the massive file that would take forever. Don't get me wrong, the game is incredibly fun, but what makes it fun is the Game of Thrones-esque sandbox that this games predecessors do much better at this point in time.
Posted April 21, 2021.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries