Rex, Supreme Mustard Overlord
John Smith   Texas, United States
In certain parts of the world, in certain social circles, I am known as "The Supreme Mustard Overlord." Bow down to me at your convience. Or don't, it is of little consequence to me. :KOh:

I'll have you know, sir, that I sexually identify as an Mil-25 Hind-D, and I feel that your assumption of my sexuality as being non-hindsexual is oppressive. Check your privilege, you cisgendered white male scum.
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This is the shot that could end this round, AND save a comrades life!
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81 hrs on record
last played on May 12
11.4 hrs on record
last played on May 11
722 hrs on record
last played on Mar 17
BCRnova May 20, 2014 @ 7:18am 
*Screenshot* *Screenshot* *Screenshot* *Screenshot*