
DeadSith tarafından yazılan son incelemeler

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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 16.4 saat
TLDR: Just buy Forza Horizon 5 (or 4) instead

Really disappointed with the game overall. Graphics style looks too flashy with unnecessary effects, that distract from actually playing and seem to be aimed at TikTok audience, music in game is obnoxious, and graphics overall looks worse than in NFS: Heat, while having worse performance.
Physics and handling are weird, and seem to lean heavily towards "drift" side of things, even if the car is tuned specifically towards grip side of things. The amount of cars is limited, and it is really hard to get new ones without grinding. During the story campaign you will have enough money to get and tune only around 5 cars, assuming you never get busted.
Difficulty is also badly implemented. Playing on higher difficulty, most opponents are really easy and play passively, while one or two get insane rubber-banding staying 500m in front for the whole race.
Progression and battle pass look weak compared to Forza. You get emotes, stickers or charcater customization options, instead of something useful like cash or cars.
NFS: Heat is better in everything, so get that one instead, if you really want to play NFS specifically.
Yayınlanma 6 Mayıs.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 86.5 saat
Best RPG of the last years, though third acts does feel a bit lover-quality
Yayınlanma 22 Kasım 2023.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 324.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 153.8 saat)
At this stage, WH3 is the best strategy game. Boyh global map and battlefields offer dozens of unique options, different races, different lords. Though it is not perfect, and many non-critical bugs are present. Requires WH 1 and WH 2 purchased to get the full experience.
Yayınlanma 22 Kasım 2022.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 244.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 161.8 saat)
Still playing the tutorial, seems fun so far.
Yayınlanma 25 Kasım 2020.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 15.4 saat
Great art style and atmosphere. Intersting and challenging gameplay (except final levels, theay are far too hard). Definitelly recommend it, but try Ori first.
Yayınlanma 8 Ağustos 2020.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 33.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 5.6 saat)
Loading screen simulator (~1.5 hours for game to finally launch after download):
* Download
* Wait for unpacking
* Start
* Wait for loading
* Select language
* Wait for loading again

After it actually launches, the framerate is extremely unstable regardless of settings.
Yayınlanma 8 Ağustos 2020.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 53.1 saat
Crashes often and is far too long.
Yayınlanma 4 Mart 2020.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 169.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 125.8 saat)
One of the best RPGs, maybe ever.
Yayınlanma 29 Haziran 2019.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 630.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 165.0 saat)
Досі найкраща гра в серії на даний момент. Усі фракції суттєво відрізняються і граються по різному. Регулярно виходять оновлення та DLC, які змінюють існуючі раси.

Серед недоліків:
1. Довго обраховуються ходи, доводиться чекати декілька хвилин після кожного ходу.
2. Бої за міста досі дуже примітивні.
Yayınlanma 22 Kasım 2018. Son düzenlenme 24 Kasım 2021.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
5 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 102.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 92.1 saat)
  1. Починаєш грати за космоконів ксенофобів.
  2. Повністю забудоваєш столицю
  3. Нападає сусід
  4. Робиш його васалом
  5. Нападаєш на сусідів
  6. Васал повстає
  7. Робиш всіх сусідів васалами
  8. Перетворюєш своє населення на роботів
  9. Нападає спляча імперія
  10. Всі васали повстають
10 повсталих васалів з 10
Yayınlanma 22 Kasım 2017.
Bu inceleme yararlı oldu mu? Evet Hayır Komik Ödül
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16 sonuçtan 1 ile 10 arası gösteriliyor