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5 people found this review helpful
38.4 hrs on record
The only fun things about this game are the story to some extend and the voice acting.

Rest is mediocre to absolute uber ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boring garbage chungus deluxe.

Gay or lesbian couples only. Full of LGBTQHDTV mental illness.

I don´t care about anyones sexual orientation but if its being forced down my throat 24/7 for no reason other than satisfying certain groups of people to raise sales numbers then I won´t support this.

Escort quests and waiting quests EVERYWHERE, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EVERYWHERE.

Follow this guy, follow this girl. follow this ugly ass transgender looking hobo paladin.

Listen to a guy talk for 3 minutes straight just for him to give you an item at the end of his speech so you painfully have to backtrack.

End game arena style combat takes 3x the amount of time that it should need because enemies spawn sslowly and hide behind cover (often on the other side of the map with multiple layers of walls, pillars etc. between you and them) so you are forced to painfully hunt them down.

This all is for the sole purpose of artificially increasing playtime of people.

Insane scummy buisiness practice.

No loot filter.
End game consists of clearing the same arena with 3 different 1 minute side quests for 100+ hours for no reason.
I killed a boss that supposedly drops a certain legendary more often 75 times before calling it quits cos he didn´t drop it.

That´s ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ insane how this game doesnt value our time.

DLC mirrors are sooo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boring and are another waste of your time with quests like:" wait for a minecart to drive all the way through a mine for 2 minutes so you can blow it up and clear rubble". Oh and because it was so much fun the first time you did that, here are 2 more sequences of the same retarded ass quest.

Also no maps for dlc areas, no questmarkers like legit the laziest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ I´ve experienced. On par with the end game of Last Epoch.

Insane how any1 playtested this and was like: "yeah, that´s what we want our paying customers to play for 10 times in a row for each difficulty"

Stay FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR away unless you are a diehard borderlands fan and really want to know the "story"and if so only get it on extreme discount.

Trash company for real.
Posted June 1. Last edited June 1.
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1.1 hrs on record
Got the game cos it´s movement is apparently very similar to CS:S movement.

Start up the game.
Mandatory EA launcher starts up.
Insta puke on my mouse and keyboard cos of EA showing up on my screen.
Watch retarded ass cutscene of a guy being invincible, killing multiple human enemies whom clearly lack a functioning brain.
Finally get to play character, need to finish trash ass parcour map.
Turns out claims about movement being like CS:S is straight up ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Air strafing and bhoping feels giga aids.
Insta Refund.
♥♥♥♥ EA and ♥♥♥♥ the cancer movement.
Posted March 28. Last edited March 28.
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52.2 hrs on record (35.7 hrs at review time)
Imo the only reason this game got so hyped is because D4 sucks hard so everyone jumped games and took the lesser evil

Very questionable end game content for an ARPG that supposedly stems from ARPG lovers.

End game consists of the following repeating pattern:

Get into a map
Kill couple enemies
Quest marker pops
Run to quest marker
Kill / Defend quest marker
exit map through portal

You need 100s if not 1000s of these to actively feel progress.

And there are 10 different timelines so have fun doing these for every character over and over and over and over again.

Maps are areas taken out of the campaign and they arent procedurraly generated so have fun running the same map 1000s of times.

Now imagine you play one of the non op classes (there are currently 3 masteries that are broken) that take more than 30s to finish one of these maps.

Remember that this game was in early access for about 6 years.
The end game has been like that for 3 years, they even claimed that they´ve been aware of the fact that their end game sucks and that they need to do something about it, yet the still decided to release the 1.0 version as it is now.

The entire game turns into a slogfest. I swear to god I don´t understand how people enjoy this game but yet i also don´t understand how people enjoy BBc´s screwing their wifes in front of them so maybe they go hand in hand

Next thing is loot: There are 2 factions in the game..

One of these is designed so you can trade with other people within the same faction

The other one gives you better item drops.

If you thought it was more fun to rely on self found chars then you might as well take your balls, tie a noose around them and bungy jump out of a 30 story building cos i imagine this to be way more fun than trying to play the CoF faction of this game.

You can legit gear a char within minutes through the bazar faction.
Choose the other option and waste months not getting the desired item you wanted.

RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG just for you to brick item after item without the possibilty of recovering.

Next thing on the list is class balancing.

There is currently a critical exploit in the game that let´s some classes be unkillable pushing corruption (a system that makes the game harder but also more rewarding) into the thousands.

A class that can push to 500 is considered really good, now imagine you´re playing a class that is not even able to clear C-500 but rather C-300
Now the classes that push C-3k+ finish a map on their difficulty 2-3x faster than you clear a C-300 map with your trash ass class.

You know what the devs said? Oh, we don´t want to piss off our player base, so we will keep it that way until the next "cycle" will be released in like 3-6 months or so. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???!!!!

The general opinion is: The later the class / mastery got released the more broken it is. Earlier ones are straight up abandoned

Another thing is bugs, non working interactions, weird looking animations etc.

How is it possible to have so many skills not properly funtioning and not hotfixed in a 1.0 release is beyond my understanding.
E.g.: Druid got 2 nodes that just straight up don´t work as intended. And these 2 are only the ones i am aware of and expirienced myself, maybe there are more.
Transforming from Human into werebear form and casting rampage makes you run on the spot with the ability going into cd but not actually casting the ability. It´s hilariously bad.
There was a 2day period where the player model turned invisible upon returning from any transformation back into human form.

With the release of 1.0 they now got all the money and PR that they wanted.
Cash shop won´t be sustainable for them in the long run.
After the honeymoon phase players will realise that the game is actually very very bland and stale.
Playerbase will drop.
The devs will realise there is no more major money to be made.
Devs will push out content less and less frequently, actively sabbotaging their own game with weird design choices whilst pretending to actually care about their remaining playerbase
They will blame it on the players for not being interested in the game anymore.
6 months pass
Last Epoch 2 with insane promises and double the exploits coming 2030 gets anounced
People will go nuts and instantly forget the only reason they liked this game is because they did compare it to D4 which was a major let down.

Posted March 9.
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48.2 hrs on record (30.4 hrs at review time)
Simply said it´s one of if not the best FPS rouge like out there.
Got it back in EA and came back to 1.0 a couple of days ago and it´s just a shining star in the sky of indie games.
Gameplay is top notch, classes all feel very different, same with weapons.
Loads of secrets that reward exploration.
Runs on my old machine (4770K and 980Ti) like butter on 60FPS 1980x1080.
The OST is soooooooooooooooooooooo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dope, like legit worth the buy just for that.

So stfu, get the game and blast some robot ass.
Posted January 15. Last edited January 17.
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58 people found this review helpful
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39.3 hrs on record
I don´t know what to say besides me wanting back the 40+ hours that i invested in this cringe ass game.

Got gaslit into playing "ALL" routes which basically means playing through this cringe trash cluster♥♥♥♥ of a "game" 3 different times + replaying the ending once for route D+E because the game gets SOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER AFTER ROUTE B AND C.

I wanted to quit after 2 hours because the game is soooo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boring, the premise is boring, the fighting is mashing 1 button whilst holding another one.

How do people enjoy this? The story might be interesting for a 12 year old boy in his puberty, believing how deep the game is but in reality it´s just not.

So many inconsistencies regarding how the androids behave. Once they are like: SHOW NO FEELINGS WE ARE ANDROIDS AND MADE FOR A CERTAIN TASK. Next scene they start crying cos they "killed" another android...

People on forums will constantly gaslight you into thinking the game gets good after 3000000+ hours because the game is mind changingly good in terms of gameplay, story, music and what the ♥♥♥♥ not.

And if you disagree (btw I just went there to see if i understood the quintessence of the story and never interacted there so it didnt affect me personally but those poor guys who did... omg xD) they will simply tell them that they are stupid or that they just don´t get it LMAO.

Gameplay wise: So many different genres mixed but everything feels like 10% of what it should have been.

Invisible walls everywhere in an open world game! wanna jump over a half wall to get to the other side? Well ♥♥♥♥ you and your ambitions, better take the long way and walk all the way around!

The map is so bad they "made" it a feature that an NPC tells you how bad it actually is because it´s only designed to guide you around...? So in a world were technology is that advanced that they have machnines which resamble humans to a degree of almost 100% they can´t have a proper maps?

Side quests are either: Go there and kill x amount of y or gather a amount of b.
and there are tons of them and sometimes you have to make multiple trips to the same NPC,

Seriously the game is trash, I got the game of the year (Yorha) edition for 15 Euros and i would not have played it, even if you payed me 15 Euros, if i knew how bad it was.

Btw 20% of people who got the game finished it on steam so go figure how "good" it is!

Thx for coming to my TED-talk on why this game is poopoo.
Posted January 8.
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2 people found this review helpful
21.3 hrs on record (16.9 hrs at review time)
There is a TLDR at the end of the review for those who don´t wanna read too much.

To begin with:

The first difficulty level is fine, even though only 10.4% of people that own this game actually beat the first difficulty as of now (13.08.2023)

On the hardest difficulty less than 1% have completed the game (0.9%).

Some of them posted their loadout on the official Deadlink discord (after beating the game) so you can see what upgrades they´ve gotten during the run and most if not all of them were ultra ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lucky getting the best RNG imaginable.

Some of them have open profiles and if you visit them some of them got VAC bans so i can only imagine if they got banned from online gaming they probably also used cheat engine or the likes to beat this game.

For them the game is perfectly fine and they will tell you to get good or that the game just isn´t for you.

The thing is that most people actually enjoy the game but only up to a point where the game becomes a giant stat check meaning: If you don´t have x-amount of dmg at this point you will not beat the game.

Most enemies will hit you so the game turns into permanent cycle of: Either you kill the enemy before they can shoot or you will get hit. There are some exceptions but that´s the quintessence of it.

It´s basically a RNG / reroll fest until you get certain weapons / implant combinations at the start of the game.

Also the "implants" which are perks that modify different things like damage, survivability etc. are very very unbalanced.

Some of them can change the run in an instance whilst some of them are near useless.

The same goes for guns. There arent many but almost all of them are complete und utterly useless.

On the 2nd and 3rd difficulty every enemy has armor, which drastically reduces your dmg against them until you remove it (corrosion dmg being strong against armor).
So you are allready forced to have some type of corrosion source.
Same goes for robotic type enemies with "lightning" damage and flesh type enemies with "fire" dmg.

So every run you just hope to get any really really good combination + damage enhancers + extra dashes / movement speed or your run is over.

In other rouge-likes there is allways the posibility to find an Item / upgrade or etc. that instantly "wins" the run for you or makes you very strong at least.

In this game there aren´t any of these. You either luck out on 90% of these or the last area is filled to the brim with bullet sponges that permanently spawn adds which are also bullet sponges.

Also the last boss is super aids. You either Kill her in a couple of seconds or fight her for 10 minutes just to get hit by an Elden Ring style Malena combo that goes through "pillars" walls.

-First difficulty feels perfectly fine, kinda balanced even tho all of the facts pointed at down below still apply to some degree

-0.9% have beating the game on the hardest (neuromancy) difficulty

-Game is super super RNG heavy, also most of the "upgrades and weapons" are almost non viable

-Feels like a giant stat check most of the time meaning: you either have X-amount of dmg on this level or you will die

-Bosses are very very linear but giant bullet sponges if you didn´t luck out on upgrades

-Community is a bunch of circle jerking basement dweller neckbeards telling you that the game isn´t for you or you got to get good

-Getting meta currency for perma upgrades are so low that at the point you would´ve upgraded all of them, most players will quit allready
Posted August 9, 2023. Last edited August 13, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
9.5 hrs on record
One of the best games i´ve played in a long time, both story and gameplay wise.
100% must buy, must play
Posted August 6, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
17.3 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
Edit: I will leave my original review down below so people aren´t confused.

I´ve changed my opinion on the game by almost 180°

Reasons are:

When i posted my original comment i kinda had a rly rough day so maybe i vented out on my post (sorry for that, you didn´t deserve what i wrpte)

The developers actually respond to every single comment / post / discussion etc. which i highly appreciate and isn´t usual nowadays, also they are talking with the team to see if they can adjust the game to the players feedbacks.

The jokes are not as bad as i made them seem, it´s just a personal thing that I didn´t enjoy every single joke but some of them were actually pretty funny.

The controlls are also not as unresponsive as i orignially stated, I think i was just tired and worn out from the day and my reaction time was very very slow.

The further you get in the game, the more spells (and combinations) you unlock which can drastically change your playstyle.
So the game actually encourages you to try out different spells and combinations instead of what i previously said about only nature and ice being usefull (still very good but there are other combinations for certain scenarios which i found very usefull if not better)

It is possible to farm blood tokens (the currency) via the coloseum, the 1k token reward is there everytime you kill its boss. I thought you had to kill random mobs so upgrading everything was almost a nogo for me.

The artstyle is absolutely gorgeous, the level detail is also really well done, effects are as well.

About the time spent to finish the game: Everyone takes their own time to play a game so I have no right to say "BUT I FINISHED IT IN 2HOURS SO THE DEVS LIED". I don´t think they lied anymore since there are loads of secrets going on that i didn´t find at first. Took me about 12 hours to 100% it so the 3 hours I originally said are wrong on my part.

Also in my personal opinion it can be a very cool speedrunning game, since it´s not (that) long and requires skill with little to non RNG.

I want to apologize for ripping this game apart for no reason at all but me being an idiot really and looking for a vent for my bad day.

I don´t know how hard it is to develop games so it was unfair and unjust to write what i wrote.

Sorry sorry sorry, your game is perfectly fine as it is and I was wrong!


Original post (very very wrong from my side):

Absolute attrocious game.

Before I´ve bought this game I looked at the reviews and the discussion board where people were asking how long the game takes. Keep in mind it costs 20€.

The devs answered on 2 of these posts with: "the main game takes 10 hours, with an additional 15 hours extra content"

This is a straight up lie. On my current playthrough i am standing at 2.5 hours and am facing the final boss of the game and I was by no means speedrunning.

The gameplay is an unresponsive, cluster♥♥♥♥ of a mess. Attacks and spells can´t be animation cancelled nor cancelled at all meaning once you are casting / attacking you are bound to finish it wich in most cases leads to a hit taken.

Every boss fight in the game has way too much hp leading to them being bullet sponges. The problem isnt that they have a lot of hp but that the fights themselves are boring as ♥♥♥♥. On every fight, all you got to do is take the nature and frost spell, freeze the boss, attack them 3-6 times depending on how long they are frozen, use nature spell until the frost defense of the boss wears off, rinse and repeat. That´s it. Every other "strategy" is useless cos you are bound to get hit and die from the messed up hitboxes that most boss attacks have (either too small or too large for their respective model)

The jokes are mediocre at best and many are overused to the point that they get annoying (Igor, Vampire, etc)

The almost 10 hours of game time i got as of writing this review came from me being afk whilst ingame for almost 8 hours.

Imo don´t get this game, it´s not even worth 10€, maybe 5€ if you are really desperate.

Also it is NO and I repeat NO Metroidvenia. I don´t know who puts tags on games but this is just wrong.

Again people writing reviews with 0.5 hours of playtime should be perma banned from writing reviews, don´t listen to them they are either bots, bought reviews or just straight up retarded.
Posted May 29, 2023. Last edited May 31, 2023.
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A developer has responded on May 29, 2023 @ 5:57pm (view response)
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10.7 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Bugs bugs and more bugs even for an EA title.

Are we alpha testers or paying customers? Idk but what i know is that this game is not even close to being EA more like early alpha.

Bugs I´ve encountered so far:

Putting a single skill point into sprint speed makes the characters run at the speed of light, you sprint faster than a car drives at full speed.

Tutorial messages pop up during the game without actually pausing, leading to me dying in the first 10 seconds of my first character because i was reading the "welcome message" and 2 infected killed me whilst reading. (lol)

Changing infected damage doesnt actually change anything? (yet to confirm) I only played on the highest difficulty so far and they barely deal any damage, even special ones like spitters / tanks etc. So i guess you either are invincible on the lowest difficulty or idk, i am the best ZED ZONE player in the world? (highly doubt)

Using the built in targeting computer (which btw is straight up "borrowed" from Fallout) led to the game crashing every single time.

Infected spawn seemingly random, even in before cleared buildings or in your base which is completely enclosed and no fences / doors / windows are broken.

Cars behave like being on black ice, even on roads they are trash (i rather spent a point in sprint speed and run like usian bolt on crack cocaine). Also cars are the ultimate death / harvest machines. In need of wood?, drive down trees. Want some sulfur? I got you bro, drive over sulfur nodes. Ohhh a horde of infected are running in my direction!! VROOM VROOM ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ just drive over them.

Flash lights either shine as bright as directly staring at the sun with opened eyes (can´t recommend) or as dim as roofied girls at Bill Cosbies house see, seconds before they here "It will be over soon babe"

Batteries in flash lights drain at the same speed as a 250kg american woman runs as she heares that her local Mc Donalds will be out of Chicken Mc Nug-Nugs in 5 minutes aka almost instant transmission ala Son Goku style. No ♥♥♥♥ they last a few seconds and you are out, even on completely full batteries.

Swinging melee weapons target everything around you including shelfes full of loot that you carefully sorted for the last 15 minutes just for them to break because your character roundhouse kick style swings his weapon everytime you want to hit an infected leading to you crying in agony as you watch your carefully sorted loot drop on the floor.

The worst bug was after a playthrough of 6 hours my game crashed due to the before mentioned targeting system bug and after I restarted i wasn´t able to reload any guns anymore. No inbuilt mags like revolvers and no external mags like 5.56 Nato or AKM / AKS mags seem to reload but the animation is playing out. If i try to reload external mags i am stuck in a permanent reload animation until i press F to cancel.
6 hours gone down the drain pfffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttt (fart sound)

The graple hook is as usefull as an XXL anal plug on a remote island that you´ve stranded on after going overboard a cruise ship aka --> not useful.

Some recipies just make no sense e.g.: why do i need 5 stone pickaxes for a chemical workbench? Does my characer pleasure himself with them whilst building it and is he incapable of building one without doing so?

Rotten unprepared meat turns perfectly fine once u´ve cooked it, but not when you barbecue it.

Corpses of animals sometimes respawn after butchering them when they are off screen and you return to the spot. Had a bear next to my home base that i butchered like 7 times.

Once you have a well you don´t need to scavange for water anymore (not that you needed to do so before because there is water everywhere) but it´s still weird. Also you don´t have to purify the water and you can build wells inside houses (this is not dwarf fortress)

Some translations are so bad i can guarantee that if they would´ve used google translate it would have been a better outcome than what we got in this game

Just get project zomboid and wait for another century, then maybeeee this game is somewhat close to being in a beta state but as for now don´t buy.
It´s absolute trash and i am pretty sure that 90% of the positive reviews (especially those with under an hour playtime) are bought or botted.

Posted April 8, 2023.
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61.2 hrs on record (43.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game has lots of issues in terms of performance (random stutters, fps drops and so on) and gameplay.

I started the game on "hard" difficulty without knowing anything about it, also I am playing purely solo.

In my opinion the game is balanced around 2-4 players because at most of the boss fights the boss spawns a ♥♥♥♥ ton of adds that at some point (most of the times when he enrages) get out of hand and even being overgeared doesnt help. That was not a problem in the early to mid stage of the game because there are certain ways to deal with the adds (e.g.: spike traps for hive mothers acid beetles)

Until now i managed to do everything quite nice, I have fully automated every ore production up to octarine and crafted and farmed everything I can (best food, best gear + gear drops, portions and so on) but the sea biome boss is ridicilously attrocious.

Not only is the boss a bullet hell type of boss with an insane amount of hp, you are also sitting in a boat (yes I got the speedster one) which is still rly slow and unreactive for the amount of hazards you got to dodge, there are little "islands" that stop your movement, the boss also spawns tentacles in waves of 3´s that have way too much hp so until you killed those the boss just summons another 3 and you get 2 to 3 shot depending if you get hit by the boss or the tentacles.

I dont know who in their right mind thought that this was good game design.

Unless they change the way how scaling is dependant on the amount of players in the game session I dont think i will recommend this game because having to either depend on a dice roll (90% dodge chance cap) or a 45 minute boss fight where i have to struggle killing tentacles and wiggling down a boss with approximately 100k hp whilst dealing 1k on a crit and being able to get 1-2 hits in before having to focus tentacles again is just insane.

Big nogo for me
Posted February 21, 2023.
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