=^._.^= ∫ math_hammer
RIP ISN 30/12/13 - 10/07/15   Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
I'm just here to hold your hand when you die
Kids...if you want to piss off your parents
show interest in the arts..
Kids...if you REALLY want to piss off your parents
buy real estate in an Imaginary Place...oh yes..
Can't aim cuz new mice, no i'm not cheating, the g203 has a tendency to spin out, and yes those are legit 9k hours of play time more or less

For the people that are adding me randomly, you like thug ass, and i mean REALLY LIKES THUG ASS. So don't bother, those battle-scarred mustard gloves are mine, and there is nothing you can do to get them, ♥♥♥♥♥.

Sonic Frontiers is way too overhyped for such mediocroty, the sonic fanbase deserves it.

If I'm...
Online: não fala comigo não.
... But not responding: não fala comigo não.

In-Game: não fala comigo não

Away: não fala comigo não.

Stuff that i'll prob be proud of one day :
LBTF Open Pt.2 (They call it access, but it's dumb, it's just open kids on a slightly higher division) Season 11 - 1st Place - Scout - Offclass Highlander
LBTF Open 6v6 Season 10 - 2nd Place - Scout - Insane Highlander
UGC Highlander South America Platinum Season 15 - 3rd Place - Scout - Insane Highlander
UGC South American 6v6 Season 17 - 3rd Place - Scout - OffClass Highlander
No One Gives A ♥♥♥♥ About WGB -
Processador Bagual - 8 ref - Demo - &knuckles&knuckles&knuckles
Beat Sniper Town on Hard mode in Medal of Honor Allied Assault - for what that matters.
FBTF Vic Basten Season Whatever - 1st Place - Scout - All Against Chapelapica
Sonic Unleashed - beaten after 10 years of getting my ass handed over

(TEAM) AGH PISS! : Blaze,can i yiff you?"

Name's math, by and by.

I playe the video james online, mostly stuff that is actually fun to play, with one exception.
Has been washed up pr0 gaymer, boomer shooter player, still can shoot at the bad players from time to time.

I'm always DTY.

O cara usa cheat em comp de hl na aberta pra dar bodão.
é isso, esse jogo ta morto.
The dream team is making a comeback, neato

=^._.^= ∫
Currently Online
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Classic Boi
8 2 1
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i was playing this during work hours
Pubs e pérolas

Gallus : que lindo es ser argentino

♥Ketchøp♥ : Nos mataron los fans de sonic

13:13 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: ei
13:14 - MuMu Anonimo: oq vc quer
13:14 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: me ensina a joga team fortress 2 ja que vc sabe mais do que eu
13:14 - MuMu Anonimo: nao ajudo os hackers
13:14 - MuMu Anonimo: ajudo a steam
13:14 - MuMu Anonimo: banindo eles
13:14 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: eu to usando chapelario.top
13:14 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: best tf2 hack
13:14 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: eu recomendo
13:14 - MuMu Anonimo: link
13:14 - MuMu Anonimo: quero ver se é verdade
13:15 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: chapelapica(ponto)top
13:15 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: usa ai cara
13:15 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: é otimo
13:15 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: vc ganha 8 ref so de instala
13:15 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: o jogo ate roda mais rapido
13:15 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: vc vai ter 7 cores extras no teu pc
13:15 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: para processos
13:16 - MuMu Anonimo: nao sou de hack
13:16 - MuMu Anonimo: obg
13:16 - MuMu Anonimo: banido
13:16 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: blz
13:16 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: a gente se no overwatch

23:37 - Fr3ddy fsT.: a cada dia que passa eu duvido mais do seu interesse sexual


"SonAmy. Spicy" - Sonic the Hedgehog 2017

(TEAM) Fr3ddy fsT. : unlike sonic i'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

15:01 - Hard-Boiled Memer fsT.: EU SOU MULHER

16:29 - math_hammer .hl fsT.: oq q vc ta fazendo?
16:30 - ♥♥♥♥ you SEGA: me masturbando enquanto o avião da RBS passa pelos céus

*DEAD*(Terrorist) Prime Time fsT. : ♥♥♥♥ me hard
*DEAD*(Terrorist) Prime Time fsT. : pls

AY | joaocraft10080 : MEU DEUS
AY | joaocraft10080 : sonicp orn
AY | joaocraft10080 : MEUS OLHOS
Filho Autista do Guilupi do Zap : ver sonic porn
Filho Autista do Guilupi do Zap : éq ue nem comer aquela mina feia
Filho Autista do Guilupi do Zap : n sai da tua cabeça

19:38 - ティカル: O Sonic e o Tails ficam com o cu mirado pro player

Lotora : me gusta la pija pero no soy puto

Ransik : me gusta el yiff gay


♥Ketchøp♥ : Nos mataron los fans de sonic

Fabinho2hop : kika o math hammer ai
Fabinho2hop : hackerzão
*DEAD* math_hammer : *DEAD* Маджи : YIFF ME DADDY
Fabinho2hop : já joguei contra ele em outra partida

Moki : me toque la pija y perdimos

You probably use a trans bathroom, you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser - HandLikeDende

ghost_in_a_jacket : Guys remember when sonic fans ACTUALLY PRINTED A TON OF MONEY AND RUINED THE ECONOMY??????? What you don’t? Search up “Sonic Inflation”

*DEAD* Random : my team think 'the super bowl' is a plate

bro what is your problem, can't play the kitchen proper has to kick players that are better than you, god you're so sad legit. You're the reason this kitchen cookbase is on a decline on a raw skill level because the moment a better cooker shows up, nah bro they're cheating, there's no way someone could be better than my at this kitchen. Now we get players with a negative iq that can't even cut a cucumber with a knife. - zer0, 2021

Big Hentai Tiddies : Ok, mom, firstly, you need to understand this isn't porn, all right? it's just called "hentai". Yep, that's a Japamese phares, I'm learning Japanese from these videos. Before I get to the part about learning Japanese thought, let me first comment on the cultural implications of hentai.

Buttface is back :D : treina mais ness

vitin‎ : olha meu inv
vitin‎ : oq eu tenho de inv tu n tem de casa
vitin‎ : assalariado
*DEAD* vitin‎ : inimigo da noite
*DEAD* vitin‎ : petróleo
*DEAD* vitin‎ : rgb 000

[10:35 PM]
say inhale my dong enragement
[10:36 PM]
say [] fasil [] difisil [] tutorial [x] Ticão
bind f2"f2" = "say b_ : p
"f2" = "say b_ : perdemo ja"
"i" = "say mnc! The Joke ✙ : fui fr3dderrubado"
"home" = "say QUER UM CHIMAS PRA DESCER?!"
"ins" = " say ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ : tu dropa e a culpa é dos cara?"

[11:31 PM]
math_hammer: pega na pila aq ó kkk カ加線シン気

*DEAD* amor inconsequente: 1tap na force of nature
(Voice) =^._.^= ∫ math_hammer: Spy!
Anomy left the game (Client Disconnect)
amor inconsequente: se puder kickar ele ai
=^._.^= ∫ math_hammer: não mano vc n entede
amor inconsequente: isso é um hack conhecido
=^._.^= ∫ math_hammer: ele só em bom mesmo
amor inconsequente: AH VCS DENOVO VEI
Teams have been switched.
Aoi: pra mim é habilidade
amor inconsequente left the game (Client Disconnect)
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ViCiAdOs eM JoGoS De TiRo - Public Group
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i Beat the game.
I am now depressed.
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I did it again. Still mixed about it, but really enjoyed it
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1,346 hrs on record
last played on May 4
10,914 hrs on record
last played on May 4
485 hrs on record
last played on May 1
Aoi Mar 27 @ 10:58am 
󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡󠀡 Feb 17 @ 1:20pm 
MyDescent: bro
MyDescent: are you ok?
MyDescent: wtf is wrong with you
MyDescent: you know you get stomped vs a natty aimer
MyDescent: ur nothing
MyDescent: how full is tour diaper rn?
MyDescent: your*
MyDescent: you were so afraid to mirror
MyDescent: that you ♥♥♥♥ yourself
MyDescent: you packin that heat?
佐倉 Kyoko ♥ Jan 2 @ 11:16am 
teremos gameplay de GTAIV sim mano, prefiro fazer isso durante a semana, pq de fim de semana eu fico jogando outras coisas, mas pode ser que de algum dia pra jogar de fim de semana, veremos.. :noire:
佐倉 Kyoko ♥ Jan 1 @ 4:32am 
:dale_christmas_star:Feliz Ano Novo Math!:dale_christmas_star:
B. Comet [VF4-T] Dec 31, 2023 @ 3:24pm 
Feliz 2024, Senhor Martelo da Matemática.
Synth Dec 24, 2023 @ 1:57pm 
Feliz Natal Matheus!