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727.1 hrs on record
Hundreds of hours of memories, summers well spent and friends come and gone. All thanks to this marvel of a game.
And now, none of it is playable anymore. You know the issues. You know how to fix them.

FIX YOUR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GAME, VALVE! #FixTF2 #SaveTF2
Posted June 10.
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100.0 hrs on record (66.8 hrs at review time)
A Battle Royale where you need skill and not just dumb luck in order to win? The blasphemy.
Posted February 25, 2021.
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16.5 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
A surprisingly competent PC-Port of one of the weirdest / funniest games of 2020, a must buy for Yakuza-fans and JRPG-fans alike. Easily worth full-price, finally I can play it in English and understand all of the comedy and story much better.

10/10 would buy again
Posted November 10, 2020.
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1.7 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As it currently stands, I cannot recommend this game. There are just too many bugs, glitches and most importantly balance issues that are in the way of it being good.

First of all, the positives:
-Looks great, great art-style
-interesting story
-Well designed map
-Pretty good gunplay

And that's about it. Now, for the bad:
-Very unstable. Haven't had any crashed yet, but whenever I'm selecting a mission on the map or when I die, my Frames drop down to 9
-A lot of bugs. Sometimes, specific menu sections would not disappear off of the screen, even though the menu was closed long ago, other times, the controls would lock up for a second after closing a menu
-terrible balance. If you were, like me, expecting to go in this game and play it in singleplayer: look for another game. Not only do you not get 2 NPC buddies to help you play the missions, but all of the dinosaurs are so f'ing op and there are so many of them that you have literally no chance except for as Rosie, because her minigun is op and the electric fences are really good too. The AR, on the other hand, is severely underpowered and useless. Oh, and the second strongest weapon is your fist. Seriously, the melee is stronger than most guns, it's stupid.
-The sidequests. While the map you land on has a lot of sidequests on it, pretty much all of them are useless, since they give nothing but a little bit of xp. They are always different when you land which makes them feel like a big waste of time or, much rather, like they have no significance. Don't think of them as landmarks or radio towers like in most open world games, but rather as FATEs from FFXIV or something similar in another MMO
-The sound design. The guns and dinosaurs just don't sound good. Shots don't seem to have any weight to them, the impacts of the bullets feel empty, the dinosaurs don't sound threatening enough etc.
-The lack of explanation. Some dinos have armor. That's fine, if you were given a tutorial, or at the very least a hint at how to beat them, but you get nothing. You character will sometimes say something along the lines of "They have armor, I have to flip them over / break it off", and while that is a good start, it's never explained *how* to do that. Weapons certainly don't work, most of the time

Overall, even if this game were free, it'd be too expensive. Do not, I repeat, *do not* buy this game in it's current state. The game has a lot of potential, but with all of the problems it has, you're currently wasting your money. I hope that these issues are fixed, after all, it is in early access for a reason, otherwise this is one of the most disappointing games I have ever played.
Posted October 13, 2020. Last edited October 13, 2020.
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24.4 hrs on record (23.2 hrs at review time)
A Remake that stays faithful to it's Origin, even down to it's flaws
Trials of Mana is a remake of the 1995 video-game Seiken Densetsu 3: Trials of Mana , which unfortunately hadn't been released in the west up until now. There was a fan-translation, and it was good, but not official. It is a part of the Mana-Series, most famously known for it's first entry, Secret of Mana. This game does however follow it's own story, so you need not worry about playing the older games.

To get the most important question out of the room, is this remake as bad as the Secret of Mana remake? Absolutely not . If that was your only point of concern, you're free to leave now.
As always, I will be talking about specific elements of the game in order of importance, starting with graphics and ending with game-play. Just so you know, here are my specs, in case anyone cares:

Audio: Japanese
Text: English
OST: Original
Graphics: Fullscreen, 4k 60FPS

This game looks really good. It may not look as realistic or impressive as other games nowadays, but it's distinct art-style makes it really shine brightly. Yes, it does have some low quality textures and there is (surprisingly) no way to change in-game graphics besides Resolution, however I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing. Pretty much every PC can run this game, which is a plus in my book, while the game still looks good because of it's art-style. You can certainly tell that this game originated in the SNES / Super Famicom Era, which, again, is not a bad thing in my opinion. It is certainly miles better than the Secret of Mana remake, that's for sure.
In terms of audio, this game sounds amazing. The sound-effects all sound crisp and usually don't tend to get on my nerves. The actual music is also really good, but do keep in mind that I chose to use the original OST instead of the Remake's. That being said, for it's time (and still nowadays), this sounds really good, but once again, it does remind one of the time of it's release. The voice acting is solid. There is not a single character that sounds bad, even Charlotte, who a lot of people hate because of her Dub voice, sounds cute (Seriously though, who would choose Dub over Sub?).
The story is sadly where this game falls flat on it's face. Again, it remind you of the time it was released in, only this time in a bad way. We have all heard stories of the crystals of the elements that you need to get in order to save the world [insert ProJared joke here], and this game sadly doesn't change much about the all-too-familiar structure. Granted, this is not the remake's fault, hell, they tried to make the story a bit better by adding a secret chapter after you beat the game once , but it really doesn't amount to much. Every character has their own motivation for going on this quest, be it Duran's search for strength or Kevin's wish to bring his dead wolf-pup back to life , but beyond that, there really is nothing special about this game's story.
The game-play is amazing. It is kinda simplistic, almost feeling like a Musou game, but it is just deep enough to keep you coming back. It is certainly one of the game's main strengths. If you enjoy Musou-like games, or ARPGs in general, you will like this game. You also get to choose three out of six characters before starting the game. This leads to a lot of variety in party-structure and makes this game highly re-playable, especially with the addition of New Game Plus.

The overall playtime for 1 play-through for me was around 23 hours. This includes level-grinding, item farming and general 100% completion. While that does seem short, this game heavily relies on the fact that you play through it several times with different teams, so the playtime might actually be longer. So yes, I do think the price for this game is good. By all means, if you can get it on sale, get it immediately. Full-price is also okay.

Overall, this remake is awesome. It does have it's ups and downs, especially in the story department, but I really enjoyed my time. This is a definite purchase for any RPG fan.
Posted May 11, 2020. Last edited May 11, 2020.
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0.0 hrs on record
17 Dollars/Euros for a couple of non-extended anime openings and endings? And they don't even include the best opening, "Brand New World"? Yeah, don't be like me, don't waste your money. I do it so you don't have to.

Here's what you should do: Open your Browser, go to YouTube, search for the song, turn off music in-game and adjust volume as needed. Voila, saved 17 bucks.
Posted March 30, 2020.
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34.6 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is basically Pirate Warriors 3, but on crack. It takes what worked in that game, cranks it up to 11 and rolls with it.

Graphically, the game is probably the best looking musou game on the market right now. It's colorful and vibrant, however the environment textures are still relatively low-rez. This, however, is made up by the fact that this game displays more enemies than any other musou before it; in some cases you can literally see hundreds of enemies at the same time, especially given the now more open level-design, another plus imo.

Musically, the game sounds good, with the addition of the anime soundtrack a bit nostalgic and perfectly fitting for this game.

The story follows the manga/anime, but it only covers a few, big arcs such as Enies Lobby , Impel Down or the Whole Cake Island arc. Everything else is covered in cutscenes featuring scenes from PW3, which somewhat feels lazy, but really isn't a problem. Of course, the main part of the game is it's post-game, which, just like in PW3, is amazing.

The gameplay is almost exactly the same as PW3, but with a few added mechanics to makes combos more fluent and thus more fun. Overall, it is incredibly satisfying and is now also customizable, giving every character the chance to equip any 4 moves you have unlocked, thus providing more variety. This, in turn, leads to the gamplay not becoming repetetive as quickly as other games in the genre.

Overall, if you liked PW3 and you want an enhanced version of it, this is it. If you've never played a Pirate Warriros game before or seen the anime, I recommend playing PW3 before this, to get an idea of the story and the gameplay basics. However, this game is amazing and I very much recommend it!
Posted March 30, 2020. Last edited March 30, 2020.
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19.7 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Not gonna lie, I never understood the hype for DOOM 2016. I played through it once, thought it was good, but nothing special, and left it at that. I am very happy to report that even after 2 hours of playtime, I can easily say that DOOM Eternal is by far the best shooter I have ever played.
The Soundtrack is absolutely amazing, especially when you're a metal fan such as myself. Really heavy tunes, remixes of original songs etc. They are all absolutely amazing.
The game also looks really good, perhaps too good, thus making some PCs unable to handle it. Still, it should work on even older PCs, given the vast amount of graphics-options.
I personally don't care for a story in DOOM, but what's here is okay, I guess. Certainly not winning any awards, but serviceable.
The game-play. Oh my god, the game-play. Sooooo much better than DOOM 2016, which I already liked. Double-Jumping, Mid-Air-Dashing, Climbing, Hook-Shotting from enemy to enemy. It all feels absolutely amazing, especially when you get the rune that allows you full movement in mid-air. I would almost call it Quake-like movement, it's that good. And unlike in it's predecessor, every weapon seems to have it's uses and is so incredibly fun to use.
This is an absolute 10/10. If you care about game-play, aka. the most important part of any game, this is the creme of the crop. The single best shooter I've played (and trust me, I've played many)!
Posted March 20, 2020. Last edited June 3, 2020.
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54.7 hrs on record (28.9 hrs at review time)
- Review following soon -
Posted October 26, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
21.8 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Pretty good looking, no bugs (at least i've encountered none yet), gameplay is exactly like Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (which means that it's very, very good), amazing score AND it only costs 40 Bucks. You can literally, LITERALLY not go wrong with this game!
Posted June 18, 2019.
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