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1.7 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Likely one of the best games ever made, one of it's kind.
Get it if you have not already.
Get it.
Posted August 15, 2023.
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53.1 hrs on record
Phenomenal game.
Immersive Sim through and through.
Posted July 8, 2023.
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14.7 hrs on record
I do not believe it's a good game.
falls mightily short of its predecessors.
Posted July 7, 2023.
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83.9 hrs on record (23.4 hrs at review time)
Sometimes you will ADORE this game, but mostly you will hate it.
Posted October 1, 2022.
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241.9 hrs on record (114.2 hrs at review time)
Rendered a single project and it became one of my most played games on steam...
Posted September 26, 2021.
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2.0 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Most confusing game of 2020.
I barely understand what's happening.
Posted November 28, 2020.
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0.5 hrs on record
Barely any zoophilic material, don't expect greatness, I skipped all the dialogue and got a good ending with Seth (a freaking wolf or whatever) but nothing really happened, I felt a distinct lack of ""physical connection"" between me and Seth and thus I give this game a "Castrated Wolf\10"
Posted September 27, 2019.
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41.9 hrs on record (32.4 hrs at review time)
"Dishonored, Dishonored, Dishonored... you've surprised us all, coming out of the void, coming from a relatively unknown studio who mostly developed smaller games and helped bigger projects reach their full potential, look at you now, look at Arkane now."
In this second installment of the now series, Dishonored gives us more - more powers, more characters, more and bigger maps etc.
The extensively polished nature of Arkane games really shows, everything is meticulously crafted with care and shines artisanship, one can simply look at a painting that hangs on a wall for a while and it would be meaningful, some games put filler on the walls, not like people are going to look at it - not Arkane! the paintings, environments and models are all beautifully rendered and extraordinarily stylish all the while.

We've new powers at our disposal this time around and many new upgrades both to aforementioned powers and also equipment, not to say that I enjoyed any of them as I chose the low chaos stealthy "very hard" option of beating the game, which I felt limited me immensely, one might think that it would be obvious to be limited while playing stealthy but I disagree, and we will look at examples shortly.
Corvo Attano now has a voice, he speaks and blubbers and while the voice actor does a great job the writers don't.
An analogy to the entire game, the story, in my opinion is very weak, which also includes voice lines, major and minor characters, some of the time I felt as if I'm a young child being sneered at with a hint of mockery... the story thinks you are a baby, that's the only explanation I can give - the writers though they are building a game for young children and that's why everything is quite shallow, keep in mind, however as I do that my feeling might very well be unjust from the perspective of someone who completed the game say with Emily and high chaos.
If we take a look at some other games, possibly more grim such as "Deus:ex HR" or "The Witcher 2&3" we will see RPG's with a much better character development and a more fitting and grim atmosphere respectively, these are "darker" games that deal with serious questions "of the human condition" - don't expect to see anything like that in Dishonored 2.
I'll make an example of a mission (without spoilers): as mentioned I thought the low chaos run would be a smarter decision, when arriving at certain places, some HUGE in scope there were so few enemies one would think the mastermind enemies behind it all don't even know who I am or that I'm coming, which is false story wise as there are plot points where you even speak with some of your greatest enemies.
Deus EX excels not only in it's stealthy gameplay but also in it's expansive stories told with big dialog trees and through it's world, and much like Adam Jensen, Corvo now talks but mostly in cutscenes and predetermined sentences, which is a terrible shame and could've made for a better game overall.
As detailed as Dishonored 2's world is it either tells a story we already heard or it tells no story at all, it's such a terrible shame for a game of this scope and magnitude to fall so short of the mark on that respect.
Gameplay is jumpy as ever with the agility perk and very stealthy and the maps are built around height, and yet it's another shortcoming though less severe than the last one, is invisible walls up high, there are way too many in my honest opinion and they hurt immersion every time you find one, there was more that could've been done about them.

At the end of the day it's an "alright" game, great in some aspects and bad in others, still a recommendation from me but somewhat mixed, I do think you would be better off starting with another RPG from the two I wrote about, Fallout:NV would also be a good candidate, if you liked the first one in the series you can buy this one too but it's worth mentioning that for all the technical achievements this game falls short of the first one in it's literary direction.
buy when on sale.
Posted May 13, 2019. Last edited May 14, 2019.
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6.8 hrs on record
It's a great game, the recent push back against the developer and publisher because of their bad business practices generates a wave of bad reviews to the game and the series, is it fair? yes.
We as consumers have little to no protection against such things, were a big company such as Apple announce a new product just for Google to snatch it under their noses would be news worthy, thus the people would hear about it and be informed, when such things happen in online circles it's only up to us, we are the "news" in this case and we should show the world and the publisher these bad practices.
Say a CEO of a big game development company reveals pedophilic tendencies would it not be fair for us as consumers to inform other potential consumers of that fact? I think it's not only fair - it's warranted! it's out duty as gamers and buyers.
That's besides the fact that "Voting with out feet" is an utterly valid way to exclaim dissatisfaction.
My heart goes to the developers who, without fault of their own are going to suffer the implications of the publishers
fiscal moves, though it does seem like some of them do not understand it as of yet, I think it will eventually come, they will understand where they were mistaken, I'm positive that in the next game they would avoid such a big fuss.
I can play Metro 2033 Redux and Last light on Linux, I own them both and played them both in my platform of choice, I can't say the same thing for Exodus - thus and for the aforementioned reasons would I buy it? no, and I condemn them all for the bad blood they are bringing to an industry which has enough bad blood already.
Posted February 3, 2019.
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38.1 hrs on record (34.6 hrs at review time)
It's an astonishing game, the atmosphere is so rich in that "a world to be seen" kind of way, the sound design is extraordinary, the only caveat is the UBISOFT launcher, it's very bad, disables running the game on Linux and it's depressing all around.
Bottom line is that I like the game quite a bit! buy it mayhap...
Posted November 21, 2018. Last edited December 16, 2018.
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