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Recent reviews by Jeebus

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1,750.5 hrs on record (858.7 hrs at review time)
Posted October 5, 2021.
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34.2 hrs on record
This is one of those rare triple A games that are less of a cash grab and more of a passion project. and it shows. theres only 2 triple A titles ive finished in the last 5 years and this is one of them! bravo to the devs, so glad this made it to PC
Posted July 4, 2021.
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141.0 hrs on record (87.0 hrs at review time)
Posted July 20, 2020.
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1.2 hrs on record
i have never purchased a walking sim. i just dont like them and get bored easy... that being said. im a sucker for a good story and pretty views. this game is great and i didnt find myself getting bored once. prior to this the closest ive ever been to a walking sim was abzu, i hope you realise how high praise that is. buy this game/movie grab a coffee and a snack and hold "w" for an hour or so. trust me its so much more worth it than it sounds
Posted May 30, 2019.
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0.3 hrs on record
look at my play time. thats how long it takes to 100% this game, ... its a blattle with my good will (because i enjoyed it) and greed(i want monehhh) to not press that refund button purely because ive played less than 2 hours
Posted September 13, 2016. Last edited September 13, 2016.
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8.9 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)

that being said its a genuinely super fun survival/exploration game, i love sci fi and ive never played open world sci fi this fun EVER, this is freeking amazing love the game, good job devs!
cant wait for more content!!!

change settings to
fps :max
filtering : whatever u think u can push
on foot render distance: -> 100

works fine for me, 8gb ram, gtx 750ti, core i5
Posted August 13, 2016.
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5.2 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
short lived, but every second was fun and refreshing, lovely environments, good solid gameplay, let me play at my own pace and do the maps whatever way i wanted (felt like a genious every time i skipped a section due to wicked stunts). an excelent game to play before bed to wind down from hardcore shoot em ups.
Posted July 23, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
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2.4 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
hey dev, excellent work, ive tried game making before and its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard even with a pre made engine. that being said in my playing of the trial and now having played a few minutes after purchase, here is what i beleive needs to be on your checklist. i really apreciate what you have done and only want to assist.
- weapons (would be awesome if i could destroy some environments with them)
- randomly generated, simple polygon rocks on terrain to spice it up.
- environmental features, like changes in terrain colour (different types of dirts or ice ect)
- torch function needs some revision, using torch in charachter mode feels unrealisticly long range.
- some form of multiplayer, just simple shared solar system with simple interactions will do
- revise controlls, button layout is ok, but the responsiveness and actual movement is medeocre
- better HUD would be awesome, the static cirlce image in pilot mode as a recticle looks low quality, and both HUD's need more information, maybe a typical sci fi neon blue or orange low opacity always on HUD?
- in ship mode if the screen stretched as you sped up it would improve the perception of speed. and if the dots on objects faded and expanded as you get closer i think that would look nice. :)
- characher model please! nothing to flashy, i just like to see my hands and feet! makes it that much more imersive
- some form of space station/outpost with instant travel and vendors?
- animate the sun and clouds on planets, just subtle, too flashy will kill it
- higher res background would be awesome.
- warning siren and outer screen flashing red for dangers ASWELL as low health
hope this helps!
i noticed some audio wasnt there, and i make elecronic music as a hobby, i have become quite profficient at it. ive also tried soundscapes, and i think i could get some pretty good sound design going given my knowledge of the program i use. if you need any sound design done, weapon sounds, object noises, ect or electronic music ambience, i can give it my best crack. and more than likely completely free. either message this steam acount or email hazziepro@gmail.com
this is my soundcloud if you want to check out some of my past music https://soundcloud.com/bassalisk
Posted June 2, 2016.
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345.1 hrs on record (316.7 hrs at review time)

this game is one of those games that feel fun at first, and its true i enjoyed it for about 300 hours. but then a player gets to the point where the relisation sets in, this game is a formula, designed to make even the worst fps players have fun. simple 3 lane maps that are easy to navigate and take barely any prior knowledge make new maps little fun, as you know what the map will play like because they are all so similar and take no actual exploring. the score streaks are practically free kills resulting in many times where you sit there thinking "my teram is ♥♥♥♥ and im paying the price by inflicting the other teams streaks." the learning curve or 'lack there of' is proof that this game is intuative but nothing new, a very tried and tested experince. Ive been a cod fanboy since MW2, but the formula is getting old.

All part of the reson i had the unpopular opinion that ghosts was fun. ghosts was different, required a bit of playing to get good at, a bit of new skill development. not just run and gun, or camping like bo3. and i dont know what it is, i cant quite put my finger on it, but Bo3 just doesnt feel as fun as Bo2 and earlier, maybe its because the combat is just too far fethced and there is too many "I CALL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!" moments. maybe its the specialist abilities and the fact they practically kill the flow of the game every so often.

suply drops... we were told at the start that they would only contain cosmetic items. and that was true for a while.. and now there are reskined or worse weapons in them, but there are 1 or two weapons, Shadowclaws and that shotgun pistol, that are completely new guns. and i have wanted to use them since they were released. look at my hours, ive payed all that time and never gotten a single weapon. not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ one. the rng is real and its frustrating as hell to put up with.

as a comptetitive gamer who likes a challenge with no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, and likes to be rewarded for skill, i can say that Bo3 just doesnt tickle me where it matters, this game lacks any real need for skill, almost literally spoonfeeding you kills with speacilists and unbalanced scorestreaks, winning in this game often feels more like pure luck over skill. and that is why i will be downvoting this game. however opinions will stray depending on how you play your games.
Posted May 30, 2016. Last edited June 1, 2016.
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1,431.0 hrs on record (208.8 hrs at review time)
its been said many times and ill say it again, a game doesnt make a game fun to play, its comunity does. and this game, has the most AMAZING comunity out of any game ive ever played, and ive played shiloads of games with huge comunities and this one just smashes every comunity by a longshot.

That being said a game isnt fun if its only got a comunity and no game yeh? well your in for a treat because even when grinding for hours on end you dont ever feel bored and if u do u just change missions and pick from the other 2 hundred missions.

its the perfect combo of everything a game can offer and wat are u doing still reading go play some warframe

Posted July 6, 2015.
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