MemPhiZ ZX - #RoadToAMG2024
MemPhiZ ZX   Malaysia
"Tell the world how awesome you are ... or that you really like cookies."

okay... I like cookies.

PSA: If you're adding me for my DOTA2/TF2 items, FORGET IT. I won't trade any of the items.

P/S: I;m totally grateful if you at least mention your reason before adding me in my profile's comments.

P/SS: Private profile, straight ignore.
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 2,4 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 11.5.
yhteensä 79 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 10.5.
yhteensä 2,5 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 29.4.
Venus 2.4.2023 klo 23.21 
Aku rasa kalau awak jual seemua trading cards kau tu, boleh beli Hogwart Legacy. Sila jual.
Jeboon - flying in star citizen 17.6.2022 klo 10.28 
Wow sakan betul collection game.... Ini kalo campur koleksi masa kt uni dlu ni da boleh buka gudang ni.. hehehe
Sol 17.11.2020 klo 2.24 
Malaysians are rare to find in the wild, might as well befriend some in the process
Daud 12.8.2019 klo 15.19 
Boss can edit the Lowyat group permission? People spamming announcement and events ar.
NomSoap 9.6.2019 klo 23.57 

Selamat Hari Raya! Whatchu playing nowadays?
fr33m4n99 15.2.2017 klo 8.32 
Just wanna be friends with fellow Kelantanese :D