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10.6 hrs on record
This game is just wild. Even after all these years it still performs outstandingly. My laptop is literally a moldy rotten potato and still runs this pretty decently. It bogs down on some custom maps and if there's a ton of bits and bodies flying around, to about 20 or so fps, but otherwise can still keep an amazing 60 fps despite it. Even with all the twitchy gunners that populate the servers still the only thing really holding you back should be your connection to your server. (And how much coke you did before hand.)

Recently I decided to switch to linux on my potato to test the waters and this is one of the games I wanted to try before hand. Overall it seems to perform better than before when I was running windows on the potato. Though most the Half-Life games are now supported natively it was nice to get a little test before I really decided to make the switch on other things.

So, if you're looking to shoot, blow up, or toss random things at your friends and family in a TDM style game and not really have to worry about hardware constraints this is the game you're looking for. Though be aware the player base is quite low anymore if you're looking to play just alone, but there's usually a few servers with quite a bit of people ready to duke it out with you.
Posted February 28, 2020.
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35.0 hrs on record (7.8 hrs at review time)
If you think that because they've added all those crate drops and things into the game that it was bad now, you'd be wrong. (For the wrong reasons.) This game is pretty much like the first KF, just prettier, faster, and much more intense at times. There was an update that added a volcano in the back ground going off, and it's fantastic. there's lava runnin everywhere, ash starts to drop the viewing range.

This game is set out to not disappoint, whether you're an old fan or new. Perks, guns, blood, and lots of new voices for every charecter. Give it a try today or wait for a free weekend to. It won't dissapoint.
Posted February 2, 2017.
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7.8 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

I've been watching/playing this game for awhile now. For most of that time a medley of things kept me from really getting into it. Whether it be giant beetles attacking my settler with the fish peple on map start or bandits spawning with my settlers, settelers stopping to admire the machines while they slowly starved to death, things seemed to be set against me to actally enjoy this. That actually all changed with the latest patch. Bandits now take a few days to start causing terror, workers will actually do thier jobs and not stop, plus it doesn't lag so terribly anymore until the higher settler counts. Like 50-60. All in all it's a great time now until the game crashes on you, but there's still a lot of bugs and issues that still need to be fixed.

I would still say that you should watch some lets plays and read more reviews before buying it so early. I persoanlly don't regret it.
Posted March 22, 2015.
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0.1 hrs on record
This is a great game. They nailed the stmosphere, they nailed the sense of claustaphobia in the castle, the sense of isolation and fear knowing that it's just you and what ever monsters are in the shadows watching. It just drips from itself the sense of something is off, that you're in a place you have no reason to be in, and that something is terribly terribly off. The story is a great one in my book. Through all the little notes and the little terrors that happen as you wander around you get a sense of what has happened and what you have done and need to stop. THe mosters are also done the most correct way a monster should be done. Always there and never seen unless it needs to be seen.with all that said, I highly recamend this.
Posted December 18, 2014.
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4.0 hrs on record
Really wanted to like this game. Really did. That's not saying it's not a GOOd game, it's just i don't like it. Everything just seemed so off. Yeah, it's made by a different company then the first, yeah it has very basic ties to the first, but it's just nothing like it. The whole time iI was playing I tried to get myself in, immerse myslef, but I just couldn't. Whether it was all the jump scares one after another, or the fact that the atmosphere really didn't pull me in, or that I couldn't get myself to care about the story at all. WHether crawling the streets to get to the next building, or avoiding the{spoiler]piggies[/spoiler] nothing felt right. It's a good game. I recamend it despite myself not being able to enjoy it. because it does have it's moments.
Posted December 18, 2014.
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1.8 hrs on record
I came expecting a horror game, and that's exaclty what I got. Except this is on a shiny new engine, the Unreal engine 4 to be precise. This is pretty scary for the first good 20-30 minutes. You're a random woman with no recollection of what is going on or how you got there, you're only guide being a mans voice through the hallways.This sets for a very brief tutorial, from the game having very little thing to interact with. The bases being glow stick and flare before letting you go into the hallways yourself. while you're roaming you find some pieces of paper explaining back story, and that's all really you get until the end. So if you're looking for a nice story you're going to have to play through several times.

The scares drop off quite quickly, though before that they're pretty good. Seeing as the shadow can move as it pleases through the dark, and enjoys popping in at your side so only it's face is in your peripheral, just standing there until you either turn towards it or freeze in terror. What really ruined the illusion was the fact that You learn that she makes a specific noise when she's around, so you can easily walk back wards into her. This causes her to dissapate for a few seconds, letting you turn around and run.

This game looks great visually, Lights and things cast great shadows. Can't really say about textures, but I think they look nice. Sound quality is really good, whether from dripping pipes to running water and screams. Story wise it's pretty weak from what I've gathered in my playthrough, despite not finding all the papers yet. Though I will say I like the way they tied in the ending to the begining. Overall It'd be better if it was cheaper, and that the OST wasn't only 3 songs. Will recommend if you're looking for a look at the new engine, wouldn't recommend if you're looking for a game that will hold you for awhile.
Posted April 30, 2014. Last edited April 30, 2014.
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409.6 hrs on record (357.8 hrs at review time)
The German/russian maps is what a we get after years of sitting through that surge of WW2 games and the fall after. It is in my opinon a great sequal to the first. I can't really say how good this game is. It really depends on how long your willing to suffer through. Can you work through getting hit by 1 shot over and over until you realize that you need to be in cover to advance? will you realize that you have no reason to be in the speacialized roles, and switch to rifleman in defeat or will you actually learn to work that class? This is nothing like CoD or BF. You are a soldier, given a rifle and through time become a killing machine. A true hero, that will be able to recover faster, go farther without tiring, and take more before giving in to the pain. They will inspire the others, and can easily sway the battles in the right moments.

Now Rising storm on the other hand is a completly different beast. You have the americans, semi auto and fully automatic rifles, heavy fire power and flame throwers. They do their job through pure strenght of arms, and hitting the enemy hard where it hurts fast. The japanese? They have normal rifles, and a full auto smg. Just one though. They also have though is they ability to plant mines with their grenades via pressure caps on them, they also can gain points by suicide running at the enemy with a grenade primed. This gives them points, and they suffer no penalty for killing themselves. they also have knee mortars so they dont have to wait for artillary to fall to blow them up at range. They also have the ability to banzai, which is their greastest assest they have. When the japanese banzai in a sufficently sized group, say 5-7 people, This causes the americans to panic HARD. They wont be able to aim, they be suppresed badly, and on top of that the japanese can take A LOT of damage during it. The japanese live and die with honor, and they won't stop until the americans are dead or going with them.

I personally think there is nothing at all like Rising storm. Nothing has ever came as close to showing what both sides did to win, and the huge difference in attitude and weapons was. This game is a must have for any person that wants a realistic, but not too realistic though there is a mode for that, shooter set in the time of staligrad.

TL;DR: This game is what you need if you're looking for a realistic like first person WW2 shooter. Buy rising storm and you get everything with it. There is no paid DLC, the only thing that is Is Rising Storm and that gets you everything though. Be prepared to be angry, and want to give up. But press on and you'll be rewarded with a gereat game.
Posted April 22, 2014.
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216.4 hrs on record (42.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great game, a never ending story story of what's going to happen next. One point i had spawned on the shore, and was searching through the houses. Lo and behold, inside one was a person. I opened the door, she was crouched down doing something, she turned to face me. A few seconds went by before I said sorry for interupting, closed the door and moved onto the next house. Another time I was patrolling the shores with good gear. Helping people that were caught in bad spawns. I rested on the shore for a few minutes, before another man appeared also fully geared. We traveled to cherno and went to the fire house. At the fire house we found a guy, guy was not freindly at all. I tactically moved into a spot where I could see him., but he couldn't see me. Unfortunately I accidently went into crouch from prone and he tactically shot me in the head.

11/10 game Will play again.
Posted January 20, 2014.
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8.2 hrs on record
This game. People if you buy this game, you either are a blind fanboy, or for some reason didn't know what they were in for. This game is the epitome of the cancer of the industry, a bloated lump filled with nothing but hatred and loating for those that play it. This game adds nothing new at all, all the modes and way the games have been havent changed at all. The whole "THIS IS NEXT GEN, BUY THIS BECAUSE NEXT GEN" is nothing at all. This game runs horridly, it dosent matter if it's maxed out, or on the lowest settings. It will crash, the textures will get stretched to the point where they take the whole screen up rendering the game unplayble, and the loading screens between missions will stutter and their audio will cut with it.

The single player campaign is nothing speacial at all. The same thing as always, but much shorter. This is also playing on veteran, which is unreal the way they do it. A good example is the last mission. Your on a train, it's swaying and going up and down since it's on a track that's above it and just hanging. You can't aim at all, the enemies though? they must have been hitting some slo mo for dredd, because they never miss no matter how much the train is shaking. Speaking of the last mission, it ends on a cliff hanger, that's after they play some credits the main baddy kicks both of you in the face and drags you away. We're going to get a sequel to this pile, and it's going to be just as bad.

Pass on this bloat ware and save the harddrive space. The mulitiplayer is same with no changes except the scoreboard, which I actually like. The only resaon to get this is extinction mode, and even then you would be better to get this on one of the consoles seeing as this is going to be dead within a few months.
Posted December 1, 2013.
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1.1 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
This game is quite some fun, though it's not going to be for everyone. The story is pretty simple, wake up in library with no memories and the only door locked with the keys in books that you must get through. While the gameplay is also simple the difficulty quickly works it's way up as you go through the the 3 books, with various challengs unique to each one. Once you get the keys you can leave, and you unock the new game plus mode which make the game much harder. The enmeies are quite varied and take plenty of unfluence from the love craftian side of horor. With basic cultists at the start, working you way all the way to unkown horrors that I really can't explain besides godzilla.

This is a very caual rouge like. Death actaully means something, and dying means getting sent all the way to the start since there is no way to save besides starting at the point you left the game. If your looking for a nice game to play for a good 30 minutes or so, should definatley pick this up.
Posted November 30, 2013.
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