Thiago Moraes e Silva
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Finished in 32.3 hours, All assignments and missions done, nothing left behind.
Mass Effect 1 = Pros and Cons.

My experience in Mass Effect Series:
ME1 ORIGINAL: 318.7 hrs on record
ME2 ORIGINAL: 405.1 hrs on record
ME3 ORIGINAL: 2000+ hours in Origin, but many of them it's because of the Multiplayer.


1) They fix the RENEGADE rewards, in the previews version of ME1, you need to skip many quests because, the reward will be Paragon, and now, you can get Renegade if you play renegade mode, I am almost finishing ME1 again, and yet, I didn't get 1 Paragon, everything is perfect now, full renegade, I just wonder if I save the council I'll get paragon, the ME2 and ME3 without the council are so boring...

2) ME1: Looks 100 timer better, if not for some environment/background textures, It will pass not notice for 2014 easily.

3) Virmier and Edem Prime, change some aspects and ways, it's much more simple to do the missions in both places, nicely done.

4) I finally can play in INSANITY with an Infiltrator knowing when I get in ME2 I'll find ammo, lol. I gave up a savegame in ME2 because I couldn't pass the garage entrance in Lair of Shadow Broker mission to take down the Asari Specter. Because the waves of enemies were insane and all of them with shields and health and little ammo. Just t to be clear, I probably died in the garage over 300 times in 2 weeks before gave up that save the file.

5) Now, ME1 has the "same HUD" of ME2 and ME3, and the keymap is the same. Jumping in ME2 after finished ME1 in less than 10 minutes and all keyboard keys are the same, and HUD, fells good, it's a nice experience, a touch of quality very well done.

What could be better?

1) On Liara's mission to free her, when you enter in a cutscene to fight the Geth outside the ruin if you not using a submachine gun, your weapon e all of the squadmates will switch to a submachine gun, it's a bit annoying, it's a hard battle in Insanity Mode and when you need to do one more step to reorganize the weapons order of your and your squad, it's not cool.

2) Some planets still very hard to rich some places, it's extremely annoying, at least it's just 3 or 4 of them.

3) In some missions, when the game switch to cutscenes, sometimes when you are out of Normandy in "battle mode" because you aren't inside the ship, your squadmate appears without the armor you give to them, this is not a common thing, because, in other cutscenes like the final battle, they are with the armor you gave to them.

4) In Virmier for example, when the Mako reaches the beach, and the Salarian Captain will tack to your and your crew, all of them except you, aren't wearing the armor you gave to them, and if I remember, it's not the only time.

5) When you land on Citadel for the 1st time, the terminals for fast travel could be unlocked all the destinations, I don't mind, but probably new players to the series will.

6) Some mission's on planets with Mako, when you find a quest with Exclamation Mark( ! ), and you finish the objective, the exclamation mark still shows, make you worry if need no more things, could become X like the other objectives.

Mass Effect 2 = Pros and Cons:

ME2: In Progress... But the first impression about does not need to install lots of DLC's manually, it's very good.

They are not fixed the ammo for snipers, you hardly find it close to you, you need to go close to all enemies in battle when you fight to get the ammo they drop lol kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. do this in insane mode with the stuck animation ME2 has when you get a mele attack and the high damage they do to you, forget the ammo. Just not work. Prepare to use alternative softwares to get ammo to br able to play as infiltrator or change the class and do no create infiltrator if you not willing to do so.

1) Where's the Stamina Bar in Mass Effect 2, now Mass Effect 1 has.

ME3: Not Started yet...
I did Mars Mission almost entirely without any ammo and when it drops, you get just 2 bullets for snipers... lol in insanity, 2 bullets per clop dropped... amazing BioWare, when it drops 1/6 of chance be my calculations.
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