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VanZanz Feb 25, 2016 @ 8:28pm 
Man my math was off in that last comment.. 80 hours maybe, and that turned into 200 because I tried to build a fishing world before I focused on the last 100 quests. Now for the expert mode Moonlord... yay.
VanZanz Feb 12, 2016 @ 8:27am 
Fishing achievement... :really: ... 24 mins between quests, 200 quests... 4800 minutes, yeah 40 hours for that one alone... :steamfacepalm:
VanZanz Feb 8, 2016 @ 6:22pm 
Codex my new worst enemy... I was doing great in the mission, then the codex pops up.. the sniper OW reaction shot hits for sub optimal as she closes on my injured rookie, then she creates a clone. I am thinking 'hey cool kill the original and the clone should drop like the sectoid zombies, yes?' NO! In 2 rounds, my sniper and one of my rookies go down as I takeout the original. Finally, my specialist gets the first hit on the clone who had spawned with the health of the original at the time the clone was created. (-3 from the OW shot my sniper took!) Then my specialist is one shoted with a crit, leaving my last injured rookie sitting there looking like a bullseye. The clone misses while I am contemplating how much I hate Random(), and my trooper gets a lucky crit ends the mission, 3 troopers KIA from the clone. Buy XCOM 2, it makes you really understand what random means. :D
VanZanz Feb 4, 2016 @ 4:45pm 
X-Com 2! - There goes my life for a while.
VanZanz Feb 27, 2014 @ 8:00pm 
:spaceduck: your the one, you make war time so much fun!
VanZanz Jan 31, 2014 @ 9:49am 
XCOM - Lone Wolf brief from ViciousCrow's guide... Using an Assault Squaddie with default load out. Basically, I ran around the perimeter of the map until I found the downed ufo. First group was encountered -- two sectoids, and with RnG on the second movement, got partial cover with flanking and eliminated one of them. Next move, got a second cover with flanking and finished the other one. Finally I headed up to the craft in three moves, and triggered the second group of two sectoids but not the overlord. I backed off for a full cover spot, but the boosted sectoid got a lucky shot on me for 3 damage (had 6 health). Then, I move a got solid flanking 74% shot on the boosting alien and killed him with crit, thereby eliminating both. Stayed in cover and reloaded. On the next turn I stepped up to opening, triggering the overlord. He took cover within 5 steps of me on the reaction move. I RnG again, and moved to flank and took him out with a crit one a 100%/60% shot. Done.