PomPom the Crusader   Bretagne, France
My other name is God of Faces.
"This girl doesn't know anything, I'll take her to my car." - God of Faces 2014
"Ya, high five for univerisal slavery!"- God of Faces 2014
"I am a hot French bikini model!"-God of Faces 2014
"When I grow up I want to a reverse male stripper." - God of Faces 2014
"I wish I could see your dads face when he sees this" - H. 2014
"Don't trust Gandhi, he'll stab you." - God of Faces 2014
"I have bigger boobs than harrison, in your face." -God of Faces 2014
"I Feel like I'm in Japan AND I HAVE BOOBS"- God of Faces 2014
"My Ass is very Fine toned too," -God of Faces 2014
"Testicle Squad has been Anilihated"- God of Faces 2014
"Coach, distract them with your body!" -H. 2014
"I'll give you women without the wo part" -A. 2014
"Alright, my left hand needs a break, I have been using it all the time,"-God of Faces 2014
"What was the bravest thing I have done? It was raping Hitler,"- God of Faces 2014
"If I remeber right, I will wake up in panties," - God of Faces 2014
"I will marry my sister's daughter,"- God of Faces 2014
"This is the escort that I want," - God of Faces 2014
"If we are going to ram each other I am going to ram you first," - God of Faces 2014
"Don't eat me while I put on me pants," -A 2015
"The only good black is a useless black," -D 2015
"I am a dirty Aryan," - God of Faces 2015
"I got it in this time, Andrew," -God of Faces 2015
"On the internet I am 22," -God of Faces 2015
"Cut off your foot, get women," -D 2015
"Sorry, I ran out of clean pants," -A 2015
"I want to eat pastries, even though they have maggots in them," -God of Faces 2015
"I am a fat, evil, alien, jew that is part of a druid swat team," -God of Faces 2015
"You left a bear on suicide watch? Thanks!" -D. 2015
"Was the racist death penalty not enough for you?"-D. 2015
"I don't trust my roof, it's communist,"- God of Faces 2015
"Physics is always better with fries,"-God of Faces 2015
"Deep and sexy," -God of Faces 2015.
"I shanked that man in the rear in the shower" -God of Faces 2015
"In the commons, body parts go everywhere" -God of Faces 2015
"I am going to watch you guys have sex as a ghost,"-God of Faces 2016
"Get your seed in there!" -A 2016
"Get out of me!" -D 2016
"We got to show our things to each others thing, so we know what they look like."-God of Faces 2016
"I want to attract some kids."- Ash 2017
"What's roll?" -A. 2017
"God I hate the South Americans." -God of Faces 2017
"Want to go out together?" -God of Face 2018
"Thank you for preserving our moral values by beating up a child." -God of Faces 2018.
"If you pickle a Mexican you get a Frenchmen." -God of Faces 2019
I dont even own sunset invasion, and the aztecs some how got here, and everything else is messed up too.
69 11
Must Have Puffy Pomeranian pic for profile!
Cassilda's Song
Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.

Strange is the night where black stars rise,
And strange moons circle through the skies,
But stranger still is
Lost Carcosa.

Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
Where flap the tatters of the King,
Must die unheard in
Dim Carcosa.

Song of my soul, my voice is dead,
Die thou, unsung, as tears unshed
Shall dry and die in
Lost Carcosa.
FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS 256, PLACE THIS MOD ON THE VERY BOTTOM OF THE LOAD ORDER A mod to increase recruitment and squad limit. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 50 Increases maximum number of
作成者 - Aurelia
King in Yellow
This is the thing that troubles me, for I cannot forgot Carcosa where black stars hang in the heavens; where the shadows of men's thoughts lengthen in the afternoon, when the twin suns sinks into the lake Hali; and my mind will bear forever the memory the Pallid Mask. I pray God will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in its truth---a world which now trembles before the King in Yellow. When the French government seized the translated copies which had just arrived in Paris, London, of course, became eager to read it. It is well known how the book spread like an infectious disease, from city to city, from continent to continent, barred out here, confiscated there, denounced by press and pulpit, censured even by the most advanced of literary anarchists. No definite principles had been violated in those wicked pages, no doctrine promulgated, no convictions outraged. It could not be judged by any known standard, yet, although it was acknowledged that the supreme note of art had been struck in "The King in Yellow," all felt that human nature could not bear the strain nor thrive on words in which the essence of purest poison lurked. The very banality and innocence of the first act only allowed the blow to fall afterwards with more awful effect.
The Ezie Fox 1月13日 11時24分 
………….……………………. „-/*"\„,„,
…….…………………….¸„-^"¯ :\_ / o '"*'"¯/' WOOF WOOF
……………………¸„„-^"¯ : : : : : : : : ¸„,-~"
**¯¯¯'^^~-„„„----~^*'"¯ : : : : : : : : : :¸-"
.:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :- GIVE THIS CUTE DOG
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯ TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT
.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : : : : : : : ¸„„-^¯
:.' : : '\ : : : : : : : ;¸„„-~"¯
:.:.:: :"-„""***/*'ì¸'¯
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:.: : : : : : : : : : : : 'Ì
: : : : : : :, : : : : : :/
RaX 2020年7月12日 13時15分 
╬═╬ Climb down the ladder.
╬═╬ Good dog, now go back up again...
Blob-Boy-Origins 2019年10月26日 23時19分 
………….……………………. „-/*"\„,„,
…….…………………….¸„-^"¯ :\_ / o '"*'"¯/' WOOF WOOF
……………………¸„„-^"¯ : : : : : : : : ¸„,-~"
**¯¯¯'^^~-„„„----~^*'"¯ : : : : : : : : : :¸-"
.:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :- GIVE THIS CUTE DOG
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯ TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT
.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : : : : : : : ¸„„-^¯
:.' : : '\ : : : : : : : ;¸„„-~"¯
:.:.:: :"-„""***/*'ì¸'¯
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: : : : : : :, : : : : : :/
RaX 2016年5月23日 18時49分 
………….……………………. „-/*"\„,„,
…….…………………….¸„-^"¯ :\_ / o '"*'"¯/' WOOF WOOF
……………………¸„„-^"¯ : : : : : : : : ¸„,-~"
**¯¯¯'^^~-„„„----~^*'"¯ : : : : : : : : : :¸-"
.:.:.:.:.„-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :- GIVE THIS CUTE DOG
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : ¸„-^¯ TO PEOPLE YOU CARE ABOUT
.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : : : : : : : ¸„„-^¯
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:.:.:: :"-„""***/*'ì¸'¯
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:.: : : : : : : : : : : : 'Ì
: : : : : : :, : : : : : :/
₦ễȯṱoxicMeꝛçenary 2016年2月19日 9時21分 
No problem man
Pharaoh 2016年2月19日 8時47分 
hey man sorry about removing you can we start fresh