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12.4 hrs on record
- camera control: the true apex predator
+ banksy diss
Posted January 25, 2023.
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7.6 hrs on record
我認為所有 metroidvania 類型遊戲都必須有陷阱減傷裝備 雖然死最多次還是火車關地洞
Posted January 2, 2023.
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1.8 hrs on record
train >>>>> enemies
Posted March 19, 2022. Last edited March 19, 2022.
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187.6 hrs on record (165.0 hrs at review time)
i'd rather download twilight fan porn than wasting my disk space on this
Posted October 10, 2021.
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85.1 hrs on record (82.4 hrs at review time)


- 劇情跟結局很不錯,尤其是真島線,結尾 credits 前後的兩段 cutscenes 真的哭爆,另外雖然反派人數眾多,但除了某個殺手以外每個都算刻畫立體不會有跑龍套過目就忘的感覺,尤其是中間有個只活了兩章的;不過有個角色我是覺得結尾洗白洗得有點硬,而且幾段過場常常必須刻意克制自己不要去想為什麼不一開始就拿槍解決
- 酒店小遊戲意外好玩,節奏壓得很剛好,Fever time 音樂很洗腦,但因為深度就那樣,打完支線劇情沒目標了之後就差不多膩了,沒什麼完全封頂的動力
- 戰鬥部分除了偶爾群架被 stunlock 在角落圍毆 (which is honestly more likely to happen when u go up against 6 armed gangsters irl) 還有有些 boss 爆氣之後對硬直免疫有點煩以外,打起來實在很爽,尤其是各式極技還有酒店全破解鎖的瘋狗風格
- 舞廳跟卡拉OK幾首歌懷舊得很到位,最愛 Friday Night 跟恋のディスコクイーン,然後邊打24小時仙杜瑞拉邊跟著唱
Posted July 25, 2021. Last edited July 25, 2021.
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11.1 hrs on record
when u dont have enough budget to express something in full, cut it into millions pieces and scramble, them gamers will fill in the gap for u with supreme autism; someone wrote a 120-page thesis for this spaghetti plot ffs

the combat actually grew on me after getting familiar with the weird control scheme: with its tight stage design it's actually quite thrilling every time u turn a corner or enter a room. good port except for gamepad-only tutorial which made the first hour quite frustrating
Posted June 29, 2021. Last edited June 29, 2021.
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49.6 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
stupid ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fun game with everything i wanted in a top-down shooter
based on ur rng this could be dark souls or hotline miami
Posted December 30, 2020.
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108.0 hrs on record (27.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
killed my dad for the first time because I wanted to win
killed my dad for the 5th time because it's kinda fun
killed my dad for the 20th time because I need an item to simp a hot ASMR fury
Posted August 2, 2020. Last edited August 19, 2020.
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111.1 hrs on record (82.9 hrs at review time)
see the developer name? they sell digital crack
Posted July 20, 2020.
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3.1 hrs on record
As someone who loved BS1 and finally decided to clear this game from the backlog, the first few hours were great as reported everywhere but I feel compelled enough to leave a negative review to bring some awareness on the motion sickness problem.

Having played TF2 for ~2000 hrs and many other FPS titles, I wouldn't consider myself new to the genre, but I'm not immune to motion sickness. Minecraft (huge optic flow when digging through a narrow tunnel) and HL2 (not sure, too realistic? don't want to verify) were the biggest offenders among all FPS titles I've played on PC, but my experience is much more severe with this game. In my 3 sessions so far, after 30 mins of exposure I would start feeling dizzy, nauseous, urge to vomit, increased bowel movement and uncontrolled shivering on limbs.

I'll try to pinpoint all the causes here.

- Field of view is locked to max. ~80 deg in this game. There's information on the internet for higher FOV setting, which was the first direction I sought to solve the problem. I've set it to 90 deg, 100 deg and 110 deg, but none of these remedied the sickness. Also, the solution isn't perfect because it doesn't affect ADS at all.
- Lots of involuntarily camera movement. Head bobbing when sprinting, subtle rotation in most cutscenes, travelling on skylines.
- That FOV kick when starting/ending sprinting is kinda disorienting. It's almost Hitchcock-ish.
- Constant big contrast scenery may contribute to the sickness but I'm not dead set on this.
- The game more or less encourages you to search every corner for collectibles/consumables, which further amplifies the sickness because you always have to focus on the details on the screen.
- The game decides when to autosave and there's no way to force it, so you can't just quit when you start feeling symptoms, which is probably already too late.

At the time of writing, this game is almost 7 years old so my caution might not be useful. But if you're vulnerable to motion sickness in FPS, please be extra aware of this problem. I'll still try to finish the game in small bites, but if it gets worse I'll probably just watch Youtube walkthroughs for the story.
Posted March 15, 2020. Last edited March 15, 2020.
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