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154 hrs on record
last played on May 20
12.6 hrs on record
last played on May 20
26 hrs on record
last played on May 20
Altier Apr 25 @ 1:02pm 
Again, 2.5k hours in the Left 4 Dead series. Don't be surprised that people can play a video game better than you. Move on your life.
mcodnalds4122355 Apr 25 @ 12:47pm 
? im talking about the fact you were aiming directly at people the instant they spawned with a snapping motion, brother idk why youre trying to hide cheating when its all over your profile? im not even referencing my play, that was me testing a theory and hey you snapped 180 degrees instantly lol
Altier Apr 25 @ 12:02pm 
Buddy you're the one crying bc you did the most obvious Boomer play at the start of Parish Map 3. Everybody jumps off the bridge. Boomer has 50 HP so no ♥♥♥♥ you're going to get killed the instant you jump off the bridge by somebody that's seen HUNDREDS of people do the same exact thing. "Stay bad" yet I made you cry the entire 3 rounds that I was there for LOL
mcodnalds4122355 Apr 25 @ 11:51am 
haha, aiming through walls at people that just spawned instantly and leaving when you get called out is a common L moment, stay bad
Altier Apr 24 @ 3:22pm 
It's called having ears and playing L4D1/2 for a combined 2.5k hours. Not my problem that you don't understand that people can actually be good at a video game.
mcodnalds4122355 Apr 24 @ 3:07pm 
using aim on a 2009 game is cringe