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696.6 hrs on record (691.5 hrs at review time)
Im about 3 wins out of 800 tries, still finding new stuff. Fun times
Posted May 26.
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94.9 hrs on record
It is not perfect. For me, there were many smallish things that detract from the experience in every aspect of the game all from writing to music to inventory management to skill progression. However, there are good innovations too and the rest is very well done. Absolutely recommended.
Posted January 22, 2022.
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13 people found this review helpful
21.2 hrs on record (20.2 hrs at review time)
I recommend this game, but it is not perfect. Here are few pointers:

- Playing the game revolves completely around the campaign. While every chapter gives you a new character, many things stay with you. There is no specific freeplay chapter, but you can play any of the numbered chapters as long as you don't finish the story missions and if you do, you can return to previous chapters any time. There is only one "save slot" but you can back up the save files very easily.

- The game "requires" a controller or joystick, and I am sure that it fits most people. Never the less, I played with mouse and had great time. Actually, I was able to map all essential gameplay controls directly to my gaming mouse. It also gave me a hearty accuracy boost, not complaining.

- Most of the systems in game are easy to understand through intuition, but very few things are actually told. For example, how much ammo you have can in principle be seen by the brightness of the ammo pots on your bird. However if you want to get more info, you must land in a place where you could sell that ammo and compare the price you would get to the pots max value. Better to just shoot and reload as the need arises. The minimap gives some good information, but it also misses many crucial details, like where there are enemies, fish to restore health or rising winds to lift you.
Also bigger stuff is obfuscated: How much do biomods change yor stats and who knew you can remove them from your bird, but only if they are class 3 stars or less. Or that there is a whole system of piracy with its own missions. Or all those permits, where can you get them (Spoiler: From the embassy, basically all of them). Or what stuff stays between landings, deaths, chapters or forever. Not so obvious. Now I suppose its fine to keep that stuff hidden. Its nice to find unexpected things and apparently many of those things were added after the game launch, incorporating them to the campaign hard. However since there is an game guide that claims to explain this stuff for sale for 4€, to this I give the biggest stink eye of them all!

- Graphics look nice, even really beautiful at times. However, barring few set pieces, the scenery gets repetitive pretty quickly and when you think about it, the somewhat low draw distance and ample clouds prevent seeing the grand vistas you might expect from a flying game. Also the characters remind me of runescape to a distracting degree.

- Flying is fluid and responsive. It doesn't have that much depth but it works for what it is.

- Fighting works once you get the hang of it, tough at the start on lower levels, it is easy to get swarmed and enemies on your tail can be a quick death sentence. There is variety in weaponry, but nothing really stands out and options for specialization or situational tools are limited.
Posted April 9, 2021.
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5 people found this review helpful
19.3 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
Truly phenomenal game, heartily recommended!
Gameplay consists of exploration and puzzles, with some combat mixed in. The map is open world, tough it opens up gradually as the player acquires a varied selection of movement abilities and upgrades. There is tons to explore and it always feels satisfying to figure out how to creatively navigate the environment. The puzzles use varied arsenal of in-game mechanics and for me were always in the goldilock zone of difficulty. Combat is rarely required, but provides a nice side-activity and suprising amount of opportunities for creativity in itself.
The graphics are good enough for the purpose and with the artstyle and setting make the look timeless. Only actually potentially negative thing is the depth of field effect which, while working well most times, is very aggressive and can be slightly disorientating.
Posted July 15, 2020.
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A developer has responded on Jul 16, 2020 @ 6:33am (view response)
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43.4 hrs on record
Amazing but completely cosmetic update. All game play elements, down to the dodgy ones, are as they were in the originals.
If you don't know if the game play is for you and don't want to commit buying straight away, you might want to try emulating the originals first, if the ancient visuals don't frighten you. For anyone else I heartly recommend this one.
Posted April 28, 2020.
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11 people found this review helpful
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930.8 hrs on record (463.7 hrs at review time)
Not only paid mods, they literally broke all current mods for many users.
Posted August 31, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
77.4 hrs on record (71.5 hrs at review time)
+ Very good decorative options in building. Size of builds can range from few meters to kilometers.
+ Varied techical building possibilities. The basic 4 weapons can modified drasticly to suit any need and the gadget arsenal has all sorts of fun stuff like warptech, cloaking, drone ships, advanced entity linking options, static explosives, logic based automation...
+ The multiplayer is good. You have factions, territories and playermade shops. While I personally have played only locally it is quite apparent that mp has big impact on the games design.
- The performance isn't stellar and bugs and crashes tend to happen. Still, it is lighter to run than Space engineers for exaple and I haven't encountered a bug that game relaunch hasn't fixed.
- The cubist aesthetic may not be for everyone and the lighting can be bit dodgy at times. Also altough the textures are nicely designed, they are stull somewhat low-res and all animated ones display at around 2-3 images per second.
Posted March 3, 2017.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries