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yhteensä 87 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 30.5.
yhteensä 4 528 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 29.5.
yhteensä 1,9 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 24.5.
Doctor Demure 15.7.2020 klo 9.56 
I am hurt you delete me :steamsad:
byteframe's cat 7.7.2020 klo 4.49 
🚕 ✧ 🥒 The cable TV sex channels don't expand our horizons, don't make us better
💎 ✧ 💃 people, and don't come in clearly enough.
🚘 ✧ 📗 -- Bill Maher 👃🏓🏀
ez ☯ 28.2.2020 klo 17.36 
haha, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ loser, you're on the face of r/trending. how do you feel knowing your life is ruined. (edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!)
DUIofPhysics 7.1.2017 klo 11.04 
Hey, I was trying to add you to talk to about the Facepunch RP, was away from computer...
Doctor Demure 27.10.2016 klo 13.53 
yeah daddy
joshuadim 11.9.2016 klo 12.23 
no pls