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1 person found this review helpful
353.0 hrs on record (164.9 hrs at review time)
Released game they are still doing content tweaks like it's EA but no one cares because the core game loop is so good.
Posted March 6. Last edited April 24.
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387.6 hrs on record (298.9 hrs at review time)
It's a space based Bethesda RPG. It's got lots of things going for it but really that should tell you what you need to know. Speaking of which it's the best launch of a a Beth RPG probably ever, and certainly since Skyrim. Most of the things I'd have to say negative about this game only really the result of 100+ hours in and some to be expected open world bugs.
Posted October 17, 2023.
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37.8 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
I expected and we all deserve better from this studio and this publisher.

Ark and Bethesda were some of the last outfits I had enough faith to pre-order from. This game was not ready for release. Even with the day one PC patch there is a lot of immerison breaking jank, weak quests, poorly polished or explained mechanics and more then a few systems that just needed a lot more time to bake before ever seeing the light of day. I couldn't get a refund because I spent too long trying to get the game to run well and then further time trying to give it a fair shake. Now that i'm past the refund window i've been playing it trying to get my money's worth but every time I start to actually enjoy myself some new weird bug or other element slaps me in the face.

None of this is even close to being acceptable for a AAA game title or even a AA on full release. ANd this is from a guy who is perfectly willing to put up with some "skyrim jank".

DO NOT BUY, I will reverse this if they patch it to be different.
Posted May 4, 2023.
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16 people found this review helpful
40.2 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
I keep wanting to like this game, but it's just frustrating, and not in a good way.

This game wants to be Hades so badly, and it doesn't measure up.

First off the games controls feel very mushy especially on keyboard and mouse. Maybe it's better on controller? Between that and how much of the game is about flailing your character in the proper directiont to avoid attacks it leads to a frustrating experience.

The illusion of choice. Like a lot of rogue likes some inherent randomness to the weapons you get issued leading to build variety. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a lot of randomness in this one. I'm repeatedly drawing the same bleh weapons out the pile where as the cool one I bought with ingots I'll see once (the playthrough I unlocked it) and then never again. I've seen a rocket launcher once in god knows how many playthroughs, and that pissed me off as the grim reaper with a rocket launcher gave me some nice worms nostalgia.

Curses: Same as the weapons. So many of the curses are ♥♥♥♥ it's not making meaningful choices it's picking what least ♥♥♥♥♥♥ one do you want to take or power down a row in the hope of drawing something not ♥♥♥♥ later.

Currency overload: So many currency and room choices. Good thing they are explained well right? Noep. Oh some of these are just objectively worse/worst? Ok great.

Humor: The game tries too hard and really isn't that funny.

Art Style: The art is good, too bad you'll be seeing it over and over and over and over again until you are sick of it.

Level design: The levels are tediously designed, the only break up from the monotony is trying to find secret rooms and even that ends up being a let down. I get the feeling they were going for the idea you'd speed run all the time, but that just gets you taking damage to stupid stuff. And still ends up very repetitive.

Difficulty: So much of the difficulty in this game stems from the fact that not getting hit at all, unless you absolutely luck out on curses, is the only way to play because heals are so unreliable in coming they might as well not even be in the game.,

To bring this ramble to a close. Go play Hades again, you'll have a better time of it.
Posted March 28, 2023. Last edited March 29, 2023.
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1,148.6 hrs on record (115.4 hrs at review time)
A beautiful love letter to both 40k and the Left4Dead/Vermintide style of games. The level of detail they've put in is pretty amazing. There are some rough edges here and there but nothing show stopping.
Posted December 2, 2022.
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242.0 hrs on record (221.1 hrs at review time)
Slay the dead, pet the dog.
Posted July 8, 2022.
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711.8 hrs on record (532.1 hrs at review time)
Just buy it!

If you need an actual explanation it's a L4Dead successor, but colorful and fun. You play DWARVES IN SPACE pod dropped into a bug infested and unstable asteroid to mine and perform other tasks. The characters are humorous but veering occasionally into gallows humor but there's a definite cheer to the to the future dwarven late stage capitalism. The community is great, the developers are still actively adding to and improving the game 4+ years on and all the DLC's are 100% cosmetic. There's even solo play if that's your thing. Oh and the levels are proceedurally generated so no two missions are alike and 100% destructable.
Posted March 31, 2022.
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155.8 hrs on record (74.1 hrs at review time)
70+ hours in. 9/10 well worth it and happy with my purchase. You should buy this game. TLWR: It's the first open world game I can think of in a long time where I legitimately have no desire to use the fast travel system, i'm enjoying traversing the world that much even far into the game. The combat feels good but it's the parkour and exploration that make the game.

I have some nitpicky complaints but they are the sort of thing that only come out in hours and hours of gameplay. There's a few bugs here and there but most of what I've seen is typical for an open world game. Put that much stuff into a game world not every collision mesh is going to exactly match up. Not every body is going to do exactly what you'd expect (and sweet zombie jesus are there going to be a lot of bodies).

The story isn't deep but there's post zombie apocalypse parkour action in abundance. The side quests and some of the characters really redeem it even if the story beats aren't always the tightest.

I bought this game with zero expectations based only on my enjoyment of the original and was well satisfied.
Posted February 14, 2022.
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32.6 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Having spent more time with this game I've grudgingly changed my recommendation to positive. Once you get past the games learning curve and clunky interface things start to shine. Rest of the review is as follows: I want to like this game, I really do. There's a lot of neat elements but the game just doesn't give you the information you need to make informed decisions about much of anything. I just had my rogue become a brawler and stop using weapons because I advanced enough storm ability on them which of course I don't find out until i get into combat and go to use rest of their abilities. I find that kind of gameplay extremely offputting as I feel like it robs me of my time and metal investment.
Posted January 3, 2022. Last edited January 6, 2022.
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82.4 hrs on record (36.9 hrs at review time)
I highly recommend this game, especially if you enjoyed dishonored, prey, Deus Ex, and that style of open world exploration games. The game is definitely a welcome addition to the genre. If you liked the Prey DLC: Mooncrash you will definitely like this game although if you hated it you probably will want avoid.

The only real complaint I have with the game is the inability to save progress and shut down mid mission. I'm a busy adult who has adulting to do, I figure it was done half as an antipiracy measure and half to make sure the "drop in" gameplay is supported.

The world design is good, the sound design is good, the core gameplay "loop"" is solid.
Posted October 3, 2021.
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