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3 people found this review helpful
202.0 hrs on record (100.1 hrs at review time)
If your looking for a good co-op game to play with the lads and want to spread Democracy, this game is for you.

If your wondering the servers are stable right now and the microtransaction are not as crazy as some are saying online. Game is also not P2W. The only thing i'll criticize is the gun balance is really bad. Only a few guns are worth using, most guns are ass.
Posted February 24.
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58.5 hrs on record (55.6 hrs at review time)

My laser sword goes

*swom* *swom*
Posted September 9, 2023.
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351.3 hrs on record (56.2 hrs at review time)
Here's a review.

Don't play the game unless you got Mods. Mods make this 100% more fun.

Posted February 4, 2023.
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77.9 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
The closet comparison most people say this game resembles is Xcom which is pretty accurate. To the mechanics, upgrade systems, and other such things. Regardless of that stuff, is this game good? Well lets start off with some basics before making a final judgement.

W40K: Chaos gate starts off with Gaheris fallen into daemon hands and the ship Baleful Edict heading straight towards the planet to fight off the Khorne daemons. Commander of the ship Agravain along with 3 other Grey Knights are warped into the battlefield. Which starts the scripted tutorial of the game. Shows you movement mechanics, combat and abilities. After the tutorial, Commander Agravain dies along with the deamons and you become the Acting commander of the ship. While on the return trip to Titan, we are contacted by inquisitor Vakir and taken to another system to fight off a plague know as the bloom. This is where the game mechanics open up.

You will have a overview of the system you are in and able to begin unit customization, ship upgrades, and research upgrades.

Baleful Edict Upgrades
Once you start you will notice the ship is extremely damaged. You will start off by repairing your Plasma Reactor, Augmentation Chamber and Augurium as those are priority. After you repair, you are free to upgrade your ship systems. In order to upgrade your ship, you have a resource called Servitors which is needed anytime you upgrade your ship system.
The ship upgrade are divided into 3 sections: Support/Defense/Personnel Systems. These systems range from upgrading you ship speed, reduced construction/research timers, ship weapons/shields, and Unit recover/XP/unit slots. Of course all of these are important but you have to pick and choose which are your priority for the moment. For example maybe you want your ship to move faster when traveling or prioritize your units or research. Make sure you spend the early game Servitors wisely.

Librus-Malleus Research
While were are still in the topic of upgrades, One part of your ship has research in which you will benefit from. These are split into 3 different Categories. Bloom research or what i like to call Main Story Research is used to progress the campaign to the next stage. Prognosticars research are used on the starmap and missions. You have a finite resource of 6 you can use on the starmap. These are used to delay the plauge but also provided bonus while in combat for your units. Last is Stratagems which is combat bonuses while in-combat. You can use a max of 4 Stratgems which can ranged from more actions points, healing, and various other buffs.

Unit Customization/Upgrades
This is the most important part of the game. Your Grey Knight unit composition and customization. Chaos Gate has a total of 8 unit classes, 4 basic and 4 advance. Each class has their own skill tree to go along with it however you can't max the whole skill tree so you have to choose your skills wisely. . In terms of gear, everything is customized. You can swap armor, melee weapons, ranged weapons, and Throwables/support items.

This is fairly straightforward in terms of combat. It plays like a game of Xcom without the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ % to hit chance. The only thing that is percentage based is your Critical hits. If your gun is within range of an enemy you will hit them unless they are behind some wall thats blocking vision. At the start each unit has a total of 3AP (Action points) where they can move/shoot/melee/use abilities. The farther you move, the more AP you will consume. Just like Xcom you will have your partial and full cover. If your in Partial cover, you will not receive the full damage of ranged attacks and full cover will protect you. Enemies have a stun mechanic were if you hit them X times you can perform a melee execution which will buff your units. Enemies will also have armor mechanic, where you will need to break their armor before you deal HP damage. Another mechanic is also Bloom meter. Each enemy turn, the bloom meter will increase by a set amount depending on various factors. If the bloom in the sector is high it will increase but also whenever your units use psyker attacks or abilites, it will also increase bloom meter. Once the bloom meter reaches max on an enemy turn, one out of several things will happen. The enemy will receive attack/defensive/support buffs, enemy reinforcements will be called in, or your units will be given a debuff. this is completely random what effect will happen.

After each mission you will be given a chance to acquire gear through Requisitions. By completing mission objectives and side objectives you can a certain amount of requisitions. Spending these lets you get New Knights, Armor, Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, and Throw able and supports. You can upgrade the rarity of items you get through events which will discuss now


While on the star map there will be random chances for events to follow. It will range from ship to ship combat to research purposes. These events while may seem good, also have consequences to them. For example you may be able to increase your research speed at the cost of having some of your knights out of commission for a duration of time. Another example is the crew is currently infighting about ship repairs and research. In choosing a side you may increase your ship construction by 50% but reduce research by the same amount. However the big one is the Grand-masters Report which happens every 60 days. The Grandmaster Vardan Kai will request updates on the bloom. These choices are based on the progress with the bloom spread so far on the campaign. Also the choices in this report are very important. Picking the right dialogue can result in some really good buff like bonus XP, 100% Research/Construction buffs/bonus resources and units. On the flip side of it, if your progress is lackluster or pick the wrong dialogue, may experience debuffs such as negative research/construction, may limit your requisitions, Knight recruitment, or handing over of resources. Also have neutral dialogue which will be neither hurt or provide bonus. After the report you can upgrade the rarity of the requisitions you receive by spending. Just note that every 60 days you must report your progress so try to advance the story as you can.


If your into Xcom type of game this is definitely your cup of tea. However it'd be poor of me to mention some problems with the game. There is quite a bit of performance issues that will ruin the experience. I had some FPS drops while playing for extended period of time. Nothing major besides that for me but i would wait for some updates before purchasing the game.

I rate this game an 8/10. Very solid game they got going here but unfortunately some performance issues to go along with it.
Posted May 16, 2022. Last edited May 16, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
58.6 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
G'day yall.

Despite the hrs played i put massive amount of time on this game playing both the campaign and multiplayer to its fullest.

Single-Player Campaign:
Despite the 1st TF being a multiplayer only focus game with a "Campaign" tacked on it, this is a continuation on whatever campaign the previous game had. No Spoilers but it's a very fun and enjoyable campaign, especially the time manipulation section. Lots of nice Pilot sections that take full advantage of the movement and titan sections that lets try a variety of titan classes and makes you feel badass.

Multiplayer consists of various game modes such as attrition, Pilots Vs. Pilots, Titan Vs. Titan, Last Titan Standing, Hardpoint, bounty, Capture the Flag, FFA, 1v1 Collseum, and Fast paced Live Fire.

Primary game mode, Attrition, is basically like a TDM except you have AI around the battlefield. Everything you kill earns you points towards your score. Combat flows differently in this game. Half the fight usually on the ground while the other half is on your titan.
Movement is key in this game, if you have superior movement and aim you can dominate the battle as a pilot and go head on against other good pilots. However the other half is the Titan. You control a huge mech that pretty much one shots pilots and everything else besides other titans and Reapers(AI mechs). Titan are divided into classes based on weaponry and skills. Each Titan has their own strengths and weakness against other titans. Choose carefully which Titan you want to use in a fight, sometimes they might mean the difference between winning and losing.

The Progression of Multiplayer is also smooth, to unlock weapons/abilities/titans/skins is either through level progression and Credits. Credits are given to you at the end of each match for a wide range of things. Leveling up your weapons, titans, faction, how well you did in the match, did you do the objectives. Constantly gain credits as time passes by doing things in the match. Once reaching max level you have a prestige system called Regenerate. Everything gets reset to level 1 again, lose everything except credits and anything bought with credits. If your a cosmetic type of guy this might be for you. Get a nice emblem and stuff for Regen. Mostly makes you look cool.

Lastly their is a Co-op mode called Frontier Defense. A PvE mode that has you and 3 other team members defend a objective for 5 waves which each waves get progressively harder. Its a nice little mode to get a foot in the door to multiplayer understanding the maps and using titans for the majority of the time. Also has it's only leveling system for each titan making them more OP as you level up with them. Also this levels you up in MP and gives you XP towards your level. So if your a bit nervous of getting into MP first, Frontier Defense is a nice place to start.

Overall: 9/10
Campaign: Solid Story with nice segments for Titans and Pilots
Multiplayer: Fluid Gameplay with lots of MP options and a nice PvE mode for beginners to get started.

Posted June 18, 2020.
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16.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
After playing a few matches and have a good understanding of the game, Overall i'd say good. Not the best but definitely a good starting point. While the extremely painful launch has shaken my faith in the studio developing this game, im sure it's a learning leason for the Devs. I like to give a good in-depth of the game for others to know.


Customization for both the player and the weapons really go into detail which is one of the most impressive parts about it. Not many Shooter goes really to deep into building a weapon and character but this one does it right from the getgo. For the character you can change helmets, hats, armor, pants, war paints, and Camo. If you wanna look like a badass russian or a chill sniper, you have a good variety to choose from. Along with Taunts and Armor. Armor factors into your weight so the stronger it is, the heavier it will be. Build your character carefully when deciding this.

Weapons have a very deep Customization process to make the gun that can get the job done. You have a small but varied arsenel of AR, SMG, MG, Shotguns, Snipers, pistols, and a RPG. There's a large variety of customization to choose from such as Primary and Secondary SIghts, Barrels, Grips, Stocks, etc... Each of these mods contribute to certain factors of your gun such as weight and recoil. Apart from the weapons you can also customize "Killstreaks" like having your UAV have stronger detection but small radius or a Tank with specialized ammuntion and a customizable mounted LMG or Grenade Launcher.


Gameplay is the most important part of a shooter and this feels like a inbetween of Battlefield 4/5 and Arma. Not as Fast paced as Battlefield but also not as slow as Arma either. An inbetween of the two if I used that comparison correctly. Gunplay leans towards the Arma side with strong recoil for certain weapons if you can control it, along with supression that mildly blurs vision and sways weapons while ADS. Some deciding factors in a gun fight isn't always who see's who first. Armor has a small but strong presence here. If both players with the same gun clash at the same time, the deciding factor sometimes ends up who has the stronger armor. Usually this will hardly happen but had this happen a few times. Headshots are insta-kill as usual. Movement is based on your weight. If you exceed certain limits which you can tell at the Customization screen, it will have an effect on speed. Movement feels a tid bit clunky but overall is OK.

As far a "Scorestreaks" go, my original thoughs were it was gonna be a huge mess but now i think it is fairly well balanced. Points are based on individual performance so if your top dog, you will have access to stronger streaks faster. Also it's not spammy either so you can't have like 10 UAVS going off at the same time, there's a limit to the amount that can be deployed at a given time. Also teamworks rewards points as well so help out your teammates! Not one killstreak feels Overpowered or anything. Airstrikes are limited in range to an area and based on the payload you equipped to them, the same goes with artillery and bombing runs. There's UAV and Counter-UAV each verying in strength of Detecting and Jaming, Along with vehicles such as Quadbikes, Tanks, and Armored Vehicles. Each having their own customization. They balanced it so the stronger the "Scorestreak" is, the more points it costs.

Armored Vehicles have a decent amount of ammo along with it's MG position for rider's as well. Customize Armored Vehicles to have certain types of ammo, defensive ability, and armor. Shooting from a tank position causes temporary deafness to passengers and troops on the ground. Can be shot at by RPG's or if your smart. Airstrikes, Artillery, and Bombers can get the job done.

Final Thoughts

Overall it feels like it's in a good spot. Gunplay is Solid. "Scorestreaks" are balanced. Customization is excellent. Few improvements such as cleaner UI and to fix those Server Issues. Need to bit abit more optomized since i had to lower my setting to Medium to get a solid steady Framerate. Although a very poor launch, i gave this game the benefit of the doubt and im satisfied. Battlefield Killer? Doubt it but will make a name of itself if the Devs truly want to make this game.

Score: 7.8/10
Need improvement but Solid Framework!
Posted October 21, 2018.
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68 people found this review helpful
103 people found this review funny
31.0 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
100% OJ?
More like "Lets see which one of us rage quits first."
10/10 would pi ss friends off again
Posted June 19, 2015. Last edited June 19, 2015.
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445 people found this review helpful
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2,027.1 hrs on record (345.4 hrs at review time)
This Game taught me so much.
How to Curse in Russian.
How to Curse in Spanish.
How to проклятие in Russian.
How to Curse in French.
How to Curse in Dutch.
Как прокляну in Russian
How to Curse in Chinese.
How to Curse in Portuguese.
Как прокляну на русском языке.
This game has truly enlightened me.
Posted February 18, 2015.
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7 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
49.9 hrs on record (14.1 hrs at review time)
Nep/10 would nep again.
Posted January 30, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
20.7 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
I punched a bunch of civilians waiting infront of a medical clinic
10/10 would definetly recommend to everyone
Posted December 5, 2014.
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