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24 Hours played
I'm no boomer, but this is one badass boomer-shooter.

As a seasoned gamer (especially with FPS titles) and a notable shut-in, I felt compelled to give a review, something rare in my daily life.

As the game is early access I can only fully review Episode 1, but Episode 2 seems very promising (and also slightly terrifying with the creatures I encountered holy $#!7), so take with a grain of salt.

POSITIVE Key points:
  • Preset Difficulty balance is fantastic. There are 4 PRESET difficulties, each with increasing enemy projectile speed and damage. I played my first game through at the hardest preset and had a perfect slice between fun and challenging.
  • Custom difficulty is super fun. You can fine tune the amount of pain you want to receive and/or inflict upon these iron-blooded entities.
  • Guns. Lots of guns.
  • Gore. Lots of gore.
  • Built-in Item and Enemy Randomizer? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss.
  • Controls don't suck! *¹
  • The art style is chef's kiss phenomenal.
  • The music is french kiss sexy.
  • FOV range is fantastic, I almost never see a game give me this much freedom.
  • SPEEEEEEED! Doc runs faster than the Slayer and that's saying something.
Aside from one minor bug with the revolver, in which occasionally the game will think I'm still holding Right-click when I let go. Edge case, not a deal breaker by any stretch.

NEGATIVE Key points:
  • Not many Graphics settings, which is to be expected this early in development, so not a big deal. However some players with notably older hardware may struggle. There's a VSync option to limit rendering, but there should be a dedicated Framelimit slider as well for those who want less-than-refresh FPS, or FPS above the refresh rate without being in the thousands.
  • RED. RED EVERYWHERE. Personally I'm fine with the color, however I know people who have color-blindness. One has Protanopia (Red blind), with a particular blooming problem. So red not only looks more puke-ish to him, it also bleeds like a corona, so the default colors of the game make it essentially unplayable for him in any scenario, in a headache-inducing way. Currently implementing a protanopia daltonization LUT for him whenever I screenshare, makes the reds greyish instead.
  • Sound sometimes breaks depending on the scenario. Sometimes the sound pool gets filled and the minigun stops making some of its sounds while firing, other times music outright stops, probably due to the way I moved into a music transition zone.

  • The current state of "Toggle Walk" doesn't save between levels.
  • Unity. Not the worst, but there are better engine options, many for free (*cough* Godot *cough*). Still, the game is well-made so I tend to forget that this is the engine it uses. Props to the dev for writing really good code.
  • No Quake-style bunnyhops? :c (at least the movement is fast af, so it's fine :P )
  • Need. More. ENEMIES. ...I mean types, not frequency. Frequency is good.
  • Explosives are more utilitarian than destructive. The fire damage over time is neat, but the fact that my bullets kill enemies faster than a full quad-rocket blast to the face is a bit disappointing. SMG nades also suffer the same ailment. Besides all that I still use them, just not in many cases where it should be useful.

All in all, fantastic game. I'm excited for moar. Also interested in other stuff the dev makes, I like their style.

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LyCH_OS Jun 2, 2019 @ 7:53pm 
*scoffs with half a vocal cord remaining*
Bean_Burrito Jun 2, 2019 @ 4:03pm 
-rep Not really undead false advertising
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♥♥♥♥♥ you must be in kindergarten you can't spell your lord and savior's name correctly.