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260.3 hrs on record (170.2 hrs at review time)
This game is a poorly managed mess of a game that is constantly unbalanced. The Match making barely works and as killer gives me survivors that either have sniff a lot of glue and cannot even remotely play or a full premade I need to sweat for and I never know which it is. Survivor is a miserable hellscape in solo queue and half the killers play in the actively least fun possible way, which I imagine causes the cycle of hatred.

That being said having played both sides make me feel confident that I am a nice killer to play against as I don't face camp and tunnel.

That all being said the game is really fun and unique and though people keep trying to make this game, I think we have reach a critical mass of content that it is not going anywheres soon. if the concept sounds remotely interesting give it a shot and remember kids.

Murder is based -Skizzix
Posted December 27, 2022.
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2.4 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
I hate the fact we can only do recommend or not recommend reviews, The game does quite a lot of things competently has a decent range of weapons, skills and items, and was reasonably fun the problem I have with the game is I don't think the shooting to the rhythm mechanic is fun in this. I traditionally like rhythm games I think my problem is that each level has the same beat or at least close enough that I didn't notice. I suppose the difficulty rhythm wise is based on the different reload animations, but in truth once I got used to it I felt the beat mechanic became more annoying then difficult. My second issue is that frankly the bosses were quite easy, I had more issue with the first boss over any of the others and that was mostly when you are still learning the game his chain of left right left aoe things can obliterate you if you mess up the rhythm I felt no real danger from any of the later bosses and found the regular rooms far harder then the bosses. Part of this is also due to the fact that you can shoot the bosses in their intro animation, On a few occassions I killed bosses during that which is awkward to say the least.

For the record I have beaten the game on hard a few times now, I felt no real desire to play through any more just because increased difficulty wouldn't fix my core problem.

To anyone who does intend on playing this still I will offer one minor piece of advice, rebind reload to right click because otherwise moving around and reloading is a nightmarish task.
Posted July 3, 2021.
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247.4 hrs on record
Its like binding of isaac with less crying and more guns.
Posted March 30, 2021.
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6.4 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
This is the most cursed chess variant I have ever played 10/10
Posted January 30, 2021.
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7.2 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
These are my thoughts fresh off completing a casual playthough. I'll start with the positives most of the remastered tracks are great honestly they are a real highlight to me, Goo Lagoon's theme is probably my favorite. The game looks quite good though I don't agree with all of the stylistic changes such as the mist on sand mountain, the animations for cutscenes are more or less quite improved. On these merits alone if you have played the original and want to experience it again I completely recommend it just to see Bikini Bottom looking and sounding better than ever.

The game is jank though, at least in its current state. the Cruise Bubble controls feel terrible, The Bungees are downright terrible. To put it better the bungee doesn't slow down when you reach the bottom like in the original to allow you to aim, meaning you feel like you are just flailing around hoping to hit something. Sandy's lasso feel really stiff compared to the original. Also the game is buggy as all hell. I had a spatula simply vanish on me never to return, there is a toll booth in I want to say goo lagoon that everytime you die or re-enter the level buys itself again. On the flying dutchmans graveyard if you hit a cannon leave and come back it considers all the cannons hit softlocking you. Sometime the bounce pads just don't bounce you. Any platform that moves when you are on it (the teeter totters for example) are broken they can spaz out their momentum applies to your jump causing you to occasionally rocket you to the 9th dimension. Those teeter totters also can eat your jumps. Lastly there are added invisible walls everywhere, this isn't me complaining that I can't sequence break, because frankly this game is far more broken in that regard. The problem is the walls are intrusive and make you feel like you are on a set course, a lot of the charm of the original is that if you thought you could jump to it, you probably could. Anyone who played the original has memories of beating rock bottom the wrong way, I'm not saying its wrong to fix some of the glaring problems just let people explore a little.

TLDR: If I were to give it a score 6/10 its not that the game isn't fun its just very buggy and those bugs start to take their toll during a playthrough. I just can't recommend this how it is, unless you are willing to put up with the bugs and or want a new meme speedrun. Seriously sub 3 minute WR wtf.
Posted June 24, 2020.
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131.0 hrs on record (62.5 hrs at review time)
The price of the game is a lie, you are not just paying the monetary value you are also paying in the form of all of your free time. This is not a game it is a life style change, you we be broken down and remade in rock and stone. You will no longer be human you will be a dwarf, you will drink beer, slap dice, and pet loot bugs as is tradition. You will do this not just for your self, but for your co-workers, for the company and most importantly for KARL! Rock and Stone my brothers.
Posted June 21, 2020.
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106.5 hrs on record (32.7 hrs at review time)
Game is quite fun and has a high level of customization in the way of card system allowing you to play the same character in a variety of different ways. Comparisons to Overwatch can be made but the major difference is you are locked into your character choice, and the item buys mid game.

The best part is the game is not Pay to win. If you have the champion unlocked you have access to everything they can do quite quickly. You do still need to unlock champions but there is a rotation and the grind isn't bad though I did just opt to but the champions pack which I recommend especially if you can get it for the $15 sale price.
Posted January 28, 2020.
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133.5 hrs on record (49.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game has amazing atmosphere and gunplay, The maps are small enough to keep the action going but large enough to give you breathing room. Dev are still actively improving the game, only complaint is some poor cpu optimization, though I admit my i7 2600k is a potato now, with minor tweaks I can keep a fairly consistant 30fps so all is not lost.
Posted January 9, 2019.
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50.5 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
Overall the game is super unique and has a great deal of depth, if you enjoy deeper TCGs you will very likely enjoy this. Currently there is not progression like traditional online tcg's instead cards are either obtained from packs or the marketplace for real currency. Trust me this at the end of the day is better and you rather then dumping money on unending packs to maybe build your deck at most the meta decks seem to be going for ~50 ish which coming from MTG is super refreshing.

If you dont want to ever spend money past the initial 20, currently you have unlimited phantom drafts and at least at time of writing can play in a gauntlet using some rather strong preconstructed decks against other precon decks.
Posted December 4, 2018.
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0.9 hrs on record
Humble monthly let me down here, I'm not a wrestling fan but I figured I could have some fun with it but the game play is incredibly clunky and terrible feeling. Boiling down to completing quicktime events. The Character creation is pretty cool, I made hitler and it was all reich. Apart from that I had little fun. The load times were terrible as well.
Posted September 9, 2016.
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