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5.5 hrs on record
Disclaimer, I'm a sucker for space-oriented games, mostly simulators but also some arcade style games. Going into this game, I thought it would be a simulator style game, and this disappointed me somewhat which probably affects my feelings towards it.

This game is beautiful and atmospheric. I like the premise. The story is intriguing. A energy producing space station on the moon has suddenly gone dark, humanity is without power, you are sent there as a last effort to figure out what happened and hopefully start up the station again to save humanity from slow "suffocation" without energy. Piece by piece you put the story together via audiotapes and holographic movies clips and you are required to solve puzzles to gain entry to the next level.
The game-play is mostly puzzle-like with a few quick time events and one plat-former like segment. I haven't finished the game so I don't know how the rest plays out. I lost interest after only a few hours and after about 5 hours I couldn't bother any more. I find the problem solving to be too easy and (I can't seem to find the right word) uninspiring?

I also have a few nit-picky silly pet-peeves with it as well, for instance the gravity constant shifts depending on if you're outside or inside (apparently humanity have mastered gravity manipulation that doesn't require energy in this world but still relies on chemical rockets and space elevators). Also the space elevators are not designed correctly. Pressurized oxygen tanks last for mere minutes when they are so big you should die from carbon dioxide poisoning long before they went out. I know, these things are for artistic and game-play reasons and I know I'm being silly now, but these things bug the hell out of me anyway, it will probably be different for you.

All in all, I give it my very SUBJECTIVE score of 5/10, it's well made but my feelings towards it is neutral - personally I found it borderline boring. You might like it though.
Posted January 17, 2020.
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28.4 hrs on record (28.3 hrs at review time)
This is a fantastic game. Games this good are truly rare, Respawn Entertainment have really made a polished gem.

+ Gameplay is fantastic. The game feels like a mix between Witcher III combat with metroid like platformer gameplay with rpg progression where you choose to focus on lightsaber skills, force powers or survivability. I recommend the second highest difficulty setting as I found it challenging now and then without becoming too hard. I am certainly no expert at this genre of games, some bosses took me something like 20-30 tries before I managed to kill them, but you will feel really badass when you do. It is impossible to kill enemies with frantic button mashing, this ensures you are engaged in the combat and focus. Combat takes skill, not mindless luck. Smaller enemies are a lot easier, further into the game when you are more powerful I almost feel sorry for the storm troopers, and they do too.
+ Save stations. You can't save your game whenever you want, only at certain meditation sites. While you meditate your game is saved, but to replenish your health, force power and stims (health packs) you need to reset the level so all enemies are respawn. This ensures that you cannot abuse saves. I think dark souls had the same system, this is the first game I play that uses this system, and I really like it. Meditation sites are thoughtfully placed to increase anxiety in some parts while rewarding you with a breather between challenging fights. It never feels unfair.
+ The game world feels alive, troopers that havn't spottet you will talk among themselves and later they will cooment on the fight and react to waht you are doing. Sometimes when you through a trooper off a cliff you will hear him scream "not like this!" as he fall to his doom.
+ The game is semi-open in the best way, you choose what world to go to, and within that world you will explore a variety of open areas and dungeons, searching for cosmetic upgrades for your lightsaber and functional upgrades for you BD-1 droid follower and fighting monsters and empire troopers, as well as the occational mini bosses and unique foes. Many areas require a certain skill or equipment to enter, requiring you to return to that area later in the game.
+ Sound design is very atmospheric, it perfectly sets the mood and feel of the environment from hauling winds and pouring rain to the crackling sound of distant tie fighters breaking the sound-barrier.
+ The musical score is beautiful, emotional and powerful, worthy of a box office hit movie.
+ Graphics are beautiful and polished and my computer could run the game on Epic setting with very good FPS. This game is very polished. I don't know what else to say.
+ The story is very engaging, cutscenes drive the main story forward. You can "talk" (passive talking) with certain characters and scan certain objects and enemies with your BD-1 or your force powers to reveal echos of the past and learn more about the world around you. There are no choices to be made, there is only one ending as far as I know.

+ It took me 28 hours to complete the game on its second highest difficulty setting. I did not go straight for the main goal as I enjoyed exploring all the levels and worlds for lore and loot.
Posted January 5, 2020.
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9.3 hrs on record
My personal favourite in the far cry series so far.
Fantastic story, smooth gameplay, beautiful graphics, interesting and well developed characters, interesting missions and varied side missions. Interesting world, packed with fun moments.
... and no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ towers you have to climb.. Well one.. But then you're off the hook.

I kind of got tired of the series after far cry 4, every new release just felt like a new skin on the old far cry 3. That was a very good game but you get tired after playing the same game over and over again. Because of this and the way Ubisoft handled the AC series I actually vowed never to buy anything from them again. I borrowed far cry 5 from a friend to try it out, hoping they had gotten better and man was I pleased. Sure many of the gameplay systems are more or less the same but they managed to get the far cry experience feeling fresh again. And the story is just fantastic, I played the game every day for a week, totally sucked into the world of far cry and I loved every minute of it.

After I finished the game I bought another copy for myself just to show Ubisoft that MAKING GOOD GAMES ARE GOOD FOR BUSINESS, I hope they got the memo. Too many bad studios out there and indie studios simply don't have the resources to make this kind of experience.

- Interesting and emotional story
- Although not new, the gameplay is still very smooth and intuitive.
- Music (part of my spotify list now).
- Excellent graphics, not much to say here.
- Interesting and nuanced characters.
- Silent protagonist, some people don't like it, I like it. Let's me answear questions in my head and adds to the immersion.
It makes me feel like I'm the one NPCs are talking to.
- To my surprise (and delight) it wasn't all that political. The SJW nonesense was toned down compared to other AAA
games out there (looking specially at you wolfenstein).

- Kind of irritating that you have to wait for the game to connect to the web every time you want to buy or sell something
at a vendor in game. Things you buy in game for real money should be on a separate menu so you don't have to wait
for the page to refresh everytime you talk to a vendor.
- A more sophisticated character creation system would be nice, but then again, you really don't see your own character
that much anyway..
- All bushes and grass in the game seems to be heavily dosed with gasoline, one puff from the famethwoers and boom,
you've got yourself a firestorm. Coupled with the fact that the flamethrower has an effective range of like 2 centimeters
makes the flamethrower, which is otherwise a fun weapon, totally useless. In real life flamethrowers have like 30 meters
effective range, If you think it makes theq weapon OP then just make the "magasine" smaller.
- Kind of stupid AI at times. Your "help" runs straight into your line of fire of behind your car when you back up, and gets
killed. Enemies will sometimes not notice you, even when you run them over with your car. This must be a bug though.

Overall a great game, finished in circa 25 hours with loads of side missions to spare.

Posted April 8, 2018.
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64.4 hrs on record (38.1 hrs at review time)
Intel core i7 8700K 3,7GHz
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080Ti
16Gb RAM

6 hous into the game..

Like many have said before me, this game is not an arcade game. The joy it gives you is directly proportional to your commitment to the game. If you, like me, enjoy well though out gameplay that allows you to experiment your way through problems, rich stories and realistic design, this game is golden and an absolute joy. The level of immersion this game grants you is a rare thing. If you like fast paced, braindead buttonmashers with a medieval theme, this game may not be your thing. But who knows, maybe you'll discover a new taste?

Pros so far:
- Rich, immersive story
- Steep learning curve. You feel like a whimp at the beginning but this only makes you feel more powerful later.
- Engaging characters
- Absolutely beautiful graphics on the ultra settings (not that is really matters, but wow, I had to stop and just look around
a couple of times)
- Beautiful music
- Realistic settings and designs (swords don't look like rediculous inflated weightless clubs, they actually look and behave
like swords)
- No serious bugs, no crashes of screen freezes. Seriously I don't know what people are talking about. Maybe the bugs come later in the game but so far only minor clipping issues have occured for me, nothing that breaks immersion and nothing that crashed the game or anything. The worst bug for me was that a guy I had previously beaten in a fist fight magically teleported to me a couple of minutes later where he ended the conversation we had before the fight broke out. It really didn't bother me that much. Long story short, so far the bugs have absolutely been there, but they're minor in my opinion.
- FPS on ultra settings with maximum draw distance - lowest 47 fps, otherwise stable aorund 60 in villages. Havn't been in a large battle yet, we'll see.
- Combat system, rich and well thought out.
- RPG elements.
- Armor system.

Cons so far:
- Could've had a longer tutorial stage.
- Sometimes it feels like the game want's me to do things in a certain order, maybe that's just because I'm sort of in the
beginning of the game. And it's not that bothering anyway. The game want's to tell a story, and you kind of just go with
it because it's exciting.

My general feel so far is really good, should say t hough that I'm interested in this stuff so I might be a bit biased. The historically accurate setting is really immersive and exciting for me. Like a history book come to life. The gameplay favours planning and experimentation. Everything just feels fresh to me. Not just another first person shooter with bow and arrow and a cheap medieval theme glued on top.

Give it a try!
Posted February 18, 2018. Last edited February 18, 2018.
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14.8 hrs on record (14.2 hrs at review time)
I played this game for the story, and as far as that go I really enjoyed it. I got 13 hours out of it on normal difficulty (not a speedrunner mind you, I like to take it all in).
Posted December 10, 2017.
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