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23.0 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
This game is amazing. Fast paced, interesting different builds, guns, and mechanics, priority targets and tactics. It's like if Doom Eternal became a roguelite. Lots of progression, unlocking new classes and new difficulties.
Posted April 30.
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61.5 hrs on record (23.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Honestly the core game and combat is a lot of fun and has depth to it that can be changed via perks that are earned. By the time you have spent 40+ hours you might have all the perks for each class though, but there are free battle pass cosmetics to earn still. Even so, the game feels good, rewarding, fast paced, difficult, frustrating, and fun all the time. Similar to a TF2 experience or Chivalry/Mordhau but different. It's free and I feel a lot more people should give it a try beyond the first 5-10 hours because you really don't know how to play the game until after that and doing advanced training. It's not perfect but loads of fun with friends.
Posted September 25, 2023.
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181.2 hrs on record (122.1 hrs at review time)
They somehow made an even better game than Divinity: Original Sin 2. The amount of exploration, choices, dialogue, and reward differences is astounding.
Posted September 1, 2023.
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23.0 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
If you enjoy games like Bioshock (more towards Infinite) and Doom, this is a game for you. Amazing graphics, fantastic music, great game play with skill lines for abilities, character perks, and weapon upgrades. Puzzles (specifically in Testing Facilities) to keep you thinking with enough variations so they don't become stale.

Not sure why people hate on the VA because I think it is fine. No different than the above mentioned games really. The writing is hilarious and the story was great.

The open world could use more interaction but it's really just the setting and kind of a farming ground for materials. You can basically ignore everything out there if you really want to just head to the story objective or side areas. Without too much detail, weapon and ability balancing could be looked at for the hardest difficulty. Some options are impossible NOT to take over others and make you a god.
Posted February 27, 2023. Last edited February 27, 2023.
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21.9 hrs on record (19.7 hrs at review time)
Amazing game. Fast paced action with dodging and jumping and grappling. Graphically beautiful and intricate bullet hell. Interesting environments with many rooms being procedural for replay-ability. Unlocks for multiple weapons to essentially farm out to add to replay-ability. Roguelike with random drops for weapons, parasites that give you benefits and negative buffs, chests to open with a scarce resource to not receive negative buffs or open them and risk it. Chances for good and bad outcomes for everything including heals.

Super fun on co-op just keep in mind weapon perk unlocks are attached to each person so if a weapon drops for one that has progressed to it, the other person may not be able to unlock it on that run.
Posted February 21, 2023.
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64.1 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
It's good Dude
Posted October 9, 2022.
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437.5 hrs on record (226.8 hrs at review time)
Posted November 19, 2021. Last edited November 19, 2021.
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92.1 hrs on record (2.4 hrs at review time)
Lost all my items on my two main characters and unable to load into the game solo now.
Posted April 1, 2021. Last edited April 10, 2021.
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115.9 hrs on record (54.5 hrs at review time)
Recommending almost solely based on the main story missions and side missions that are of similar quality. The world is probably the largest, best looking, and immersive one I have experienced, although lacking interaction and a sense of a living world. The combat is decent as well. Otherwise the rest of my review below goes into a little more detail.

Honestly I have had fun playing this game, but it is no where near what they showed or talked about in game play videos and statements. The world itself is great looking, if it runs well. However, it is a very stale and lifeless world. There is far less interaction, detail, game play elements, and cut content that should be within a game like this but it is just flat out missing. There was wall running, clinging to walls with mantis blades, destructible walls, and directly interfacing with an enemy to hack just to name a few in a rather large list.

AI is atrocious if you can consider it even existing at all. Enemies don't think or act tactically. Balancing is also terrible and there is no scaling. Skill trees can be fun to look at and theory craft, but everything is essentially just a way to increase numbers with no other alterations. You could equip a weapon you haven't spent points in and be just fine using it. The skills tend to be overkill. Equipment has very little statistical value until you are at least half way through leveling and mostly boils down to how much armor it has and mod slots alone.

Looking past all this missing and bland game play content. Lets talk about the bugs. There is nearly an immersion breaking bug every 5 minutes or less in this game. It can be something as little as walking into an area, spawning a glass bottle or two that shatter instantly because of buggy spawns, or progression blocking bugs that require a reload of the game to fix. I won't go into more detail as there are so many videos out displaying just how rampant this is.

I think the only reason many of us are putting up with the game is because it has potential. The story is fun and engaging enough. This could be a symptom of the hype and promises we all had for the game and that we are experiencing a Covid filled year of quarantine and lack of AAA Game releases for PC.

Overall, you will probably enjoy this game if you have decent PC specs, but it may take a year or more for anything to truly mold this game into what it should have been. CDPR still created an amazing story that I am not even finished with. The current state of Cyberpunk is more closely to that of a point and click interactive adventure story with arbitrary time sinks. I'm not sure if they can deliver on anything more than fixing bugs, optimizing, and creating Quality of Life changes.
Posted December 16, 2020. Last edited December 24, 2020.
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21.4 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
Highly recommend this game.

Doom Eternal can start out feeling daunting or overwhelming with all the abilities and weapon swapping, movement and upgrades. Once you get used to it all, man oh man. It is like a symphony coming together of quick, visually stunning, satisfying game play. Having to actually think about what you are trying to kill, the best way to kill it (weak points), while avoiding other demons and managing your armor, health pool, ammo, and being aware of your surroundings makes this Doom even better than the last in my opinion. It can be very difficult on the hardest setting at times but it gives that old fashion game feeling of beating something that is truly difficult with the ability to master it, or at least become better. I didn't want the game to end.
Posted August 2, 2020.
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