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Ergebnisse 31–40 von 46
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
61.5 Std. insgesamt (12.2 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Ever wanted to star in a Feature Length Film about South Park as your own character? If so, you should play this game. I highly recommend it to fans of the show (non-fans will likely be offended by the content).

- But I recommend getting it on Sale. It's Epic, but there aren't too many games worth $30.00 any more imo.
- Also I've beaten this game several times outside of Steam, so my play time is skewed... like your face (BOOM!)
Verfasst am 10. September 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 10. September 2017.
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7 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
116.7 Std. insgesamt (5.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Play it in the dark - Use Headphones - And fear for your life...

I unnaturally obtained this game a few years ago after it came out, and I loved it so much that I decided to buy it when a Steam sale finally hit. I beat the game several times outside of Steam, so my playtime is skewed here, but I Highly Recommend the base game. It is incredibly immersive, and you definitely get the feel of being on an immense space station, where there really could be danger at any turn - and not just from the Xenomorphs.

The version I had included all DLCs. I only recommend Crew Expendable and Last Survivor, as I do not enjoy the time trials of the Survivor Modes; but I am old enough to remember when the first Alien movie came out and I still watch it to this day. Such a great film.

SPOILER ALERT: You cannot kill the Xenomorphs... Even with modding the game files, you can only make it to where they will ignore you. Even with infinite flame thrower, those mofos just run away, then keep coming back for more. That's the only part of the game that sux. In the movies, the Xenos were tough but not indestructible. I hacked the non-steam version to test this, but to no avail. Xenos are Gods in this game; but I guess that adds more to the Distract - Run - Hide Gameplay style.
Verfasst am 31. August 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 31. August 2017.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
26.0 Std. insgesamt
EDIT: TL;DR - Spent more time. Game is definitely P2W crap now; doing versus Arena to complete quests is not quite as fun as it used to be, but doable. Single Player Arena is absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tho, just designed to drain your Gold, hoping it makes you spend real money....

Play the 1st Single Player Campaign, Enjoy it - then Uninstall - 'Cuz U Gotta Pay $$ for the 2 Expansions to the Story - Good Luck on Grinding out the 1000 Gold Needed Otherwise. Just far better ways to spend your time honestly, but cheers to those who still love and play the game! ^_^

NOTE: I should mention I played this on tablet a while back before playing on Steam. This review is based on that experience. Brand new players will likely not have the same opinion.

This game has become complete crap questionable at best with the HOS update. The draw system is so not random; it is ♥♥♥♥♥ to no end. It's pretty obvious that there's now a pay wall for Legendaries, and the packs are not cheap. 6 cards [*in packs with 6 bundles*] for like $10 bucks but no legendaries unless you spend at least $20. And the paid HOS decks seem to wreck shop over free decks. Check out the negative reviews - many "vets" do not like the HOS update. That's where a lot of the P2W sentiments are coming from... (*corrected above statement - it's actually 7 packs in bundle tho*)

The story mode seemed interesting at first is worth it for a freemium game (i must admit, even after playing through it on tablet and pc), but the deck building/card leveling system can be frustrating at times. Gold takes too long to build up - sure 1 pack costs 100 gold, but you're likely to get a crap draw from that [ime]; and then there's the cost of arenas. I mean, they want you to spend money, so of course you're just not going to get the best cards from free/gold packs - it's a valid business model used by others, I suppose. Hell, this entire game is just Hearthstone with different skins/voices. Rip off to the extreme (but ESL has a much better single player mode imo... And sure, Heathstone was not the first of its kind - doesn't make that statement any less valid.)

I've removed the portion about the Solo Arena as someone commented (but deleted it) that it was an unecessary spoiler for them - I am not a fan of spoilers, so I obliged on this one.... But I quit this crap so quick again... not worth my time. [At least not with the HOS update - the story mode is still worth playing through]
Verfasst am 22. Juli 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 30. Juli 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
4.6 Std. insgesamt
The pacing of this game is ridiculously slow... there's no way to skip the stupid caravan travelling scenes, and the combat is not really all that fun. It's basically just a narrated visual-novel with a few chess-like fights thrown in every now and then to keep you from falling asleep. The whole "Strength as health" and dmg reduction from armor do not work as well as it should. This game is just mostly boring from the start and the story is not interesting enough to make a full play-through worth it.

I bought the BS1 and BS2 bundles in the Summer Sale, so luckily I really didn't pay much for this. I'll probably just hack it so I can beat it asap and get to BS2. Hopefully it's better than this crap.
Verfasst am 16. Juli 2017.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
308.8 Std. insgesamt (306.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Quick Review to help get this game back to Overwhelmingly Positive... It's too good. I can't be bothered to stop playing to leave a better review. Play it and you'll see why.

Update: My Proper Review is now a reply I made in a discussion regarding the game's RNG

Ursprünglich geschrieben von Sylas420:
I completely disagree, the RNG in this game is great. Every run is not going to be filled with Epic Loot, nor should it be. This game is not suppose to be a cake walk.

I've gone all the way to the Watcher with an Assassins Blade & Firebrands I got in the Prisoner's Cell, because I barely got any upgrades the first few stages, and none of the other store upgrades/random drops were to my liking ( I hate the Broad Sword and Hammer ). That didn't matter because with great skill and vigorous fervor, I bashed my way through to the 2nd boss with relative ease.... And promptly got my arse handed to me by the Watcher...

But notwithstanding, that run taught me that regardless of what loot drops, as long I upgrade my weapons/health as I play... the only thing stopping me from winning is my own mistakes in gameplay.

I've since beaten the Watcher twice!! This game is amazing!!... but I have over 150 hours in this game atm, so maybe I am biased

Update: Still one of the best games I've ever played... You need this in your life
Verfasst am 13. Juni 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 22. November 2018.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
131.8 Std. insgesamt (4.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
UPDATE: The Force Has Re-Awakened!!!

- Since I wrote this review over a year ago, I bought a GeForce GTX 1060. Decided to buy the game again (on sale) and give it another try.

- The game actually ran flawlessly without needing any adjustments this time!!! Unbelievable!!!

- I've changed nothing else in my system, except the video card and it works with no issue, whereas I tried every fix I could find before and the game would not run at all

- I'm super stoked... The Saga Continues!!!

My system:

Operating System
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601)
AMD FX-8320 (8 CPUs), ~3.5GHz
8192MB RAM
Graphics Card
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Mini - 3GB
DirectX Version
DirectX 11
Audio Driver
VIA High Definition Audio

Previous Review Below:
Unfortunately, I could not get this old gem to run on my Win7 64-bit machine... Tried lots of fixes, but to no avail.... Had to get a refund for my $2.49....
So why am I recommending it? This is a True Classic - having spawned several genres of games like Mass Effect

I'm from the early '80s, before there was even Nintendo... I watched the Stars Wars genre build up to KoToR from the start. I remember when this first came out... It was stellar then, though obviously extremely dated now. It's a shame that its so hard to play older games on newer model machines...

I played KoToR over and over again back in the day, so I've already covered every angle. Just would've been nice to be able to give it at least one more playthrough... see the original crew of the Ebon Hawk (after taking her from her other original crew)... go search for those caves for rare lightsaber crystals to make some sweet dual-wielding combos... Check out some old skool Force Lightning effects... Make Bastila turn her dumb*** back to the Light Side again.... but it just wasn't in the cards. -_-

But I always have KoToR2 installed (just not on Steam), and it works so at least there's that.
If you can get this to work on your rig, then awesome!! It's totally worth the playthrough!!

Just be warned though... test it out asap, so you can get a refund if you can't get it to work. Cheers!
Verfasst am 15. Mai 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12. November 2018.
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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
136.9 Std. insgesamt (133.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
The world is your sandbox... do with it, what you will...

You should've gotten this during Early Access...
Verfasst am 9. Mai 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 9. Mai 2017.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
107.4 Std. insgesamt (55.4 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This is game is an absolute Gem! I've never had more fun playing a Card-based game. Its pretty well balanced, and there have been some major updates in the short time that I've played (including a lot of new classes that are available by beating the game with one of the original classes).

It's got great replay value, a nice sense of progressions, enough variety in characters and skills from cards to make it fun to play for hours on end; then go play Mass Effect 2 for a little bit (cuz its the best M.E. game), then hop back on Monster Slayers for another go... only to realize that the weekend has come and gone and you have to be at work in like 3.5 hours...

I mean honestly, you should stop reading this review, or any reviews, and just go buy this game... I got it on sale for $6.99 but it's worth like maybe $15 - $20 bucks imo. Definitely worth trying out!
Verfasst am 5. Mai 2017. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 5. Mai 2017.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
50.7 Std. insgesamt (42.5 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
This is still one of the best games I've ever played, years down the road from original purchase. I highly recommend checking this gem out if you have yet to do so in your life-span... it will be a memory worth taking with you into the cosmos once you're liberated from your Corporeal Form. :-)
Verfasst am 26. März 2017.
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3 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
4.0 Std. insgesamt
True Recommendation: Neutral / Buy On Sale

In the short time I've played this, my initial thoughts are that this is a pretty decent title for early access. Its definitely playable, and somewhat enjoyable at the moment.

Given the simplicity of the gameplay, I believe that this game would strongly benefit from voice-over dialogue from the survivors. Being able to hear the personality of Trish, the Sherrif and others would go a long way in increasing the immersive factors of the game.

The quest system is really not that fun currently, but I do like that they are tied into other quests so that they can be completed simultaneously while exploring.

In combat, your first instinct will be to click on the desired power to use, then to click on the actual enemy... but you have to actually click on the enemy's name in the bottom menu. This is pretty minor though. Enemies seem to do absolutely minimal damage to your team, so the combat is really not that tough so far... which is maybe why they yeild minimal rewards. Seems like the game is geared up to be a little bit of a grindfest... but I expect changes that will directly influence gameplay in the coming months.

So far, the scenery is honestly abysmal. Its pretty much the exact same backgrounds, maybe 4 or 5 different ones, over and over. The graphics are decent I guess, but they aren't necessary when the gameplay is designed well enough. As of now, its a little bit lackluster. There is no actual travel movement in the game whatsoever. Even the ability to see an avatar version of your party, physically move across the map as you select your destination, would be good. It'd also be nice to see visual changes whenever you equip new gear.

As of now, I can really only recommend the game on a heavy sale (which is how I got it.) With the current content, and lack of style in the gameplay, it is nowhere near worth the asking price of $14.99. Definitely more worth ~$5.00 - $7.00 in its current state... but it has enough potential that you should consider supporting the developers by buying the game during early access (at a discount.) The more people that buy it, the more likely (and quickly) the game will progress in development, and hopefully be fully released as a much more fully realized survival experience.

Thank you for reading my review!
Verfasst am 24. Juli 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24. Juli 2016.
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Ergebnisse 31–40 von 46