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0.1 hrs on record
Good game, awful port. Constant crashes, no support for any modern resolutions, no controller support, horribly clunky KB+M controls. This game has been ported to every modern console in recent years, while the Steam version is the original trashy Windows XP port that doesn't work on modern systems at all.

They should not be selling a games that require you to setup 3rd party directX wrappers in order for it to even run.
Posted May 18, 2022.
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3.3 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
I thought it was a metroidvania, and it kind-of is, but the bulk of the gameplay is Meat-Boy style platforming, which I hate. Beautiful game, great soundtrack, but not my cup of tea.
Posted November 9, 2021.
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5.6 hrs on record
Hunie Pop wasn't broken, but they decided to fix it anyways. What was a fun, streamlined puzzle game is now an overly complex chore to play. Feels like they didn't even bother play-testing it.
Posted February 10, 2021.
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270.3 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
A staggerinly good, highly polished, well optimied, return to form for the grestest arcade flying franchise of all time.

Ace Combat 7 is a love letter to the PS2 trilogy, with beautiful visuals, an incredible soundtrack, and most importantly; the classic gameplay that fans have been craving. I'll probably expand this review at a later date, as I haven't completed the game yet (probably half way though?) but every moment so far has been pure joy.

I was also pleasantly suprised at how well optimized it is! My old, mediocre rig manages to run it at 60FPS on medium, and the game looks incredble. I imagine that any mid-range system from the last couple years will be to run this perfectly on high.
Posted February 1, 2019. Last edited February 1, 2019.
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18.9 hrs on record
Within an hour you'll have seen and done everything this game has to offer. The town-liberating gameplay loop is fun at first, but becomes tedious very quickly, as every single town is practically the same. The story missions are terribly designed, terriblly scripted, and plagued anti-fun tropes like timed challenges and escort missions; both of which higlight the clunky controls and terrible AI. The whole thing feels like a master class in what not to do in a modern open-world game.

Get Just Cause 2 instead, it's a better game in every single possible way.
Posted March 4, 2018. Last edited March 20, 2018.
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29.9 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
Ace Combat in name only, and a master's course in anti-fun design.

Ace Combat is a series known for it's excellent gameplay, epic plots, beautiful vistas, and freedom of movement; this game throws all of that out the window in a failed attempt to court the Call of Duty audience. The well established world and nations of Strangereal are replaced with a generic Russia vs. America plot that feels lifted right from Call of Duty, the beautful visuals and art direction have been replaced by sand, run through a brown-filter, and are now subject to constant shakey cam.

The most aggregious change to the formula is the highly scripted missions. In previous games you were free to move around the map and prioritize targets as you saw fit. In Assault Horizon, you are given brief tastes of this freedom, only to have it constantly taken away as the game forces you into mandatory quicktime events called "dogfight mode". The only way to engage the majority of targets, or to escape from enemy persuit, is to complete these quicktime events; and in doing so it strips away everything that made Ace Combat so special.

Shame they decided to port this turd to PC rather than 4, 5, Zero or 6; hell, even the PSP and 3DS games would have been better titles to bring to Steam.
Posted September 13, 2017. Last edited September 23, 2017.
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74.1 hrs on record (73.0 hrs at review time)
While arguably a better game than civilization V was at launch, and brimming with interesting ideas, the game as a whole just isn't fun. Once you clear the early game, everything you do feels like tedious busywork meant to hide the fact that you aren't really doing anything of any importance. The entire late game is a slog of micromanaging things that should be set and forget (trade routes and spies especially), while you're waiting 60+ turns for your next project to be built because production is completely out of step with every other system in the game.

I'm sure it'll be an OK game once they've charged us for 2 more expansions, and I'll consider buying those on sale. However with this game coming hot on the heels of Beyond Earth, I really don't feel like giving this developer any more money for producs that don't feel like they've been playtested by human beings.
Posted February 11, 2017.
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4.9 hrs on record
Vector Thrust is an Ace combat clone that doesn't understand what made Ace Combat fun in the first place.

If I had to sum it up in one word: Tedious. The missions are long, boring, grinds that see you thrown up against seemingly endless waves of enemy fighters; which would be great if the combat was in any way enjoyable or varied. The frusterating, overly-long missions lack checkpoints, targeting enemies involves cycling through every single target on the map (no prioritiziation based on range), and your missiles are nearly inneffective against manuvering targets.

You're better off dragging your PS2 out of the closet, or buying one from a thrift store, and playing the real thing.

Posted September 30, 2016.
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19.8 hrs on record
Think Arhkam City, or Shadow of Mordor, with the combat stripped down to two buttons, and MEDIOCRE vehicle combat. Everything about this game is tedious and repetitive, once you've raided one camp and defeated one convoy you've basically done everything the game has to offer. It isn't bad, but don't pay more than $5 for it.

On the upside, it is really well optimized and runs incredibly smooth. Shame it's so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ boring.
Posted December 26, 2015. Last edited December 26, 2015.
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16.8 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Great UI, some good ideas, but current feature set is exremely small, leading to a shallow game where you'll have seen everything it has to offer within an hour. It's also riddled with severe, game-breaking bugs; your station's success usually has more to do with whether or not the game decides to malfunction, and less with the environmental hazards.

Down the road I could see this evolving into something excellent, but in it's current state it's falling short of playable. I would only reccomend purchasing at this stage as a means of supporting the project, don't expect a fully playable game at this point.
Posted May 7, 2014. Last edited May 8, 2014.
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