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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
194.9 год. загалом (25.2 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом

Survival games are really common these days, With the Success of games like minecraft, Ark survival, Rust, Terraria, Subnautica, Starbound etc, Which has taken many in and drawn millions in to their worlds, Millions have lost countless hours of their lives playing these games.
A Simply look at any store online or retail will show you these games success, Volheim might may be "just another survival game", But this is A hidden GOLDEN NUGGET!

Lets begin with the description, A brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage!

Visually I can't even begin to fathom this games beauty, The art style is by far the most impressive thing in the game to me, The textures are clearly very low res up close, but if you're not looking too close the game looks SO GOOD.

I read directly from their FAQ "We have chosen a stylized graphical look that blends low-resolution textures and sparse polygonal detail with modern materials, lighting and post effects. The visuals are inspired by the early days of 3D graphics, like the style seen in PS1 titles and old DOS-era 3D games (before hardware acceleration and texture filtering was a thing)."

From its absolute immense world (And when I say immense thats an understatement, This world is MASSIVE), I read again from their FAQ because there is no better words to describe it.
"Valheim is a vast procedurally generated world with many different biomes. Every biome has its own challenging environment, enemies and secrets to discover. Travel through deep forests, through harsh snowstorms in the mountains or sail the high seas if you dare. If you’re not the outdoorsy type, there are plenty of dungeons, crypts and caves for you to explore as well."

But all of this massive world is not without purpose, Every biome has its own uniqueness, From resources for crafting armor and weapons being unique to that biome only, to its unique "Forsaken" bosses of each biome, Each boss unlocks a special buff or power for your character, I've only defeated one boss theres tons more!

Now lets look at the gameplay, The game literally just throws you in to it and expects you to understand what to do, There is some tutorial and elaboration as to what to do by the crow, but other than that the game itself leaves you to your own devices, Part of the experience is figuring it out on your own.
Anything you can think of, You can pretty much do in this game, I'll start with what I believe to be the best mechanic of the game, The base building.
Building a base in other games just requires you to throw out a stone slab or wooden foundaith, Or how other games youll see a player building A floating dirt fortresses, Valheim does not have this, Valheim forces you to use realistic architecture, It forces you to build your own foundaition with wooden beams, It forces you to build a frame structure before you can build massive structures with tall roofs, It reinforces the old school RPG feel.
There are many different types of wood that can be used as structural building, Such as fine wood, Core wood and regular wooden planks, There is also stone, But I have yet to figure out exactly how to build stone structures.

As far as the actual gameplay mechanics goes, Its got your basic hunter/gather mechanics, Want to build? Grab wood, Need food? Go hunt for berries or sneak up on a deer or a boar, What sets valheim apart from other survival games is this, Valheim has a skill system!, Everything you do is connected to this skill system,
Cutting wood, archery, running and jumping, Your first few hits of anything will seem like its going absolutely nowhere, But as you level up cutting wood for example gets easier, From rerquiring several hits to just 2 or 3 hits before chopping down a tree, Which I have to mention! The physics in this game are absolutely amazing!, Chopping a tree down for example, Causes the tree to fall down like a realistic tree would, It can fall upon you whilsat you are chopping it down & it can kill you & smash you in to bits.
Nearly every action that you perform in the game is tied to a skill and that part of what sets valheim apart from other RPG's.

Combat & Crafting, Combat is like a mix of oldschool arcade RPG's like Rune (2000) And yet exciting and challenging, and reminiscent of Dark Souls, Its nothing revolutionary or innovative, But combat feels tight and plished, Its very satisfying.

I have been playing this game non stop since I got it in steam (Thanks Zachary ) Its extremely fun! VERY WELL POLISHED, Zero glitches & its coop!
Its a brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players, set in a procedurally-generated purgatory inspired by viking culture. Battle, build, and conquer your way to a saga worthy of Odin’s patronage!
Has more game play, less bugs, and is polished better than most AAA games while still being in early access, I don't remember the last time a game kept me up late, couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking what I would do the next day, This game has made me like a kid and a candy box!

(Video will come later) (will add more as I think of it later)
Додано 11 лютого 2021 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 11 лютого 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
304.1 год. загалом
I just cant do it, I've put 304 hours on steam for destiny 2 & around 4 to 500 hours when it was on battlenet, All you do is grind, Grind, Grind.... And for what? Only to be greated by mechanics that constantly punish you for having a favorite class, Sub class, Ability or even a favorite gun... Not to mention the fact the PVP requires zero skill, All that matters in PVP is if you're running the META guns.... Never mind that fact you have high tier skilled muscle memory to track you target, Never mind if you've honed your muscle memory to the point where you can flick shot, Never mind if you've actually got skill, Just pop on a over powered META gun and you win the game!
I am by all means not the best player in the world, But at the same time I would be considered a pro in other games, Yet every time my skill gets beaten by some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who spent 100+ hours grinding for some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gun....
Im just done man I cant do it anymore....
I loved this game when they didn't punish you for playing the game the way you want to play.

P.S This also goes for every other game out there..... Even some RPG's punish you for wanting to stick to one way of playing...
Додано 1 лютого 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 25
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273.0 год. загалом (139.0 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
This Was The 0.27 Update Review! I Can No Longer Recommend This Game Because Most Of The Things I Listed Below Such As Hit Registry & Armor Penetration Have Been Messed Up After They Updated The Game To The 0.28 Update

Absolutely Stunning Free To Play Shooter 0.27 Update

Survarium is a post-apocalyptic free to play MMO FPS game. The game is primarily a first-person shooter, but also features several role-playing game elements.

#1 The Sound: A lot of attention & detail has went in to the audial end of this game, From the environment hearing the wind whistle in your ears to the blades of grass colliding with each other to the sounds of the foot steps when people walk to the weapons firing. You will be able to hear every footstep & gunshot every little detail in stunning beautiful deafening glory. The weapon sounds are especially great! they really pack a punch!

#2 The Atmosphere: Survariums post-apocalyptic atmosphere leaves absolutely nothing left to be desired, From its Abandoned cities & schools with over grown vegetation, To its Decaying waste lands, Ruined industrial sites & Its crumbling military bases, As mother nature begins to once again take over & rule with anomalies expanding across the planet with terrifying speed. There is so much beauty in this game. This game has a erie, creepy feel to it as well with its enemy AI in the form of mutants and environmental hazards such as anomalies.

#3 Game Play & Mechanics: The game is very solid it feels very realistic, From your player moving sluggish from having to much armor on or carrying heavy weaponry, To the penalty of not having enough armor on to protect you. The inventory system is very well thought out having to plan ahead for certain situations due to your player only being able to carry so much, Only having 2 profile customizations really makes you think on what items would be best for close quarters or long range, Am I going to be carrying to much weight etc. The games main system is so well thought out it really makes you think & mix & match things up trying to find that perfect combo of weapons & armor & items without feeling like a 500 pound gorilla walking around.

#4 Weapons & Damage: The weapons in this game are superb, From the way that they sound to the way they handle its very realistic & weapons really pack a huge punch!. The iron sights took me awhile to get used to but once I got the hang of it I was doing pretty decent. I can't stress this enough the guns in this game really pack a serious punch, Bullets really hurt if you get hit by a 7.62 bullet in the head you're dead period end of story you're done man you can't shrug off bullets like you can in other games. Like I said before with the bullets, But with armor it allows you to survive certain types of aommunition hits & this causes bleeding, You can bleed from any number of body part, Head, Chest, Legs, Arms & you have to bandage that up. The recoil on the guns is fantastic & as real as you can get, Example of this is the AK74M or AKM that thing kicks like crazy the recoil is extremely realistic but handles just great. Examples of me doing better with the iron sights see link here http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/539645482717945718/4FD2E3999B6C54F444CBF5734EC32EC47A420EEB/

#5 Hit Registry & Connection: My Personal average ping on this game is 110ms which in most games thats a bad ping, But in this game its actually a decent ping, There is hardly ever any lag that I can tell off all in all it runs really welkl connection wise. Hit registry isn't exactly perfect but its pretty spot on aim for the head & you hit the head, Aim for the chest you hit the chest etc. I have had maybe 10 games out of the 40+ hours & several hundred matches where I didn't get a hit marker & caused the other guy to bleed out. Hit registry is spot on!

With everything being said I might update this review later on & add more as new content becomes available! As the game stands now I give it a 9 out of 10!

Додано 13 квітня 2015 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 17 травня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 86
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37.5 год. загалом (36.8 год на момент рецензування)
About a year ago this game was absolutely near perfect. As it stands now? I can not for the life of me recommend it, Here is why.

1 The hit registry about a year ago was really good you pointed at their head & it actually hit their head, The hit registry was almost always spot on.

1 Hit registry as it stands today? Hit marker after hit marker after hit marker.... Your shots are no longer spot on & half the time they don't even register on the enemies side.

2 Connection issues about a year ago was really good most of the players you played with maybe had at the most a 90ms ping, Connection all around was pretty balanced you didn't have many issues with players being a few seconds ahead in terms of connection & you didn't have that many people from other countries trying to play wioth americans.

2 Connection issues as it stands today? Serious lag compensation all around, Players joining from russia connecting to american servers lagging the living crap out of other players giving the non american players the advantage. The average ping now in days for player matches is around 150ms.

3 Recoil about a year ago Was really good there wasn't to much recoil, But there was also just enough recoil to prevent weapons from being over powered. There wasn't really any sway on the sniper rifles either it was pretty well balanced if you knew how to customize your rifle properly.

3 Recoil about as it is today? Recoil shot way up rifles now sway way to much back & forth even when you burst fire the recoil is just crazy. The sniper rifles now have to "Hold their breath to steady" the rifle which is absolutely dumb. Even if you customize your rifle properly your sniper rifle still sways like crazy & has a hell of a lot of recoil.

Final point I'll make, After this game started supporting consoles the PC side kinda lost its support the developers have practically left us PC gamers in the dust. After they began supporting the PS4 the game started have more & more issues with connection & cheaters. The game just isn't the same anymore & I find it sad how the developers have just left their PC side in the dust.
Додано 8 квітня 2015 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 8 квітня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 186
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12.0 год. загалом (0.4 год на момент рецензування)
Video version here for you lazy people :P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDF4hiO-DSA

At first, what the f#ck happened to this game?

Quake Live via Steam became a Quake for casuals. It's not even Quake anymore. It's just a rip-off. A really really bad rip-off.

No alt-tab? Seriously??

Starting gun loadouts? Timers on armor/regen/quad damage? SERIOUSLY!!!???

Railgun = 80 dmg per shot? THANKS! ALOT!!!

Bhop by holding space? Oh my god.. Players may now hold jump to continuously jump. The minimum allowed time between jumps has been increased from 50ms to 100ms.

Universal ammo packs? CRAP!!

Players may now hold forward and jump to 'bunny hop', allowing them to slowly gain up to 2x their base movement speed.

No Gore? its been almost completely removed


Absolutely disgusting voice reminders? No more epic "EXCELLENT!" or "DENIED!!1"? Seriously, just WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

You want to charge me 36$ per year to get the full access to a game I used to play 10 years ago?
Good luck with that.
If i ever wanted to play quake, i'll play Q3A CPMA. Not this poop. Worst rip-off i've ever seen in my entire life. I own a disk copy of the original.
Додано 31 жовтня 2014 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
173.1 год. загалом (69.3 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на CS:GO
I Have re done my review of this game

valve using a bad netcode and down grading to 64 tick.... this makes it a roll of the dice in many ways "Valve told NiP that they want to but cannot change to 128 tick because a vast majority of the community play on machines that only get 0-40 fps" IF YOUR PC CAN'T RUN THE SOURCE ENGINE YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO UPGRADE YOUR PC!! VALVE JUST ADMIT YOU ARE LAZY!

1. Which server are you going to land today? (is it gonna be good is it gonna be bad?)

2. Is my ping gonna be high? Or low?

3. Is my opponents ping gonna be high? Or low? (this matters alot casue the lag compensation sucks, it seems the low pingers are penalised vs high pingers more often than not)

4. Is there gonna be a hacker or a smurf in my game? (there is a abundance of these all over the place which ruins the gaming experience for all).

5. Is my bullets gonna register in this server? Or is my AK gonna do 12 damage again when i shoot his head? Or is the bullets gonna magically go through the model and nothing will happen :S this happens alot and if its never happened to you then youre one in a million.

6. The games full of bugs even after 3 years ! which bug is gonna be a nuisance today??

7. The AK's 'guaranteed first shot accuracy' is absolutely gone!

8. No more proper burst fire, No matter how hard you try the recoil remains the same even if you burst fire like we all used to in 1.6 & CSS.

I have been a cs player since the beta days in year 2000. the game feels clunky as hell. bullets don't go where you aim, they are shot in a cone. the new buy menu can go ♥♥♥♥! it self. it is impossible to kill anyone quick with body shots anymore with the way recoil works currently. on the de dust maps, CT'S and T'S skins look almost the same, this will get better over time I imagine.

the big reasons are clunky movement and super bad recoils on guns.
it took me 10 mins to get used to css coming from 1.6. I tried cs go many times I have over 70 hours on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ record & IT STILL! SUCKS. I have tried so damn hard to like this game but just like QUAKE LIVE it just isn't the same anymore. GG VALVE GOOD ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GAME!
Додано 2 червня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 27 жовтня 2014 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 9
21.9 год. загалом (20.4 год на момент рецензування)
SPOILER WARNING! In order for me to give you a in depth review I must spoil a few things but note this will not spoil the entire game for you.

Where to begin words really can not describe how much I love this game, But I will try for you all.

1 Originality Factor: Machine games has done a great job keeping it old school just like the old Wolfenstein we all know & love whilst also adding in some new age style to it as well with a new perks system this game really feels like a old school shooter from the 90's.

2 Game Play & Mechanics: There are two different ways to play this game through most of it. You can run & gun all day long make lots of noise with HUGE! guns & let mayhem & carnage reign supreme or you can take the semi new addition stealth sneak up behind the enemy kill the commander before he has time to call in Reinforcements The stealth element is surprisingly well done and the kills are extremely satisfying. (Much better then metro last lights stealth elements) The game allows you to chose which play style you like. Mechanics wise there are perks that can be unlocked to provide bonuses, such as faster reloads and greater magazine capacity etc. The perks can be useful but aren't really needed in this game.

3 Artificial Intelligence: The AI is no dummy in this game a single gun shot or the wrong step or noise can set off a alarm screwing your entire stealthy tatics not to mention if they hear a dog attack they know you're there & if you're playing run & gun you'll find yourself restarting a little more then anticipated because they will actually go looking for you if they know you're there once a alarm has been tripped they are on alert. It's not the best AI I've ever seen but machine games did a very good job at making the game difficult but enjoyable.

4 In Game Options: The in game visual options are sadly a tad bit lacking with only a few options these would be Graphics Quality, VT Cache Size, VT Compress, MAX PPF, Shadow Resolution, Deapth Of Field which can't be turned entirely off, Screen Spaced Reflection, Additional Quality Settings & Haze Flare & A FOV slider, Very simple but they get the job done. You can't bind 1 key to lean left or right which is sad but you do get a toggle lean which allows you to look up & over down & about or left & right it takes some getting used tro but it's not actually that bad. The rest is very simple key bindings resolution & sadly no audio controls except for master volume it would have been nice to be able to force the game to run in surrounf instead of what windows runs default but hey again it gets the job done & it's nothing that really effects game play.

5 Stealth: Now for some this is a touchy subject many people have said "It looks like metro last lights stealth" well yes & no its no splinter cell or thief game, But you can't just kill somebody right in front of another AI enemy whilst their back is turned because if the two enemies are cloes together or within their peripheral vision they will notice it so stealth is a bit touchy in this game but it does a great job with it. It's actually pretty hard to do stealth on uber mode & it does a much better job then metro last lights stealth elements.

6 Weapons: Everything from Unreal Tournament's flak cannon to underslung rockets on your assault rifles this games gun play is beyond satisfying dual wielding Unreal Tournament's flak cannons? HELL YES!!!! the guns are loud, proud & HUGE! just like you would expect in a 1990's shooter. Weapon upgrades can be found throughout the game's levels & each one of them offering something fun.

7 The World & It's Story: Visually this game surprised me the graphics of the world are compelling & lots of atmosphere especially the moon level visually again the textures are very good I don't think I have seen a single texture over used all be it not the best graphics but definitely better then a lot of games these days. Trapped in a vegetative state for 14 years, Wolfenstein hero B.J. Blazkowicz awakens to a 1960 dominated by Nazis and a life no-longer solely defined by the killing of them. A alternate history reality where nazis won world war 2. The story is very compelling & it gets you hooked in imediately especially if you're a scifi nut and/or history nut I don't want to ruin much but the ending is sad.

8 The Characters & BJ's Relationshhips With Them: I can't help but feel drawn into the world of wolfenstein the new order because of the way the characters react to you & what's going on around them there is just a lot of emotion between you & all the others lots of sadness lots of love lots of hatred & anger. New characters introduced just in time to die tragically, old war buddies now confined to wheelchairs, a ragtag band of misfits overcoming adversity and making a stand. You get to see a side of BJ as well filled with remorse over an early-game choice. During slower moments to his innermost thoughts reflections on childhood traumas and dreams for the future. & if you sit & listen in stealth mode for a bit the nazis will have convos about real world issues they actually have a personality. I can't help but feel drawn into the world of wolfenstein the new order.

My rating 10 out of 10 keyboards. Should you buy this game? YES! Because it is that damn good.

P.S If this is the last wolfenstein game ever made this by far was a great send off to the entire series Good bye BJ I will miss you.
Додано 22 травня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 8 квітня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
33.4 год. загалом (17.0 год на момент рецензування)
Ok here me out on this, since they have been updating this game i'm going to go through it again, be warned if you don't like it, but I honestly think it's not worth getting (yet anyway)


Guns: They have done a lot with the guns, made them better, some still suck, but they do feel more powerful and feel like they can do something.

No crosshair: This is good and bad, if you try to fire from the hip you are going to spray everywhere, you could just put a little white sticker on the screen or something so you know where the crosshair would be, or just aim down the sights 85% of the time.

Stealth: Finally they put stealth in this, there was some stealth in the first but it wasn't as good, but it's a pain to do.

Added new enemies: I may as well put this here, it can get bland with some of the enemies so they decided to put some in at random, which does keep the game different.

Interactable environments: For the coke mission (Smuggle the drugs to the truck and put them in the boat) you have to get out and hide somewhere with all of the bags, and if you feel like going outside there is fencing around, you can take planks and board up the fences so they can't shoot through them, but they do break from bullets eventually.

Body Bags: If you do stealth and have to kill a guy, you can bag his body and throw it somewhere no one can see it, useful if you want to try and do a full mission stealth wise (Doubt you will though)

Ok that is all I can really think of right now, onto cons


Ammo: Ammo in this game is highly scarce, even if you have a ammo bag, it feels like it gets wasted too quickly or you don't have enough on you, plus the cops don't drop much as it is, 3-4 bullets might get you to kill 1 guy but that's about it.

Stealth: When I played this game I loved how they made stealth since when I do stealth games I try to do it without getting caught, but now they just nerfed it to high heII, granted when it came out you wouldn't get noticed as easily but now people can see you from across the bloody map, it's not much fun anymore.

Detenction System: This is now broken too, and I despise it and everything it stands for, if you don't know how this works i'll explain, when you start a heist you get to pick your weapons and armor, as well as assistance from people or get extra health or ammo, but the way the guns and detection work is annoying, the max detection risk is 75%, basically if you stock up on doing something stealth and give yourself lots of armor and such incase something goes wrong you would be prepared, but since your detection is now at 75% if you get spotted you have like 1 second to get out of his sight or he will see you and then you basically just lost.

Skill trees: They have nerfed these as well, when I started I said "Ok lets see what each one does and i'll pick" I went for ghost and mastermind so I can have a mix of both, and so far it was going well...untill they nerfed both trees, well sort of, I can't remember what skills I loved and what they screwed up, I Just remember I got really frustrated I spent so much time into getting them.

Cloakers and Bulldozers: They brought the cloakers back (Nice going a$$holes like the game wasn't hard enough without them) but I swear these ba$tard$ won't let up on you unless they catch you or you kill them, they are basically a heat seeking missile and they are actually kind of hard to kill, one time I was playing and one ran towards me so I jumped up on a couch to see what would happen, he started running around infront of it trying to get me then just teleported to me and hit me, what the f*%k man. As for the bulldozers they are about the same, but harder, and now there is a automatic shotgun one, basically 2-3 hits you are dead, no contest.

Only 2 teammates: If you plan on doing this single player you can kiss that goodbye, they have basically destroyed it, yes it's meant to be played with friends but what if I don't want to play with anyone Overkill? The bots are fine but you only get 2 of the 3 and it's random, they are really strong but it doesn't feel like it's enough, I still end up getting knocked down and so do they, that extra guy would be helpful, wheres the other one at then? Sitting in the van listening to music?

Chains and Hoxton: Chains has changed too, but honestly, not to sound racist, i'm sure any black guy would fit him, although if I had to choose between the first Chains and this one I don't really know, they both fit so it's difficult to choose. As for Hoxton it's now some american, not a brit, why? British Hoxton was awesome, the new one is just awful.

Grenades: When I saw this I figured they finally did something right with this game and I was happy to try it out, except when I tried it I got dissapointed, listen Overkill, when I throw a grenade into a group of enemies, I expect bodies to go FLYING across the streets and lots of dead people lying around the explosion, not 1 guy dying and the other 3-4 falling over scared as if a Firecracker just went off.

Death Wish: Are you people insane? Like the game wasn't a big enough pain in the first place now you people just made it a whole lot worse, this is basically overkill++ mode ( or something I haven't touched this game) basically now the cops are 3 times harder but the pay out is supposed to be good.

Card System: I don't really like this, it's nice it's not a once a day thing and you can get it whenever you finish a heist, but it gets really annoying sometimes too, now there is about what, 2-3 other cards now? So if you are trying to get a mask and you never can you may as well just grind a easy level till you get what you want now since it's a huge pain to even try to get anything good out of it, I always ended up getting the same mask or design I already had, and never any good paint.

Re-used maps: I thought there was going to be alot of maps and places to go with this but it's just the same maps all over again, the bank isn't a huge bank like the first, it's just a tiny little bank, and you have to go to the SAME BANK about 50 f*%king times with almost every mission, you know they said there was going to be like, 30 maps or something? Or heists? Can't remember, if you go and try to find those posts again you will notice they are all gone, FUNNY, looks like they got worried someone might get upset that they just lied to everyone.

Can't shut doors: Is this a joke? Why can't we? It would be great, that way no one could get in, maybe when you open it you have to shut it or people get suspicious or something, and if you do it during a assault the cops bust it off it's hinges, seriously, it would change everything.

Armor: Armor feels kind of useless at times, there is the heavy suited armor you get in one of the trees but you only get a extra 1-2 shots out of it, REALLY?! HeII paper would be more efficient.


With every single update they put out i'm slowly getting more and more drawn away from the game as well as my friends who enjoyed it at one point, they seem to be breaking what was fun, if someone found a cool glitch or something neat to do in a heist and we all got happy about it, Overkill basically put up a big stop sign before some people got to it, fixed it, and then let them through.

Is this game worth it as it sits? NO. Is it worth it on a sale? MAYBE. It depends on how you feel about the game, honestly I loved the first one more, don't know why either.

What I say when it started, it should have gotten a 8-9/10, now? It gets a 3/10, all I loved about the game has now been demolished, even when I try to enjoy it I don't feel any sense of fun out of it anymore, even my friends stopped because of all the stuff they basically nerfed and screwed up.

"Play it you're way", Overkill said....BULL. F$#KING. S#%T.

This review was written by my friend plum I agreed with it so much I copied it :) http://steamcommunity.com/id/LeSharke
Додано 22 березня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 7 липня 2014 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Показані результати 1–8 із 8