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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 33.4 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 22, 2014 @ 12:54pm
Updated: Jul 7, 2014 @ 9:15am

Ok here me out on this, since they have been updating this game i'm going to go through it again, be warned if you don't like it, but I honestly think it's not worth getting (yet anyway)


Guns: They have done a lot with the guns, made them better, some still suck, but they do feel more powerful and feel like they can do something.

No crosshair: This is good and bad, if you try to fire from the hip you are going to spray everywhere, you could just put a little white sticker on the screen or something so you know where the crosshair would be, or just aim down the sights 85% of the time.

Stealth: Finally they put stealth in this, there was some stealth in the first but it wasn't as good, but it's a pain to do.

Added new enemies: I may as well put this here, it can get bland with some of the enemies so they decided to put some in at random, which does keep the game different.

Interactable environments: For the coke mission (Smuggle the drugs to the truck and put them in the boat) you have to get out and hide somewhere with all of the bags, and if you feel like going outside there is fencing around, you can take planks and board up the fences so they can't shoot through them, but they do break from bullets eventually.

Body Bags: If you do stealth and have to kill a guy, you can bag his body and throw it somewhere no one can see it, useful if you want to try and do a full mission stealth wise (Doubt you will though)

Ok that is all I can really think of right now, onto cons


Ammo: Ammo in this game is highly scarce, even if you have a ammo bag, it feels like it gets wasted too quickly or you don't have enough on you, plus the cops don't drop much as it is, 3-4 bullets might get you to kill 1 guy but that's about it.

Stealth: When I played this game I loved how they made stealth since when I do stealth games I try to do it without getting caught, but now they just nerfed it to high heII, granted when it came out you wouldn't get noticed as easily but now people can see you from across the bloody map, it's not much fun anymore.

Detenction System: This is now broken too, and I despise it and everything it stands for, if you don't know how this works i'll explain, when you start a heist you get to pick your weapons and armor, as well as assistance from people or get extra health or ammo, but the way the guns and detection work is annoying, the max detection risk is 75%, basically if you stock up on doing something stealth and give yourself lots of armor and such incase something goes wrong you would be prepared, but since your detection is now at 75% if you get spotted you have like 1 second to get out of his sight or he will see you and then you basically just lost.

Skill trees: They have nerfed these as well, when I started I said "Ok lets see what each one does and i'll pick" I went for ghost and mastermind so I can have a mix of both, and so far it was going well...untill they nerfed both trees, well sort of, I can't remember what skills I loved and what they screwed up, I Just remember I got really frustrated I spent so much time into getting them.

Cloakers and Bulldozers: They brought the cloakers back (Nice going a$$holes like the game wasn't hard enough without them) but I swear these ba$tard$ won't let up on you unless they catch you or you kill them, they are basically a heat seeking missile and they are actually kind of hard to kill, one time I was playing and one ran towards me so I jumped up on a couch to see what would happen, he started running around infront of it trying to get me then just teleported to me and hit me, what the f*%k man. As for the bulldozers they are about the same, but harder, and now there is a automatic shotgun one, basically 2-3 hits you are dead, no contest.

Only 2 teammates: If you plan on doing this single player you can kiss that goodbye, they have basically destroyed it, yes it's meant to be played with friends but what if I don't want to play with anyone Overkill? The bots are fine but you only get 2 of the 3 and it's random, they are really strong but it doesn't feel like it's enough, I still end up getting knocked down and so do they, that extra guy would be helpful, wheres the other one at then? Sitting in the van listening to music?

Chains and Hoxton: Chains has changed too, but honestly, not to sound racist, i'm sure any black guy would fit him, although if I had to choose between the first Chains and this one I don't really know, they both fit so it's difficult to choose. As for Hoxton it's now some american, not a brit, why? British Hoxton was awesome, the new one is just awful.

Grenades: When I saw this I figured they finally did something right with this game and I was happy to try it out, except when I tried it I got dissapointed, listen Overkill, when I throw a grenade into a group of enemies, I expect bodies to go FLYING across the streets and lots of dead people lying around the explosion, not 1 guy dying and the other 3-4 falling over scared as if a Firecracker just went off.

Death Wish: Are you people insane? Like the game wasn't a big enough pain in the first place now you people just made it a whole lot worse, this is basically overkill++ mode ( or something I haven't touched this game) basically now the cops are 3 times harder but the pay out is supposed to be good.

Card System: I don't really like this, it's nice it's not a once a day thing and you can get it whenever you finish a heist, but it gets really annoying sometimes too, now there is about what, 2-3 other cards now? So if you are trying to get a mask and you never can you may as well just grind a easy level till you get what you want now since it's a huge pain to even try to get anything good out of it, I always ended up getting the same mask or design I already had, and never any good paint.

Re-used maps: I thought there was going to be alot of maps and places to go with this but it's just the same maps all over again, the bank isn't a huge bank like the first, it's just a tiny little bank, and you have to go to the SAME BANK about 50 f*%king times with almost every mission, you know they said there was going to be like, 30 maps or something? Or heists? Can't remember, if you go and try to find those posts again you will notice they are all gone, FUNNY, looks like they got worried someone might get upset that they just lied to everyone.

Can't shut doors: Is this a joke? Why can't we? It would be great, that way no one could get in, maybe when you open it you have to shut it or people get suspicious or something, and if you do it during a assault the cops bust it off it's hinges, seriously, it would change everything.

Armor: Armor feels kind of useless at times, there is the heavy suited armor you get in one of the trees but you only get a extra 1-2 shots out of it, REALLY?! HeII paper would be more efficient.


With every single update they put out i'm slowly getting more and more drawn away from the game as well as my friends who enjoyed it at one point, they seem to be breaking what was fun, if someone found a cool glitch or something neat to do in a heist and we all got happy about it, Overkill basically put up a big stop sign before some people got to it, fixed it, and then let them through.

Is this game worth it as it sits? NO. Is it worth it on a sale? MAYBE. It depends on how you feel about the game, honestly I loved the first one more, don't know why either.

What I say when it started, it should have gotten a 8-9/10, now? It gets a 3/10, all I loved about the game has now been demolished, even when I try to enjoy it I don't feel any sense of fun out of it anymore, even my friends stopped because of all the stuff they basically nerfed and screwed up.

"Play it you're way", Overkill said....BULL. F$#KING. S#%T.

This review was written by my friend plum I agreed with it so much I copied it :) http://steamcommunity.com/id/LeSharke
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Oniinu Aug 24, 2020 @ 1:55am 
If you thought Death Wish was hard, wait till you learn they added Death Sentence now. It feels like you're going up against 20 John Wicks per second.
Scar Da Sergal Jun 13, 2017 @ 10:33am 
You should try the game now. It went trough a lot. They fixed the Desync added some new toys to play with. It's fun now. But if you wanna fire up the game feel free to call me and i help you out. The game isn't that hard. You just need to get into it.
Sparky Mar 23, 2014 @ 3:49pm 
TTVLexis134 Mar 23, 2014 @ 2:51pm 
what in gods name is your peoples problem?
Joya 💎 Mar 23, 2014 @ 2:45pm 
@ASUS ROG KingCry So you are now going to say the old and stupid "Kill yourself fur fag" why? Is that the best you can come up with buddy? And Tec no I don't care what "Quote" it's from, nor would I bother about it, the both of you need to grow the fuck up.
Raudi_ Mar 23, 2014 @ 12:18pm 
@Сливка-чан Kill yourself fur fag
Joya 💎 Mar 23, 2014 @ 11:55am 
@TecRev01 yes I speak english you fucking idget, also what god? I don't care for 1 single "god" I'm pagan :B, also you seem abit tense since all you are doing is just cursing the whole time throughout almost your entire posts, also you say I can't speak English? Dude you have puncuation and typing errors up the ying yang, don't say I can't speak/type properly when you can't do it yourself.
Raudi_ Mar 23, 2014 @ 11:03am 
The game has always been fun and the patches has been great your all just a bunch of whiny little girls if you bitch about it being to hard or you need crosshairs fucking christ your not playing a Competitive FPS this is a game about stealing shit and breaking shit learn what the fuck the game has always been about from the start
Joya 💎 Mar 23, 2014 @ 10:42am 
The game is tedious and annoying, when it came out it was actually fun, now it's just more grinding for useless shit, and after you get to a certain level there isn't anything else to get unless you want to get shitty DLC like the terrible grenades. Stealth is now nerfed to high hell, weapons and armor kind of suck, mainly certain weapons, grenades are just god awful, now there is cloakers ontop of everything else, we were promised a shit ton of heists and maps at the beginning of the release but that was also total bullshit, and the developers themselves called everyone cry babies because the small group out of all the ass kissers that actually had fun with the old patches instead of the new ones wanted the old stealth and old way back, and I wish they would have listened. And also yes the AI is just annoying as fuck sometimes. And Tec if you are seriously sitting at your computer making a review about a review, you need a life dude.
TheMarc102 Mar 23, 2014 @ 10:29am 
How is this game hard?