Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

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"jumping", "vibrating" cab of a truck
I have a problem with the cab of a truck. When I turning left or right slowly, the cab is "vibrating". It's really annoying because it's a very visible
Do you have it too ?
Viimeisin muokkaaja on 乇爪卩ㄩ尺尺乇尺; 23.2.2013 klo 8.53
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Do you have any "real physics" mods installed? I find the 'bouncing' effect is qutie exaggerated on the cabin with that. If that is real I'd get so sick riding in one of those.
No mods installed. This is not like "bouncing" but something else. I'll upload a video when I'll can (30 minutes)

See at the cab relative to environment. Cab is "vibrating" :f
Viimeisin muokkaaja on 乇爪卩ㄩ尺尺乇尺; 23.2.2013 klo 10.58
Honestly I don't particularily see much/any vibrating. :/ Perhaps it looks different in the actual game. If anything, maybe just try reducing your scale setting. I keep mine at about 125%. Any higher and my gameplay will tend to get choppy.
I've watched a few more times staring at the dash... and the vibrating is very subtle.
I found the problem. That was a program GIGABYTE GURU_OC 2
After when I closed program, this problem has gone and other problems with changing graphics.
Dunno why this program have negative effect on the game.
Thanks anyway for trying help.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 23.2.2013 klo 8.53
Viestejä: 6