AbbeyManuel  [developer] Jan 7, 2014 @ 11:16am
Graphics card issue fixed, Mac & Linux soon.
Hey dear patient people, Abbey Games here. We've got good news and an explanation on why the current Humble Bundle, featuring Reus in the 2nd tier, casts a shadow on that news. The good news: The port is finished. That means, Reus can now be played by a broader range of Windows gamers: the people who previously encountered the "No suitable graphics card found"-message can play the game by entering the beta branch. You can do this by Right-clicking Reus in your Library, selecting Properties and under the tab Betas, just select the 'Protected beta' one.

Also, the Mac and Linux version will appear during the bundle. As we speak, Humble's programmers are still working on the Mac and Linux-version and we're helping where we can. Thanks for your incredible patience.

We recognize that during this process we have wronged gamers that were enthusiastically waiting for Reus. We tried to do our best with issues in Reus, but in our inexperience we gravely underestimated our ability to port Reus from the XNA engine to MonoGame, which was the only fix for a particularly nasty problem. Read more about that one here.

A few months ago we admitted to ourselves and you that we couldn't do the port in the time frame we promised. While we were already late, we wanted the quickest solution at that point and turned to an experienced and renowned third party. We couldn't mention that third party's name before because of NDAs, but now we can safely say it's Humble, of bundle fame. Since somewhere in August/September, we have expressed how important a speedy port was and the first attempt was to finish the port in October. However we failed to put in place hard agreements about this. When Humble could not deliver in 2013, we lacked the leverage we needed to get you Reus quick, or at least quicker than the recently started Humble Bundle.

We realize that we are definitaly the accountable party. Adriaan and me will be here to answer (to) you. We recognize that for players that have bought the game early and couldn't play it, this bundle is a smack in the face. We truly regard this as our big mistake.

Still, I hope that many of you will try Reus and enjoy it. We've worked really hard on what it has become, we've worked on it during our studies, and without a budget. We're very grateful for the success Reus had thanks to the support of passionate gamers. We're still very proud of it, despite this painful situation. Sorry again, but please also HF!
Last edited by AbbeyAdriaan; Jan 7, 2014 @ 12:05pm
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Showing 1-15 of 58 comments
FuzzyPuffin Jan 7, 2014 @ 11:45am 
Maybe it's because I've been a Mac gamer for many years, but I don't feel it's a slap in the face. I've had to endure much worse. :) Nothing will give you realistic expectations on porting times better than being a Mac gamer for 20+ years.

This situation is not that terrible; you've been as communicative as you could've been, and that's the important thing. Look at Torchlight 2 - Mac version promised years ago, no communication until recently about the port, not even that it was still planned/being worked on.

Also the fact that Reus is in the 4.99 tier makes it a bit less of a sting. I got Reus previously during a sale for 2.50, and I just picked up this humble for $1 just for To the Moon, so I still feel I've come out ahead.

As long as the port is polished and relatively bug-free, that's all I care about. :)
Last edited by FuzzyPuffin; Jan 7, 2014 @ 11:47am
attila_the_hen Jan 7, 2014 @ 1:31pm 
I just bought Reus from the Humble Bundle, and I went to the Discussions page to see if there was any news about a Mac port and came upon this helpful thread. This sort of communication, openness and honesty is increasingly rare; thank you so much for keeping the channel open and letting us know about what's going on.

Yes, missed deadlines are a bummer (it feels like I've been waiting for ages for Vlambeer's LUFTRAUSERS), but it's a lot better than getting a rushed, buggy port. Add to that the fact that you guys are so forthright about the situation and holding yourself accountable (and I don't think you guys need to be so hard on yourselves - stuff happens, we all understand), and I'm just happy that the port exists at all, let alone the fact that it'll be out very soon.

Again, thank you for this message. You guys ROCK.
Last edited by attila_the_hen; Jan 7, 2014 @ 1:31pm
sylvan Jan 7, 2014 @ 1:35pm 
I'm still not totally sure what this means... does this mean that the port will or won't make it to steam? It's only a slap in the face if I HAVE to go rebuy it; is this an apology because a third party was required, because it took so long, or because to play the port we have to rebuy the game?
AbbeyAdriaan  [developer] Jan 7, 2014 @ 1:49pm 
Thanks for the positive repsonses everyone! They're really motivating. :)
@Saf: The ports will be available on Steam soon. There is still a bug in the Mac/Linux version that makes the game stutter every second, and the Steamworks part is not entirely working yet, but it should be done in one of these days. :) No rebuy needed! The apology is for that it took until now to get it done.
sylvan Jan 7, 2014 @ 2:03pm 
hah then you should retract it immediately. The fact that you guys were communicative throughout, and that the port has indeed arrived, puts you ahead of 90% of devs that say they'll port... anyway congratulations on getting it out there.
Philip550c Jan 7, 2014 @ 2:07pm 
Thanks been waiting for this game and Im glad to know the wait will be over soon. Honestly other devs have done much worse to the mac/linux community so you guys are doing just fine.
dv8godd Jan 7, 2014 @ 2:25pm 
Originally posted by Alpaca:
I just bought Reus from the Humble Bundle, and I went to the Discussions page to see if there was any news about a Mac port and came upon this helpful thread. This sort of communication, openness and honesty is increasingly rare; thank you so much for keeping the channel open and letting us know about what's going on.

Yes, missed deadlines are a bummer (it feels like I've been waiting for ages for Vlambeer's LUFTRAUSERS), but it's a lot better than getting a rushed, buggy port. Add to that the fact that you guys are so forthright about the situation and holding yourself accountable (and I don't think you guys need to be so hard on yourselves - stuff happens, we all understand), and I'm just happy that the port exists at all, let alone the fact that it'll be out very soon.

Again, thank you for this message. You guys ROCK.

^ What Alpaca said, ditto for me.
Thrillhaus Jan 7, 2014 @ 5:03pm 
Don't worry - happy to wait for what looks like a great game. Keep up the good work you lot...
dragonfyre13 Jan 7, 2014 @ 6:58pm 
Absolutely agree with the above comments, being open and communicative is key. It's also very refreshing to see the developers take to heart the frustration gamers on non-windows platforms endure regarding a port that's been promised when deadlines are missed. Ideally the situation wouldn't arise, but it's an incredibly positive message being sent by accepting responsibility. This even more so given an inability to change what occurred, except to keep in communication with those waiting (which you of course did, as seen from this and previous communications). Your own frustration must be immense given there's little you could have done, and accepting responsibility in this scenario is particularly admirable.

I'll admit I was hesitant about buying the humble bundle, given the absence of Reus under linux compatible games on Steam (and it's one of the few in the bundle I didn't yet own). Reading the above (in addition to previous communication) on porting progress convinced me that this was absolutely worth snapping up. When your team decides to create another game (provided it's announced with linux support as a goal), expect myself and numerous others to pre-order, in some part due to a clear demonstration of professionalism and transparency.

As stated by others, the current approach far exceeds the majority of those purportedly working on porting to new platforms. I'd state also that it's better than many development firms of any kind marketing to consumers. Be it porting to a new platform, making critical feature additions, resolving outstanding bugs in subsequent releases, or nearly any effort people anticipate to gain full use of purchased software, much of the software industry appears to treat consumers as if they should be pleased the work is being done at all. This attitude particularly manifests when there are factors outside the developers immediate control, such as seen currently with learning curve and unforseen impact from library/framework choice made prior. It's readily apparent that Abbey Games doesn't share that perspective from the words and actions seen here and elsewhere.

Hats off to you guys, you're navigating a difficult situation with responsibility and maturity. Stay the course and you'll have a loyal following going forward, myself included.
{RpG} JR Jan 7, 2014 @ 7:59pm 
I ran the beta version and Mono pops up fine, with a white window. Then immediately after is a windows error message, saying "Windows is looking for a solution". Of course, windows never does. And the game window just crashes. Is there any way to fix that? Thanks!

PS: I had the Graphics card issue before and that's why I'm trying the beta run. I have a Sony E Series laptop with i5 and Intel HD graphics. It runs TF2, CS, to list a few, fine.
Cheeseheadfoamy Jan 7, 2014 @ 11:15pm 
Originally posted by {RpG} JR #appsDoneMoney:
I ran the beta version and Mono pops up fine, with a white window. Then immediately after is a windows error message, saying "Windows is looking for a solution". Of course, windows never does. And the game window just crashes. Is there any way to fix that? Thanks!

PS: I had the Graphics card issue before and that's why I'm trying the beta run. I have a Sony E Series laptop with i5 and Intel HD graphics. It runs TF2, CS, to list a few, fine.

I had that same issue. I just got the game from the bundle and haven't experienced the graphics card issue, but when I try to run the beta the window is a white screen and it says windows is searching for (and failing to find) a problem.

I hope this issue can be fixed soon, but this is what betas are for, right? :squirtyay:
Nod Jan 7, 2014 @ 11:57pm 
Thanks for the update and for sticking with the mac and linux ports. Looking forward to playing on Linux.
AbbeyAdriaan  [developer] Jan 8, 2014 @ 12:33am 
For everyone who is experiencing the white window crash, could you maybe post the error report? It's either in the install folder of Reus (in Steamapps/common etc..) or in the event Viewer if there is none in the Reus folder. Thanks!
Last edited by AbbeyAdriaan; Jan 8, 2014 @ 12:33am
Dacke Jan 8, 2014 @ 4:13am 
Great of you to communicate and care about fixing stuff.

If you want to feel superior to something, just look at a game like Dungeon Defenders. It has a known physics bug that makes the game almost unplayable on Linux. Despite this they sold it twice(!) in Humble Bundles in 2012/2013, pretending that it had "full Linux support".

So yeah, as long as you're talking to us and actively trying to solve the problem you're doing great (comparatively ;) ).
GumballAssassin Jan 8, 2014 @ 4:27am 
Hi, i just recently tried the fix and it definitely got rid of the graphics card error message but now it comes up straight away that Reus has stopped working. Does that mean my graphics card is still a problem?
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Date Posted: Jan 7, 2014 @ 11:16am
Posts: 58