

ST: New Horizons
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Russ (STNH)  [udvikler] 5. dec. 2021 kl. 4:22
About us:
[b[Q - Who/what is Paradoxical D.G ? (PDG) [/b]
A - A modding group of hundreds of modders lead by an continuously developing council with the goal to support and develop existing and upcoming mods for stellaris and a love for all things sci-fi

Q -How many mods/projects are Paradoxical D.G currently working ?
A - 4, currently released are Star Trek (STNH),Star Wars (SWFR) and in development we have Stargate & Babylon 5.

Q - What is the structure of PDG?
A - Each Mod has a democratic council who work together for the good of the mod. Each Mod has its own internal set up, but you can find the current list of devs who each have the following discord tag

Q - I have a love of ST/SW/SG/B5, can I join the team?
A - We are always looking to recruit and bring new talent into the team, if you feel you would like to join the team then fill in an application and one of our team will get back to you as soon as they can

Google Docs
Star Trek: New Horizons Dev Team Application
This is the official PDG Recruitment Application for ST:NH, please fill out the questions below.
Closed-Beta Recruitment is open!

Q - Can I take assets from PDG?
A - Yes and No. Some models are owned by PDG, others are gifted to us by outside contributers. It is always best to ask one of the Dev Team (Grinsel) and check the credits file to confirm ownership before taking anything from the mod.

Q - Are there any other mods associated with PDG?
A - The only mods we support are the main mods and the associated GUIs. Over the years former members of the team have struck out on their own and have created their own mods. We wish them all the best, but for more information on them we recomended going to their own website/discord for more info. Arguments between mods is not something welcomed here, as the Vulcan's say IDIC..

Q - Can I support PDG with a donation?
A - We are a completely not for profit organisation, and we do this in our free time for the love of the franchises and to create the best user experiences we can. All of our time is given freely, which is always something to keep in mind ;)

Q - Are you linked to the franchise owners in any shape or form?
A - Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS
Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by,
nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek
franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made project intended for
recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted.
No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount

ST New Horizons FAQ Section:
Q - What is STNH?
A - Star Trek New Horizons is a community-driven project aiming to deliver an exceptional Star Trek game experience. This is a total conversion. Prepare to relive your favorite Episodes and movies, this mod will guide you through the entire canon Star Trek timeline, starting in the year 2150 with ENT era up to the year 2400 and beyond. Explore strange new worlds, meet new civilizations, research the unknown, form a new federation and prepare to fight the upcoming threats to the galaxy.

Q - Where can I play STNH?
A - STNH is currently only supported via the Stellaris Steam Workshop, so all you need is the base game and the mod downloaded. We also offer legacy versions of the game via Git. Sadly we do not have the bandwidth to support other platforms at this moment in time.

Q - Can I play an older version?
A - Yes! We save previous versions
GitLab ( Make sure you are playing the right version of Stellaris though...
Q - What DLC do I need to play STNH?
A - We try our very best to avoid locking any content behind DLC. See a later section to see what DLC brings exactly what to the game.

Q - What DLC do I need to play STNH?
A - We try our very best to avoid locking any content behind DLC. See a later section to see what DLC brings exactly what to the game.

Q - I hate "XXX Trek" can you remove it?
A - Short answer is no, slightly longer answer is we treat all official canon sources as part of the STNH story. Time effort and care goes into every model, event and artwork and we do our best to create our own version of the Star Trek story and for every one person who hates an element, someone else will like it. So please remain respectful to those that do like it and those that have spent their time working on it for all your entertainment.

Q - Can I run mod XYZ with STNH?
A - The only mods supported by STNH are affiliated PDG mods. New Horizons is a complete conversion so any other mod, no matter how big or small has the chance to impact NH and causing strange happenings. Our view will always be only run PDG mods. But you are always welcome to experiment, but please note we are unable to support bugs when running multiple mods.

Q - Why isn't this story in the game?
A - We are still only a small team and probably haven't gotten around to making your fave story into an event yet. By all means have a go at creating it and submit it to us, you never know we might include it!

Q - Why isn't my fave ship in game?
A - Creating ship models is a huge talent and a lengthy process (just ask our 3D team!) and a specialised skill. We are often lucky enough that another artist is willing to let us use their creations, with full credits. You are very welcome to suggest models, but please include a link and the creators details so that we can speak to them & don't be offended if they say no or it's not something we want to include right now.

Q - I have a suggestion, what can I do?
A - We have a suggestions forum, feel free to add it there. Always keep in mind what is possible and remember gameplay comes first. Better yet why not have a go at creating it yourself, you could be a budding member of the team!

Q - Something happened that didn't occur in the same way as it did on TV/Film
A - Probably not :D Remember our stories are based on events from the shows, but things would be a bit too predictable if they happened the same way each time! STNH promotes choice and crafting your own ST world.

Q - I'm not much of a modder, but I would love to help, what can I do?
A - You are welcome to promote the mod, tell your friends and family and join our community. Or you could help build our wiki page and support other players.

ST New Horizons DLC Section:
Q - What does the DLC do to the game?
A - We try to keep as much available to all players, but there are some features that provide a little bit extra

Nemesis: The Nemesis DLC adds a few additional base game espionage operations to the game
Utopia: Advanced slavery options added, included Remans added as battle thralls, unique slavery options for the Orion, Breen
Synthetic Dawn: Two new races added to the game, the Cravic and the Pralor become playable
MegaCorp: The Orion & Ferengi are converted to megacorp empires with all the unique associated features.
Apocalypse: Planet Killer ships added to the game for the Undine, Scimitar, Xindi & Krenim
Federations: Unlocks the federation types included in this DLC. Note this doesn't impact the formation of the UFP.
Aquatics: The Chelarians have been added as a playable race and the Selkie are includes as a warp capable primitive

ST New Horizons Gameplay Section:
Q - How do I form the UFP?
A - You need to be playing as one of the 4 Federation Founders and be in an alliance with at least 3 of the other founding members, after at least 15 in game years something magical will happen. Don't worry if the founding members are not the best of friends there is an event that will help you out.

Q - The Great Houses wont get on peacefully?!
A - Peace is never an easy thing for a true Klingon and keeping the houses happy is deliberately a challenge. Helping one house may upset another, decide which houses are truly honorable

Q - How do I build flagships?
A - Flagships have been moved to the Utopia Planitia facility, a mega-structure that can be built once Mars. You can only build one flagship at a time and must decom the previous ship before you can build the next. Watch the video by Cornishratbeard in the 101 section for an in depth demo of how it works.

Q - My Flagship was destroyed, how do I get it back?
A - Sorry :frowning: once a Flagship is gone, its gone! They can turn the tide in battle, but are not invincible. But dont forget their are always more letters in the alphabet and the next version will become available when researched.

Q - What flagships are in the game?
A - We provide science (can explore & survey) and military (superior in battle) versions of the NX > Connie > Excelsior > Ambassador > Galaxy > Sovereign > Odyssey (no science version)

Q - What are the legend ships?
A - Legend ships add a bit of flavour to the game, based on famous ships from the shows they come with some cool modifiers that make them expensive but a worthy addition to any fleet.

Q - I'm stuck in Fluidic Space, how do I get out?
A - Don't panic, their are multiple events that we wont spoil that lead to Species 8472 making their mark on the galaxy. You may need to wait 50 game years before you are ready to take on the rest of the galaxy.

[/h1]ST New Horizons Bugs:[/h1]
Even the most expensive games staffed by a full time team unfortunately has its share of bugs, and sadly we are no different. We try our level best to keep the game bug free and address any issues.

Q - Is there a known bug list?
A - Yes, check the bug channel, our team keep this list up to date.
Reporting the same bug multiple times just clogs up the channel and delays us being able to fix them. Be smart and check before reporting

Q - I've found a bug, what do I do?
A - The best thing you can do is report the bug via the bug form that can be found in the Bug channel.
Providing log files and a save game is the best way we can go about fixing them, you are welcome to discuss bugs in the channel, but REMEMBER this is a very big channel, report all bugs via the form & provide as much detail as you can. We can't fix it if we can't find or investigate it
Or via this link -

Q - How do you test NH?
A - We have an awesome beta team who provide extensive testing prior to any release, if you would like to join this team contact a dev or moderator for more info.
Or you can apply direct via this link -
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G-Man  [udvikler] 22. dec. 2023 kl. 12:23 

TNG mode is activated via the 2 Pre-TNG Era Maps only

It is recommended to run with the submod, as this changes the date and removes certain empires

If you run without the submod and want to play UFP, select them from the Empire screen NOT United Earth/Vulcan/Andor or Tellar

Date only changes with the submod

There is a known 2-5min wait on loading the map, this is where the techs are added and the map is sorted. We have reduced this as far as possible for now... moaners will be fed to the Gorn.
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