Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Be the Zed Variety Pack (Unofficial mod)
Installing the mod on a dedicated server with Steam Workshop
It is really simple to activate Steam Workshop for dedicated servers, and then add map and/or mods ID to the configuration file to install, and maintain updated all the custom content automaticaly.

Install the mod :

- Stop the server
- Go to your server KFGame/Config folder
- Open the file PCServer-KFEngine.ini
- Go to the bottom of the file, and add this (*)
- Save the file PCServer-KFEngine.ini now
- Start the server. The mod will automaticaly download to the server with Steam Workshop. Wait a few minutes to be sure but in theory it will take a few seconds.
When mod is installed you can see its folder created KFGame/Cache/609307979/ with its content inside
Updates will come automatically on the server you don't have to do anything special

(*) On a side note, you can do the same by adding a new line with another Workshop ID to install something else, for exemple you can install Workshop maps this way too (for maps you still have to add extra map informations in the file PCServer-KFGame.ini to be able to switch it or add it to the map cycle, but this is another topic).

Activate Steam Workshop download for players joining :

You now also have to decide how to manage client downloads (for the players who join without the mod installed). Two options: use the Steam Workshop download (all automatic), or use the old system with HTTP redirection to your own web server (you have to manually update files on the web server to match the files running on your game server).
I of course strongly recommend to use the workshop option, this is the one I will describe here.

- Stop the server
- Go to your server KFGame/Config folder
- Open the file PCServer-KFEngine.ini
- Find the section starting with [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver]
- Read the lines under that section, you should see a line starting with DownloadManagers=XxXxXxXxXxXx when you have found it, create a new line BEFORE this line (yes BEFORE like in NOT AFTER), and paste this
It is mandatory that this new line you add is the first "DownloadManager=' line
- Save the file
- Start the server

Mod is now installed, and clients will download from Workshop the mod files. You have nothing to do now, everything will be automatic for this mod (server update, client downloads)

Play the mod:

- Open you KF2Server.BAT file (or any other .BAT file you use, where is your start command line)
For people RENTING the server, contact your Game Server Provider support and ask them how to modify the start command line, because when you rent a server, GSP in general have their own command line and do not use the original KF2Server.BAT file. Alternatively use the "Play the mod BIS" part of this guide.

The default content of the original .BAT file should look like this
start .\Binaries\win64\kfserver kf-bioticslab?adminpassword=123

- Modify it to match the game mode you want to play, in this example server will start on Farmhouse map, with the Boss Chalenge game mode (/!\ this is one single line /!\)
start .\Binaries\win64\kfserver kf-BlackForest?game=KFGamePVP.KFGameInfo_BossChallenge
- Save the file
- Start server. You should see in the log that the command line worked, and that the game mode is active. You can also look in webadmin and the game mode name will be "Game" instead of "Survival"

Here are the different game modes available for now:

Play the mod BIS:

Another simple solution to activate the mod on your server is to use the MANAGEMENT CONSOLE from the webadmin (not the in game console). On the left menu of web admin, look for MANAGEMENT CONSOLE (it is on the bottom of the menu). Type the following command and press the EXECUTE button.
open kf-BlackForest?game=KFGamePVP.KFGameInfo_BossChallenge
Server will load the map and gametype you have in your command. You can adjust the command to fit your needs (other map, other game type, more options in the command line and so on..)

Sources :

TWI Wiki for Killing Floor 2 server[]

cmicroc's message

Bugs I noticed :

  • Passworded server will show as non passworded in the server browser. Server reports no password on query "Password false" (ingame, HLSW or ) .So when you try to join it the game says you need a password to join it, but you have no way to write it, so you need to know the server IP and PORT, then press F3 to open console and type the following console command: OPEN IP:PORT?password=XXX (replace IP and PORT by the server IP and PORT, and replace XXX by the actual server password.
  • Game Type in server browser will show as Survival instead of the current game mode name, as well as difficulty which shows as Normal
  • A player leaving the lobby before game starts triggers the win/defeat condition (we can ear the defeat sound), then server switches maps
  • A player joining a game in progress got no Dosh in Boss Challenge (not a real bug as others can still share the money). I think joining a game in progress should be allowed, but late joiners should be spectating only and not spawning to avoid the leave/join exploit.
  • Spectator in Boss Chalenge (surely other modes too) blocks the win condition, if you kill all players, spectator needs to leave the server (or get kicked :awkward:) to show the win/defeat screen
  • Win/Defeat screen does not match the Patriarch but the Players win or lose. I mean if Patriarch WINS, he will have the players' end game screen telling DEFEAT instead of WIN
  • WebAdmin is missing like everything.
    • No ChangeMap functionality
    • No GameTypes configuration page
    • No GameType name (actually called "Game" game mode in server overview, and nothing in gametypes or changemap)

Legutóbb szerkesztette: ®omano; 2016. márc. 22., 0:47
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The bug seems to be that if you attempt to add or remove the password while the mod is running then the status in the server browser doesn't get updated.

If you start the mod with the password already set it "seems" to work. The case we had earlier was trying to remove the password. In game it claimed the password was gone, but the server browser still prompted for a password before it would try and join... We had to stop and restart the server to get the server browser to play ball.

The other thing that seems odd is I cannot change the difficulty level while the mod is running...
No I just started my server on the Boss Chalenge game mode, with a password in the PCServer-KFGame.ini file, and server reports no password on query "Password false" (ingame, HLSW or )

There is no difficulty as it is PVP, you can not change AI for exemple as there is none so difficulty would be useless in my opinion, and I think in Boss Chalenge, Patriarch's health scales depending of number of players. Lot of configs are actually missing if you look in webadmin
Updated the guide with a new method for playing the mod.
I had a bug where the file KFGamePVP.u sized 436419 bytes was not updating correctly I had a file KFGamePvP.u sized 469696 bytes (note the case difference in file name PvP =/= PVP), and so I had a MISMATCH ERROR on join (all other files were the good ones). I temporarily fixed the problem by manually updating this file from my computer workshop download to the remote server cache folder..

For me the problem was on the server OS or inside server folder, and it was the server folder. I had to install another fresh server in another folder, then I installed the mod by activating and puting the Workshop ID, and then I saw that the mod was downloading the good version on this new server, I then compared my two different server folders, and found differences, that indicated me where to look.

I fixed this problem by deleting three folders in Binaries/Win64/ and restarting the server:
  • appcache (contained lot of not understandable empty random folders maybe not important at all for the fix)
  • depotcache (contained .manifest files, not really readable in text editor but I could see that it was refering the the mods/maps paths and files, so thifs folder may be an important one in the fix)
  • steamapps (contained downloaded files like in the Cache folder, so sure it is an important folder in the fix)

So for me two options:
  • there is curently a bug in the workshop server integration and it fails to correctly update files inside depotcache and/or appcache and/or steamapps folders in Binaries/Win64
  • as I run my server under WINE for Linux, this specific bug may be triggered by WINE itself (still possible), or by Linux case sensitivity (I don't know why but it may be the problem)

I don't know what was the problem (I'm really thinking of a bug in workshop integration in servers), but anyway now you know how to fix it.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: ®omano; 2016. márc. 14., 17:37
Zane  [Fejlesztő] 2016. márc. 14., 19:56 
I am out to GDC the rest of the week. I can help more when I return.
Someone pointed out on tripwire forums that if you have kf2 dedicated server and kf2 on same machine - server wont download workshop addons, when steam is running.
Aka you have to turn off the steam, launch kf2 server and let it download workshop addons as a workaround for now.
Yes Necrossin, and if you look carefully, I'm the one who helped finding this problem :D

The problem I had was not that, as I have a real dedicated machine I rent, where I installed OS and all. No Steam client is running on this dedicated remote machine.
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