Landmarks of Legend
RabidHobbit Sep 10, 2022 @ 1:23pm
Unit balance?
How are people feeling about the unit balance in the mod? I love the idea of more landmarks, but a bit worried about OP units. What factions have people tried or fought against, already?
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Coolisron Aug 23, 2023 @ 11:05pm 
Playing as the High Elves, the phoenix riders recruited from the landmark building in the shrine of Asuryan are very weak. They lose in combat to fell bats. Some extra armor or physical resistance would be of great benefit so that they can perform the role of flying cavalry

Edit: They just need to have double or more health than they have currently
Last edited by Coolisron; Aug 23, 2023 @ 11:12pm
sins8 May 8 @ 7:58pm 
Hello, i just wanted to offer a few suggestions on stat changes for some of your units. I am only going mention ones I have used, as well as tested for confirmation. I dont know the lore on any of these units so if there is a lore reason for something I wont know it. I also use 3 landmark mods so if i mention a unit from one of the other mods by accident sorry

W.L.C Guard: for there price they did not come close to out performing a basic empire halberdier unit, or the nordland marines. Based on the price I am guessing this is supposed to be an elite unit? (also if possible full name, this one always sticks out as odd)

Set the basic formation to tight (halberds are best used in formation), increase model number to 100. Add expert charge defence, and use the ironbreaker stats for the bombs. Add frenzy, and discouraged

Gutbusters gutbusters: increase ammo to 22 (this is standard for empire missile troops), increase speed to 56, increase armor to 50

Assassins of the twelve arms: reverse the base damage with the AP damage, good assassins should know the best way to get around armor for lethal strikes

Risen streltsi: set reload to 11.0 seconds. They are undead so being a little faster and more importantly not getting tired.

Imperial dragon: add wounds, and 10 armor

Daughters of Rhya: honestly I dont know what the goal of this unit is, its neat but it doesnt really serve a very defined roll. So I am just going to operate on the description of monstrous shock cavalry, anti-large, tier 5

Increase units models to 60, charge bonus 44, weapon strength: base weapon damage 21, AP 12. Missile strength: base missile damage 25, AP 12. Add poison damage to all weapons. Depending on the flavor you are going for adding magical attack might also be warrented.

Flamespyre phoenix riders: physical resistance 10%, HP to 6500, base weapon 50, AP 100 (half of knights of tor). Know there are 2 different routes I would suggest based on the flavor you want. Magic attack and dampened, or fire damage and flammable. Personally I would go with the first option. Being magically attuned I would think magic makes more sense and you can still have the flavor of fire in fire resistance. (or if you can make your own contact effect that does both, but I would increase price to 1700 in that case)

Caledonian honour guard: set models to 100, leadership to 85, speed 34, melee attack 46, melee defence 36. Seems like these guys might be fire inspired if so fire damage and flammable, and wild fire aura (increase price to 1650 if you add the fire). If not fire inspired then add dazed and disrupted

Mother of the flame: its a good unit but not so good that its worth the price, its still comparable to a dragon, set price to 3500. Increase hp to 7240. Add fiery rebirth, attuned to magic, leadership to 100, armor to 45. Give perfect vigour give wild fire aura

Eonir stag riders: speed 100, melee attack 42, weapon base 23, AP 12, anti infantry 15. charge 70, howl of the forest, disrupted, increase price to 1200

Exiled squires: set models to 100, increase armor to 95, silver shield, magical attack, base damage 10, AP 20, 15 anti infantry ,perfect viger, remove peasant.add disoriented, set hp to 8300 and raise price to 1100. (just a thought on these guys, exiles are likely going to be better then an original counter part because they will have to survive in the world without support making them better. In this case adventures, hence the better gear, and magical gear)
Last edited by sins8; May 8 @ 8:01pm
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