Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Simple Character Export and Import [Build 41 MP Stable]
Santillious  [developer] Dec 30, 2021 @ 3:56am
How does this work?
This mod allows you to save your character into file and then load this character with all your perks, skills and skill bonuses into game (any game where mod is enabled).

To call this mod's window press the designated key on your keyboard. Right now it is HOME key.

To manually SAVE your character press the "Export character to file" button. Your character will be saved into file with name typed into text line (by default it's your nickname on multiplayer server or your character's name in singleplayer). You can change the name in text line as you wish.
Exported file is created in the game folder where 'ProjectZomboid64.exe' exists. Usually it is something like ...\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\.
File has '.exported' extension. So for example my default save file will have a total name 'Santillious.exported'.

In order to load character you need to be in game and have a playable character. In other words, if you died and want to restore character, then create a new character first and join the game. After character is created and can move you can start importing process.

To load your character first type your character's file name in the text line without '.exported' extension then press "Import character from file". Your character's characteristics will be loaded into current body.
Note that if you are running Timed version of this mod then you'll need to stand still and wait for rimed action to complete before import takes effect. Also character will be extremely exhausted in the process. So take cover and prepare to get some rest.

Also this mod automatically saves your character when you die. Automatically saved file will have your nickname + '_dead' part. For example, my file is called 'Santillious_dead.exported'.
Be WARNED every export including automatic will overwrite old file if it existed! So if you are not sure if you manage to import charater from _dead file before die again, backup your _dead file (just copy it or rename).
Last edited by Santillious; Dec 30, 2021 @ 3:56am