

Ultimate Automation 3.12
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 6, 2020 @ 1:34pm
Bug Reports
Any bugs or incompatibilities can be reported here and they will be addressed as soon as possible :).
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Showing 1-15 of 191 comments
Dovah Oct 8, 2020 @ 1:56pm 
In a new game I built 4 construction ships and enabled the "auto construction" option in the edicts menu. After building all the stations in my starting system, all 4 of the construction ships moved to the same adjacent system. After reaching the system, only 1 of them started constructing anything. The other 3 just sat near the outpost and did nothing. After everything was built in that system, the same construction ship that had built everything moved on to another system while the other 3 ships continued to sit exactly where they were.

Also, disabling the edict doesn't seem to end the event locked status of the 3 idling construction ships, only the one that was actually building stations.
Last edited by Dovah; Oct 8, 2020 @ 1:58pm
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 8, 2020 @ 4:22pm 
Originally posted by Dovah:
In a new game I built 4 construction ships and enabled the "auto construction" option in the edicts menu. After building all the stations in my starting system, all 4 of the construction ships moved to the same adjacent system. After reaching the system, only 1 of them started constructing anything. The other 3 just sat near the outpost and did nothing. After everything was built in that system, the same construction ship that had built everything moved on to another system while the other 3 ships continued to sit exactly where they were.

Also, disabling the edict doesn't seem to end the event locked status of the 3 idling construction ships, only the one that was actually building stations.

@Dovah Hmm, I can assume they are getting stuck/glitched for some reason. I will see what might be the cause and try to fix it asap. Thanks for letting me know and have a good day/night :).
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 8, 2020 @ 6:05pm 
Originally posted by Dovah:
In a new game I built 4 construction ships and enabled the "auto construction" option in the edicts menu. After building all the stations in my starting system, all 4 of the construction ships moved to the same adjacent system. After reaching the system, only 1 of them started constructing anything. The other 3 just sat near the outpost and did nothing. After everything was built in that system, the same construction ship that had built everything moved on to another system while the other 3 ships continued to sit exactly where they were.

Also, disabling the edict doesn't seem to end the event locked status of the 3 idling construction ships, only the one that was actually building stations.

@Dovah I'm happy to say that I have looked into it and resolved the problem! I have updated it so it should all be good now :)
silnimare Oct 9, 2020 @ 5:22am 
Also running into an issue of the auto attack stopped working. only trigger I could find that changed was the Khan showed up, but there are still tons of space monsters, but my ships refuse to move
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 9, 2020 @ 6:00am 
Originally posted by silnimare:
Also running into an issue of the auto attack stopped working. only trigger I could find that changed was the Khan showed up, but there are still tons of space monsters, but my ships refuse to move

@silnimare Yes that' odd xD. I thought I fixed that when I was testing it before upload but I guess not? Thanks again :).
Last edited by RegiZero; Oct 9, 2020 @ 6:00am
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 9, 2020 @ 9:58am 
Originally posted by silnimare:
Also running into an issue of the auto attack stopped working. only trigger I could find that changed was the Khan showed up, but there are still tons of space monsters, but my ships refuse to move

@silnimare I have fixed all the problems and I've updated it :). However, there is a small chance it won't fix on current save games for some reason, no clue why that may be tbh.
Last edited by RegiZero; Oct 9, 2020 @ 10:00am
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 12, 2020 @ 4:42am 
@Farsight Let's get this straight, you have disabled everything and still had the option to enable auto building of consumer goods? Or is it just building them regardless. Not entirely sure what's going on at this point XD. Sorry if I'm not getting it.
NeinDao Oct 12, 2020 @ 5:00am 
no, the problem is not that i can enable autobuild consumer goods, that option is greyed out.
the problem is that when i pick auto build Alloy buildings and Food district it builds consumer goods buildings
when i tell autobuild to build alloy buildings it builds consumer goods buildings and this is as a hivemind that dont use consumer goods and cant build consumer goods buildings in vanilla
NeinDao Oct 12, 2020 @ 5:02am 
i have tested several auto building options. alloy, reserch etc and it still auto builds consumer goods buildings.
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 12, 2020 @ 5:06am 
Originally posted by Farsight:
i have tested several auto building options. alloy, reserch etc and it still auto builds consumer goods buildings.

OHhhhhhh, ok. MY BAD. I get you now I messed up and it's a probably typo. Thanks! I'll fix it within the hour. Oops XD.
NeinDao Oct 12, 2020 @ 5:08am 
you are the best if you can get it fixed! xD really wanna play but not without your mod!
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 12, 2020 @ 5:46am 
Originally posted by Farsight:
you are the best if you can get it fixed! xD really wanna play but not without your mod!

@Farsight Ok, I have updated it and hopefully it all good now, thanks for that, didn't realise I oopsied there XD.
NeinDao Oct 13, 2020 @ 1:14am 
i dont think the autobuild works on habitats (as hivemind)
RegiZero  [developer] Oct 13, 2020 @ 2:14am 
Originally posted by Farsight:
i dont think the autobuild works on habitats (as hivemind)

Hmm, I thought it would but had my doubts XD. Alright thanks, I'll try to fix it today.
NeinDao Oct 13, 2020 @ 2:36am 
also think that the autobuild administrative cap does not work since my planets i picked that on have no buildings and its 60years into the game xD
like a 68pop planet with zero buildings xD 555
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