ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Sid's Hybrids
 Tämä aihe on kiinnitetty, joten se on todennäköisesti tärkeä
Sid  [kehittäjä] 31.8.2020 klo 12.28
Bugs, glitches, balancing suggestions etc. Report
Please gather as much bug reports as possible here so I can fix them, if there is something you want to change, say it here. Join the discord so I can easily keep track of what bugs exist
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Sid; 12.10.2020 klo 9.10
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the Diplospinosaurus has no textures for me
Nice mod! I've tested, found some issues.

1. Turvosuchus craftable using fertilized Baryonyx egg, probably bug?

2. Bellucercolestes can equiped raptor saddle but it hasn't model.

3. Spinonychus are herbivores now. it can't collect berries.

4. I felt oxygen, stamina and weight for level1 hybrid are too low than vanilla 225 dinos. For example wild 30 point has about 2x oxygen and weight, 4x stamina than level 1 hybrid.
123 7.9.2020 klo 16.45 
dracoavirannus when wearing a tek rex saddle has a big helmet
The purified argentavis talon created from 1 talon and 1 polymer becomes 15 purified talons, that are then spoiled into 15 talons, basically creating 15 talons from 1 talon.
Running this on dedicated server, I am unable to turn the cloning machine on. All the requirements are there and there's gasoline in it but no option to turn it on
Purified Leedsichthys Blubber doesn't seem to be extracting in DNA Refinery.

Edit: If I pick up the Refiner and place it back down, it spawns the DNA I was trying to create inside of it without using one of the items.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Revakyol; 13.9.2020 klo 23.03
My cloning machine seems to be unable to create lesser insect DNA. I could just be missing something. I learned it in the engrams, but now I can't find it in the cloning machine. All the other DNAs and dinos are showing up. Am I doing something wrong?

EDIT: The new update has fixed this, thank you.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Taytay II; 19.9.2020 klo 21.39
Here are one or two bugs that I noticed.
- Spinonychus: Cannot harvest meat with left click.
- The fat of purified Leedsichthys alpha cannot be refined into DNA.
Thank you :)
Katu 16.9.2020 klo 19.54 
A small bug that I have come to find was with the Argentjara. When picking up creatures it had doubled their size then normal, even after putting them down, they still were large and if picked up again would get even larger. I had lost a potential tame (174 anky) due to it being dropped and being so large, it basically poofed from reality.

Then I'd proceed to pick up a penguin and made it as large as I could (which it was the size of a trex, perhaps even larger).
Rob 25.9.2020 klo 6.11 
Is it normal that if you cryo or upload a hybrid it's stats go back?
I tried breeding the Terror raptor but it drops fertilized raptor eggs... with lvl 1 raptor stats... I WANT TO MUTATE MY TERRORAPTOR
Sid  [kehittäjä] 1.10.2020 klo 8.22 
Oh, you're not really supposed to breed them yet
ok... i like the YET
Hello I've come to report that the Plesi X Angler hybird while cool is pretty buggy.
The saddle it seeming uses is the base game Plesi saddle and that mashes in the model. it also make the rider become huge and sit's within it.
I've also come across the problem where it can exit the water and die instantly.
Am I missing something, I can't unlock any of the engrams from the mod
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