Curious Expedition

Curious Expedition

Joe the Bartender  [developer] Jan 1, 2021 @ 6:22pm
Known Bugs
This document is a compiled list of confirmed bugs, those which have been introduced with Discovery and those which existed in the base game. This list only contains bugs which have not been fixed in the most recent version of Discovery. It doesn't contain compatibility conflicts (for more information on compatibility conflicts, see

- Cave rest spots have no examine description.
- The active volcano no sanity event has no foreground.
- Unnatural fire sprawls, such as fire from volcanoes, don't have a looped ambient sound. Curious Expedition's modding capabilities do not allow modders to define looped sprawl sounds. I don't know if I can find a way to work around this or not, but I'll look into that possibility (unnatural and natural fire sprawls are different definitions because natural fire sprawls no longer give the player negative standing when the sprawl burns down a village).

Curious Expedition
- There is a somewhat frequent vanilla bug where Schroedinger's buried treasure quest location disappears or never spawns correctly. If this occurs, the quest will not be complete-able. I tried to fix this but it didn't work. Update: This bug may not have been a vanilla bug after all. It's been fixed for version 1.1.
- In-location combat events don't seem to play combat music.
Last edited by Joe the Bartender; Jan 4, 2021 @ 5:08pm