ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

Human NPCs
 Tämä aihe on kiinnitetty, joten se on todennäköisesti tärkeä
ZoneKiller  [kehittäjä] 27.12.2018 klo 21.50
Modes of Play & Waving
--Modes of Play--
Added 4 Modes of Play
All Hostile(No wave)
Default -- All Hostile(Until waved at)
All friendly (Unless attacked by anything)
All friendly (Unless attacked by a Player)

NOTE -- You must walk with your animal in the Wild NPCs presence
NOTE -- Even friendly wild NPCs will turn hostile if startled

StartFriendly= -1 -- (-1 = Disable Wave, 0 = Not Friendly , 1 = Friendly)
OnlyPlayersUpsets=1 -- All friendly (Unless attacked by a Player) - (Requires StartFriendly=1)
AngryCoolDown=300 - Time in seconds that they stay angry for.
OnlyPlayersUpsets= --- 0 = If any dino attacks a NPC they will also target players , 1 = They will only target players if a player hurts them

GameUserSettings.ini Setup

When they charge at you, you need to play (Wave or Friendly Lower Hands) Emote until they calm down.
If you dont feed them or you hurt or startle them, then they will get angry again (run away at this point) and they will need to relax before you can use the emote again.
This may take practice
How to use an Emote

Note: If they dont calm down they may have been startled with in the AngryCoolDown time.
Run away and try again in a few minutes
Viimeisin muokkaaja on ZoneKiller; 23.1.2019 klo 2.02
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@flak i guess you didnt read the lore behind the NPCs they hate dinos being used by humans.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Jasper4213; 10.7.2020 klo 7.19
Dman 19.12.2021 klo 10.16 
will this get updated for lost island
Added 4 Modes of Play

I really, really wish there was a 5'th Mode of Play:

RANDOM -- Some Hostile and Some Friendly (Unless attacked by a Player)

I do want hostile NPCs. But, at the same time, I'd like to be able to recruit some NPCs without having to try to tame hostile ones.

For obvious reasons, ideally, the hostile and friendly NPCs would be grouped together by the NPC villages they are associated with. That is, everyone in a particular village would be either hostile or friendly.
ZoneKiller  [kehittäjä] 29.6.2022 klo 16.11 
@Thundercraft set them to friendly and
Change these settings
EveryThingUpsetsNPCs=0 to 1
AngryCoolDown=300 to suite

That way if a Dino has attacked a village they will be hostile for the 300 seconds or what ever you set it for that way you will get random hostile villages
Hi, i was wondering if there is any way to stop the NPC's from spawning inside of my gated walled base with the rock? When i see the rock i just put a pillar down and it goes away after a few minutes, but I was wondering if there was some sort of safe totem, or if there could be one. I get the whole attacking my base thing, but is that suppose to be like a "Trojan Horse"? I love this mod, and so does my server. Just asking because we think it would be a cool idea so our dinos do all have to be on neutral and run every where, we like to have them on passive for egg harvesting. Thanks!
ZoneKiller  [kehittäjä] 25.9.2022 klo 18.33 
Players can put a Do Not Attack Sign to prevent base attacks
We like that they attack the base, just not that they are spawning inside of our base walls. Its no problems if there is no way around it, just thought I would ask. Love the mod a lot, it adds a huge change in game play that i think is super cool! :)
ZoneKiller  [kehittäjä] 26.9.2022 klo 7.07 
Read this in discussions Human_NPCs Base Attack & Villages
omgs idk what they are using but they keep one hit knocking me and my creatures out. liked the idea of them being in the game but wow this one group of them felt like a bunch of rage trolls in pvp ><
also just started playing the game...and had to restart because they wiped me and my dinos out twice, first time just had a dilo, second time i just came back to recover my stuff and they multiplied and one shotted my parasaur before i knew they where around, and killed the elite dimorphadons i had wile constantly knocking me out...killed like 15 of them but still just wow. they also ran around randomly...
also if there more hostile or friendly possible to have them where different colors? or something that controls that one hit knock out on anything they do
i had to authenticate 3 times thanks to steam guard just to say stuff on a discussion WTF steam

but ok...the new apex predator spawn... humans
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