Master of Orion
Unofficial Code Patch Steam Workshop
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Unofficial Code Patch 6.4a/b - Full Change Log
* Unofficial Master's of Orion Conquer the Stars (Unofficial Code Patch) *

Game-Version: 55.1.1 2.1.41258 (28/04/2017 12:18)
55.1.2 2.1.41258 (10/03/2020 18:01)
55.1.2 2.1.41258 (03/24/2020 15:00)

Common-Version: C.0.6.4b

GOG-WIN-Version: G.0.6.4b
GOG-OSX-Version: O.0.6.4b
Steam-WIN-Version: S.0.6.4b
Steam-LINUX-Version: L.0.6.4b
Steam-OSX-Version: X.0.6.4b
Wargaming-WIN-Version: W.0.6.4b

:::: 1.0: Purpose
Fix Bugs and add some new features

:::: 1.1: Disclaimers
1. This patch makes/uses save files that are incompatible with the final product release. So it will require a new game to play with this.

2. This has only been tested by me on the Windows version of the game. Any other included versions should contain the exact same changes but are untested by me.

3. I have not tested this in any multi-player match-ups. If anyone desires to test this I'm sure all clients will need this fix pack.

4. I will only upload this fix pack to or Steam Workshop. If you acquire it from any other site other than or Steam Workshop, I did not place the files there.

5. This software is provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

:::: 1.2:
This is the complete package, it contains a java based installer (jar), a batch file for installer (Windows), a shell script for installer (Linux), ReadMe.txt, and the actual package file ""

:::: 1.3: Contents of MOOCts-Installer.jar
This is a small java installer, full source code included, that will work with both Windows (GOG, Steam, Wargaming) and Linux (Steam). It does not support OSX as I do not have an OSX platform to develop on.

:::: 1.4: Contents of
\Common The modified files common to both platforms
\StreamingAssets Updated interface files (swf and other binary files)
\Unofficial Code Patch Contains the Master of Orion "Unofficial Code Patch" Mod folder (yaml files)
\GOG-WIN Updated GOG (Windows) specific files (dll)
\GOG-OSX Updated GOG (OSX) specific files (dll)
\STEAM-WIN Updated Steam (Windows) specific files (dll)
\STEAM-LINUX Updated Steam (Linux) specific files (dll)
\STEAM-OSX Updated Steam (OSX) specific files (dll)
\WARGAME-WIN Updated Wargaming (WIN) specific files (dll)
\StreamingAssets Updated Wargaming (WIN) interface files (swf)

:::: 1.4.1: Installation General - Please Read
For all installation methods please make sure of the following:
1. Make certain that you have ran the game at least once before installing UCP. Simply launch game, reach the main screen, and exit.
2. Male certain the game is not currently running when you attempt installation.
3. I would highly recommend the Java Installer - it is the only installation method I use myself anymore.

:::: 1.4.1: Installation General - Steam Paths
Finding Game's Install Path:
1. In steam go to Library
2. Right-click on "Master of Orion" and select "Properties"
3. Select "Local Files"
4. Click the "Browse..." button

Finding Game's Wodkshop Install Path:
1. Follow steps for "Finding Game's Install Path" above
2. Navigate up a directory to "common"
3. Navigate up a directory to "steampapps"
4. Navigate to "workshop"
5. Navigate to "content"
6. Navigate to "298050"
7. Navigate to "1109736522"

:::: 1.4.2: Installation General - GOG
Finding Game's Install Path:
1. In GOG Galaxy go to "Installed' games
1. Right-click on Master of Orion
2. Select "Manage Installation"
3. Select "Show Folder"

:::: 1.4.3: Installation - Java Installer (Windows/Linux)
1. You will need a Java JRE installed. Any Java JRE should work, the one I normally download is from
2. Extract "" to a temp folder, this will extract several files. Do not extract "" it is uneeded and can cause problems for this installation method!
3. If using Windows, run "javaInstaller.bat", you can just double-click it. You will probably get a warning from Windows on it being an unrecognized app. If so select "Yes" or "Run Anyway", this exact message varies depending upon your OS and security settings. Skip to step 6
4. If using Linux, run "chmod u+x" make the shell script an executible
5. If using Linux run ""
6. If you have multiple copies of Master of Orion Installed you will be prompted to select which to operate on. Most people will not get this prompt as they only have a single platform installed.
7. You will be prompted for operation to run, just select "1" for "INSTALL". This will install the needed files and perform a post verification
8. Launch the game
9. On the main menu, enter the MODS section.
10. Set "Unofficial Code Patch" active, if it is not already active
11. If using Steam Workshop you should also set active the "Unofficial Code Patch Steam Workshop" mod, if it is not already active
12. Close and restart application

Note: In some cases the installer is unable to locate your installation path, in this case you will receive a warning after launching the installer, step 3 or 5 above, and the installer will exit. If this happens please copy the extracted files from step 2 to the game's installation folder and try running the installer again.

:::: 1.4.4: Installation - Manual (Windows/Linux)
1. Extract ""
2. Extract "" to a temp folder, that will make several directories and files listed in the above "Contents of" section. WARNING - Steam Users: Do NOT unpack the "" in the "Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\298050\1109736522" folder. This will cause problems with your game!
3. Locate your installation directory for "Master of Orion"
4. From there navigate down to "MasterOfOrion_Data\Managed"
5. If using GOG Windows copy "Assembly-CSharp.dll" from the temp folder's "GOG-WIN\ to the location in step 4. You will receive an overwrite warning, select overwrite.
6. If using Steam Windows copy "Assembly-CSharp.dll" from the temp folder's "STEAM-WIN\ to the location in step 4. You will receive an overwrite warning, select overwrite.
7. If using Steam Linux copy "Assembly-CSharp.dll" from the temp folder's "STEAM-LINUX\ to the location in step 4. You will receive an overwrite warning, select overwrite.
8. If using Wargaming copy "Assembly-CSharp.dll" from the temp folder's "WARGAME-WIN\ to the location in step 4. You will receive an overwrite warning, select overwrite.
9. Navigate back to your main install directory for "Master of Orion"
10. From there navigate down to "MasterOfOrion_Data\StreamingAssets"
11. From the temp folder copy the entire contents from "\Common\StreamingAssets\" to the path navigated to in step 10. This will preserve the directory structure. Select overwrite on any warnings.
12. If using Wargaming, copy files from the temp folder "WARGAME-WIN\StreamingAssets" to the path navigated to in step 10 as well. This will preserve the directory structure. Select overwrite on any warnings.
13. Now we need to create the games mod folder for the Unofficial Code Patch.
13. If using Windows it defaults to your user documents folder. From there navigate to "Master Of Orion\Mods". If this folder path does not exist, just create it. Skip to step 15
14: If using Linux it is your home folder. From there navigate to "Master Of Orion\Mods". If this folder path does not exist, just create it.
15. If there is not a folder here called "Unofficial Code Patch", create one. Navigate to "Unofficial Code Patch"
16. From the temp folder's "\Common\Unofficial Code Patch" copy all files to the location in step 15. Select overwrite on any prompts.
17. Launch the game
18. On the main menu, enter the MODS section.
19. Set "Unofficial Code Patch" active, if it is not already active
20. If using Steam Workshop you should also set active the "Unofficial Code Patch Steam Workshop" mod, if it is not already active
21. Close and restart application

:::: 1.4.5: Installation - Manual (OSX)
1. I'm not clear on installation steps for this as I do not have access to a Mac, hopefully this helps (not 100% sure about this info). I have been told that you need to do a folder "merge" to make the file coping work.
2. The DLL goes into "Contents/Resources/Data/Managed", make certain to pick the verison of OSX platform you have (GOG or Steam)
3. The Assets goes into "Contents/Resources/Data/StreamingAssets"
4. The Personal mod folder is located at "/Users/<your user id>/Master of Orion/Mod" and the "Unofficial Code Patch" folder needs to go there
5. Launch Game - go to mods and set active "Unofficial Code Patch", if using the Steam Workshop you should also set active the "Unofficial Code Patch Steam Workshop" mod, one of both might already be active, but please verify
6. Close and restart application

:::: 1.5: Reporting Issues with the game
In order to track down issues please post the save files, mods used and order, and the game's log file, to a location I can pull them down from. This game's save file is actually two files one with the extension of "save" and he other with an extension of "data". The "save" file is required, the "data" file is optional but preferred.

The game's log file in Windows is called "output_log.txt" it is located in the folder "MasterOfOrion_Data". This folder is just off the game's main install path.

:::: 1.6: Compatibility with "5X - The Ultimate Balance Mod"
1. Please make certain you are following the instructions provided by Spud Dastardly. Steam:

:::: 1.7: Confirmation of Installation of UCP
In game there are several indicators that UCP is installed. On the main screen on the upper right is the version text. If UCP is installed this text will end with "**** UCP-X.#.#.# ****" detailing the platform and version number of UCP installation.

After you enter a game you can also hit the escape key and on the Option pop-up screen, under the Main Menu button, there will be a label that states "UCP-X.#.#.#-C.#.#.#". This indicates the same version number of the DLL and also states the version of the loaded game Mod for UCP. If correct the #.#.# version numbers should match.

:::: 1.8: How this patch was created
I do all my edits of the DLL in CIL using the tools ildasm (decompile) and ilasm (compile). All available from MS Visual Studio (free version) or the Windows SDK. For editing the CIL I just use notepad++

For SWF editing I use the JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler and I edit the p-code directly
Автор останньої редакції: WhatIsSol; 5 січ. о 9:30
< >
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:::: 2.0: Significant New Features

:::: 2.1: Rally Points
Allows setting of rally points and sending fleets to that location with one click. There are two rally points defined:

(RP1): Game will now automatically remember your last manually selected fleet destination. This one has no visible marking.
(RP2): You can also select a colony you own on the galaxy map and mark it using CTRL + Click, this will put a blue pin on the colony top bar

Pressing the Rally Button will send a fleet to Rally Point (RP1)

Pressing the Rally Button + CTRL will send the fleet to Rally Point (RP2)

Rally Point has a keyboard shortcut that is editable from the normal option menu. The keyboard shortcut operates the same with respect to the CTRL key and which Rally Point a fleet will be sent to.

:::: 2.2: Auto Build Queues
A new feature has been added allowing the creation of preset build queues. This basically functions exactly as the builtin autobuild process except the user can now directly control what gets built and in what order. It will automatically skip over structures you do not known, that cannot be built on that colony for whatever reason, or in some cases like gravity generators are not needed.

Two files are needed for this "AutoBuildQueue.yaml" and "AutoBuildQueue.csv" feature and they are included with this mod. It include four preset queues: Default, New Colony, Production Center, Research Center, and Growth Center.

Some notes about queues:
* The first entry in "AutoBuildQueue.yaml" MUST be default. This instructs the game to use the builtin autobuild process. Any structures assigned to this queue will just be ignored.
* Do not delete or reorder queue entries in the "AutoBuildQueue.yaml" file during a play through. This can cause save game crashes and other undesirable results.
* You are free to add new queue entries to the end during a play through
* You are free to change what structures are in a queue or what order they should be builtin without causing any problems
* Multiplayer: Completely untested but in theory if it works at all everyone must have the same exact queues setup or you will suffer unrecoverable desyncs during play

:::: 2.3: New Random Events
Added several new random events back into the game. The developers left the video/voice assets in the game but never coded them as functional events. This adds the following events:

Hyperspace Flux: Which prevents ships from entering FTL, ships already in FTL will continue travel as normal but will be stuck at their destination. The racial perk Trans Dimensional will allow that race to ignore this event

Time Anomaly: Freezes a system during this time the system will not produce any output or consume any resources

Comet: A comet will impact and destroy one of your colonies unless your fleet in orbit around the planet can destroy the comet first

Diplomatic Incident: This is a collection of events "Misunderstanding, Assassination Attempt, Cooperation, and Union" that affect the disposition of the two races involved the first two are negative and the last two are positive

:::: 3.0: Game Controls Update
Here is a short list of users controls that have been added or adjusted. I wanted to put them into one place so not to forget about them.

General Updates:
The Right Mouse Button will now close most screens. It is considered an escape choice.

Galaxy Map (Standard View):
Middle Mouse Button will activate the action on the bottom right button: "Choose Research, Choose Production, etc."

Rally Points:
A new Rally button "blue pin" option has been added to the fleet controls. It can also be accessed via the shortcut key and is configurable in the Options -> Control menu for the game under "Rally Points".

Automatically when you manually select a fleet and tell it to move to a location a hidden Rally point is created. You can then select a different fleet and tell that fleet to head to the same direction using the Rally button. This selection does get overwritten every time you manually tell a fleet to move to a location. I use this for quick localized movements when I'm trying to get a lot of ships to the same location.

A more permanent Rally point can be assigned to any colony that you own. From the galaxy map click on one of your planets while holding down the CTRL key. This will mark the planet with a Rally Point indicator "blue pin". You can then select a fleet and tell it to go to this alternative Rally Point location by holding down the CTRL key while clicking the Rally button or using the CTRL + shortcut key combo

Planet Screen:
Clicking on a "Done" or using the Right-Click close while holding down the CTRL key will in additional to the normal operation of exiting the screen, will center the galaxy map on this planet.

CTRL-P - Sets colony focus to production

CTRL-F - Sets colony focus to food

CTRL-R - Sets colony focus to research

CTRL-B - Sets colony focus to balanced

CTRL-C - Sets colony focus to clean

CTRL-G - Sets colony focus to growth

CTRL-0..9 - Sets AutoBuild Queue (0 to 9); 0 being default internal of course, if you pick one that does not exist, the built in default will be used

CTRL-T - Adds Trade Good to Build Queue

CTRL-I - Removes Trade Good from Build Queue

CTRL-A - Turn On/Off Autobuild

CTRL-U - Turn On/Off AutoClean

Space - Build Screen Popup

Empire Management Screen:
Clicking on a planet while holding down the CTRL key will exit this screen and center the galaxy map on the chosen planet.

Tactical Battle:
Pressing "[" and "]" will select the previous and next squadrons. You can use this to assign specific orders to a squadron of ships

Fleet Control Screen:
The blueprint popup now requires the CTRL key to be pressed down. This just reduces unneeded screen clutter.

:::: 3.1: Cheats
These only function in single player games. In order for these to work you must edit your "config.cfg" file and add the following line under the "[UCP]" section: "cheatsOn = True"

All cheats are activated by ALT + a key

Galaxy Map
In order to use these you need to be zoomed out as far as possible on the galaxy map.

ALT-I - Gives you Omniscient
ATL-M - Gives you 1,000 BC
ALT-E - Completes your current research project

Planet Screen
In order to use these you need to be viewing a planet.

ALT-P - Completes current work item
ATL-L - Maxes out a planets population, UI is a little buggy on this one. Just leave it alone and it will recover.
:::: 4.0: YAML Config Files

:::: 4.1: AntaranSettngs.yaml

USE_RANDOM_ATTACK_LOCATION: 2 (Default) or 0 (Disable)
2 = Random weighted chance based off of the civilization scores that are average or above, Random weighted colony score selection which is based off of Evertebrate "Improved Challenge And Balance Mod"
1 = <Base Game> Civilization selection, Colony selection will be completely random
0 = <Base Game> Antaran Attack location – game will pick a civilization by which one has the highest score, it will then attack a colony based upon which system has the strongest fleet

GRUDGE_FACTOR: 0.10 (Default) or F
This increases the desired victory chances the Antarans will use for attack fleet generation. The calculation is a simple MAX(Number of Defeats - Number of Victories, 0) * GRUDGE_FACTOR. Setting it to 0.0 will disable this increase.

:::: 4.2: AutoBuildQueue.yaml

Each entry should include the following fields:

key: Internal Queue Designation
This must be unique, but otherwise is just used internally by the game.

name: Display Name

description: Display Description

auto_filter: true or false
true = Will use some logic to curl the queue structure list:
* Food producing structures on colonies that do not need food
* Pollution reducing structures on colonies that are already producing at least -15 pollution per turn and is not using the "AutoClean" option
* Morale increasing structures will be skipped if the colony has no strikers
false = Will build all structures on the list the colony is capable of (full player control)

queue: <List>
The structures and project to be built on a colony. If a colony is idle or only production trade goods, every turn this list will be examined from top to bottom. The first structure or project that can be built will be queued for production. It will skip structures or projects that can not be built for whatever reason: biome, mineral content, lack of tech, etc.

:::: 4.3: Globals.yaml

This yaml file is setup a little different as it is broken up into different sections. If a section or value is not listed below, please do not perform any editing.

:::: 4.3.1: Backend.Civilizations.Civilization

AUTO_EXPLORE_HOMESTAR: 1 (Default) or 0 (Disable)
1 = Starting system will be fully explored
0 = <Base Game> Starting system will not be explored

:::: 4.3.2: Backend.Diplomacy.TradeTreaty

LIMIT_FACTOR: 3 (Default) or N
Limits the difference used between empires to control both the cost and benefit of a trade agreement. The highest empire’s economy is treated as having a maximal value of the lowest empire’s economy times the LIMIT_FACTOR.

:::: 4.3.3: Backend.Diplomacy.ResearchTreaty

TRADE_LENGTH: 20 (Default) or N
Determines the length of a research treaty in game turns.

LIMIT_FACTOR: 3 (Default) or N
Limits the difference used between empires to control both the cost and benefit of a research agreement. The highest empire’s research output is treated as having a maximal value of the lowest empire’s economy times the LIMIT_FACTOR.

:::: 4.3.4: Backend.Civilizations.GalacticCouncil

FORCE_FORMATION_TURN: 400 (Default) or N (Set to like 99999 to disable)
Forces Galactic Council formation if all races have not contacted each other on the specified game turn.

:::: 4.3.5: Backend.Fleets.ShipBlueprint

IGNORE_PRIORITIZE_MODS: 1 (Default) or 0 (Disable)
1 = AI will select best weapon regardless of desired mods, so Merculite Missiles would be selected over Nuclear Missiles with Mods. In general this make the AI build stronger ships.
0 = <Base Game> Completely controlled by ShipBlueprintTemplates.yaml

This just sets the number of ship designs in the ship building. A value of 2 mimics the default game setting of being number of known hulls sizes + 2

Used in PD Effectiveness calculation as the average missile defense versus the PD weapon

SHIP_DUMMY_MISSILE_HP: 10 (Default) or F
Used in PD Effectiveness calculation as the average missile health

:::: 4.3.6: Backend.Settlements.Colony

CLEANUP_RATE: -2.0 (Default) or F
This is used to determine the amount of pollution that a single production point will remove

GRAVITY_TOLERANT_HIGH_EXPANDED: 1 (Default) or 0 (Disable)
1 = Races with high gravity trait can colonize normal and high gravity planets without a penalty.
0 = <Base Game> Races with high gravity trait suffer on normal and low gravity planets

FOOD_SURPLUS: 0 (Default) or N
Used by colony focus "Production" and "Research" to allocate additional workers to food production so the colony does not stagnant

BLOCKADE_INCOME_HIT: 0.5 (Default) or F (0.0 - 1.0)
Controls hit to income production on a blockaded colony, 0.5 is the base's games default.

TRANSPORT_MARINES_REQUIRED: 1 (Default) or 0 (Disable)
1 = Troop Transports construction requires four Marines to be present on a colony. At construction completion this amount will be removed from the colony's Marine total. After a successful invasion left over Marines, max of four, from the final attacking transport will be added to the new conquered colony.
0 = <Base Game> Only need marine barrack and at least one marine to make Troop Transports

ALLOW_BULK_BUY: 0 (Default, Disable) or 1 (Allow)
1 = <Base Game>Allows the buy out of bulk build ships
0 = Buy out is disabled on bulk ship builds

:::: 4.3.7: Backend.Settlements.Settlement

Controls the rate of growth on the acquire chance – this is based on an invaded colony’s structures and population count.

INVADE_TECH_CHANCE_BASE: 0.04 (Default) or F
Base chance of acquiring a technology from colony invasion.

INVADE_TECH_CHANCE_MAXIMUM: 0.50 (Default) or F (Set to 0.0 to disable)
Max chance of acquiring a technology from colony invasion.

:::: 4.3.8: AI.SP_GeneralStrategy

HEAVY_ARMY: 5 (Default) or 0 (Disable)
This value is added to the AI’s "heavyArmy" setting for its personality. It controls the ratio of ships by hull size. Larger values tend to result in more numerous large hulls being built.

:::: 4.3.9: Backend.Settlements.NotificationReduction

ON_TURN: 99999 (Default) or N (0 = on from start or 99999 = disable)
Before this specified turn all notifications will be reported.

POLLUTION_WARNING_ON_TURN: 5 (Default) or N (99999 = disable)
Just makes the default number of turns to start complaining about high pollution configurable.

FOOD_WARNING_ON_TURN: 5 (Default) or N (99999 = disable)
Controls the new colony starvation notification. Sets the number of turns to start complaining about low food stores.

List of structures to always notify on

:::: 4.3.10: Backend.Civilizations.MajorCivilization

MAX_SPY_SECURITY: 0.50 (Default) or F
Sets a hard limit on how high spy defense can go due to spies on counterespionage

:::: 4.3.11: Backend.Tactical.Battlefield

DRONE_REGENERATE_FACTOR: 0.25 (Default) or F (0.0 = disable)
Before launching drones, the total destroyed drone count will be set to Max(0, (Current Destroyed Drones Count - (Max Drone Count * DRONE_REGENERATE_FACTOR))). This allows drones to regenerate over time.

Adjusts the size of the nebulae on the battlefield. The base game size was 0.0.

:::: 4.3.12: Backend.Fleets.WeaponSlot

FIRING_ARC_FRONT: 120.0 (Default) or F
Sets the front firing weapon arc

FIRING_ARC_SIDES: 120.0 (Default) or F
Sets the side firing weapon arcs

FIRING_ARC_REAR: 120.0 (Default) or F
Sets the rear firing weapon arc

:::: 4.3.13: Backend.Galaxy.AdvancedGalaxyGenerator

MIN_MONSTER_SOLAR_SYSTEM: 3 (Default) or N (0 = disable)
During galaxy generation sets the minimum number of occupied orbits a solar system with a monster civilization will have, this does not change anything else about the solar system generation

MIN_INDEPENDENT_SOLAR_SYSTEM: 3 (Default) or N (0 = disable)
During galaxy generation sets the minimum number of occupied orbits a solar system with an independent civilization will have, this does not change anything else about the solar system generation

:::: 4.3.14: Backend.Leaders.Leader

RANDOM_SELECTION: 1 (Default) or 0 (default in-game logic)
This just allows a greater selection of leaders to appear in the game

:::: 4.3.15: Backend.Diplomacy.Relationship

PLAYER_RACE_DISPOSITION: (Defaults to blank)
Sets a race's disposition if the AI is dealing with a human player, if blank uses normal bias logic

:::: 4.3.16: Backend.Settlements.Citizen

UNASSIMILATED_CITIZEN_COST: 4.0 (Default) or F (0.0 = disable)
Cost that is charged to a colony while it is assimilating a population unit. This is a cost per unassimilated citizen

MULTI_RACIAL_MORALE: -0.20 (Default) or F (0.0 = disable)
Morale penalty applied if a colony has a mixed race composition. Removed by building the "Alien Management Center" on a colony

:::: 4.4: PlanetaryResourceTypes.yaml

desirability: 0.05 (Default) or F
This controls the desirability of a resource 0.05 is the current default in the game. It allows modders that add radical new resources or even negative resources to control the AI desirability of that planet versus it just treating them as all positive and of the same worth.

:::: 4.5: PlanetBiomeTypes.yaml

forceSize: <not present> or size key from PlanetSizeTypes.yaml
This allows forcing a biome to a certain size during galaxy creation.

:::: 4.6: GameStartPoints.yaml

minorShipModules: List of modules seperated by a "|"
This sets the ship modules the independent civilizations will use when they generate their defensive structures

:::: 4.7: GlobalsAI.yaml

:::: 4.7.1: AI.T_DiplomacyMajorCiv

DISPOSITION_THRESHOLD_KILL_SCOUTS: -0.25 (Default) or F (9.9 = disable)
This controls whether a major civilization will destroy other race's scout ships. If current disposition is less then ((territoriality - pacifist) / 10) + DISPOSITION_THRESHOLD_KILL_SCOUTS other race's scouts would be attacked

:::: 5.0: Config.cfg Settings
The game already has a base config.cfg file, UCP adds a few extra parameters. If these lines are not present they will have their default value.

:::: 5.1: [Graphics]

borderlessWindow: False (Default) or True
This is an experimental setting that turns on borderless window mode, it only functions on the Windows OS

borderlessX: 0 (Default) or N
In borderless window mode places the game window at this location (used to auto-move it to a specific monitor or location)

borderlessY: 0 (Default) or N
In borderless window mode places the game window at this location (used to auto-move it to a specific monitor or location)

:::: 5.2: [Gameplay]

TravelAnimationSpeedBoost: 1.75 (Default) or F (1.0 disables)
This setting can be used to speed up or slow down the animation speed of the traveling ships on the galaxy map. Higher values will make the animation faster

GalaxyAnimationSpeedBoost: 0.75 (Default) or F (1.0 disables)
This setting can be used to speed up or slow down the animation speed of the galaxy camera (transition and zoom). Lower values will make the animation faster

AutoTurnIgnore: NotificationAnomalyDetected NotificationColonyGrowth NotificationDevelopmentProductionFinished NotificationNewShipsAvailable NotificationProductionFinished NotificationSpaceMonsterDetected NotificationSpyArrived NotificationThreateningFleetDetected NotificationStarDiscovered (Default) or String space seperated (disable)
Sets which notification will stop auto turn so the player can respond. Just list the ones you want on a single line with a space between the notification class.

Supported classes, they all need to start with Notification which I'm dropping for this list for readability: AnomalyDetected, AntaranSpawnPortalDetected, BiomeDegraded, CivilizationDefeated, ColonyBlockaded, ColonyGrowth, ColonyIsIdle, ColonyMaxed, ColonyRevolt, ColonyShipArrived, DealExpired, DevelopmentProductionFinished, DiplomacyChanged, EmpireDeficit, EnemyAgentCaptive, EspionageReport, ExcellenceVictorySoon, FleetTeleported, GNNEvent, HeavyInvestmentDone, IndependentAllyChanged, IndependentDestroyed, IndependentPlanetBlocked, IndependentPlanetDiscovered, IndependentStatusChange, InvestmentMilestoneAchieved, ISEOpen, ItemScrapped, MissionCancelled, MissionFoiled, NewShipsAvailable, PirateBaseFound, PirateFleetDetected, PlayerDeal, PlayerFleetDetected, PlayerStatus, PollutionHigh, PollutionInminent, ProductionFinished, ResearchAgreement, ResearchCompleted, ResearchRequired, ResourceShareExpired, RevoltReport, SabotageReport, ShipsUpgraded, SpaceMonsterDetected, SpyArrived, SpyIdle, SpyLost, SpyRecruited, StarDiscovered, StructureSabotaged, ThreateningFleetDetected

MaintainZoomDuringCameraMove: 0 (Default) or 1 (Maintain)
Stops the galaxy map from zooming out and then back in when the camera is moving to a new location

:::: 5.3: [Sound]

NextTurnSound: STARMAP_ENDTURN (Default) or STARMAP_CLICK or <see SoundStrategy.csv>
Just adjusts the sound effect that is played when you press the next turn since the default next turn sound for whatever reason gives me a headache after awhile. It only supports sounds that are already in the game's assets.

:::: 5.4: [Content]

ShowColonyCinematic: True (Default) or False
If set to false auto-skips the colony cinematic, this setting can be found in the options menue in the game

ShowTacticalCinematic: True (Default) or False
If set to false auto-skips the tactical combat introduction cinematic, this setting can be found in the options menue in the game

:::: 5.5: [UCP]
This section contains values that are not intended for user modifications. It is basically used to store state information used by various UCP features.
:::: 6.0: Fixes Included in this patch

Bug. <UCP-6.4a>Bombing of none-colonies is not working causing the game to lockup
Fix. Just corrected this logic issue, hoping 3rd time is the charm on this routine

Bug. Mouse wheel on the Options screen does not operate properly
Fix. Drunked Rompa supplied the needed P-Code to correct

Bug. Tech achievement, techachievement_xeno_psychology, "Alien Psychology" does not actually do anything in the game
Fix. Added logic to treat it similair to the racial perks of perk_diplomacy_improved_effects "Improved Disposition" and perk_diplomacy_high_acceptance "Improved Negotiations".

Bug. Mouse wheel on the Mod Manager screen only works if you hovering over a mod
Fix. Drunked Rompa supplied the needed P-Code to correct

Bug. <UCP-6.2> If the player is attacking a planet that has a planetary shield that blocks Invasion or Mind Control this operation will fail if at the start of the attack the colony's shield strength is greater than 0
Fix. A check is not taking into account the damage already applied during this attack, just added logic so bringing it down to 0 will allow the invasion or mind control to work as expected

Bug. <UCP-6.4> Empire Management Screen for large colonies, test case was with 222 colonies, is having issues with the scrollbar resulting in a blank empire management screen.
Fix. This is actually a previous issue that I had fixed but managed to reintroduce while working on this screen for 6.4. It is some sort of timing glitch in the SWF. This screen really needs to just be reworked. Anyway fixed again.

Bug. Upon completion of a colony's production, if there is a next item in the queue the game is not properly indicating that on the notification if the next item is a race or mass produced ship
Fix. Corrected the bad comparison the game was doing

Bug. <UCP-5.9> Negative Diplomatic Incident are not showing the GNN event to the player
Fix. Corrected so all Diplomatic Incidents will always be displayed to the player, even if they are not an effected race

Bug. <UCP-5.9> Hitting the LIMIT_FACTOR in a Reseach or Trade Treaty, is not calculating the correct output, resulting in a unexpected dip in final benefit. This effects the AI and player equally
Fix. Corrected the return to the intended value of lowest output times (LIMIT_FACTOR + 1)

Bug. Combat Chance Calculations is pulling the Repair Drone blueprint for normal fighter bays, thus treating them as if they do no damage
Fix. Corrected logic so the actual combat fighter blueprint is used

Bug. AI will not build the Interplanetary Administration and by extension will not use the colony project export
Fix. Added logic to give that structure a default value based off a race's industrialist and added logic to make an idle AI colony prefer export over trade goods. The AI not being able to bulk build might make this of limited advantage

Bug. AI will not build the Artemis System Net
Fix. Added logic to give that structure a default value based off of a race's defensiveness

Bug. Combat Chance Calculations for PD Effectiveness was not accounting for missile mods of MIRV, Armored, or Fast.
Fix. Corrected this missing code to properly adjust missile effectiveness to account for those mods vs PD weapons

Bug. Fleet Compare on the Galaxy Map is not showing accurate data when comparing against the Amoeba
Fix. This was an UI only issue, did not effect the AI or anything to do with combat.

Bug. War is apparently eternal. When a race is destroyed the game is not resetting the relationships, leaving anyone that was at war with this now extinct race in a permanent state of war with them. For the player this is most noticeable by the ambient music staying with the war theme. For the AI this causes all kinds of issues with diplomacy, spending, etc.
Fix. Basically just forced a ceasefire for all parties that where at war with this now extinct race

Bug. The Leader Bonus "Shield Regeneration" tooltip on the tactical combat screen always shows "0%"
Fix. This is just a display bug as the game was not filling in the value and just defaulting to 0.

Bug. Large number of colonies will cause the select screens for Spies and Leaders to become unusable, if the screen is closed while the scroll position is too far down the list
Fix. Reset the scroll position to 0 on the popup close

Bug. The DLC races: Elerian, Gnolam, Trilarian, and Antaran do not have correct ship boundaries/dimension listed in the ShipHullModelConfigTypes.yaml file.
Fix. Added missing entries based off existing race entries. Elerian == Human, Bulrathi == Gnolam, Trilarian == Sakkra, and Antaran == Alkari

Bug. Custom Race Screen will not allow selecting negative perks if your total points is less than 0
Fix. Just added a check to always enable negative perks, unless incompatible with other selections already made

Bug. <UCP-5.8> Large number of Auto Build Queues on the planet screen will cause the UI to become unusable, if the screen is closed while the scroll position is too far down the list
Fix. Just closed the dropdown on screen closure

Bug. <UCP-6.3> Maintain Zoom UI was updating the wrong cfg section when adjusted
Fix. Just corrected the location.

Bug. <UCP-5.9> Popups that appear when right-clicked could instantly close. Leading to the need to click on them again.
Fix. This was an issue with the Right Mouse button escape logic. It was not being properly reset on show popup.

Bug. <UCP-6.1> Colony focus type "Clean" does not take into account a race's pollution control perks
Fix. Just corrected this - should be more optimal

Bug. <UCP-6.3b Mac GOG Only fix> Removing the Sensor Range option caused an exception on GOG OSX while looking at this panel in the settings, this causes an annoying graphic/ui issue for that screen if it is accessed.
Fix. Corrected merge issue

Bug. <UCP-6.2> If a colony is highly desirable by the AI, it will fail to bombard the colony, that has a Planetary Shield blocking the invasion attempt, leading to the AI not being able to conquer the colony
Fix. Corrected logic to detect and correctly bombard the planet until the shield is removed

Bug. <UCP-5.7 Steam Versions> Calculation for GetThreatRating by the AI is always returning 0.
Fix. Corrected merge, that was introduced during the 5.6->5.7 process.

Bug. <UCP-6.3 Wargaming Only fix> Path to Victory not loading correctly
Fix. This is a merge issue, corrected

Bug. <UCP-6.3 Linux/Mac Only fix> Sensor Range Graphic does not exist in the Game's Asset folder for these platforms, this is causing a cascading failure
Fix. Removed this feature for those platforms

Bug. <UCP 6.3> Endless processing turn caused by an unreleased change in Antaran Victory Scores
Fix. This is something I was going to add to 6.3, but decided to remove and did a poor job of removing correctly. Correctly removed the code for this.

Bug. GetPlanetRating has no adjustment for rating based upon distance from empire. This leads to the AI sometimes moving large distances to colonize a planet.
Fix. Added logic to calculate distance from a planet and the closest empire point. Adjustment is based upon the unused AI's "cohesivity" personality setting.

Bug. A hostile presence in a star system will prevent the AI from moving, even if it could escape on a warp lane
Fix. Added logic to have the AI check the destination star system for hostile forces instead of the current star system

Bug. When assign ship construction the AI starts with the most costly ships, but checks colonies in order acquired. This can lead to an inefficient build of large ships.
Fix. Added logic to sort colonies by production output and ship reduction structures, thus making it more likely that larger ships will be built at more capable colonies

Bug. AI colonization does not check current location of colony ships when assigning tasks. This can lead to a colony ship that is in a system that has a desirable planet to get assigned to a different colony ship.
Fix. Added a pre-check on allocation so that an in system colony ship will always be preferred

Bug. Fleet combat calculations for a fleet can result in a result of infinity, this leads to the combat chance result being completely incorrect
Fix. Added check to detect this condition and return the max float value instead.

Bug. Custom Race Screen can show the yellow popup indicating incompatible choices, even if the perks that are incompatible are hidden racial perks
Fix. Added to only show that line of text if a onscreen perk would be colored yellow

Bug. Issues with Tactical Orders in this game results in the game mistaking creating maneuver orders basically every frame, this makes absolutely no sense
Fix. Removed the redundant calls, that would just slow the game down and fragment memory. Now the current maneuver order will complete instead of being restarted over and over again. I would expect at minor speed improvement for tactical combat with this change, especially on large battles.

Bug. Initial notification for building the first scientific building adds a notification event that if clicked on crashes the game
Fix. Just removed this error causing notification

Bug. Augmented Engine usage by the AI has an incorrect check resulting in it firing when the ship is within the attack envelope.
Fix. Adjusted firing logic so the boosters will be used to enter the attacker envelop.

Bug. AI diplomacy when asking for Shared Charts has an incorrect operation, it is taking the min of 100 or the unknown stars/planets calculation using the YAML settings. So when asking an omniscient race this will almost always result in an offering value around 100
Fix. Corrected this operation, to use the max of 50 or the calculation

Bug. Lucky Trait is not making the race 50% resistant to negative random events. This is due to a mistake in the random number type being generated in comparison to the racial trait
Fix. Corrected logic so random type is a float and will generate 0.0 to 1.0 values instead of 0 to Maxint

Bug. Population growth on mixed race planets has a bad calculation that results in races with higher growth rates having less chance of being selected as the next population unit.
Fix. Adjusted check to reverse this

Bug. If a Leader is in transit to a ship that is destroyed and the civilization does not have the Survival Pod tech, the leader is killed anyway
Fix. Take 2 on correction this logic

Bug. Leader's gain experience while traveling
Fix. Added a check to prevent this minor issue

Bug. On game load, Omniscient races do not get the most updated information on node structures
Fix. Corrected check if node is in scanner range for Omniscient races

Bug. Colony Notifications leave the galaxy indicator after they are closed
Fix. Corrected logic so they are removed with the notification button

Bug. Trade and Research Treaty are recalculating cost after signing. This can lead to the deal failing if the recalculation cost is too high.
Fix. Removed code that is recalculating the cost. It is now only be calculated once when the deal is first setup.

Bug. The AI can sometimes attempt to force a structure to be built. When this happens it does not properly check that an upgrade of that structure does not already exists, resulting in the colony building nothing.
Fix. Added a check to make certain the colony can actually build this forced structure, otherwise ignores force build

Bug. The planet UI does not have a sound effect for clicking on the "use Autobuild" option
Fix. Added sound effect, also added one for the "Auto Cleanup" option as well

Bug. Fleet combat calculations has a flipped check if one side is unable to harm the other this leads it to think the side that can do no damage will win the fight
Fix. Just set the winning side correctly.

Bug. <UCP 5.8 Chat> Fix to multiplayer chat functionality disabled the keyboard bind for Move Fleet on the Galaxy Map
Fix. Corrected issue

Bug. Economic Victory conditions are set by the number of major civilizations alive or dead, this makes this condition easier to win as races die off
Fix. Adjusted check so that is looks only at the major civilizations that are still alive to determine the winning percent needed

Bug. Space Monster Eel's lightning field does not work as the ShipModule has an invalid weapon type
Fix. Switched the ship module to be use the same weapon type as used by the Amoeba
Автор останньої редакції: WhatIsSol; 5 січ. о 9:31
Bug. <UCP 6.2a Adaptive> Endless processing turn cause by incorrect check on it that is allowing the viability factor to go over 1.0
Fix. Corrected check, this should allow in progress games to continue, but planets might have above max population, new games should be fine

Bug. Lithovore Races (food consumption of none) will not build cloning centers or biosphere, this affects both the built-in default AutoBuild and the AI
Fix. Modified logic so those structures will now be built, populationGrowthMultiplierBonus is set to be early need, while maxPopulationBonus is a later need

Bug. Ship special Automated Repair Unit does not effect a ship's defense rating
Fix. Corrected this issue, also modified chance calculations for fleet combat

Bug. Ship special High Energy Focus does not effect Chance calculations for fleet combat
Fix. Corrected this issue

Bug. Ship special Fast Missile Rack does not effect a ship's Attack Rating or Chance calculations for fleet combat
Fix. Corrected this issue

Bug. Loading a multiplayer save game assigns a random race to the host
Fix. The host loading the save file will now get the same race they where playing before

Bug. Endless Turn Processing issue found in the Espionage Colony code, appears to be an order of AI execution issue.
Fix. Just added simple check to avoid the crash bug, the bad spy will get cleaned up by the processing AI later in the end of turn calculations

Bug. Colonies set to autobuild do not indicate on the notification their next build item
Fix. Added logic to update the notification with the next build item after the game decides what that item will be

Bug. Planet's pollution bar on the galaxy map never shows up if the planet has no food cells or if the race has the Pollution Tolerance : Immune trait
Fix. Added logic to make the pollution bar to be visible after a planet is >= 30% polluted

Bug. Minor UI issue with the Build Popup and clicking on the build tiles while the screen is closing
Fix. Just added logic to detect and prevent the reclusive calling of the close function on the UI

Bug. Fleet ETA displayed in the UI is not taking into account any assigned leader travel bonus, this is a display issue only
Fix. Added missing logic to travel bonus if any in the calculation

Bug. Minor UI issue with the Diplomacy and Audience Screens if other partner population is over 3 digits, just truncating display
Fix. Set the field to autosize

Bug. Minor UI issue with the Galactic Council Screens if population is over 3 digits, causing truncating of numbers and text overlap
Fix. Resized/moved some fields to correct

Bug. Notification of Colony Growth or Colony Population Max does not pan the galaxy camera to the colony as other notifications do
Fix. Added galaxy pan to make it work like the other notifications

Bug. <UCP> Use of Stellar Converter by the AI is missing check allowing it to attempt on non colonies leading to desync event
Fix. Added missing check to prevent this from occurring

Bug. The AI and the player's default AutoBuild will build pollution control structures on planets that do not need them
Fix. This is an out of order processing issue, the game decides what to build in-between when it applies the colony's turn pollution but before it applies the planet's pollution absorption, thus appearing to have a non-zero pollution level, corrected calculation to handle this out of order processing

Bug. <UCP 5.7 Auto Cleanup> Auto Cleanup when a new population unit is added and they are shuffled to production by the focus settings/AI can cause a desync event between client and server.
Fix. Corrected this desync event by calling routine to set Auto Cleanup value after the population unit is moved.

Bug. A number of issues exist with the games AI usage of the displacement module. Errors such as not using them when it should, using them too often and leaving the battlefield, or moving in what looks like a random direction before engaging the displacement module
Fix. Corrected logic, should be more consistent now in its usage. Also added new aggressive usage of the displacement modules.

Bug. Pulsar is not setting the armorPentration value resulting in poor performance versus higher armor
Fix. Adjusted it to correctly set the armorPentration value on its damage calculations

Bug. Rename system can default to having a leading space when revisited in the application
Fix. Reset the caret position on the input field to prevent this from happening

Bug. Display Issue with Used Space on the Blueprint Screen, some techs can result in it showing incorrect used space
Fix. Switched it to actually sum the different components

Bug. Galaxy Creation of player's homeworld with balanced starting conditions turned off can result in less planets then expected, caused by placement picking the player's home world orbit and then skipping that planet
Fix. Corrected logic to have it properly reroll a new orbit for the new planet

Bug. Manual Fire does not work if the ship has no weapons on Autocast
Fix. Corrected firing logic

Bug. Tactical crash bug encountered in Hover and Unhover ship visual, this is a rare issue
Fix. Added logic to try and defend against this crash

Bug. <UCP 6.1/6.1a Steam Version> The game’s publisher failed to update the GOG version with the new localization files thus any mode like UCP or 5X that has Chinese localization data would cause a crash on load. I changed the logic for this to prevent this crash in GOG, but unfortunately inadvertently merged it into the Steam version thus preventing those increased localization from working.
Fix. Just unmerged this fix as it is not needed for Steam.

Bug. Fleets with movement left and fleets with no movement left will auto-merge if they are on the same node. This will result in the ships that have movement left getting stuck for that turn.
Fix. Changed fleet merge logic to prevent fleets that have moved from auto-merging with fleets that have not moved. You can still set both fleets to guard which will force a merge.

Bug. Entering tactical combat, setting all weapons to be manual firing, and then selecting "Auto-Resolve" will prevent those manual fire weapons from being used.
Fix. Added check for simulated combat to override manual fire setting

Bug. Ships with stealth modules - cloaking or phasing cloaking can cause tactical combat stalls where the attacker will stop moving.
Fix. This is related to the attacker game's coordinate movement logic, prevented the activation of this module, until that coordinated move is completed.

Bug. <UCP OSX> Some Issues reported with the SWF UI files, also first experimental support for GOG OSX
Fix. Adjusted reported SWF files and this appears to have corrected the problem, I still have no access to OSX so this is 3rd hand, unlikely this corrects all of them

Bug. <UCP 5.9 enhancement removal> "Add. Adjusted calculation for tactical ship's max weapon range..."
Fix. This has the unintended effect of adjusting the radar range for enemy detection to the average range thus causing the ship to not fire at proper ranges if using a mixed ship design. I need to reevaluate this function, but for now removing.

Bug. (Wargaming.Net Only) The "Back to Main Menu" button is not working on the Options Screen, the ESC key works as normal
Fix. Corrected this issue

Bug. Ships with more than one fighter bay of any combination will only launch a single weapon slot of drones at a time
Fix. Corrected logic to allow for all weapon slots of fighters to function independently

Bug. Population percent calculation for mixed lithovore and non-lithovore colonies are wrong due to math conversion order of operation issue
Fix. Corrected arithmetic operation order

Bug. Anomalies that give random tech can cause "Argument is out of range" exception and yield no benefit to the explorer. This occurs when the game selects a tech node where the explorer already has acquired all the branches via trade or espionage
Fix. Added logic to detect this issue and reward the explorer with a credit bonus

Bug. Tooltips for Weapon Mods in the Ship Building UI are missing a title icon
Fix. Added missing code and modified configs to include a default title icon

Bug. Empire Economic Tooltip math is wrong for the colonies section. This is a display issue only. The values show for the Currency Exchange Structure and Leader Bonus are wrong. The sections totals also is double counting these wrong values as well.
Fix. Corrected Tooltip calculation

Bug. Empire Research Tooltip math is wrong. This is a display issue only. It is not calculating population totals correctly with structures that have a totalResearchMultiplierBonus and is not factoring in colony leader bonus for research
Fix. Corrected Tooltip calculation

Bug. Division by zero crash bug in Tactical Combat with the use of the displacement/subspace teleport specials during AI jump target location calculation if its current target squadrons contains no valid ships
Fix. Added code to detect this condition and provide an alternative jump target to avoid division by zero

Bug. Lightning Field visual effect is missing code to scale the visual effect with ship size resulting in the graphic not being noticeable on large ships
Fix. Added code to scale the visual properly

Bug. When a leader gains a level of experience they are not always getting a bump in their bonuses, this affects all civilizations player and AI alike. But, the AI is hit especially hard by this as they are getting about one third of their proper level ups.
Fix. Corrected logic

Bug. MIRV fragments do not have a TimeToLive set, meaning they can have almost unlimited range
Fix. Set TimeToLive for fragments to be a division of the main missile's TimeToLive

Bug. MIRV fragments do not have a missileAttack set, meaning they get the default missileAttack (50 = Pulson Missile)
Fix. Set missileAttack to be the same as the main missile's missileAttack value

Bug. Espionage Spy Agent will show location as being "UPPER:*" if they are in transit attempting to infiltrate a colony
Fix. Corrected this UI issue, it will now show the target colony they are attempting to infiltrate

Bug. Captured Spies still show their old active mission details in the UI
Fix. Switched to show that the spy is captured

Bug. Planet structure list shifts to the left if a filter icon is selected
Fix. Corrected this minor UI issue

Bug. Tooltips for Building Queue is missing a title icon
Fix. Added missing title icon

Bug. ShipBlueprint Manager toggle options are not correctly setting the enabled/disabled on prev/next buttons
Fix. Corrected minor UI issue

Bug. Combat results for most effective weapon do not display point defense weapons correctly
Fix. Corrected minor UI issue

Bug. The tactical combat ship control resets the scrollbar when a squadron is selected and the control is redrawn
Fix. Scrolls the panel to ensure the selected ships are visible

Bug. Refinement to the UCP 5.5b fix that catches the non-numeric chance calculation result
Fix. Instead of always returning 0.0 it now will perform an additional check and either return 0.0 (TERRIBLE) or 1.0 (EXCELLENT)

Bug. TacticalNebulae size is not being adjusted correctly due to a constant not being set, resulting in a fixed size
Fix. Corrected logic, TacticalNebulae will tend to be larger than before now and vary in size

Bug. AI is allocating/reserving too much of a budget for hiring new leaders. This does not even stop when they have all the leaders they can purchase in a game. Leading to an increasingly large chunk of their balance being allocated to something that will never be used
Fix. Removed Leader Category out of the budget allocation, will now be funded by the General category

Bug. <UCP-5.9 fix> Random event "Diplomatic Incident" can pick a race that is no longer alive.
Fix. Removed dead civilizations from race combinations

Bug. Renaming a system and exiting the screen with the Enter key caused Enter to not work on all other screens
Fix. That popup was keeping the keyboard event for the enter key, added code to correctly release event. Also added code to select the text field on popup

Bug. Blockaded colony's reduction in BC output does not show up on the Empire or Planet Screen
Fix. Just made it deduct as expected. Those values still show the floor values for the floats as normal

Bug. Revolt Notification when clicked on just disappears
Fix. Added logic to move the camera to the planet that revolted as would be expected

Bug. Currently there is no notification when a revolt is over
Fix. Added missing notification

Bug. Bio weapons are unable to destroy colonies, leading to some AI issues
Fix. Bio weapons will now destroy a colony when its population is reduced to zero

Bug. Leader bonus "bonus_colony_beam_damage_orbiting_ships" has no effect
Fix. Added logic to make that leader bonus function as expected.

Bug. Blockading or un-blockading an enemy planet is not adjusting income totals on UI
Fix. Forced UI refresh

Bug. <UCP-5.8 fix> Lucky Racial trait for determination of Antaran Attack is being generated using the wrong seed, resulting in the lucky race either always being skipped or never being skipped
Fix. Adjusted random seed generation to take into the normal universe factors

Bug. <UCP-5.9 refinement> The bottom button on the galaxy indicator the game state shows "Please Wait" if the user has pending blocking Scrap Notifications to deal with
Fix. Added logic to have that button show a different icon and changed the text to read "Clear Blocking Notifications"
Bug. <UCP-6.0 Linux Only fix> Merge issue is preventing assigning a leader to a ship
Fix. Just corrected the merge issue

Bug. <UCP-6.0 fix> Colony project "Artificial Planet Construction" performed on a Gas Giant will occasionally generate an invalid planet causing multiple problems including endless turn
Fix. Corrected check to prevent this occurrence

Bug. Fleet combat screen is incorrectly showing the ship status at the end of the combat
Fix. This is a MIRV bug. The combat updates for MIRVed missiles are not being displayed correctly. This is a display issue only.

Bug. If a Tactical combat times out the loser fleet is destroyed while the winner fleet is unharmed
Fix. Added logic to allow for the loser’s fleet’s attack damage output and the combat’s overall success chances to apply damage to the winner fleet resulting in possible loses to the winning fleet.

Bug. First contact audio for the Gly (Glis) does not play, asset exists just has the wrong link location
Fix. Corrected issue

Bug. For Omniscient races it is possible for a pirate base to spawn on an asteroid even after a mine or research laboratory has been placed on it
Fix. Corrected issue by excluding that celestial body from the possible pirate base spawn points

Bug. Tactical combat fighter return logic can generate an ArithmeticException during return to carrier calculations
Fix. Added a check to prevent this exception from being thrown

Bug. Tactical values displayed in the UI for Attack Rating and Defense Rating are always showing the squadron total values regardless of the number of actual ships selected
Fix. Modified to only adjust the values by the number of ships actually selected in the squadron vs the whole squadron

Bug. Minor UI issue Leader avatar's images is in front of their title
Fix. Just reordered the objects

Bug. Antaran settings ANTARAN_ATTACK_MAX_blueprint_template has an off by one issue, causing it to only stop after the limit + 1 is reached
Fix. Corrected issue, also added the functionality of 0 which will just disable that blueprint_template from showing up if desired by a MOD

Bug. Tactical combat can easily timeout due to battles having a fixed timeout
Fix. Added logic to increase the timeout by the number of ships in the engagement, this does not guarantee it will not timeout but makes it less likely

Bug. Tactical combat Automated Repair Unit repair drones are causing crashes and slowdowns due to incorrect logic
Fix. Switched the Automated Repair Unit to a passive special. It will now just heal a certain percentage of ship hull every few seconds controlled by YAML settings: hullRegeneration (5%) and hullRegenerationTimer (5 seconds). The per turn healing on the galaxy map is unaffected

Bug. Tactical combat targeting and weapon control uses multiple conflicting firing conditions, resulting in the AI sometimes attempting to fire on targets it can not hit and thus wasting its shots
Fix. Corrected logic and standardized on the firing solution logic

Bug. Tactical combat ship specials that are also weapons are showing the incorrect quantity and not updating correctly
Fix. Corrected

Bug. On zoomed out galaxy the fleet arrow icons are not being blurred properly and thus are visible on the Empire Management Screen, Leader's Screen, Victory Screen, and the Options Screens
Fix. Just hide the icons when you enter those screens, makes them more readable

Bug. Special Stellar Converter does not add to a ship’s blueprint attack rating
Fix. Added logic to calculate the attack rating for this special

Bug. Having too many leaders will cause the tooltips to be misaligned and show incorrect information when the scrollbar becomes visible
Fix. Corrected this issue by adjusting tooltip location with the position of the scrollbar

Bug. Leader Fleet Assignment screen does not allow fleet selection by clicking on a star
Fix. Corrected missing logic and incorrect logic to make this allowable, so it works like the previous fix for the Leader Colony Assignment Screen

Bug. Wrong value being set from YAML files for torpedo hit chance resulting in wrong attack calculation, this only affects that calculation only, tactical combat is already correct
Fix. Adjusted load code to correctly set the right value used during attack rating calculation

Bug. Leader Screen does not select a fleet leader when the minimap fleet icon is clicked on
Fix. Corrected

Bug. Espionage Infiltrate screen colony selection by clicking a star on the minimap does not always work
Fix. Corrected backend and UI

Bug. Espionage Missions can end with the Agent being idle without notification, some missions seems to repeat automatically for some reason
Fix. At the end of missions assigned agent will now await further instructions

Bug. Leader Colony Selection Screen does not show the same data for BC generation or Food Output as the empire screen, it is showing the income and output without taking into account upkeep and consumption
Fix. Corrected issue also adjusted pollution so it is percentage based as it is on the empire screen

Bug. Leader Colony Selection Screen has a single tooltip popup for BC that has a misplaced location
Fix. Removed it for consistency on that screen

Bug. Differences between implementation of Spy Experience between racial, tech, and leader bonus. Racial and Tech description are at odds with implementation. Only leader shows any UI changes.
Fix. Adjusted code so they all do the same thing, increase XP gains for spy mission, the total spy XP is correct on the UI now

Bug. Initial contact with an AI race always displays to the user that their disposition tone is relaxed
Fix. This was just being set to a constant, modified to actually set to the correct tone based on the initial disposition

Bug. AI can threaten to attack and declare war with a scout, regardless of target's decision it will fail to declare war
Fix. Added a check to prevent the AI from attempting to attack and declare war with a non-military ship

Bug. Multiplier Tech Notifications can cause the game to incorrectly show the new tech to the player and the Last Discovery is not displayed correctly
Fix. Corrected both display issues

Bug. Espionage Screen is missing some icons for spy missions, this is causing an exception and preventing loading of mission icons until the application is restarted
Fix. Added missing icons

Bug. If a Leader is in transit to a ship that is destroyed and the civilization does not have the Survival Pod tech, the leader is killed anyway
Fix. This fix did not work, corrected in 6.3

Bug. If a Spy who has infiltrated a colony is switched to an empire mission, the spy enters transit and then goes idle ignoring the selected mission
Fix. Adjusted logic to make the spy switch to empire mission correctly, this does remove them from the colony

Bug. Pirate base destruction reward of a population unit will ignore any colonies in the same star system when checking for closest colony
Fix. Corrected Logic

Bug. <UCP-5.9 fix> Colony project "Artificial Planet Construction" performed on a formal Gas Giant that was turned into an Asteroid field by a Supernova event results in an invalid planet.
Fix. Corrected logic to detect this condition and generate the planet as normal from a Gas Giant transformation
Bug. Issue with blueprint cache values that can cause them not to be correctly regenerated during invalidation. This causes a problem with the Checksums used between the Server and Client and causes a desync situation. In multiplayer this prevents the game from being completed without exiting and reloading the multiplayer game. In single player it causes all sorts of issues with the AI especially the Antaran AI as the Server data is overwritten by the Client data.
Fix. Added logic to the invalidate cache blueprint to correctly regenerate the blueprint cache values. I also added logic to single player to output the same desync information in case this shows up in a game.

Bug. Multiplayer games do not save the Antaran information as it is only stored in the server and not the client. Since multiplayer games only save the client data this information is lost on reload of the game.
Fix. Adjusted the multiplayer games save logic so if the multiplayer host saves the game, it saves the server data and not the client (this is the same as what single player currently does). If the prior host then restarts the game the Antaran data is preserved.

Bug. During tactical combat updating avoidance grids can cause an application crash bug with System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Fix. Adjusted code logic to avoid this condition

Bug. AI will repeatable send inferior forces to take over a Monster or Orion guarded planet. This is a colonization effort by the AI using an incredibly inaccurate calculation for the forces needed to overcome the resistance.
Fix. Enhanced the calculation for estimated firepower

Bug. Under certain circumstance a non-omniscient AI that does not posses the deep scanner tech will fail to eliminate a monster since it does not know if the planets are habitable or not. In the game I was playing this completely stalled two AIs.
Fix. Just added logic so the AI will destroy a close monster if it can and it has no other planets that it can colonize

Bug. Under certain pollution levels the game can send you notification that a planet is starving and in fact you can lose a population unit due to lack of food even through the UI shows you have positive net food the entire time. The cause is how the game is applying pollution generation, cleanup, and its result on food output. Instead of doing them in that order it does generation, food output, and then cleanup. In the example I looked at the UI was stating +1 food, but the game was using -1 food in the background.
Fix. Just corrected the order of operations.

Bug. Shipwreck Random Event can cause a game crash during the GNN review generation under certain circumstances
Fix. Corrected logic for GNN creation to prevent this crash

Bug. Captured Spy Popup Screen scroll area can extend past the visual screen space if you have too many captures spies
Fix. Adjusted scroll region so it matches the visual screen space

Bug. Empire Management Screen's Production Queue has multiple issues dealing with a build item that has been purchased.
Fix. Corrected issues in dragging and initialization

Bug. AI will never ask for its captured spies to be returned, this is due to numerous bugs and some missing code
Fix. Added missing logic to allow the AI to evaluate if it has any captured spies and to potentially negotiate their return

Bug. Antaran Attack Fleet calculation is incorrectly setting up its random table resulting in the wrong blueprint distribution
Fix. Corrected the table setup and thus the distribution issue, note this fix allows the attack fleet to actually contain Doomstar blueprints

Bug. Antaran Attack Fleet is using a constant of six turns to determine defense fleet it will have to fight
Fix. Modified routine so that it uses the values in the yaml files instead of a constant. This is not a perfect fix but better than a constant

Bug. During Tactical Combat Intro the combat control tool-tips are active and show invalid data or can throw exceptions in the code
Fix. Disabled the tactical combat tool-tips while the intro cinematic is running

Bug. Pirate Base/Independent's bombing screen is missing a graphic for the civilian population
Fix. Just put in the icon for these civilians

Bug. Supernova event in a system can destroy an Antaran Ruin possibly making the Antaran Victory impossible to achieve
Fix. Modified logic so any research lab will be destroyed but the actual Antaran Ruin will survive the explosion

Bug. Independent Civilizations Diplomacy Screen does not update correctly if it is in a neutral state, basically just shows whatever was the last Independent Civilization data that was on the screen
Fix. Corrected this issue. Made a few minor UI changes as well

Bug. Independent Civilizations Diplomacy always has the "!" indicator visible on the thumbnail regardless of the actual investment level
Fix. Correctly set the visibility of that indicator based upon the investment level for that independent civilization. Made a few minor UI changes as well

Bug. Galaxy tooltip for structures/warpgates has visible popup effect from last shown location to new shown location when first shown
Fix. This is just something that has always annoyed me so figured I would fix it

Bug. The planet screen contains no information if the planet has a pirate base
Fix. Corrected the screen so the details of the planet will show-up

Bug. Gas Giant Planet Screen does not show any data unless the race is Omniscient. The industry and food generating cells are also left overs from whatever planet was last viewed
Fix. Corrected both issues

Bug. TacticalPlasmaWebDamageVisual is generating a NullReferenceException on its OnFire event during tactical combat
Fix. Just added a check for null pointer and avoiding the code segment that causes this NullReferenceException

Bug. The Stellar Converter Cut Scene has issues after first view in the game. The beam comes from an empty location and the ship shows up half way to the planet
Fix. Just corrected the initial ship location. Also attempted to make the beam not originate at ship center if the "SCPosition" point is not defined (it is only defined for Doom Star Models). This is best effort

Bug. Espionage Hacking UI shows incorrect information both in the description and on mission status
Fix. Corrected the mismatch of the UI and in game effects to match

Bug. Espionage Screen captured spy's "Open a diplomatic negotiation" button provides no feedback to user if the AI rejects your audience request, just appears the button does nothing
Fix. Added logic to show the client a message that their audience was rejected

Bug. AI will never terraform toxic worlds because it does not know it needs to build a toxic processor for this. It only looks at the pollution reduction of that structure and that is not needed on a toxic planet.
Fix. Added logic to assign a non-zero weight to the construction of the toxic processor on toxic planets.

Bug. Multiple Leader Screens that show the galaxy map do not fit on the provided screen space. This seems to be related to screen resolutions that differ from 1920x1080
Fix. Corrected issue with these screens by adjusting the calculation the game is using for determination of the screen space

Bug. Espionage Screen the train agent button will show a blank picture about half the time. This is a mismatch between the number of spy agents graphics (15) and spy agents names (26). When the spy is purchased the picture will be correct
Fix. Corrected this issue

Bug. Path To Victory screen is throwing a "Handler for command: PopulateVictories not found error"
Fix. Removed this unneeded call that could cause refresh issues for that screen. Also adjust this screen so it defaults to selecting all races on the graph lines, instead of only your race

Bug. Path To Victory screen odd interaction if graph is selected, then a drop down item is selected, and then closed. Upon going back to it, trying to select the same drop down item will not refresh the screen
Fix. Corrected this minor UI issue

Bug. Tactical combat tooltip icon lookup can generate an exception and prevent the tooltip from showing
Fix. Just added logic to catch this error and use a default icon

Bug. If an independent civilization is destroyed by a civilization using a Stellar Converter the notification says Supernova
Fix. Corrected this mistake

Bug. Ship Upgrade popup has an overflow UI issue if over 12 items have changed between old and new. Also the cost can overflow the button as well
Fix. Just corrected this minor issue

Bug. A planet that is destroyed via Stellar Converter or Supernova when recreated with the colony project "Artificial Planet Construction" will always result in a planet size of Large
Fix. Original planet size will now be preserved instead of being defaulted

Bug. Leader Level-Up popup bonus name can overflow with the other controls on the screen
Fix. Modified the screen to support multiple lines for the bonus name, adjusted some of the text to break in a more pleasant manner

Bug. Under certain conditions the player is unable to colonize an empty planet from the galaxy map even with a colony ship in orbit. Most commonly encountered with Orion
Fix. Just removed the blocking code preventing this if the civilization attempting colonization is not AI controlled

Bug. Empire Management screen throws an exception on attempting to show the tooltip for a blockaded colony
Fix. Corrected

Bug. If you load a save game or create a new game without exiting and restarting the game it maintains some state information on the supernova event from the current game
Fix. Just corrected this by resetting this information

Bug. Major Civilization data is not available on the diplomacy screen unless you have an active Embassy with them, the text states that spy activity should show the data but this does not work
Fix. Added support for acquiring that information, if you have an active infiltrated spy in that empire

Bug. Planet Screen building list and filtering options do not work correctly for none-owned colonies when you have an infiltrated spy or your race is omniscient
Fix. Corrected this issue, the controls and display are working correctly now

Bug. Default Autobuild process placing trade goods in first position with a queue that also contains a terraforming project can result in the terraforming project being duplicated on the queue
Fix. Correctly rejecting terraforming from the possible project lists if it is already on the queue

Bug. Ship Module Battle Scanner text says it increases ship scanner range out of combat, but this does not function
Fix. Corrected this via yaml update, it will now increase scanner range of a ship by 1

Bug. After you infiltrate an enemy colony you can always see its status, even if your spy is dismissed or recalled
Fix. Corrected this oversight

Bug. If your empire gets into financial trouble and runs a deficit the game can dismiss your spies without notice
Fix. Added a notification for this as well as a log entry

Bug. Scrap Notifications are getting dropped if there are more than one in a single turn
Fix. Adjusted the scrap notifications to MustResolve which forces them all to be shown

Bug. When a fleet is destroyed under certain conditions the game will flood the back-end with refresh messages causing the Fleet Control GUI to be unusable
Fix. Added logic to prevent the flooding of these message events

Bug. Universal Antidote tech achievement has two issues, its growth rate is cumulative with Microbiotics, and it provides no protection from bio bombs
Fix. Corrected both issues so description matches effect

Bug. AI will continually attempt to invest in an independent civilization whose investment level is set to max
Fix. Added a check to prevent this from recurring every-turn

Bug. Tactical Combat Beam Defense is using an additive bonus for Racial trait of "Ship Defense" but the blueprint is using an multiplicative bonus
Fix. Normalized it so both are using the same, multiplicative bonus

Bug. The colony attack screen can be misaligned if the defender has too many marines or armor.
Fix. Corrected this issue, also aligned the flashing sign and the button, and finally changed the text to say Invading or Bombarding depending upon the action selected.

Bug. The weapon mod enveloping has no effect on the computed attack rating for a ship. It does work in tactical combat, but the computed attack rating is used by the AI for pre-combat determination
Fix. Updated logic to provide an adjustment for this

Bug. Shield piercing weapons have no effect on the computed attack rating for a ship. It does work in tactical combat, but the computed attack rating is used by the AI for pre-combat determination
Fix. Updated logic to provide an adjustment for this

Bug. The AI estimation of the Antaran Attack Fleet results in a strength calculation of zero due to issues with grabbing the correct list of ships
Fix. Corrected AI logic

Bug. Diplomatic Victory Condition is counting independent civilizations in the minimal number of civilizations needed to be active, leading the AI to think the victory condition is still active
Fix. Corrected logic to only count major civilizations
Bug. Timeline manager attempts to write to the turn file once, if it fails the application aborts with an error message "Failed to create a new game in the save-games folder. Please check your user writing permissions in Windows"
Fix. Just added logic so it attempts to open the file multiple times before finally given up after five seconds. Hoping this gives the OS time to get over the sharing issue.

Bug. Ship Blueprint screen Weapon Selection popup allows the quantity of weapons to equal zero, which causes a few issues
Fix. Just corrected this operation so it correctly stops at 1.

Bug. If a planet degrades due to pollution it is possible for citizens on the planet to remain on cells that are no longer valid
Fix. Added logic to set a colony's focus to balanced upon it degrading

Bug. Planet degradation notification message uses incorrect logic to determine the number of population units that are lost, this is a display issue only
Fix. Corrected calculation to just display the actual population loss instead of using an estimate

Bug. AI logic ShouldBombard is missing check for biological bombs
Fix. Just added missing logic, also adjusted the check for allowed turns to destroy planet

Bug. Civil Transports do not get the reduction in production cost from colony structures unless they are bulk built.
Fix. Just added missing logic for checking for the specific "civil transport" class

Bug. Number of strikers on a colony does not follow proper math. For example five population planet with 60% morale should generate two strikers but the game is calculating it as one striker
Fix. This is a precision error resulting from the code moving to different data types with different significant digits during its calculations. Corrected by adding 0.000001 before final truncation into integer.

Bug. Energy Absorber is setting damage to zero from cannons and beams, instead of the remainder of the damage that is not absorbed
Fix. Corrected logic

Bug. Enveloping Weapons are not doing extra damage to Shield Capacitor's Matrix Shield
Fix. Added in missing logic

Bug. Shield Capacitor Matrix Shield is stopping shield piercing weapons without the need for hard shields
Fix. Corrected this mistake

Bug. Enveloping Weapons are doing excessive damage to hull if the ship's shields are exceeded on that weapon hit
Fix. The logic is attempting to remove the Enveloping bonus but using the wrong value, just corrected logic

Bug. Hard Shield's increased Shield Damage Reduction not always working due to multiple in game implementations
Fix. Unified the code and made it a calculated cache value for speed purposes

Bug. <UCP-5.8 fix> Custom Build Queues and AutoFilter is building unneeded pollution reduction buildings
Fix. <UCP-5.8 fix> Corrected logic to add in the planets absorption for determination of whether the structure should be built

Bug. If an independent civilization you have not meet is destroyed by a supernova or other non-civilization event a really odd notification is generated saying the independent was destroyed by "cheat"
Fix. This is just a hard-coded value they left in the game, it is not even language adjusted - switched to say unknown.

Bug. If a blueprint is upgraded for a ship that the player is currently building in bulk or that they have in their workInProgress queue waiting for completion in bulk, the bulk item will get permanently stuck in the colony's build popup list. This item will not be able to actually be built as it will be auto-removed every turn from the production queue.
Fix. Stopped this insanity, this fix will not repair games that have already encountered this issue, but will prevent recurrence.

Bug. A fleet that encounters an unknown race's military outpost can be blocked from continuing. First contact does not happen and the fleet is unable to attack the military outpost.
Fix. Triggered first contact logic for this occurrence. Allowing communication and combat.

Bug. Dauntless target re-selection is using an incorrect fixed radar range, resulting in missiles not re-targeting when they should
Fix. Radar range is now using an estimated travel distance of the missile versus it’s max range

Bug. If using automated target selection observed the AI firing all weapon slots on a single ship, resulting in absolute overkill. Most easily observed by watching the Orion Guardian fire off all its death rays against a single frigate that has no shields.
Fix. Adjusted logic such that if a target already has enough incoming potential damage to be destroyed the next weapon slot that is ready to fire will target a different ship.

Bug. Leader Bonus "Beam Attack" is only applying damage bonus to "shipmodulesubtype_beam" weapons. Given that the game treats "shipmodulesubtype_beam" and "shipmodulesubtype_cannon" weapons exactly the same in all other regards this seems to be a bug to me.
Fix. Just added in that weapon subtype category into the valid types to receive this damage increase.

Bug. Crash bugs found during real time tactical combat - one reported and one encountered during testing, both appear to be race conditions or out of order processing problems
Fix. Just another set of defensive fixes for this to handle the error better than crashing the game

Bug. Lucky racial trait is supposed to make you less likely to be attacked by the Antaran's during their raids but this logic was never implemented
Fix. During Antaran's civilization target selection a "lucky" race will have a 50% chance of being skipped for target calculation purposes assuming "Allow Racial Traits" is turned on.

Bug. Calculation for Armor Combat Rating does not include the race's trait "perk_ground_combat_rating adjustments"
Fix. Added this missing calculation

Bug. During galaxy generation when completing the fill for star types the game is using the wrong operation Max vs Min resulting it in filling with the least wanted stars. This causes a distribution error.
Fix. Just switched from Max to Min. This does not make it a perfect distribution but is an improvement.

Bug. During multiplayer games while typing in Chat, pressing Enter (default key for next turn), will cause your fleets to move if they have pending actions
Fix. Added the proper check to ignore this key if you are actively typing in chat

Bug. Out of order processing for end turn civilization and diplomatic deals can result in the game incorrectly scrapping structures and/or fleets. This only occurs if your total balance is less than or equal to your diplomatic deals.
Fix. Changed logic, so instead of scrapping structures on a race's turn, moved that logic to a postTurn processing event that occurs after all diplomatic deals have been settled

Bug. Out of order cleanup on StageDisplomacyView Object, object is destroyed before releasing message sinks
Fix. Just corrected the ordering of this object's cleanup

Bug. Buyout cost does not take into account any accumulated production points a colony has from a previous construction effort
Fix. Just corrected this mistake

Bug. Random event Supernova does not have any lasting indicators unlike all other random events. Personally, I always forget which planet has this, especially if I come back to game at a later date
Fix. Added event icons for Supernova to both the colony planet's screen and the empire management screen

Bug. Choose Research and Research Completed Screen, some of the fields can be truncated. Mainly noticeable on Space Academy and in mods such as 5X
Fix. Corrected truncation on those fields.

Bug. Empire Economic Tooltip is missing the breakdown for independent allies that provide credit bonuses to a civilization
Fix. Just added the missing breakdown item. Performed some other minor cleanup on this tooltip.

Bug. Empire Research Tooltip is missing the breakdown for independent allies that provide research bonuses to a civilization
Fix. Just added the missing breakdown item.

Bug. Addeed some missing sound effects to the link table
Fix. Just linked the sounds to existing game content

Bug. Lithovore growth rate is not being affected by difficulty level or gravity. This seems an over-site and is leading to apparent balance issues in multiplayer games.
Fix. Modified code to make it take in effect difficultly level and gravity.

Bug. Tactical combat the specials Displacement Device and Subspace Teleporter are not working correctly. Errors include wrong range indicator being displayed and randomly working and not working
Fix. Removed range indicator since that should not have been displayed, correctly set targeting selection to make the special work as intended and not seemly at random

Bug. Ship Blueprint value "PD Effectiveness" can have a calculated value over the number of PD weapons a ship has which is not possible, since a single PD weapon can only destroy a single missile.
Fix. Just capped this value to the number of PD Weapons a ship has. This value is used in the Ship Defense Calculation so that was affected by this change as well.

Bug. <UCP-5.7b fix> Colony focus type "Clean" does not take into account leader bonus that reduces pollution.
Fix. Just corrected this - should be more optimal
Bug. A fleet cannot navigation a link between two nodes that also have terminating jump gates from two different civilizations. Attempts to travel past results in a ghost fleet and game exceptions.
Fix. Corrected logic to drop out of jump gate ETA and use normal travel ETA, instead of just not allowing travel at all

Bug. Loading a save game where a navigation link between two nodes that also have terminating jump gates from two different civilizations does not show up on the galaxy map
Fix. Corrected logic to properly show the link

Bug. A previous owned AI planet that is overtaken by the player can have its focus set to a non-player focus option. This causes the planet screen to display the wrong focus and the empire management screen to display a blank focus to the player.
Fix. Corrected by detecting this issue and displaying a manual focus for that colony. Added code to set the colony's focus to balanced.

Bug. AI can request and build multiplier doom stars (empireUnique blueprint), actually the production manager can request very lopsided armies due to the fact it does not take into account requested armies in it blueprint selection choice or could even stall its warship production
Fix. Modified blueprint selection logic such that it accounts for all currently requested blueprints. This should make the AI build more balanced armies and should prevent it from making multiplier doomstars. Possible for balance an AI personality setting for HeavyArmor needs to be adjusted but leaving it alone for now.

Bug. Espionage Screen will allow you to send multiplier spies to the same enemy colony. Only the first spy can do anything all others will get stuck in a waiting state until you recall them doing nothing.
Fix. Added code to disable colony row when you already have a spy performing an action against that colony to avoid this issue

Bug. On Spy and Leader Colony Selection Screens a colony's Security Level value is not visible, in some non-English language choices, due to the translated word "Level" being inserted in front of the value which is causing the text to truncate
Fix. Just removed this redundant text string from the start, now it just shows the numeric value

Bug. Espionage Screen the XP per turn for a selected spy can truncate due to space limitations on the field length. The Train Spy Button cost field can also wrap.
Fix. Increased field lengths to correct screen issues

Bug. <UCP-5.6 fix> UCP added IGNORE_PRIORITIZE_MODS global setting is causing monsters and orion guardian blueprints to be created without weapons mods
Fix. Corrected this issue by correctly setting flag to enable mods for those designs.

Bug. <UCP-5.7 fix> Colonies on AutoCleanup can still receive High Pollution Notices under certain conditions of pre-cleanup pollution output and planet capacity
Fix. Just corrected this

Bug. <UCP-5.7 fix> Colony focus type "Clean" does not take into account leader bonus nor resource production bonuses. Additionally does not support MOD structures that add multipliers to production output.
Fix. Just corrected this - should work better

Bug. TacticalSquadronManeuverOrbitFireSupport appears to still be stuck with EA code, where the ships slides around the battlefield with no relationship to how they are rotated
Fix. Corrected squadron maneuver so it at least looks like they are thrusting from the rear, in general adjusted the tactics of this behavior

Bug. TacticalSquadronManeuverOrbitFireSupport never completes due to a bug in end maneuver logic check
Fix. Corrected issue

Bug. Bombers on docking event, when their carrier is destroyed, just circle around forever
Fix. Bombers will now properly disappear (saves processing time and memory during real-time combat) on attempting to dock to a destroyed ship

Bug. Bombers are not always properly docking with carrier ship, they sometimes get stuck just orbiting it
Fix. Corrected logic, in general fighters of all types should be more aggressive in their docking orders

Bug. Colony and Node Development Structure Projects that are upgrades production cost is being incorrectly calculated on all production speeds not set to normal
Fix. Corrected production costs to take in account the set production speed of the current game

Bug. Strikers on Colony Screen does not equal strikers on the Empire Management Screen due to an odd way the game decides a worker is on strike. It is also possible for it to report more strikers than the planet has population count if morale is low enough
Fix. Corrected these issues

Bug. In Multiplayer, or with Modded Custom, Race with large number of racial traits the tooltips fail to display
Fix. Just corrected depth issue in SWF so the racial trait tooltips work

Bug. <UCP-5.7 fix> Another adjustment to ProcessBalance and Calculation of Total Income. Total income was including the difficulty multiplier for diplomatic actions which could result in the AI thinking it had too much money to spend.
Fix. Removing erroneous calculation, also cleanup the ProcessBalance method as my previous fix was messy

Bug. <UCP-5.7 fix> Multiplayer crash on audience with AI when you are not running the server locally, by null pointer during Server.GetUniverse call
Fix. Just switched to Client.GetUniverse

Bug. <UCP-5.7 fix> Multiplayer desync being caused by the AI usage of Auto-Cleanup
Fix. Properly sent message to both clients and server to turn this feature on/off thus making certain everyone is aware of its current setting

Bug. <UCP-5.7 fix removed> Observed occasionally the Antaran Attack Fleet Scenario gets into an invalid state after attacking a colony. Their portal never despawns, their attack fleet stays around, and they will never attack again
Fix. <UCP-5.7 fix removed> I have removed this update as while it did correct a single stall event it appears to have made some of the other Antaran AI oddities occur more frequently than before

Bug. Steam Workshop Bug - If you are not subscribed to any Steam Workshop items the game alphabetizes all your local mods on startup every time, thus reordering them
Fix. Corrected logic so the local mods will retain order regardless of the number of workshop items you are subscribed to

Bug. Production Queue on the planet shows really odd ETA for completion. Only the first production item is showing accurate ETA. All others are using some really old calculations based upon the build-able.
Fix. Adjusted the display so instead of pulling up the build-able it shows the time for the ETA on the queue.

Bug. Empire Management Screen after specific colony update, such as changing the queue, the pollution text changes from "pollution count / pollution capacity" to a "percent based" indicator of pollution
Fix. I just adjusted this to always show the percent. Also modified the security rating to make it look more uniform next to the morale and pollution percentage.

Bug. Completing research on a node, where you are creative, and have already received all the branch techs from trading, stealing, etc, can cause you to not receive the non-branch techs
Fix. Corrected this mistake, this does not fix any save, but should prevent it from happening again

Bug. Recalling a leader does not refresh the empire top bar data
Fix. Added refresh logic to this action

Bug. Ship blueprint auto upgrade from template can generate weapon slots with invalid weapon modifiers under certain conditions.
Fix. Corrected issue with weapon slot update logic to prevent this from happening

Bug. <UCP-5.6 fix> End of Turn processing balance is adding any trade treaty or tribute twice. This was unfortunately added in as part of UCP 5.6 income changes
Fix. Corrected bad code logic

Bug. Leader ship assignment does not properly update for assigned leaders status (unless the screen is exited and re-entered). Thus it will appear to let you assign two leaders to the same ship for instance
Fix. Corrected refresh issue for ship leader assignment

Bug. Leader ship selection shows a hard-coded constant of 2 turns to arrive on the selection screen.
Fix. Modified it to be the yaml setting which defaults to 4 in the base game

Bug. Possible to queue up multiple ships that have the EmpireUnique set to true. The queued ships will be canceled when the first one is completed. In base game this only affects the Doomstar
Fix. Just prevented queuing of more than one EmpireUnique ship that share the same hull class.

Bug. Planet View - Looking at a colony you do not own, via spies or omniscience leads to some issues. You can attempt to add items to the production queue, try and rearrange items on the production queue, and toggle the buttons "enable AutoBuild" and "Enable Queue"
Fix. Just disabled those UI elements if you are not the colony owner.

Bug. Shipbuilding management adjusting weapon counts the repeat delay is not working correctly. This is causing run away incremental or decremental adjustments to weapon counts.
Fix. Just corrected the logic they had in place to make it pause between repeats.

Bug. Clicking Retreat as the choice for simulated combat forces the retreating fleet to charge the enemy as normal. Resulting in the retreating fleet taking excessive damage
Fix. Modified tactical strategy used for defending fleet that is wanting to retreat. It will no longer charge the enemy but hold position waiting for retreat option to become available

Bug. Ship Pre-combat Screen shows the retreat button even if that option should not be available. When clicked it just auto-resolves the combat without retreating
Fix. Correctly hide the button if retreat is not possible (your fleet has already moved)

Bug. Empire Management Screen after pressing Buy the other widgets buttons do not update to your current credit balance. So if you had 2 items both costing 600BC and you have 700BC you can buy both of them in this UI
Fix. Correctly disabling buy buttons after making a purchase

Bug. <UCP-5.6 fix> Empire Management Screen scrollbar will disappear after sort operations, until the screen is exited and reentered. The disappearing scrollbar was introduced in 5.6 during the scrollbar fixes. Sorting on morale is treating field as alpha instead of numeric
Fix. Corrected issues
Bug. Ship Blueprint popup screen module selection can show too many digits for DPS causing display issues
Fix. Rounded DPS to two digits after decimal place

Bug. Leader Colony Selection UI Screen, the system's defense value is hard coded to 200? The first value is also hard coded to 2?
Fix. Not sure what 200 was supposed to mean, but regardless this is wrong - updated to be the same as the Empire Management Screen. I think the first value was supposed to be the time it takes a leader to travel to a colony. I just set it to read from the yaml setting since that matches the in game travel time.

Bug. Interplanetary Administration shipping lanes are not updating correctly when the location of the Interplanetary Administration building is moved or the export project was queued and becomes active
Fix. Corrected graphic refresh issues

Bug. AI is still occasionally fighting a losing battle against the Monster Civilizations
Fix. Increase the success criteria requirements before the AI will fight a monster civilization, I think the original value was just too low especially since this is optional combat.

Bug. Leader Colony Selection Screen, sort buttons can disappear, selected a star does not always select a corresponding colony. Also even though a colony might be highlighted, the list does not scroll to it nor will it be the actual colony the leader will be sent to unless you click on the highlighted colony before clicking the done button
Fix. Corrected these issues with this popup screen

Bug. AIs troop transport rush logic is flawed, game can call it multiple times in a single turn, leading to the production of too many troop transports. Observed for example the AI using it's 19 total command points to build 12 troop transport ships.
Fix. Removed race's invasionInclination to calculation of the number of troop transports to build. Also added logic to prevent rush building in this manner. It can still ask for rush build but only so often. Placed a constraint on the number of TroopTransports that can be requested to the military fleet size. Overall this adjustment is resulting in better army ratios, and increased combat ability for the AI

Bug. Ocean Terra-forming has a missing hologram texture on the research screen
Fix. Just modified yaml file to switch the texture to be the same as gaia terra-forming. At some point I will probably look into loading external resources.

Bug. AIs targeting can assign a lower priority to enemy colonies if the colony has an orbiting fleet, thus preventing it from attacking the colony
Fix. Added code to re-examine target entries looking for this possibility and setting the proper priority based upon engagement rules set vs colonies

Bug. AIs target selection is culling entries based upon distance to target at the wrong point (when it only knows about nodes), leading to issues targeting enemy fleets in distant nodes, can cause the AI to stop attacking
Fix. Removed that bad discard. Now it will wait to cull until fleet assignments are being made.

Bug. Possible to endlessly block a node by moving one ship at a time to it and then setting OnGuard thus preventing an enemy fleet from ever moving
Fix. Corrected game logic rule flaw. Now if you OnGuard on a node that contains an enemy fleet the block status of the node is unchanged. Normal friendly fleet merging will occur

Bug. AI is spending far more than it makes due to various issues with income and cost calculations routines and the adjustments made for difficulty to Credits Multiplier, causing them to overbuild then scrap, then repeat
Fix. Corrected bad code, adjusted spending ratios, the AI should now properly constrain itself to its income

Bug. Galaxy popups for structures, stars, and planets are enabled when the Empire Management, Espionage, and Leaders Screen is being displayed
Fix. Disabled this unneeded and distracting popups

Bug. Galaxy zoom and panning controls are enabled when the Empire Management, Espionage, and Leaders Screen is being displayed
Fix. Disabled this unneeded and distracting UI movement

Bug. AIs engagement rules are using different victory chances depending upon which part of the AI code is being ran at that time.
Fix. Corrected so engagement rules are the same regardless

Bug. Dismissing spies does not adjust the current empire financial situation until next turn
Fix. Corrected this miss

Bug. Dismissing Leaders does not adjust the current empire financial situation until next turn
Fix. Corrected this miss

Bug. Game is resetting resolution on application focus, causing issues since at launch it reads from the registry, but during this app focus event it reads from the config file, causing resolution changes, and window moving
Fix. This code makes no sense to me, just removed it

Bug. Defensive Blueprints Missile Bases and Orbital Batteries are missing the military upgrade options, causing offensive ships to be able to out-range them, with fixes for range damage and accuracy this is not good
Fix. Just added the military defensive special to those blueprints

Bug. Racial trait "perk_counterespionage_leveling_rate" is not working correctly according to UI. UI is treating it as if it is an addition to security rating, back in code is treating it as a multiplier
Fix. Decided to make it an additive bonus

Bug. Security Tooltips have inconsistent rounding in the UI for the numbers
Fix. Normalized rounding on those tooltips (colony + empire)

Bug. AI stopped attacking an enemy. An attacking fleet parked on an enemy planet for 20 turns without doing anything. Issue turned out to be MindControl. The AI was attempting to MindControl the planet, but no logic for that to actually happen. Note - This stopped ALL of their attacking fleets, they just stopped moving
Fix. Added missing logic so the AI will correctly use MindControl on planets

Bug. Bulk building civil transports or colony ships could result in them being silently canceled after clicking next turn under certain conditions
Fix. Corrected logic

Bug. Training spies could result in duplicate names, game only allocated a total possible of 26 spy names
Fix. Added logic to spy names to include their secret encryption key (name should be unique now)

Bug. Training spies costs increases every time, even if some of your spies are killed or dismissed
Fix. Spy training now is based on total number of spies you have and not on total number ever trained

Bug. Counter Espionage Spy ability is incorrectly adding in "Neural Scanner" per spy, appears to be a holdover from when spies had to be assigned to individual planets. Makes defensive spies too effective.
Fix. "Neural Scanner" now provides a flat security bonus

Bug. Empire Management Screen scrollbar does not work right. Disconnect between scrollbar and what is show in the scrollpane under certain conditions
Fix. Corrected scrollbar/scrollpane functionality

Bug. Colonization video when it shows the planets stats the population fades too fast to be read
Fix. Corrected by making the text remain visible for a few more seconds

Bug. rangeBoost Bonus being applied to PD weapons causes them to fire too early, before MIRV missiles have split
Fix. Corrected by ignoring rangeBoost bonus to PD weapons

Bug. Possible multiplayer sync issue - Leaders could set blueprint ship attack rating on cache value. Thus having a possible disparity between values depending upon last check performed.
Fix. Corrected so leaders vs monsters/antaraes/etc calculations do not set the default cache value but just return the calculated value.

Bug. Missiles do not have a beam defense rating (0 beam defense)
Fix. Corrected defense calculation for missiles, basically they now get a beam defense rating based upon their speed

Bug. Range to target is being incorrectly calculated for projectile weapons, resulting in accuracy oddities, most noticeable with PD weapons due to their short range
Fix. Corrected range calculations issues, by not using an unassigned value

Bug. Formation accuracy (formationPDAccuracy) for PD Defense is not being used, it is always using the Beam Attack (formationAccuracy)
Fix. Corrected calculations to use correct value based upon weapon mods

Bug. rangeBoost Bonus not being taking into account for rangeDissipation and Accuracy (similar to Bug. Heavy Mount Weapons (Energy)) - This is a special used by Starbases, Outposts, and Orbital Beam Platforms.
Fix. Corrected issue, makes these beam weapons much more dangerous on these structures

Bug. Colony Production Tooltip structure score incorrectly subtracts the gravity modifier, so the total do not match
Fix. Corrected mismatch on tooltip (this is a display only problem)

Bug. Chances against fleets could result in a mathematical issue where the chance would result in a non-numeric values - causes all sorts of issues including display problems
Fix. Checked and sets the chance to zero if it was going to be non-numeric

Bug. Heavy Mount Weapons (Energy) - Damage calculation is wrong making them do no damage at range greater than normal weapon range also using hard coded values vs yaml file settings
Fix. Corrected logic, by removing flawed redundant method and using a working lower base method

Bug. Racial Trait Travel Speed Improvement - This trait works correctly in game, but does not provide any UI feedback and fleet ETA is wrong.
Fix. Just updated the UI so it now correctly shows the improved speed of the ships in the blueprint and in the ETA calculations.

Bug. Racial Trait Combat Speed Improvement - This trait works correctly in game, but does not provide any feedback.
Fix. Just updated the UI so it now correctly shows the improved speed of the ships in the blueprint and in the tactical combat tooltips. Also calculates correctly into the ship defense rating.

Bug. Beam accuracy range loss calculation is being incorrectly applied. This is resulting in extreme low chances to actually hit and is actually making the special "rangemaster" to be actually a negative to hit chances.
Fix. Corrected logic, also switched to reuse the function from ship blueprint for consistency

Bug. Space Monster Dragon is not launching fighters
Fix. Working with Spud Dastardly he noted that the dronesPerGroup setting was missing for the parasite fighters, adding this in corrected this monster attack.

Bug. Calculations for military strength determination was using a different formula than Attack and Defense Ratings and was even less accurate then those values are. Found while watching the AI colonize a system with a monster in it only to have the monster kill the defending fleet and destroy the newy created colony.
Fix. Replaced those calculations with Attack and Defense Ratings, while not the best they are much better than the other ones.

Bug. Chance calculations for combat did not include any specials that are also weapons - most notable with the amoeba monster
Fix. Corrected this over-site

Bug. Moving population around causes some extra calculations and multiple calls to backend system on achievements (think this is the source of some delays people complain about in the base game)
Fix. Saved achievement results and avoid the calculation and setting of the achievement if it is already been obtained, Really unsure on the success of this "fix"

Bug. Empire Management Screen - If you have enough colonies and scroll down the tooltips (population, food, morale, pollution, etc) for the colony info do not display correctly, they will either not display or display wrong data
Fix. Corrected this issue

Bug. Now includes all needed fixes from Spud Dastardly's v55.1 Bug Fixes (Thanks Spud Dastardly)
Fix. Fixed the Elerian doomstar template attempting to use "rear facing heavy mount missiles." Changed them to all facing heavy armor missiles as presumably intended, Corrected fighter bay description to reflect the fact that they travel in groups of 3, not 4, and Added a "+" to tachyon scanner and hyperspace sensor tooltips to reflect the fact that the bonuses are additive.
Bug. Tactical Combat Lockups/Crash - Found another source of common lockups during tactical battles, in certain situations I could force a lockup/application crash about 70-80% of the time. It is a timing issue, and related to some of my previous comments about race conditions in the code
Fix. Removed redundant and frequent UI refresh logic (which also has a minor speed boost) and put additional safe guards around some tactical objects - this is not perfect and would not consider done, but is much more stable than before, IMO

Bug. Tactical Combat sometimes show inaccurate weapon modifiers on button tool-tip (especially noticable on first ship selected at start of combat)
Fix. Corrected setting so the proper mods are show

Bug. Combat Colony visible but non-functional buttons for "MindControl" and "Destroy Planet" when you are the defender
Fix. If you are not the attacker those buttons will be hidden

Bug. FE_SKIPPED is missing, seen when tell a fleet to skip its turn on the fleet control panel
Fix. Added missed localization text for this tag.

Bug. Notifications can significantly add to start of turn lag (recorded over 67 seconds for displaying them)
Fix. Removed redundant notification refreshes going on, reduced the time from 67 seconds to 20 ms in the test save I was using.

Bug. Stellar Converter in tactical battles requires manual activation - so the AI never uses it.
Fix. Added game logic to allow for the auto usage of the Stellar Converter

Bug. Energy Absorber requires manual activation - so the AI never uses it.
Fix. Added game logic to allow for the auto usage of the energy absorber

Bug. Ship Blueprint Manager Fighters/Bombers/Heavy Bombers - DPS are the bottom of the edit screen always displays zero
Fix. Corrected this display issue

Bug. Ship Blueprint Manager Weapons - Production Cost increase not showing up for MIRV, Heavy Mount, or Semi-Guided modifier tool-tips
Fix. Corrected this tool-tip miss

Bug. Found tactical/auto-resolve a condition that could stop a ship from moving, but be out of range/arc for all weapons. The ship would just sit there until destroyed.
Fix. Game is zeroing out the linear velocity of the ship under certain condition but at the same time also zeroing out its angular velocity incorrectly. Thus removing the ship's ability to rotate. Corrected this so the ship will rotate correctly to bring it weapons to bear.

Bug. Ship Blueprint Management Screen allows for redundant (ignored) modules to be installed for example: ECM Jammer and Wide-Area ECM Jammer on the same ship (only one will be used in combat)
Fix. Changed screen so redundant modules like this are not show - current categories are: jammer, inertial, cloaking, and displacement. Full mod support to add others categories.

Bug. Linux Only - Game is forcing full screen mode on intro movies and leaving the app in full screen
Fix. Linux Only - Disabled this logic as its only point that I can tell is to piss the user off

Bug. Tactical Deployment not using correct setting for SMALL combat zone
Fix. Corrected

Bug. Sometimes the AI ships fly in a straight line and will not engage enemy fleet
Fix. The AI ships are getting stuck in a movement order, added logic to keep increasing their scanning range until enemy fleet is detected

Bug. Attack Rating Calculations fluctuate widely if weapon slots are added due to how the game is calculating Average Weapon Penetration
Fix. Removed the calculation for average weapon penetration and dispersed that logic to each individual weapon slot so that the value will be more accurate

Bug. Timeline Graph disconnect between graph data and drop down when graph is revisited (graph always defaults to SCORE, but the dropdown remains the same)
Fix. Just set the dropdown to also default to SCORE

Bug. Editing multiple Blueprints under certain conditions will result in the ship's role being set to a different role
Fix. Fixed the one case of this that I could find that was reproducible - not sure if it corrects in all cases

Bug. Spawned Pirates bases do not show up if playing race with omniscience (initial bases or bases upon load appear, but not re-spawns)
Fix. Corrected this issue, by sending notifications to all omniscience races about the spawned pirate base

Bug. Tactical Controls Overhaul (take 1) - corrected a number of issues with current controls - such as the Speed Slider not working, the Range Slider going to an impossible state, and various other issues
Fix. This is a basic overhaul of this functionality. How much controls you have over your ships now depends upon your ship selection. You have to go to squadron level if you want to control weapons, specials, reformation, setting roles, etc.

Bug. AI does not ask for prisoner exchange due to it not allocating that deal to an expense category and thus not willing to spend BC on it
Fix. Assigned prisoner exchange to ESPIONAGE transaction type. UPDATE: This is not a final fix - apparently found that the AI is not adding this deal to its possible deals, will fix in a later release

Bug. Colony set to Production Focus assigns too many workers to food production (Especially noticeable for races like Silicoid, who get unneeded farmers)
Fix. Corrected logic so that is only assigned needed amount of workers to farming

Bug. Plasma Web functionality does not match in game description
Fix. Corrected clinging nature of the web attack, lack of armor penetration on damage, and splash radius being too small

Bug. MOD SUPPORT: ARMOR_PENETRATION_LOWER_CAP global.yaml is not being correctly loaded
Fix. Fixed error in the load value for this setting (This is a modding fix since the normal yaml setting matches the games internal default)

Bug. AI and Autobuild will build food producing structures on planets that do not need them (mainly seen with conquered planets)
Fix. Checks a colony's food consumption needs and if zero sets structure score for food production to zero as well

Bug. Pulsar and Plasma Web Attack Rating calculations seem to be off
Fix. Adjusted formula to take in effect the area of the splash radius (previous modification just used the radius of the splash area). Looks more accurate

Bug. Amoeba attack/defense ratings are still too low, causing AI to kill themselves fighting it
Fix. Increased attack/defense ratings calculation for amoeba trying to simulate the splitting of this monster into sub-monsters

Bug. Auto-Resolve Time is too short
Fix. Increased the length of time this will run from 25 seconds to 60 seconds to avoid it timing out and falling back to mock simulation

Bug. Blackhole generator use by AI is using the wrong range value (pulling from a global instead of what is in the WeaponTypes.yaml)
Fix. Corrected range to properly use what is setup in the WeaponTypes.yaml file

Bug. Torpedoes initial attack vector is being calculated incorrectly (leading them to be widely inaccurate)
Fix. Corrected initial attack vector and also adjusted for FAST modifications

Bug. PD Effective Calculation for Multiple Weapon Slots yields odd defense calculation
Fix. Corrected it so that it is now average the weapon slots PD damage instead of summing it. So 4 PD Lasers in 1 slot vs 2 PD Lasers in 2 slots will yield same defense score.

Bug. When a colony is invaded, the colony owner changes before the structures are destroyed that are non-transferable. This causes problems with certain structure abilities.
Fix. Reordered the change of owner and structure destruction. This is really a 5x mod fix

Bug. AI Pollution Structure - Adjusted the value both for the AI and for the player AutoBuild
Fix. Removed constant value entirely from calculation

Bug. Racial Bonus to Espionage Risk is reducing offensive spy capability
Fix. Corrected flipped sign; added defensive logic to work with 5x mod

Bug. Encountered a NAN error during a tactical battle causing battle to stop
Fix. Put some defense code logic to avoid this in SetDestiny code. These look almost like race conditions in the code to me.
Bug. Encountered a division by zero error during a tactical battle causing battle to stop
Fix. Put some defense code logic to avoid this case in the OrderUseModule GetTarget code. These look almost like race conditions in the code to me.

Bug. Encountered a NullReferenceException during a tactical battle causing battle to stop
Fix. Placed some defensive code in the two routines that showed up on the log FillSpecialsButtons and FillSelectedSquadronInfo. These look almost like race conditions in the code to me. UPDATE: This was an effect not a cause of the larger issue

Bug. When the MIRV missile split into fragment, the fragments would loss all missile modifications
Fix. Added missing code to re-enable FAST, ARMORED, and ECCM benefits to missile fragments.

Bug. Missile modification ARMORED is not working
Fix. Added missing code to adjust missile health

Bug. Fighters sometimes circle around empty space for the entire battle
Fix. Corrected endless loop on orbitattack, fighters will now break from it and perform further actions

Bug. Missile modification FAST is not working
Fix. Adjusted logic to modify maxVelocity instead of velocity

Bug. Wide Area Jammer not given main defense benefit to equipped ship only the fleet bonus is working
Fix. Corrected missing check for wide area jammer in ships missile defense calculations

Bug. Research Treaties - Cost is prohibitively expensive as it is summing the cost of all previous research items
Fix. Adjusted Research Treaties to work basically the same as trade treaties - much lower cost, now affordable throughout the game (or at least as affordable as trade treaties)

Bug. Attack calculations are off for ships due to a leader bonus bug (present or not-present), resulting in missiles rating higher than beams
Fix. Corrected leader bonus issue in attack calculations

Bug. Missile/Torpedo Modification ECCM is doing nothing as it is reading the wrong value from the yaml file
Fix. Adjusted logic to read in the correct value

Bug. MIRV is doing excessive damage, logic is making each fragment do the same damage as the full missile, supposed to double damage overall, so with 4 fragments each should be doing 1/2 main missile damage
Fix. Corrected damage of MIRV fragments in tactical battle

Bug. Tactical Options Popup screen ignores the check box "Don't show this again" and always just turns itself off
Fix. Made that check box actually work correctly

Bug. "Galactic Currency Exchange" and "Interplanetary Security Transmitter" not having their benefit calculated for AI building
Fix. Added in logic to have their benefit considered for building order

Bug. ShipBuilding Screen displays too many decimal places in certain place for module size
Fix. Formatted size to fixed 2 decimal places

Bug. Ships not decloaking when they fire, but decloaking when they are moving; Phasing Cloack/Cloaking field basic work as same thing
Fix. Corrected logic, added avoidance and missileavoidance values to cloaking field

Bug. Amoeba attack ratings are way too low, causing AI to kill themselves fighting it
Rvt. This was ineffective on certain conditions prior to UCP 5.5

Bug. AI not using Blackhole generator
Fix. Fixed usage logic for blackhole generator special

Bug. Antaran Defense Fleet - Cruiser and Frigate numbers are flipped
Fix. Corrected the flip

Bug. Fleet Leader Bonus - Incorrectly being divided by 10
Fix. Changed to make the bonus divide by 100 as it is supposed to do. <Made to be Auto-Compatible with Spud Dastardly's Mod>

Bug. Tech - Telepathic Training adding to Spy Offensive ability
Fix. Removed this as it is only supposed to provide an experience bonus

Bug. AI Pollution Structure - AI is incorrectly evaluating the demand for these structures causing them to build in incorrect order
Fix. Removed high static value from build order evaluation for pollution reduction structures

Bug.0.0.4.x: Empire Security Tooltip - some values where not being correctly rounded
Old.0.0.4.x: Properly formatted them to match other screens

Bug.0.0.4.x: Option - Bug Report
Old.0.0.4.x: Removed option from the game (for this mod) - I do not want people reporting errors to NGD that I might have caused

Bug.0.0.4.x: AI is not offering trade treaties
Old.0.0.4.x: Adjusted chances that the AI will, by adjusting its cost/profit ratio

Bug.0.0.4.x: AI is overvaluing trade/research treaties - you can make insane lopsided deals
Old.0.0.4.x: Changed calculation so it is more of a neutral decision
:::: 7.0: Enhancements
Chg. Adjusted the Difficulty Setting "espionage_multiplier_bonus" to be additive vs multiplicative.

Add. Added right-click exit to the Leader Ship Selection dialog

Add. Adjusted the player’s colony on autobuild to treat the Export project the same as treats the Trade Good project. So it will automatically deselect that project if there is something better to be built. If not the colony will default to Export if available and Trade Goods if not.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Modified ShipBlueprint.yaml mechanics allowing for better allocation of weapon slots if the number of weapon slots exceed the ship's hull assignement. This is an effort to allow for greater control and more flexibility in AI ship generation. This change has no effect unless you are using a mod beyond UCP.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Corrected issue with Miniaturization tech being applied to specials, which was causing the game to over allocate space on ships during auto-upgrade. Adjusted the shipbuilder tooltip for size to also show correctly with this change.

Chg. Added a new option value of 2 to the AntaranSettings USE_RANDOM_ATTACK_LOCATION. This attempts to target high priority colonies, based upon factors such as population, structures built, etc.

Add. Added a scrollbar to the Custom Race Screen for perks. This will not be visible if using just the UCP and/or 5X.

Add. <5X Mod Merge> Independent Civilization will accept the Interplanetary Administration Structure in determining which civilization gets the Protectorship

Chg. Cleaned up and condensed the built-in auto-build logic for both the AI and Player, both will also now properly use and prefer Export over Trade Goods if that project is available on the colony. Export now works the same as Trade Goods and will be changed if a different structure should be built.

Chg. AI will now build all system unique structures on the planet with the highest population and best mineral resources. This is just a generalization of the old logic that only did this for research system unique structures

Chg. Adjusted auto_filter for AutoBuild queues to skip Morale Increasing structures if colony has no strikers

Add. Adjusted Torpedo trajectory. They will be less accurate than before, currently they are way too spot on.

Add. Adjusted ARU healing rate to be based off a ship's hull health and not total health. This prevents a massive increase to this healing rate by just adding armor to a ship.

Add. Uncreative Race in a game with the Economic Victory condition will always select the Planetary Stock Exchange if they do not already have that tech.

Chg. Adjusted ARUs combat calculations to make them more accurate for the AI to determine fleet combat chances.

Chg. Adjusted AIs willingness to engage with Monsters and Orion. Orion also got a rating bump overall and a larger one if no one has conquered it yet.

Add. Adjusted AIs knowledge of Monsters and Orion star systems when they are explored, this should make it more likely that the AI will want to colonize those systems and therefore remove the monsters

Chg. Adjusted cohesivity setting for planet rating to make it fade less fast

Add. MOD SUPPORT: The Fighter Garrison shield collusion bounds was set too low. This results in enemy missile being unable to actually hit this structure in tactical combat.

Chg. Capped the Antaran Attack fleet growth based upon GRUDGE_FACTOR to a max of 90%.

Add. Added control option ALLOW_BULK_BUY which defaults to false. This disables the buy out of bulk ship builds.

Chg. Adjusted UCP RandomEvents for Comet, Time Anomaly, and Hyperspace Flux. They are all less likely to occur. Comet military values to overcome have been reduced.

Del. <Linux/Mac Only> Removed Sensor Range Enhancement for the Linux and Mac platforms as the game does not contain the needed graphic assets

Add. Adjusted AI invasion logic for planets so that it will bombard a planet if invasion ships are not available. This makes the AI more aggressive in general.

Chg. Adjusted Antaran Portal completion to only show the new Antaran Portal Built video instead of randomly picking the Antaran Portal Built or the Antaran Introduction video.

Chg. Modified new Adaptive trait to only increase the workable food cells if the biome's viability for that is not 0. This works better with mods like 5X which place more restrictions on certain colony structure based off of a planet's biome.

Add. TACTICAL: Adjusted torpedo target selection. Torpedoes will now attempt to target larger ships than before. This increases their efficiency as it the larger targets are more likely to be hit.

Chg. Adjusted RandomEvent chances. The new ones added in a UCP 5.9 will occur more often now. Set the population boon random event back to the base game setting.

Add. New Difficulty Setting "espionage_multiplier_bonus". This effects the AI's security level and offensive spy rating. The goal is to make the AI's spies more effective on harder difficulty levels.

Add. New Difficulty Setting "disposition_multiplier_bonus". This effects the AI's initial disposition with non-AI races. It will also factor into all disposition changes between AI and non-AI races. The goal is to make the AI's start with a lower initial disposition and to make it harder to positively gain disposition with the AI based on harder difficulty levels.

Add. Adjusted Options -> Content Menu to include the "Maintain Zoom on Panning" option to make it easier for people to turn that on/off. Also added code to support setting of defaults for this page with the new UCP settings.

Add. Added Galaxy Sensor Range indicators. This shows the sensor range of all ships, colonies, etc for the player. This can be toggled on/off using the "`" key or by going to the Options -> Content Menu and selecting the option "Show Sensor Range"

Add. TACTICAL: Adjusted default (min/max) weapon selection ranges for profiles.

Add. TACTICAL: Brawler profile changed to use logic from Sniper profile but at a much closer distance.

Add. TACTICAL: Adjusted orbit logic for ships set to sniper or Brawler with the most efficient arc of sides to allow them to attack better.

Add. TACTICAL: Adjusted some of the AI target selections to more accurately handle ships that are not targetable for a variety of reasons.

Add. TACTICAL: Adjusted UI squadron weapon range indicator. It is now accurate when it was not before. Also rotated so the min range is at the bottom and the Max Range at the top. This makes it more consistent with the speed controller.

Add. TACTICAL: Adjusted formation settings that control the positioning of the squad member. The effect is to make them closer together.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Corrected a minor UI issue with Colony Base. On the build popup screen and on the build queue tooltip, the game was assuming the first negative line would always be cost. Only for the Colony Base this is not a true statement. The actual first negative line was being discarded and production cost would show up twice. This is just a display issue, it had no game effects.

Add. Modified PD Weapons so they do not suffer accuracy loss over their short range. The old implementation have them firing at max range and suffering the highest level of accuracy loss.
Add. Added a new AI control value to determine whether scout ships will be attacked, DISPOSITION_THRESHOLD_KILL_SCOUTS. This only affects scout ships other civilian ships will be attacked as normal.

Add. Added new Empire Trait - Adaptive, this works like the old Master Of Orion 2 Tolerant perk. The viable Farming and Industry factor will be increased by 25% up to a max of 100% (Gaia). This has the effect of allowing more of those cells to be productive at a worse biome level than normal.

Chg. Adjusted Colony Base to be buildable. Since it benefit is half that of a Hydroponic Farm, the cost and upkeep was set to half of that structure. This allows for it to be built on a planet that does not have it due to being destroyed, it will also allow races that do not need food production to scrap it.

Chg. MOD SUPPORT: Adjusted perk_diplomacy_repulse_treaties trait to be less restrictive. Instead of outright restricting diplomacy it will just remove certain diplomacy options: GMFShares, Sharing Charts, Trade Treaty, Research Treaty, Open Borders, DefensePact, and Vote Pact

Add. Adjusted tech trading to remove the Game's Research Speed from the calculation of cost

Add. MOD SUPPORT: The game will now set the colony's focus to Balanced if Manual or reassert its population mixture whenever a planet biom is modified. This corrects an issue with mods that allow volcanic terraforming leaving civilians on non-working squares.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added list and order of mods for a save file to the debug log, this is for modders and support only purposes.

Chg. Advanced City Planning does not give a flat bonus anymore. The bonus is equal to the planet size up to the old flat bonus. This means that a Tiny Planet would only see a +1 population capacity increase while a Huge Planet would see the full +5. Updated tooltip and description.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added the ability to load external Unity Asset Bundles, thus allowing new sounds effects, models, etc to be imported into the game. I plan on releasing a small unity example project with assets as a reference. This will just be a simple sound effect added to the game, but hopefully would act as a starting point for interested modders.

Add. Added logic to make Troop Transports require a number of colony marines equal to its transport capacity for construction and reduce the colony marine total by that capacity upon completion. This slows down the transport swarm and makes a significant number of racial traits actually have a point again. This is turned on by default, but can be disabled using the TRANSPORT_MARINES_REQUIRED setting in the global.yaml file.

Chg. Combat Colony Screen - Added actual shield name to this screen versus just a generic "Planetary Shield" text

Add. Added a new option to Planetary Shields called blocksInvasion. This setting is false for Radiation and true for all other planetary shields by default. This new option if true will prevent both Marine deployment and Mindcontrol actions against the planet until the shield has been depleted via bombardment. AI has been adjusted to handle this change.

Add. Added a "Hall of Fame" that will record the top 10. Adjusted score calculations.

Chg. Adjusted calculation for Trade and Research Treaties and LIMIT_FACTOR to make it linear. Before it had a dip that occurred when it hit a threshold condition. Still worked just not as expected.

Chg. Corrected a SWF combo box problem with the Planet screen causing UI issues, elements shifting up, with large number of BuildQueues being defined.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Clearing the list of structures on the Autobuild queue - allows for mods to replace the list of previous defined keys

Chg. Adjusted auto_filter for AutoBuild queues to not skip Toxic Processor if the planet is Toxic regardless of pollution levels of the planet.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added two new values SHIP_DUMMY_MISSILE_BEAM_DEFENSE and SHIP_DUMMY_MISSILE_HP that control PD Effectiveness calculations for mods that adjust those parameters. The defaults are the same as before.

Add. Added zoom factor into the keyboard panning to increase scrolling speed as the current implementation is way too slow

Add. Added icon to the planet widget on the galaxy map and for the dropdown tooltip if a planet has a system wide unique or **empire** unique structure.

Chg. Added back effective range calculations to prevent the AI from engaging the enemy at an ill advised combat range. This does not have the previous implementation issues with not firing on targets that are beyond this effective range.

Add. Speed up the camera transitions on the starting menus.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added logic to just set the weapon's minDamage to maxDamage when reading in the yaml file. This is how it works in the base game, mods setting the maxDamage but not the minDamage causes some odd UI issues which this corrects.

Add. Added ability to stop changing zoom levels when the camera is moving on the galaxy map. This is controlled by config.cfg settings of MaintainZoomDuringCameraMove, it defaults to off, but can be enabled if desired.

Add. Adjusted sabotage espionage to target structures based off of cost, science victory, and military. Still random but more likely to target higher value targets.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added new value TACTICAL_NEBULAE_SIZE to Backend.Tactical.Battlefield in Globals.yaml allowing for fine control over Nebulae size during tactical battles

Chg. Espionage Screen risk levels adjusted to make them weighted more on the lower end. This is just a labeling change and has no actual effect on the risk. The old ranking was evenly spaced at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100. The new ranking is 10, 20, 30, 60, and 100.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added a displayOrder field to the MissionType to allow sorting of them on the UI. It defaults to 0 which will make it sort in the current key listed order, so no change

Add. Added support for the localization files UCP uses for the two new languages Wargaming added: Chinese and Simplified Chinese. Note this does not include proper translations for these new languages.

Add. Removed the Tactical Notification auto-center on a squad as it was jarring. Clicking the notification will auto-center as normal.

Add. Removed Tactical Notification "destination reached" for a squad that has multiple way points selected for all but the last one.

Add. Removed forcing automatic firing on a weapon slots when that weapon slot is ordered to attack an enemy ship. A weapon slot set to manual will now fire once. Allows for more granular control if desired by the player.

Add. Modified the standard attack order. Now selecting a squad and ordering it to attack will cause that squadron to focus fire on that enemy until it is destroyed. Holding down the CTRL key while making the attack order will cause it to work as before where the squadron will approach the enemy ship but fire on any ship within range of its weapons.

Add. Splitting a ship(s) from a squadron will make the new squadron retain some of the previous adjust settings such as profile and attack min and max ranges.

Add. Added a cost for each unassimilated population on a planet. This is to make the "Alien Management Center" and the perks controlling assimilation more worthwhile. This cost is controlled by a new global yaml value UNASSIMILATED_CITIZEN_COST

Add. Added the Racial Relations penalty to morale base upon a planet having a mixed population. This is penalty is eliminated by building the "Alien Management Center". The penalty is controlled by a new global yaml value MULTI_RACIAL_MORALE

Chg. Adjusted some fighter movement and attack routines to reduce break distance and added a timeout to TacticalSquadronManeuverFighterAttack to prevent fighters getting stuck in that manuever.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added support for showing negative Morale Resources values on the Colony Morale Tooltip

Chg. Adjusted logic for showing the civil transport arrived notification to require that the fleet is not able to move, this prevents this message on initial ship construction

Add. Added logic to the AI's usage of Lightning Field and Pulsar to stop them from firing when the first target crosses into range. This is an attempt to get more targets than one in the weapon’s area of effect before firing.

Add. Added right-click exit to the Scrap Outpost dialog

Chg. MOD SUPPORT: Added a new CSV key SHIPICON_FREIGHTER_RACE_APPEND to control the text that is appended to the Civil Transport for the Fleet Control Icon

Chg. Instead of adjusting the LTP like did, made the proper correction which was to increase the value the AI assigns to technology

Del. Removed "Add. Adjusted AI calculations for long term payments value, it is now using the present value of an annuity with a steep discount rate."

Add. Adjusted planets sizes on the planet screen to make tiny to huge show a graphic difference

Chg. Changed most of the empire and colony tooltips, this is a work in progress

Add. Added new racial trait - Pollution Control. This racial trait will either increase or decrease pollution generated on a colony.

Add. Added new variable to the GameStartPoints.yaml, minorShipModules. This sets the ship modules the independent civilizations will use when they generate their defensive structures

Chg. Reorganization of the Custom Race Popup screen. Reordered the Specials category so they show up in alphabetic order.

Add. Turned on Retreat regardless of rather a fleet has moved or not. Not sure how this will turn out, I’m just enabling it to get feedback

Add. Waypoint smoothing for chaining move orders. Instead of the ships coming to a complete stop at each waypoint they will possibly slow down but move to next waypoint. This makes their movement a little less precise on hitting the waypoint exactly but overall works better

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added support for Spud Dastardly's 5X alternative hulls for DLC races and the research screen. The graphic does not exist in the game, so defaulting to the non-alternative hull graphic. This is not ideal but better than the invalid texture box

Add. Adjusted how pirates ship spawns, they will now spawn fleets containing all blueprints lower then current max. So before if they would spawn a single cruiser, they will now spawn a cruiser, destroyers, and frigates. This allows their fleets to ramp up in size in later parts of the game.

Add. Adjusted pirates node targeting so they will prefer targets that are not already blockaded.

Add. Pirates will cease bombing a planet when the population gets too low.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added a control variable "BLOCKADE_INCOME_HIT" to the Globals.yaml section "Backend.Settlements.Colony". This controls the hit to colony income production if it is blockaded.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added logic to cause a revolt that starts based upon low morale to end after the same number of turns as one entered via Espionage versus it never ending.

Add. Added logic to allow you to see information on a non-owned colony you have a fleet in orbit around. This is the same information Omniscient or Infiltrated spy would give. You lose this information as soon as the fleet moves off the colony.
Chg. Adjusted regeneration rate on the Automated Repair Unit and added additional information to its tooltip to show the regeneration rate

Add. Adjusted AI fleet management assignment routines to curl some pointless calculations. During testing this has shown a decent speed increase on large maps in late game turns without impacting AIs tactics. Per turn times went during one test case from 267 seconds to 87 seconds.

Add. Added the ability for the black hole generator to deal damage to ships that are within its area of effect. This damage effect is controlled by a new weapon type key "weapontype_black_hole_crush"

Add. Added logic to the "AutoTurn" feature to stop the processing of turns on any notifications popup. This list can be filtered by a new configuration item added to the "Config.cfg" under "[Gameplay]" called "AutoTurnIgnore". Any notification classes in that configuration will not pause auto turn processing.

Chg. Adjusted calculations for the attack and defense rating of structures that include the military upgrade special. Currently the AI is undervaluing them and causing it to not bring enough firepower to bear to overcome them.

Add. Added a sort to the Fleet Control Panel - It will now be sorted by hull type in descending order, then by name, then by leader present, and finally by the hull integrity of the ship. Added the same fleet ship sort to leader assignment screen

Chg. MOD SUPPORT: Confusion with PlanetaryResourceTypes.yaml field populationGrowthPercentualBonus. Positive values for this should increase growth rate, negative values should decrease. The display was wrong as it was showing the opposite.

Add. Tactical Combat Multi-Squadron control, you can now select a single squadron on that control by holding down the CTRL key

Add. Added a popup if and attempt to enter FTL by the player is made while the Hypserspace Flux is active

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added new default keys for the Antarans tech, they where missing keys for computers (ANTARAN_SHIP_MODULE_COMPUTER_KEY), armor (ANTARAN_SHIP_MODULE_ARMOR_KEY), shields (ANTARAN_SHIP_MODULE_SHIELD_KEY), cannon (ANTARAN_SHIP_MODULE_CANNON_KEY), and bombs (ANTARAN_SHIP_MODULE_BOMB_KEY). This allows for mods to generate static designs.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added more space on the fleet control panel for the Attack and Defense Rating - now should support up to six numbers vs the five it did before

Chg. <UCP-5.9 fix> Correction to pirate ships not spawning with advanced tech. added blueprint updates which are working, but apparently when it actually builds the ships it is using blueprints from the start of the game.

Add. Changed the Antaran Notification Icon from the from the gray circle with star to the flashing red diplomatic warning icon

Add. Adjusted targeting of stellar converter when used by the AI on autocast, it will now prioritize attacks to largest enemy hull size then by closest

Add. Adjusted targeting for black hole generator so it will no longer hit the target dead center. I think it is more interesting and it also increases the chance it will include more than one ship

Add. Increased the leader screen scroll area to allow it to show up to 10 leaders, which is the default max and thus removes the need for the scrollbar

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Game creation UI settings are not updating correctly when the number of entries for a dropdown did not change. Corrected logic to have it check the names instead of just the number of entries

Add. Modified Espionage screen to just auto show the selection popup on missions where the user needs to select a destination (empire or colony) - just saves a click

Add. Added a notification when a civil transport moves into orbit around a colony you own

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added new field PLAYER_RACE_DISPOSITION to the Backend.Diplomacy.Relationship section in Globals.yaml that allows setting of RacialBias for human player to AI interactions

Chg. Added logic to ensure that a research treaty will generate at a min 1 research point per turn, really only applicable to modded games at the early stages

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Corrected crash issue during galaxy generation with secondaryPlanetBiomeChances modifications

Add. Enhanced the Antaran Attack History code. Now if the Antarans suffer defeat from a civilization they will come with a larger fleet until they achieve a victory after that their fleet strength will reset. Added a new yaml field GRUDGE_FACTOR for support of this.

Add. Added new random event "Hypserspace Flux". It prevents ships from entering FTL, ships already in FTL will continue travel as normal but will be stuck at their destination. The racial perk Trans Dimensional will allow that race to ignore the effects of this event as expected.

Add. Added new random event "Time Anomaly". This freezes a system during this time the system will not produce any output or consume any resources.

Add. Added new random event "Comet". A comet will impact and destroy one of your colonies unless your fleet in orbit around the planet can destroy the comet first.

Add. Added new random event "Diplomatic Incident". This is a collection of events "Misunderstanding, Assassination Attempt, Cooperation, and Union" that affect the disposition of the two races involved in this event.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Corrected application crash associated with attempting to perform tactical combat with a "true" black hole - something 5X adds to the game

Chg. General AI adjustments to make the AI more aggressive

Chg. General AI fleet movement adjustments

Add. Pirate Civilization will now spawn ships with more advanced tech. They will now use the intersection of all living major civilizations know tech. Also modified their fleet logic so they would stop suiciding on the first structure they could find.

Add. Added ability to speed up some animations in the game - fleet travel and galaxy zooming. They are controlled by config.cfg settings of TravelAnimationSpeedBoost and GalaxyAnimationSpeedBoost. So speed can be tailored to taste or removed completely if desired.

Add. Tactical Combat: Made the top bar visible showing ship counts during normal combat vs only being available during cinematic combat mode. This is a functional topbar as it will allow the selection of all ships by hull class.

Chg. Tactical Combat: Added back the lower control panel for selected ships. Adjusted logic and I hope the slowdowns for this control are corrected. Added bar UI for the ship's shield and integrity displays vs changing the ship icon color which I did not like.

Add. During Tactical combat, added the ability for destroyed drones to regenerate over time. Since missiles are unlimited, I never understood why fighters where not. This regeneration rate is controlled by a new global value DRONE_REGENERATE_FACTOR.

Add. Modified galaxy generation logic so that Monster and Independent Civilization will always contain at least a certain number of occupied orbits.

Add. Added new Independent Civilization class (worker). This class works the same as the current classes (food, research, and income) but adds production instead. Rearranged the current independent civilization - there are now 2 farmers, 2 researchers, 3 traders, and 2 workers.

Add. Adjusted calculation for tactical ship's max weapon range used during Tactical Combat. I'm calling this effective max weapon range. Basically it now averages all of the max weapon ranges, thus ensuring that most of the ship's weapons will remain in effective range of enemy ships.

Add. Empire Management Screen Production Queue’s now support the removing of items on the production queue

Add. Made warp lines slightly thicker and on the galaxy zoomed out view added dotted lines to indicate the red wrap lanes

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Leader level up screen can show and allow selection of entries that are no longer valid for leveling due to reaching their highest level. Just modified the code so those entries will be disabled for selection and add the text maximum

Chg. AI blueprint and preferred tech minor adjustments. This is just an further attempt at making the AI build better ship designs.

Add. Added Right Mouse Button support to escape out of the Investment screen

Add. Adjusted initial race disposition for custom races so they inherit the disposition of the race they are based off of versus being assigned the default neutral.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Race color setting does not reset if adjusted by a mod. This can lead to some odd colors since the new modded value are ORed with the current value. Cleared the overall race color before setting the colorR value for a race. If you adjust race colors make certain you set all color bytes and maintain the order colorR, colorG, and colorB

Chg. Military Outpost Tooltip: Updated the UI, moved it back to its default location, added delay (same as planet delay), and it is no longer is visible if the Victory Chance popup is visible.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Corrected issue with game not showing positive Morale Resources for a colony under certain circumstances. This is not a normal feature of the game so listing under Enhancements

Chg. Fleet Control Screen: The blueprint tooltip popup now requires the CTRL key to be pressed down. This just reduces unneeded screen clutter. Also adjusted the UI a bit.

Add. Adjusted trade and research treaties to use the LIMIT_FACTOR setting. Basically in these treaties normally the output of the civilizations are just added together. This value limits the output of the larger civilization to be no more than LIMIT_FACTOR times the output of the smaller civilization. This makes the treaties more affordable to the smaller civilization and thus encourages their formation.

Chg. Tactical Combat Weapon Buttons switched the visible weapon arc from needing a left-click to just be hover based. Left clicking will still make it show up if the weapon is ready to fire.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added ability to adjust firing arcs for weapons, default is 120.0. Settings controlled by Globals under Backend.Fleets.WeaponSlot values FIRING_ARC_FRONT, FIRING_ARC_SIDES, and FIRING_ARC_REAR

Chg. Adjusted the tech selection screen to make the tech's area a little wider and taller and thus reduce the chance of text overflow.

Add. Moved around some of the duplicate icons on the Tech Tree to make it so on a single screen no technologies icons are reused. This is a display only change

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Corrected issue with Research Speed Options count having to match Production Speed Options count or the game throws an exception due to a coding bug.

Add. Added Colony Screen short cuts: CTRL-P - Sets colony focus to production; CTRL-F - Sets colony focus to food; CTRL-R - Sets colony focus to research; CTRL-B - Sets colony focus to balanced; CTRL-C - Sets colony focus to clean; CTRL-G - Sets colony focus to growth; CTRL-0..9 - Sets AutoBuild Queue (0 to 9); 0 being default internal of course; CTRL-T - Adds Trade Good to Build Queue; CTRL-I - Removes Trade Good from Build Queue; CTRL-A - Turn On/Off Autobuild; CTRL-U - Turn On/Off AutoClean; Space - Build Screen Popup

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Planetary Resource Type new field: desirability. Defaults to 0.05 (which is the current default). The base game considers all resources the same relative benefit and all positive. So the AI would colonize a planet with a bad resource that generated say -100 BC per turn over a planet that did not have that resource. This new settings allows modders to control that behavior a bit. Other than making sure it is being set correctly, I have done no testing of this - I will leave that up to the modders that add more planetary resources.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Planet Biome Type new field: forceSize. This defaults to not being set, which results in a random size for the planet based upon orbit. If present it will force a planet of that biome key to be a specific size during galaxy generation.

Add. New Racial Perk - Homeworld Resource. Allows you to start with planetary specials other than artifacts. Added support for Dark Quartz (Production), Seagrass (Food), and Red Fungus (Food). This is extensible via mods edting the RacialPerks yaml file.

Add. Removed Main Menu's Mod Nag Popup Screen

Add. <REMOVED> Adjusted AI calculations for long term payments value, it is now using the present value of an annuity with a steep discount rate.

Chg. Removed more Telemetry operations in the game - This is just a bunch of info the game sends up to some remote logging service, I do not see the point.

Add. On Galactic Vote screen added two values - Votes needed to win and number of votes you get to cast. The votes needed to win will show in the upper right. Used to be Votes Cast / Total Votes, now it will show Votes Cast / Votes needed for Win / Total Votes. Your vote count will be between the two candidate vote buttons.

Chg. Adjusted some UIs for the Auto-Build feature on the planet screen and on the empire screen

Add. Adjusted pirate elimination rewards, much less likely to get a boost to population, added possibility of increased BC reward

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Correction to logic used during blueprint ship creation that could under certain circumstances with non-standard blueprints allow the AI civilizations to build ships with weapon mods it does not know.

Add. Added double click support to Ship Blueprint module popup screen - this action will select and cause the screen to close

Add. Adjusted formation bonus types to be more normalized, this ultimately decreasing some of their effects

Add. Added support for neutral leaders. Requires that their minor civilization has been found before they will appear

Add. Added a new setting to allow for leaders to be random regardless of race or disposition. This can be turned off by setting the RANDOM_SELECTION to 0

Add. Ship Blueprint editing ship module popup is now sorted by descending tech research cost, this is the same order to AI will select a system in. For the player this places the item first on the list - should reduce scrolling.
Add. MOD SUPPORT: No safety check on Anomalies that can give ships, so ship list can be null resulting in exception being thrown and anomaly acting odd. Added logic to detect a null ship list and instead reward the explorer with a credit bonus

Add. Added a new notification for when a colony is starving and will loss a population unit within 5 (default) turns. This setting is controlled in globals.yaml in section NotificationReduction under FOOD_WARNING_ON_TURN. Clicking on the notification will take you to the planet.

Add. Made pollution warning configurable, defaults to 5 (standard). This setting is controlled in globals.yaml in section NotificationReduction under POLLUTION_WARNING_ON_TURN.

Chg. Ship Blueprint screen Ship Module Popup adjusted to make more space for the scroll window showing the module's properties. Adjusted some properties that show up on the list as well

Add. Added a new global variable MAX_SPY_SECURITY defaults to 0.50. This puts a hard cap on how high your defensive security bonus can get from having spies on counter espionage. Since offensive spy ability has a hard cap having a hard cap on defensive spy allows the calculation to be balanced and prevents an empire from basically becoming espionage immune.

Add. Added different biomes for Satellite, this is a graphic change only it has no game effects. Also added chance that Gas Giants have moons as well.

Add. Added new game options menu -> Content -> "Show Colony Cutscene". Turning this off will skip the colony cutscene.

Add. Added new game options menu -> Content -> "Show Tactical Battle Cutscene". Turning this off will skip the tactical battle start cutscene.

Add. Trade/Research Treaty - Added end turn information to the tooltips.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added information on the yaml parsing exceptions to show the key the variable is attached to, should make it easier to find the location of the error

Add. Modified Missile Defense tooltip on the blueprint screen to use the SHIP_DUMMY_MISSILE_ATTACK instead of the current ship's missile load-out

Chg. Adjusted the Invade colony functions attacker versus defender numbers used in the battle wave calculations. This makes the attackers potentially greater number more prevalent.

Chg. Production/Research Focus - Added a control variable "FOOD_SURPLUS" to the Globals.yaml section "Backend.Settlements.Colony" to control how large of a surplus is desired. This defaults to 0

Chg. Adjusted some defaults UCP settings: Backend.Settlements.NotificationReduction is now set to disabled and Backend.Civilizations.GalacticCouncil now defaults to turn 400

Chg. Adjusted Spy Sorting - dropped name from the primary sort

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Increased number of planet orbits from 6 to 12 max to allow for larger solar systems.

Add. Added Rally Point Support - Two defined Rally Points (RP1 and RP2). (RP1): Game will now automatically remember your last manually selected fleet destination. This one has no visible marking. (RP2): You can also select a colony you own on the galaxy map and mark it using CTRL + Click, this will put a blue pin on the colony top bar; Pressing the Rally Button will send a fleet to Rally Point (RP1); Pressing the Rally Button + CTRL will send the fleet to Rally Point (RP2); Rally Point has a keyboard shortcut that is editable from the normal option menu. The keyboard shortcut operates the same with respect to the CTRL key and which Rally Point a fleet will be sent to.

Add. Added custom user defined build lists for colonies. This features allows the player to setup a predefined list of structures and projects for construction. You can then assign this list to a colony and it will automatically build in that order. It will skip structures and projects: that you do not possess the tech for, the planet does not support due to environment, the planet has the wrong mineral levels, or the planet is missing a needed resource such as a moon or gems. It will also skip over the gravity generator if that inhabited planet’s race does not suffer a gravity penalty. If nothing is found that matches from the list, you will be prompted to select a build order as normal for that colony.

Add. Added Right Mouse Button support to most screens. This will now close most UI screens, some screens are excluded due to issues caused by this functionality.

Add. Added Middle Mouse Button support to the Planet Screen that will open the Colony's Build Popup Screen

Add. Added Middle Mouse Button support to the Galaxy Map. This will active the current bottom right button action. This allows you to quickly jump to colonies or fleets that need orders for instance.

Add. Added CTRL key support to the Planet Screen. Holding down the CTRL key while clicking the "Done" button or using new Right-Click Exit feature will exit the screen as normal and move the galaxy map to this planet

Add. Added CTRL key support to the Empire Management Screen, clicking on a planet's image with the CTRL key held down will exit the Empire Management Screen and take you to the planet on the galaxy map

Add. Added Notification Reduction for colony production output. This will stop some of those unneeded end of turn notification. It is highly configurable, You can have all notifications on for a certain number of turns, any Colony Flagged will always output all notification, or you can configure a list of structures and projects to be notified upon completion

Add. Added support for some new hotkeys on the galaxy map, Espionage Screen = F4, Leader Screen = F5, and Ship Design Screen = F6. There is no UI to changes these values. These are default mapped to different actions, to get them to work you need to go into the interface screen under options and make a few adjustments. Setting Empire Screen = F1, Research Screen = F2, Diplomacy Screen = F3, Planet Screen = F7, Fleet Screen = F8, Path to Victory Screen = F9, and Options Screen = F10 will give the logical screen progression layout.

Add. Added support for tooltips to dropdown combo box rows. Right now this is only supported on the Planet Screen for the Colony and AutoBuild Focus dropdowns

Add. Planet Structure List is now sorted by name instead of the internal hash map - this one has bugged me forever.

Add. MOD SUPPORT: Added support for armorCombatRatingBonus in the PlanetDefenses.yaml table. This works the same as the current infantryCombatRatingBonus but for armor.

Add. Added Marine and Armor Combat Rating and Hits to the colony Defender tool-tip, same data that is currently displayed for the combat colony screen.

Add. On game creation, your home star system will be fully explored. This can be turned off in the globals.yaml under setting AUTO_EXPLORE_HOMESTAR. Defaults to 1 which is on, set to 0 to disable

Add. Modified logic for pirate spawning so instead of counting from start of the game, it counts from first pirate spawn to determine what blueprint to use. This should help a bit in pre-warp startups.

Add. Added count down for next Galactic Council Vote on the Path to Victory Screen.

Add. Added new colony focus "Growth". This focus will try and split the population between food and production output. It will not put any workers on research unless they are on strike or the planet is full.

Add. Modification to the Espionage Screen so it now includes Spy Level in its sorting by Spy logic. Also modified it so it would properly recall your last sorting index and direction instead of resetting all the time

Chg. Discarding the "threatening fleet detected" notification if the fleet owner is a Monster or Orion civilization

Add. Orion homeworld will now have the artifact resource

Add. Added support for loading and clearing racial traits on the custom race screen. When you confirm your options by hitting "Next" they will be auto-saved.

Add. By default I'm setting the AI's heavy army value to the max. This change is to make them build stronger fleets. You can turn it off by setting the value AI.SP_GeneralStrategy::HEAVY_ARMY to 0 if desired in Globals.yaml

Add. Removed the distraction of the underlying galaxy map popups when you are viewing the Fleet Management Screen or Known Planets screen.

Chg. <5X Mod Merge> Refreshed/Added some CSV settings that control tool tips displays (the ones that are relative to base game) from Spud Dastardly's "5X - The Ultimate Balance Mod v4.2.1" with permission of course

Chg. Improved startup time by reducing loading of assets and skipping fade ins/fade outs. Also tied all the intro videos to the "ShowIntroCinematic" configuration setting. So if for some reason you want to see all the intro videos you can now.

Chg. Made another adjustment to the Ship Blueprint Defense Rating Calculations. I'm hoping this corrects issues with that value going extremely large when certain specials are equipped.
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