Company of Heroes 2

Company of Heroes 2

367 평점
Infantry Assault EXTENDED
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Item Type: tuning
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675.950 KB
2015년 1월 9일 오전 8시 58분
2019년 3월 10일 오후 3시 39분
변경 사항 20개 ( 보기 )

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Infantry Assault EXTENDED

Everything removed, that outranges infantry!

Manpower Only!
Just send those brave and honorable Infantry Soldiers into the battle of WW2!

The Infantry Assault EXTENDED modification/tuning pack allows you to ban all vehicles, AT guns, mortars, mobile artillery, bombing run abilities and especially tanks from the battlefield.
As a result you can only recruit infantry and stationary artillery.

* To see the regular version click this name Infantry Assault *

  • just infantry and stationary artillery (no rocket artillery)
  • all tanks are removed
  • most vehicles are removed (if they are over-powered against infantry)
  • all mortars are removed
  • all AT guns are removed
  • all bombing runs are removed
  • the commander abilities are adjusted to an infantry mode (no bombing runs)
  • more infantry units/unlocked commander abilities, that deployed infantry and some transport vehicles

  1. just click the green subscribe button below the mod banner/image
  2. in-game create a custom match and select in the options menu the tuning pack: Infantry Assault EXTENDED
  3. if the mod doesn´t appear in this menu, try to desub and sub again, or restart you computer.

For update changes see the menu in the mod information panel next to the banner.

Have Fun!
댓글 328
snip 2024년 5월 28일 오전 11시 11분 
enemy still spawn tanks idk
=L33T 720= 2024년 4월 28일 오후 9시 14분 
soviets can still build their annoying artillery emplacements and british can still call in vehicles (wehrmacht too)
DeimoS 2024년 3월 15일 오전 5시 16분 
Hi, I like your mods very much and thanks for them to bring me lot of fun. would you please give us another new one that without any heavy MG? I'd like to see rifle and submachine gun shoot each other. Thanks
Ig791 2022년 10월 1일 오전 10시 52분 
Dla mnie warto aktualizować tego moda, szczególnie kiedy chce się grać bitwy na froncie wschodnim. Mod jest bardzo fajny, ale wkurza mnie zepsuty balans.
Przede wszystkim kiedy grałem na tym modzie dostrzegłem wiele rzeczy które wymagają poprawy:
- Wywalić możliwość zamawiania czołgu dowódczego Panzer IV przez Wehrmacht, ponieważ czołg ten kompletnie zaburza balans.
- W przypadku użycia dowódcy z taktyką przeciwpiechotną dobrze byłoby gdyby na początku rozgrywki można było użyć gwardii szturmowej (Assault Guards Infantry) z możliwością wyposażenia ich w Thompsony aby mogli lepiej walczyć przeciwko piechocie. Inna rzecz w tym, że przy tej lub tej z Lend-Lease używaliby Thompsonów, natomiast ci z zamówień w centrum dowodzenia już nie.
- We frakcji Wehrmachtu Sd.kfz 234 Pumę można byłoby zastąpić samochodem pancernym Sd.kfz 221 lub 222, natomiast przy niektórych taktykach dowódców u sowietów można byłoby dodać M3A1 Scout Car.
CaptainPMM  [작성자] 2022년 9월 24일 오전 1시 19분 
Thank you, but I guess I wont update the mod anymore :/ It was quite a while since release u know. Maybe a new version for CoH3 soooon ;)
Noviee 2022년 9월 24일 오전 12시 56분 
remove hmg
Mr. Chair 2022년 9월 24일 오전 12시 25분 
love this mod but hmg's making the game dull
hope you can remove them
CarlWheezer 2022년 9월 4일 오후 2시 45분 
the nazis still spawn panzer ivs
Noviee 2022년 8월 8일 오후 10시 18분 
remove hmg pls
LOVELY 2022년 3월 13일 오전 11시 18분 
Thank you for creating the mod. Love it.
It can be used with Cheats MOD.

Se puede combinar con CheatsMOD :steamthumbsup: