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Lions Of Babylon
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8 apr. 2023 la 9:54
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Lions Of Babylon

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Lions Of Babylon takes place sometime between 2003 and the present day. The mod revolves around three primary factions. MEA - The Middle Eastern Alliance and the BPS - Babylon Police Service, as well as the insurgent MFB - Mesopotamian Freedom Brigade.
The mod is heavily inspired by the Middle Eastern Alliance from the game Squad, however not a true copy of the Squad faction but instead a more creative approach.

Inspired by middle eastern nations such as Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria, the Middle Eastern Alliance has a wide variety of weapons and equipment. Recognized by their iconic G3s most of the MEA's small arms are imported from the west, whereas most vehicles and armor are acquired from the east. The MEA can be found both under the BLUFOR tab as well as the INDP. tab, which also reflects the politics of the nation. Although the nation was western-aligned in the 80's the favor turned throughout the 90s and the MEA suddenly found itself in the middle of difficult relations with both the west and other middle eastern nations.

The nation deals with internal instability, as the government continues to crack down on certain social and ethnic groups within the country. One of the largest opposition parties and armed organizations is the Mesopotamian Freedom Brigade, which is fighting an insurgency against the government. It is unclear exactly who funds and arms the MFB, however many suspect it is the works of western military, trying to destablize the region or install a more pro-western goverment. Depsite this the MEA and the west has agreed to fight Islamic groups throughout the region, even signing an occsinal ceasefire with the MFB to fight a common enemy.

Huge thank you to FrancL, Nomand, Pheasant-One and Mongchat for help with multiple of the screenshots shown above.
Massive thank you to Stella-Sterla and the GM team for the Takistani camo's on the MEA vics.
And thank you to everyone else who helped bring this mod to light.

Credits for all logos and insignias goes to Squad and the OWI team.

82 comentarii
AugCph  [autor] 6 iun. la 2:09 
It was simply because I didn't have the assets at the time of making the mod.
The mod was made when GM only had the Beatle and the Trabant and civ cars and I wasn't planning on adding 3cb or CUP as a dependency just for a car.
Swatofficerjd 24 mai la 11:53 
Why don't the Babylon Police have any cars? Just a bike, like maybe a hilux or a small sedan could be nice
AugCph  [autor] 17 ian. la 1:05 
Farabad from Global Ops Terrains
oomyekcumsagtsigar 17 ian. la 0:17 
what map in last screenshot
Alexander The Great 30 dec. 2023 la 8:22 
cool playthrough
Retroburger1984 24 sept. 2023 la 12:30 
Do you think maybe for your next mod can you do a conflict that is inspired by the Iran-Iraq War?
AugCph  [autor] 25 aug. 2023 la 3:40 
Thanks for the heads up @Mr. Hague, it has been noted for the next update
Mr. Hague 14 aug. 2023 la 11:31 
@AugCph I noticed a small bug, the MEA marksman has no primary weapon, and the MFB grenadier has no rifle grenades. Also the MEA CH-53G is named "Do-28 D2".
AugCph  [autor] 5 iun. 2023 la 8:01 
This addon doesn't use SOG so probably not ahahah
Chopsticks 4 iun. 2023 la 19:22 
do you think the MEA will get mig-21s when they come out in the new SOG update?