Space Engineers

Space Engineers

669 人が評価
Consolidation Armament
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Modpack
157.546 MB
2022年5月17日 10時50分
4月20日 13時56分
41 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Consolidation Armament

With the Consolidation Armament, the last word is yours

The growing tension between Aenum Republic and Outer Planets Consolidation prompted the latter to immediately upgrade its battle fleet. While dozens of shipyards throughout the Consolidation territory were producing new warships at a hasty pace, Consolidation Electronic Technologies, by special order of the Consolidation Council, began to develop new types of weapons that have a significant advantage over weapons available on the mass market.

The first experimental samples were TBC101 "Thunderbolt" and TBC202 "Excalibur". Mounted on the Challenger, the first Defiant-class Consolidation ship, the guns passed their test when, during patrol, the Challenger came across a large cluster of pirate ships in the Border Worlds. Having satisfied the Consolidation Council, TBC101 and TBC202 projects were sent to prepare for mass production, and at the same time, CET released several more models, including the rapid-firing guns TBR101 and TBR102 as well as FBC101.

Having a significant superiority in the cost of maintenance and firing range, the guns presented to the general public led to the fact that Aenum Republic eventually announced the growing threat of Consolidation attacks in its direction, after which republic announced the mobilization of its troops on the borders with OPC.

Using Forsberg-Salkovsky electromagnetic accelerators, created in 2083 by the CET division of Consolidation, both weapons have minimal recoil but high initial velocity of projectiles

The Consolidation's answer to the real threats - Hofund and Skofnung are the biggest ballistic weapons in OPC are designed only for one thing - to ensure the complete destruction of the enemy armor and everything behind it

Equipped with a twin-barrel rapid-firing Thor cannons, Mjolnir is primarily used on small vehicles as an anti-personnel weapon, while it's big brother Gungnir are designed to be placed on the large ships and vehicles

Named after the magic chain that, according to legend, holds the Scandinavian wolf Fenrir, the FBR101 is able to restrain the onslaught of countless hordes of the enemy. This weapon is designed for integration into tank turrets, fighter gun systems or for installation in their own gun stations in the desired configuration

Named after the magic sword from Slavic fairy tales, both Samosek and Kladenets ensure the defeat of your enemies in battles, and are considered by Consolidation as a means of ensuring victory both in space and on planets

Hatal is an automatic turret based on Nehte gun, allowing you to use all the advantages of the gatling system without involving an additional crew.
Nehte - designed as a means to suppress the enemy, Nehte began to be installed on various types of military equipment and in the form of auxiliary weapons. The three-barrel gatling system allows you to literally create a curtain of flying projectiles, which provides high damage to enemy targets

Ancile, like the legendary shield originally from Ancient Rome, doesn't give your enemy a chance to hit you providing lightning-fast burning of any projectiles and meteors with a heavy powered laser, while Oko - the latest CET technologies ensure that even the smallest objects (including residents of the Shire) are located in a huge area around them, while consuming little energy

Check out these models created by OPC specifically for this weapons pack:
OPC Defiant
OPC Arepo
OPC Sator

Check the second part of consolidation Armament

Check the full collection of Consolidation's mods

The mod uses WeaponCore framework.

Sounds, textures, decals and most of the models were designed by Foltast, you can see his other works here
The models, their final assembly and testing were performed by Dercaixr, whose workshop you can check here
Visual effects, testing, finishing touches were performed by Xaker_Two

Reupload requires the consent of authors. Reupload as a part of private mods ["unlisted"] is allowed as long as you leave credits and links. All rights reserved.

Supported languages:
Russian (thanks to SENPAI ZERO)
French (thanks to VizardAlpha)
Ukranian (thanks to RGBbloodWolf and ZERO)

If you want to help us with translation in different languages, please tell us about it at our Discord server (link below)!

We especially thank Eraserr for active participation in testing and detailed feedback at all stages of the work, as well as for the wonderful ships that were used in testing and preparation of materials

人気スレッド 全て表示 (4)
2月4日 10時05分
ピン留め: Troubleshooting
2023年5月28日 22時27分
Weapon suggestions
2023年9月23日 4時47分
Crashing after Update
Lt. Julius
352 件のコメント
Foltast  [作成者] 4月16日 9時25分 
Lecter, we are waiting for the fix from the game developers. You can help us speed that up on the official KSH bug report page
Lecter 4月11日 4時23分 
Bag with names like OPC_TBC202L_DISPLAYNAME_LID did not fix ...
Foltast  [作成者] 3月26日 11時49分 
You can use Turret Alarm for example
tonone 3月26日 6時57分 
Foltast. Oh rly? where can i find that ? I am rly want this script
Foltast  [作成者] 3月26日 6時26分 
tonone, you can do it with scripts, yes
tonone 3月26日 6時15分 
Can i connect OKO with sound block ??
agent8gamingandvlogs 3月19日 19時37分 
Big problem nothing will craft
Foltast  [作成者] 2月29日 12時56分 
We'll think about it
Lecter 2月28日 14時35分 
Please, make gatling turrets (TBG 101) for a large grid.
Vrishnak92™ 2月23日 12時24分 
@Foltast thanks for the reply