Space Engineers

Space Engineers

1,445 ratings
Star System Generator
Type: Mod
Mod category: Asteroid, Planet, Other
File Size
867.788 KB
Apr 4, 2022 @ 4:22pm
Oct 14, 2024 @ 5:29pm
21 Change Notes ( view )

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Star System Generator


Randomly Create Entire Star Systems
This tool creates random star systems for your game. I find having to manually place modded planets in my game takes a lot of the fun out of the discovery of the star system, and no matter where I place planets I feel like I'm either cheesing to make it too easy or too hard. So I built this tool.

Featured in Reclamation Project Alpha YT series.

Bugs, Suggestions, Questions, and Comments -> Discord[]
While I appreciate the feedback and suggestions that arrive via comments here, I prefer to use a platform where I can provide superior communication and interaction. For this, I have created a Discord server where I can troubleshoot, give technical advice, and have discussions. Steam comments get lost to time, but Discord histories can be searched and referenced. So comments have been disabled. Go to the Discord.

Complete User Guide (with additional commands)
** Many thanks to JagoDragon for his excellent showcase / tutorial video! **

  • Works with modded planets
  • Generate entire star systems randomly
  • Generate bespoke star systems
    • Planets, moons, stars, nebula, asteroid belts
  • Provides a datapad of GPS points to all celestial bodies

Quick Start
  1. Start an "Empty Space" game **
  2. Open the chat and use the command /ssg random to generate a completely random star system
  3. Save your game
  4. (optional) Remove the mod
  5. (optional) Start your game with a bang (Damaged Spawnships)
  6. Have fun discovering the star system!

If you want to use the Economy system, then it needs to be disabled initially. Use this mod until you are happy, then save the game and turn Economy on.

Generating star systems can take several minutes.
During this time your game will appear frozen.
It is not frozen. It is creating a lot of data.
When this happens, be patient. The game is generating the voxel data for all the planets and moons.

Chat Commands
Read the Complete User Guide for the complete command list and descriptions. Use the following commands in game chat. The prefix is /ssg. All commands are case-insensitive. There are two steps to advanced star system generation.
  1. Assign planets and moons to the "creation queue"
  2. Use Recreate to have the mod create the indicated planets and moons and locate them in space.

List all commands

Shows a list of all celestial bodies defined in the game. Use this when you want to see the exact name of a planet or moon.

Shows all planets added to the creation queue.

AddPlanet name {km}
Add a planet to the creation queue. You must provide the planet name. An optional planet size (in kilometers) can be provided.

RemovePlanet name
Remove a planet from the creation queue. You must provide the planet name.

Clears all voxels in the star system and creates a new star system using the queued planets.

Random {quantity}
Clears all voxels in the star system and places new randomly selected planets and moons.

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Bugs, Suggestions, Questions, and Comments -> Discord[]
While I appreciate the feedback and suggestions that arrive via comments here, I prefer to use a platform where I can provide superior communication and interaction. For this, I have created a Discord server where I can troubleshoot, give technical advice, and have discussions. Steam comments get lost to time, but Discord histories can be searched and referenced. So comments have been disabled. Go to the Discord.