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Space Engineers

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SafeZone Controller
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Apr 24, 2021 @ 5:02pm
Mar 28, 2022 @ 4:26pm
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SafeZone Controller

Allows Safe Zones to be controlled via actions from Button panels, sensors, etc.

Set Up
1. Add this script to a Programmable Block.
2. Add the following tag to any Safezone block.
3. Recompile the Programmable Block

Use a button panel or other block to send commands to the PB. The following commands can be sent. They each toggle the respective setting on the zone on and off. (Case insensitive)

CREATE -- enable/disable the Safe Zone field (not block enable/disable)
VOXEL -- enable/disable "voxel hand"
PROJECTION -- enable/disable "build from projection""
CONVERT -- enable/disable "convert to station"

The LCD display in the images is not part of this program. I used Automatic LCDs 2 for that.

Bug Reports

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Dubi23 Mar 30 @ 5:21am 
Was There a Fix for MadmanMAC's issues as I am having the same issue it seems
Patrick  [author] May 11, 2022 @ 5:21pm 
Use the PropBool command. If you need help, pop on the Discord and I'll see if I can find the exact code.
SultonMRP May 11, 2022 @ 4:47pm 
how do you setup the ALCD to show safezone info?
Patrick  [author] Apr 20, 2022 @ 11:20am 
Odd. Why don't you jump on the Discord and maybe we can hash it out? Just pop in the #pb-safezone-controller channel.
MadmanMac Apr 20, 2022 @ 10:12am 
MBsz Safe Zone [ManagedSafeZone]

That name should be fine for the script to pick up however im still getting the;

Warning: No Safe Zone found containing tag "[ManagedSafeZone]"

I removed the Special Tag and cleared custom data, so, that is all there is on there atm
MadmanMac Apr 20, 2022 @ 9:50am 
ahh, odd, since i was having an issue n after reading that assumed it was because of mp. Ok, so, i added the [ManagedSafeZone] to the safezones name, recompiled the script and was telling me it could not find the safezone. I am playing on a modded pvp server, also, im using IIM and safezone is using the Special tag from that to keep x amount of zonechips loaded.

PB is on the same grid as the safezone.
Patrick  [author] Apr 20, 2022 @ 5:44am 
@MadmanMac, hey so I wrote my previous response (to another player) mistakenly forgetting that this is a PB script, not a mod. As long as the server permits players to use scripts, I don't see why this wouldn't work.
MadmanMac Apr 20, 2022 @ 5:36am 
sorry, i gotta say that for MP is the main reason i was searching for something like this. ie, a few people using a base and welding up n grinding etc, all well and good, but with the various exploits that can let enemies into a safezone, being able to switch allowing building et all into a complete lockout with (Im assuming commands could be added to a timer block) with basically one click would be very very handy :]

I play on a hardcore modded pvp server and would really love to see an MP version of this script. great idea though n keep up the stella work :steamthumbsup:
Patrick  [author] Nov 10, 2021 @ 4:20pm 
Yes, I deliberately wrote it to toggle the shield on and off. That way it works just like all the other commands. As far as MP goes, yes I'm aware. I never intended this to work in MP. It was a simple little thing for SP games. Converting it to work in MP is a pretty heavy lift for something that almost nobody uses :)
Conz Nov 10, 2021 @ 5:36am 
Nice one, thank you. The bad thing is, that it will not work on MP. And there is also a bug in SE, that when you enable it, when it is enabled, it will disable. It always toggles.
I wrote my own little script, and after problems, I asked in keen discord about it.
That's the answer I got:
"Long story short, the logic enabling the safe zone works with the player who enabled the safezone, and how it determines who is that? Who is the Sender of multiplayer event... When player/client clicks that in their terminal, it sends that event to server and everything works fine, but scripts run on server. Event origin is server, in case of dedicated MP the validation fails for nonexistent player, in case of hosted servers it might or might not fail depending on host relation to the safezone block and space master permission."
So maybe disable it for now. There is nothing we can do about it.