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MVG Logical Population Growth
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Dec 9, 2018 @ 2:16am
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MVG Logical Population Growth

MisadventuresVG is proud to present... The Logical Population Growth Mod

At present the population growth rate is heavily weighted towards your homeworld, which in most cases is already heavily over-populated. New colonies experience terrible population growth rates, relying heavily on the core worlds to provide immigrants to fuel population growth. This is of case completely illogical and needed to be fixed.

This mod changing the overall base growth rate from 3.0 to 2.5 (to be more inline with realistic population growth trends - within reason) while removing all penalties to newly formed colonies. This way the homeworlds population growth continues to grow but will have its rate decline as new colony experience a boom to their growth from local birthing and immigration, as it should be. This also leads empires to think carefully about colony management and about the effects of emigration and immigration and its pros and cons. Rapid colonial expansion can lead to a declining homeworld with populations leaving to settle the new worlds causing the homeworld to stagnate.

This mod has been developed to be small, simple able to sit ideally along side other similar mods without interference or patches being required.

Enjoy and if you have any issue please post me a "constructive" comment and I'll look into it.

Current mod support for 2.2.*

MVG Master Mod List: - Unlimited Rivalry - Unlimited Travel - Limited Truce - Logical War Exhaustion - Logical Population Growth - Logical Vassalization - Patrol Ship - Unlimited Vassal - Extended Army
PROBABILITYOFSUCCESSZERO  [author] Mar 21, 2020 @ 6:39am 
@Cincinnatus358 you have my express permission to reuse any and all parts of my mod to make your own. I am unwilling to support this game any longer.
Cincinnatus358 Mar 21, 2020 @ 6:25am 
Can i use your mod to make my own?
Triple M Jun 5, 2019 @ 10:39am 
is this compatible with 2.3
AncientGatekeeper Jan 4, 2019 @ 1:32pm 
Great mod! I’ll check it out and see if it would be a good addition to my current modpack! Thanks for this man!
AncientGatekeeper Jan 4, 2019 @ 1:31pm 
Silver are you saying if you have humans, avians, and reptiles on a planet it’ll cycle though populating the planet? That’s a base game mechanic now. It depends on something in the game files. You can force a planet to only grow one population forever.
Akkadian Dec 27, 2018 @ 3:50pm 
Nice mod! I'm having an issue and not sure if it's from this one. When I have different species it seems that the new species are the ones automatically grown rather than my own species. e.g I conquer planets B and C. They continue growing their own pops, which is fine, but when I move some of them to my home world they start growing instead of mine. I have to manually check every planet every now and then and manually select my main species to grow. Any idea where that's from?
kerrigan.s.j Dec 17, 2018 @ 5:22am 
Nice mod! Well, i can ask for similar mod?

You can create mod for stopping grow for only one category in current planet?
My explans: when i play on mashine-mind-assimilator, i have spmetimes want, that in one planet will stop grow organic or mashine-drone, but... in current time i can or stop grow for race in all planet via politics, or can stop every grow in current planet
VagrantHero Dec 14, 2018 @ 6:14pm 
Much appreciated, man!
Kotylion Dec 14, 2018 @ 12:20pm 
Lol, then it is propably another mod's fail. None actual migration anywhere. Thx, tho
PROBABILITYOFSUCCESSZERO  [author] Dec 14, 2018 @ 11:06am 

I've just checked for you, neither mine or the Lee Random Species Growth mod override the same values, therefore they are 100% compatible.
