

2,601 ratings
Mod, 1.0
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1.330 MB
Oct 30, 2018 @ 10:05pm
Nov 18, 2018 @ 2:56am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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B19 version: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1499800980
All versions 1.1 and onward: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2016263135

"This is the absolute best mod for Rimworld. It adds innumerable layers of depth other mods could never hope to achieve. Well done."
"I can't play rimworld without this beautiful mod!"
"This is truly a masterpiece of a mod and I hope the developers see that and include it in the core game :)"
"This mod is so fundamental to the way I have come to play Rimworld that I will not start a single B19 game without it."
"This is the mod in my opinion that TRUELY makes Rimworld one of the best games on Steam."
"This mod really enriches the gameplay of Rimworld. I am much less likely to play without it."
"This is the first comment I've made in ages for any mod I absolutely love this mod and can't believe you did it solo."
"I can't really tell what it's doing, but it's so critically acclaimed that it's gotta do something right?"

This is a total overhaul of Rimworld's psychological and social systems. Your colonists, and the stories you can tell about them, are what make Rimworld such a fun game. Unfortunately, besides what they can contribute to the colony, colonists are pretty much interchangeable. Now, everyone you encounter will have a unique and recognizable character archetype, giving them massively increased depth and charm. Their personality traits will affect absolutely every facet of their interactions with other people, which have also been expanded to allow your colonists more ways to get to know each other and express their individuality.

Every person on the rimworld now has their own attitude and personality as part of the new psyche system, entirely separate from traits. You can view a rundown of their personality traits in the Psyche tab. A colonist's psyche has a real and noticeable effect on their social interactions and self-expression. Colonists' relationships with each other are now far more realistic, varied, and driven by their persistent identity.

Colonists (and non-colonists) hold conversations with each other about a multitude of topics in order to form opinions on them. Two colonists might briefly remark on something as they pass each other in the hallway, or have a long discussion while working on crafting tables in the same room. Instead of being arbitrarily assigned a compatibility with each other, they will naturally gravitate towards like-minded people and away from those they have strong disagreements with. Colonists will even set aside their differences when the colony is small enough that they have to tolerate each other.

Some colonists may not have an opportunity to get to know each other very well, because they simply don't spend enough time in the same vicinity and never get an opportunity to chat. Parties are a great place for your colonists to get together and make new friends (or enemies). However, they will also now invite each other to hang out when they have free time, and spend a few hours relaxing and talking. Good friends will also hang out to keep their relationship strong, and empathetic colonists might even try to hang out with people they don't like to see if they misjudged them.

If there are relationships in your colony, they will make plans to go on dates when they don't have to work. Unless their schedule changes, they will meet at the scheduled date and time and spend time together to keep their relationship alive. Of course, if they're not meant for each other, a date may also reveal an incompatibility between them.

Sexuality and Romance
Instead of being arbitrarily assigned a slot-hogging Gay trait, everyone's sexuality is now graded on the Kinsey scale, from zero to six. The overwhelming majority of colonists will be straight, but their sexual orientations can have much more variety and their romantic interest in each other will be adjusted accordingly. Everyone also has both a sexual and romantic drive, influencing their interest in that part of a relationship. Depending on their personality, colonists may be more likely to have multiple "flings" rather than a single lover, and how they treat breakups is affected accordingly.

After a settlement's first year, elections will be held at some point every fall. A slate of colonists will announce their candidacy for mayor, and will present a platform to run on that is chosen based on their personality. A few days later, a polling place will be chosen and colonists will go there to cast their votes. They will vote for the candidate whose positions best align with their personality, and their opinion of the candidates may also affect their vote.

The candidate with the plurality of votes becomes the mayor until the next election. They will receive visits from constituents in their office or bedroom unless their schedule is set to Work during that period, particularly by people who are very unhappy or very content. Complaining colonists can find relief in venting to the mayor, and the mayor of a happy, well-functioning colony will be pleased by the words of support they receive.

Mental Illness and Treatment
The number of mental breaks has been vastly improved, and colonists will break differently depending on their traits. Inhabitants of the rimworld can also develop anxiety (usually in their teenage years), or acquire it after suffering PTSD from a stressful mental break. They will require occasional treatment (and good medicine, if it can be spared) to keep their anxiety in check, but once managed, it won't affect their day-to-day life. Some traits that can make colonists undesirable, like chemical interest and pyromania, can also now be treated to mitigate their effects at the cost of medical upkeep.

Additionally, the drug methadone is now available to help treat addiction. Instead of removing legs or trapping colonists in walled-up rooms, you can put them on a methadone regimen to eliminate the severe mood penalty, though they will still suffer all the physical effects of addiction. Methadone itself is mildly addictive, so be careful!

Mental breaks have been rebalanced and tweaked, and new ones have been added. Some of the new vanilla mental breaks are replaced by better versions that were in Psychology already.

I do not accept any form of financial support. If you want to support this mod, then please subscribe to it, rate it, and tell everyone about it. If you absolutely must spend money on something, then gift Rimworld to someone who hasn't yet experienced it to support Tynan and the incredible work that he does. This mod would not be possible without the great game he created, and the strenuous effort he has put into supporting mod creators.

Thanks to HugsLib and Harmony, this mod should be compatible with practically everything. You can disable many features from the mod's options if you don't want to play with them, and also adjust your play experience. Mods which make changes to the code but do not use Harmony are quite likely to be incompatible with Psychology.

({x}) Disarray: Idea for passionate work mood bonus.
twoski: Ideas for many of the new mental breaks.
Wellech: Name of the new Socialite trait.
Popular Discussions View All (30)
Dec 3, 2022 @ 1:22pm
PINNED: Compatibility & Bug Reports
The Word-Mule
Jan 23, 2023 @ 8:33am
PINNED: Feedback
The Word-Mule
Oct 24, 2019 @ 12:42pm
The anxiety system is horrible
Aigis May 16 @ 10:59am 
@wuj555555 Could you rephrase that I don't seem to understand
wuj555555 May 4 @ 9:43pm 
@Aigis so why we are rimming instead of lenming? Is Rimworld right or wrong
Winterwolf Apr 12 @ 6:54pm 
G'day The Word-Mule,
Appreciate you creating this mod. Not only adds depth, but needed flavor. I've noticed a few things are a bit janky since the Biotech release. I have customised the assembly to work around a few things. Any chance you could reach out to me as I'd really like to see your work back in the spotlight as it deserves. You can reach me @winterwolf321 on Discord.
Aigis Feb 4 @ 9:22am 
@Zorg - I get what you're saying, and while I vehemently disagree with you on some of the points you mentioned, I was mainly concerned with Hastelloy's comment conflating homosexuality with psychological illness - to which I must refute one of your points; the APA has written extensively about the topic, and I genuinely urge you to take a look through their publications; and they wholeheartedly conclude that homosexuality isn't a psychological illness.
While this is an older article, maybe give it a read. https://www.apa.org/topics/lgbtq/orientation

But I digress - I was explicitly commenting on Hastelloy. Not whatever colony he's running.
Run your colony however you want and use/create whatever mods you like, but homosexuality shouldn't be considered a mental illness here in real life.
Zorg Feb 2 @ 5:53pm 
I don't know how the ideology system in the backend handles custom precepts, but I would obviously weight randomly generated ideologies to usually follow "default" morality, which would mean that most random pawns you encounter would be reasonable on most things. You can build an army of slaver white-supremacist homophobes, but most random pawns will react to that just like most people IRL would.
Open it all up to player choice.
You would also have the option to create a fanatically homophillic/heterophobic colony that persecutes straight pawns. Ideology was the best DLC because it allows the player to make their own decisions about what sort of colony they want to be running. This principle should be expanded further than even Tynan was willing to go.
Zorg Feb 2 @ 5:45pm 
@Aigis "psychological illness" is so poorly defined that whether or not something is a psychological illness is pretty much down to one's political persuasion.

In terms of Homosexuality, it is a psychological phenomenon, and therefore could be changed by psychoactive procedures. The beauty of rimworld to me is the utter moral ambiguity of it all. For me, a game where you can run a band of cannibal raiders is not a game that should have any issues with allowing the player to run a homophobic colony. Craft your colony and ideoligeon to match what you want, and let others do the same.

Someday, I will probably make a "morality expanded" mod or something like that, which enables the player to do all sorts of heinous or controversial things, and moves all these moral decisions into the ideology system.

This game allows slavery, why shouldn't it allow homophobia?
С К А Д И Jan 28 @ 6:38am 
@Aigis oh really? I doubt...
Aigis Jan 10 @ 1:01pm 
@Hastelloy - Homosexuality isn't a psychological illness, and moreover - you shouldn't treat it like it is.
Nick Molliger Nov 14, 2023 @ 8:25am 
So if you added psychological illnesses that can be treated, how can I reduce Kinsey scale? I readed the description but didn't found any conversion therapy or something
Victoria, Angel of the void Sep 8, 2023 @ 2:05pm 
When is this getting updated? :steammocking: