

427 ratings
[SYR] Naga
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
File Size
2.678 MB
Oct 15, 2018 @ 10:27am
Oct 22, 2022 @ 3:39pm
36 Change Notes ( view )

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[SYR] Naga

In 1 collection by Syrchalis
[SYR] Syrchalis' Mods
24 items
Adds a playable naga race

Naga are a technologically advanced race of snake-like individuals. While fragile their technological know-how and gun-slinging lifestyle make them valuable additions to a colony and also fearsome enemies.

The Naga are a spacer race without a functional goverment or law enforcement since their homeworld has become inhabitable. This means they can be found mostly on space stations and ships and occassionally on Rimworlds as well.

They tend to work as mercenaries for the highest bidder and offer their superior skills with guns. Not just as excellent shooters, but also as weapon manufacturers. Their plasma technology is only rivaled by the charge weapons of glitterworlds. Naga are also known for their regenerative abilities and proficiency at disassembling mechanoids.

Despite this their way of life does not go well with others and thus they struggle to find allies among other races.

They have advanced versions of weapons and shield belts - the shield emitter belt (see GIF) is a better smokepop belt for example.

  • Small chance to get higher quality when crafting/building/sculpting
  • Can craft plasma versions of normal weapons (improved armor penetration, slightly better stats otherwise, require jade however)
  • Venomous melee
  • Heal 50% faster and have slightly better immunity gain
  • Resistant to toxins
  • 10% faster than humans
  • 20% faster aiming
  • 20% higher psychic sensitivity
  • 20% faster entropy recovery
  • 50% more materials from disassembling mechanoids
  • 10% more meat from butchering

  • 20% lower overall health
  • Low pain threshold
  • Weak melee
  • 20% slower with plants
  • Severely reduced plant harvest yield at low plant levels (slowly catch up to humans at higher skill)
  • 20% less animal tame chance and train chance
  • 20% less animal products
  • Only worth 2 royal favor as gift
  • Vulnerable to the cold
  • Vulnerable to psychic phenomena due to their naturally higher psychic sensitivity
  • Require special diet (anything with vegetables gives less nutrition - lavish meals, survival meals and pemmican will always work normally, ignoring ingredients)
  • Humans dislike Naga (relation penalty)
  • Cannot wear pants (obviously)

Requires Humanoid Alien Framework loaded before this
Harvest Yield Patch is not required, but highly recommended, otherwise some aspects of the race won't work as I intended them to.

This mod will allow you to have mixed colonies or tribes with all my race mods. It comes with two scenarios as well.

Collection of my mods for RimWorld

If you enjoy my mods consider dropping me a dime:
b0nes Apr 20 @ 2:05pm 
this was my favourite race mod, hope to see it revived someday <3
UWU 2007 Dec 31, 2023 @ 7:04am 
@Balthazad Agreed. We need those xenotypes in Biotech genes
Jet Nov 30, 2023 @ 10:11pm 
what regen properties do the naga have? description mentions it
Balthazad Jun 10, 2023 @ 8:39am 
this mod really needs a overwork, an update, a transformation from 1.0 to 1.4
it used to be a solid mod, but now it's more a mess than fun to use.
outdated textures, outdated gameplaymechanics, outdated race-boni / stats, ....as of now, the seriously only reason to use this mod is the plasma javelin and that's not a good enough reason to accept all the bugs it's constantly causing.
SYR, i hope you get that done during this year! i know, plenty of other mods that are much more used, but there's simply no real snakesfolk out there :')
Mua(づ ̄3 ̄)づ ❤~ Jun 5, 2023 @ 3:07am 
I don't know if this Mod is responsible for my Rimworld not having free legs to sell.And hope there is a patch for CE
UWU 2007 Jan 17, 2023 @ 2:26pm 
Had an invisibla naga (does not render)
Here is a quick fix:

Aemi Daniels Nov 11, 2022 @ 4:19am 
Had a naga give birth recently. given that its a modded species i fully expected it to do what the cat species i have did and just bork the texture of the body so its basically a floating naga head on a colored square. I did not expect the baby to come out fully grown with its own ideology and absolutely no traits XD

I have no idea how to fix this either. Its zero years old and has less personality than the walls of the kitchen. One of my mods (no clue which one) has locked me out of the dev menu so i cant even assign traits manually.
Moonwarden64 Nov 6, 2022 @ 2:26pm 
So I'm getting a red error in the log saying:

XML error: Could not find parent node named "NormalFleshTypeBase" for node "FleshTypeDef". Full node: <FleshTypeDef ParentName="NormalFleshTypeBase"><defName>Naga</defName><genericWounds><li><texture>Things/Naga/Wounds/WoundNagaA</texture></li><li><texture>Things/Naga/Wounds/WoundNagaB</texture></li><li><texture>Things/Naga/Wounds/WoundNagaC</texture></li></genericWounds></FleshTypeDef>

My game started crashing on world generation after this popped up, any idea what could be causing it?
WabbaCat Oct 22, 2022 @ 5:39pm 
Only stuck around to keep us entertained Syr?

Thx for the work you put into keeping it up to date.
Syrchalis  [author] Oct 22, 2022 @ 5:19pm 
No, because I don't own Biotech and I don't plan on buying it. I haven't enjoyed playing RimWorld since years and I only updated my mods to work (more or less) with 1.4.

Could happen that that changes but I don't want to make empty promises.