

141 ratings
STAR WARS: The Separatist Fleet

A collection of Separatist ships, made by me, which make up much of their navy. This collection ranges from capital ships to escort ships, fighters and turrets.

The Separatist navy, known more commonly as the Separatist fleet and also referred to as the CIS navy, was the naval branch of the Confederacy military of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. It was created during the height of the Separatist Crisis to bring a means of defense against the Galactic Republic. Read more @Wookieepedia[starwars.fandom.com]
Items (52)
Star Wars: [CIS]: Gozanti Class Cruiser [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/965354426655841864/201080FC89E98069F59A4BA4D8BF989FFB0CC193/ The Gozanti Class Cruiser from Star Wars. A good starter vessel for the begining player. Includes 2 turret slots on the top and bottom. Stats are in the...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Hardcell-Class Transport {Early Game} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/826884398918949858/4FC6018C8507280480D460B3CEA7DA89438901D7/ A Hardcell Transport from Star Wars. An Early Game ship designed for scouting missions and dealing with small pirate and Republic forces. Can also be us...
Star Wars: [CIS]: C-9979 Landing Craft (V2) {Starter} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790858329422567230/96EDBEAB0FB8A66C1E2F2E0C3747B77713ED8EBA/ A C-9979 Lander from Star Wars. A Starter ship designed for basic mining, hauling or patrol missions. A good versatile ship, it is adept at battling mul...
Star Wars: [TF]: C-9979 Landing Craft (V2) {Starter} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/790858329422567230/96EDBEAB0FB8A66C1E2F2E0C3747B77713ED8EBA/ A C-9979 Lander from Star Wars. A Starter ship designed for basic mining, hauling or patrol missions. A good versatile ship, it is adept at battling mul...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Geonosian Corvette {Starter} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/775107869051267716/85E58B60FB6A843BBEBE5C60DCE4AB811671A950/ A Geonosian Corvette from Star Wars repainted to match the CIS navy. A Starter ship designed as battle vessel, heavily armed for combat against other Re...
Star Wars: [GEO]: Geonosian Corvette {Starter} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/775107869051267716/85E58B60FB6A843BBEBE5C60DCE4AB811671A950/ A Geonosian Corvette from Star Wars. A Starter ship designed as battle vessel, heavily armed for combat against other Republic Corvettes. The Corvette i...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Munificent-Class Star Frigate {Early Game} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/778493489659466347/58BCC8C8464DFB496FCFD261490CD98503E5BCB9/ The Munificent-Class Frigate from Star Wars. A great cheap early game frigate designed with fire power in mind. While not very well armored, its shields...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Munificent-Class Star Frigate {End Game} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/778493489659466347/58BCC8C8464DFB496FCFD261490CD98503E5BCB9/ The Munificent-Class Frigate from Star Wars. A great cheap early game frigate designed with fire power in mind. While not very well armored, its shields...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Captor-Class Cruiser {Midgame} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/784109730030394521/C50CCA563C2887E6BD2D624F4B587C2989C6E573/ The Captor-Class Cruiser from Star Wars. A Midgame ship designed as a support carrier for large fleets and occasionally a heavy cargo vessel. The Captor...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Captor-Class Cruiser {Endgame} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/784109730030394521/C50CCA563C2887E6BD2D624F4B587C2989C6E573/ The Captor-Class Cruiser from Star Wars. A Midgame ship designed as a support carrier for large fleets and occasionally a heavy cargo vessel. The Captor...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Providence Class Destroyer {Midgame} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1684870843262629835/5F33814CB057A2D634C090C2D99316A274FA2928/ The Providence Class Destroyer from Star Wars. A multipurpose ship which can be used as a destroyer, carrier, torpedo cruiser, or as a flag ship for yo...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Providence Class Dreadnaught {Midgame} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1684870843262636012/710E5D4236CEC6EAF7B95532B4E5F2D875BF57A5/ The Providence Class Dreadnaught from Star Wars. A multipurpose ship which can be used as a destroyer, carrier, torpedo cruiser, or as a flag ship for ...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Providence Class Destroyer (Grievous) {Midgame} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1761441850213559031/A2D086621718228FDB2777C8BF77078015CC4092/ Grievous's Providence Class Destroyer from Star Wars. A multipurpose ship which can be used as a destroyer, carrier, torpedo cruiser, or as a flag ship...
Star Wars: [CIS]: Providence Class Dreadnaught (Trench) {Midgame} [1:1]
Created by ARKON MAREK
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1761441850213560646/7DDFA458F1780EFC001DCAB98B6949F9720B67D6/ Trench's Providence Class Dreadnaught from Star Wars. A multipurpose ship which can be used as a destroyer, carrier, torpedo cruiser, or as a flag ship...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Vulture Droid Starfighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Vulture Droid Starfighter A Vulture Droid Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I, also known as the Vulture-clas...
Star Wars: [TF]: <Fighter> Vulture Droid Starfighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Vulture Droid Starfighter A Vulture Droid Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I, also known as the Vulture-clas...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Nantex Class (Geonosian) Starfighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Ginivex Class A Nantex Class (Geonosian) Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter, also known as the Geonosian starfighter ...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Ginivex Class Starfighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Ginivex Class A Ginivex Class Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 195 blocks. Info The Ginivex-class starfighters, more commonly known as the Fanblade starfighters, were six starfighte...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Droid Tri-Fighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Droid Tri-Fighter A Droid Tri-Fighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The droid tri-fighter, also known as the tri-droid fighter or simply tri-fighter, was a deadly Confederac...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Rogue Class Starfighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Rogue Class Starfighter A Rogue Class Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Rogue-class Porax-38 starfighter, also known simply as the Rogue-class starfighter, Porax...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Rogue Class Starfighter (Xanadu Blood)
Created by ARKON MAREK
Rogue Class Starfighter (Xanadu Blood) A Rogue Class Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Xanadu Blood was a heavily modified Rogue-class starfighter. The Confedera...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Hyena Droid Bomber
Created by ARKON MAREK
Hyena Droid Bomber A Hyena Droid Bomber from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Hyena-class bomber, also known simply as the Hyena droid bomber, Hyena Droid or Hyena bomber, was a...
Star Wars: [TF]: <Fighter> Hyena Droid Bomber
Created by ARKON MAREK
Hyena Droid Bomber A Hyena Droid Bomber from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Hyena-class bomber, also known simply as the Hyena droid bomber, Hyena Droid or Hyena bomber, was a...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Droch-class boarding ship
Created by ARKON MAREK
Droch-class boarding ship A Droch-class from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Droch-class boarding ship, also known as the pod hunter and the Separatist boarding craft and nickn...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Droch-class boarding ship (Mandibles Closed)
Created by ARKON MAREK
Droch-class boarding ship (Mandibles Closed) A Droch-class from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Droch-class boarding ship, also known as the pod hunter and the Separatist board...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> HMP Droid Gunship
Created by ARKON MAREK
HMP Droid Gunship A HMP Droid Gunship from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The HMP (Heavy Missile Platform) droid gunship, also known as the HMP Predator or droid gunship, was a mo...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Sheathipede Class Shuttle
Created by ARKON MAREK
Sheathipede Class Shuttle A Sheathipede Class Shuttle from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 177 blocks. Info The Sheathipede-class transport shuttle, also known as the Sheathipede-class shuttles and...
Star Wars: [TF]: <Fighter> Sheathipede Class Shuttle
Created by ARKON MAREK
Sheathipede Class Shuttle A Sheathipede Class Shuttle from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 168 blocks. Info The Sheathipede-class transport shuttle, also known as the Sheathipede-class shuttles and...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Maxillipede Class Shuttle
Created by ARKON MAREK
Maxillipede Class Shuttle A Maxillipede Class Shuttle from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Maxillipede shuttle, also known as the Separatist shuttle or Neimoidian shuttle, was ...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Manta Droid (Commission)
Created by ARKON MAREK
Manta Droid A Manta Droid from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. It is at and/or under 200 blocks. Info The manta droid subfighter was an aquatic droid fighter craft used by the Trade Federation and later the Confederacy of Independent Systems.A...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Trident Class Assault Ship
Created by ARKON MAREK
Trident Class Assault Ship A Trident Class Assault Ship from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Trident-class assault ship, also known as the Trident assault ship, was a model of ...
Star Wars: [TF]: <Fighter> Scarab Class Starfighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Scarab Class Starfighter A Scarab Class Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Scarab-class starfighter was a Trade Federation starfighter. It was the predecessor to ...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Droid Sensor Craft
Created by ARKON MAREK
Droid Sensor Craft A Droid Sensor Craft from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. It is at and/or under 200 blocks. Info The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle droids Mark 1 also known as Vulture droids were a model of droid starfighter manufa...
Star Wars: [TF]: <Fighter> Droid Bomber
Created by ARKON MAREK
Trade Federation Droid Bomber A Trade Federation Droid Bomber from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Trade Federation droid bomber, or advanced droid bomber, was a droid starfigh...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Vulture Droid MKII
Created by ARKON MAREK
Vulture Droid Starfighter MKII A Vulture Droid MKII Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. Is for the Separatist fleet and is built from 200 blocks. Info The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I, also known as the Vu...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Solar Energy Vulture Droid
Created by ARKON MAREK
Solar Energy Vulture Droid A Solar Energy Vulture Droid from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. It is at and/or under 200 blocks. Info the Solar Energy Vulture Droid is an improvement upon the old vulture droid though the old model is still used,...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Raptor Class Droid Starfighter
Created by ARKON MAREK
Raptor Class Droid Starfighter A Raptor Class Droid Starfighter from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. It is at and/or under 200 blocks. Info The Raptor-class Droid Starfighter is a common interceptor in the service of the Sith Empress, Darth Si...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Vulture Droid Prototype 1
Created by ARKON MAREK
Vulture Droid Prototype 1 A Vulture Droid Prototype 1 from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. It is at and/or under 200 blocks. Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Fighter> Vulture Droid Prototype 2
Created by ARKON MAREK
Vulture Droid Prototype 2 A Vulture Droid Prototype 2 from Star Wars to be used as a fighter blueprint. It is at and/or under 200 blocks. Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Twin Laser Cannon
Created by ARKON MAREK
Twin Laser Cannon Turret A Twin Laser Cannon Turret for the Separatists. Size 0.5 Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Dual PDC
Created by ARKON MAREK
Dual PDC A Dual Point Defence Cannon for the CIS. Size 0.5 Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> (C-9979 Lander) Dual LLC
Created by ARKON MAREK
Dual LLC A Dual Light Laser Cannon for the Separatist. Size 0.5 Ships that use this gun C-9979 Lander Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [TF]: <Turret> (C-9979 Lander) Dual LLC
Created by ARKON MAREK
Dual LLC A Dual Light Laser Cannon for the Separatist. Size 0.5 Ships that use this gun C-9979 Lander Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> (C-9979 Lander) Dual MLC
Created by ARKON MAREK
Dual MLC A Dual Meduim Laser Cannon for the Separatist. Size 1.5 Ships that use this gun C-9979 Lander Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [TF]: <Turret> (C-9979 Lander) Dual MLC
Created by ARKON MAREK
Dual MLC A Dual Meduim Laser Cannon for the Separatist. Size 1.5 Ships that use this gun C-9979 Lander Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Dual LTL
Created by ARKON MAREK
Dual LTL A Dual Light Turbolaser for the Separatist. Size 1.0 Ships that use this gun :Munificent-Class :Captor-Class Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Triple LTL
Created by ARKON MAREK
Triple LTL A Triple Light Turbolaser for the Separatist. Size 1.0 Ships that use this gun :Munificent-Class Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Ion Cannon
Created by ARKON MAREK
Ion Cannon An Ion Cannon for the Separatist. Size 1.5 Ships that use this gun :Captor-Class Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Dual HTL
Created by ARKON MAREK
Dual HTL A Dual Heavy Turbolaser Cannon for the CIS. SIZE 2.0 Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Dual HTL (Mounted)
Created by ARKON MAREK
Mounted Dual HTL A Mounted Dual HTL for the Separatist. Size 2.0 Ships that use this gun :Munificent-Class Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Star Wars: [CIS]: <Turret> Dual Ion Cannon (Mounted)
Created by ARKON MAREK
Mounted Dual Ion Cannon A Mounted Dual Ion Cannon for the Separatist. Size 1.0 Ships that use this gun :Munificent-Class Comments would be appreciated. Also don't forget to sub and like. :)...
Linked collections (3)
In 3 collections by ARKON MAREK
STAR WARS: The Republic Fleet
51 items
STAR WARS: The Imperial Fleet
52 items
STAR WARS: The Rebel/Pirate Fleets
20 items